The Challenge: Rivals 3 (SPOILERS DISCUSSION)

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I need Erika Wasilewski times two, please.

Sahar and Laura need redemption from the horrible edits they've gotten.

it'd be cool to see him come back without Tori because he's more likable when she's not there.


Hell no. He was terrible on the Ruins and G3 and Duel 1.
Decent on I2 though...

And it took less than a day for this thread to go from actual speculation to a fantasy thread lol

Marie would be perfect for redemption from the edit she got

Darrell is perfect for this theme.
Brad (Ruins, Cutthroat) , Darrell (Ruins, FM2), Wes( Exes2) , Bananas (Exes2), CT (Exes 1), with duel style format. I totally can see that happening..

Btw let me throw out there its not a confirm theme at all. Just based on people that have received calls. Maybe we are reading to much into it lol

Btw let me throw out there its not a confirm theme at all. Just based on people that have received calls. Maybe we are reading to much into it lol


Let us dream.

Didnt survivor did a redemption season and second chance one. Since MTV/BMP love stealing their ideas it wouldnt shock if that ends being the theme.

Then again its to early to know lol

Who impregnated Jasmine? lol

Didnt survivor did a redemption season and second chance one. Since MTV/BMP love stealing their ideas it wouldnt shock if that ends being the theme.

Then again its to early to know lol

Yeah they did only they already stole the Redemption island part makes sen sense to steal redemption too

Who impregnated Jasmine? lol

You did.

Why did Frank Sweeney decide to quit doing challenges? I disliked him but he was pretty good and the way he went out on Free Agents should make him want redemption.

Why did Frank Sweeney decide to quit doing challenges? I disliked him but he was pretty good and the way he went out on Free Agents should make him want redemption.

Grad school! Hopefully he come back

I didnt know we had a thread for this yet!

From my exes 2/bloodlines source, I'm hearing this is filming in early November.  

I see Ashley is already on the list. PinkRose , you can add Camila to the list of people who have been contacted / will be going. 

And it took less than a day for this thread to go from actual speculation to a fantasy thread lol

When you have folks that look like that don't have anything else to do but sit up here and give out king and queen titles all day it happens.  Makes it hard for the people that just want to see the real info that's pertinent to the challenge....

Yay for Shane getting a call!!

And it took less than a day for this thread to go from actual speculation to a fantasy thread lol

When you have folks that look like that don't have anything else to do but sit up here and give out king and queen titles all day it happens.  Makes it hard for the people that just want to see the real info that's pertinent to the challenge....

This franchise has never had, nor ever will have, a king.

Unless Greg Halstead returns to troll the **** out of everyone. Or Ryan Leslie.

This franchise has never had, nor ever will have, a king unless Witty or Lurker is cast. Unless Greg Halstead returns to troll the **** out of everyone. Or Ryan Leslie.

When you have folks that look like that don't have anything else to do but sit up here and give out king and queen titles all day it happens.  Makes it hard for the people that just want to see the real info that's pertinent to the challenge....

So it's hard to go on the first page to look at the first post? That's where PinkRose clearly stated the information would be and will continue to be updated.

And it took less than a day for this thread to go from actual speculation to a fantasy thread lol

When you have folks that look like that don't have anything else to do but sit up here and give out king and queen titles all day it happens.  Makes it hard for the people that just want to see the real info that's pertinent to the challenge....

This franchise has never had, nor ever will have, a king. Unless Greg Halstead returns to troll the **** out of everyone. Or Ryan Leslie.

And it took less than a day for this thread to go from actual speculation to a fantasy thread lol

When you have folks that look like that don't have anything else to do but sit up here and give out king and queen titles all day it happens.  Makes it hard for the people that just want to see the real info that's pertinent to the challenge....

This franchise has never had, nor ever will have, a king. Unless Greg Halstead returns to troll the **** out of everyone. Or Ryan Leslie.

On the contrary. This franchise does have a king and his name is Landon.

Oh and Brad can stay home. No real reason for him to return.

This franchise has never had, nor ever will have, a king unless Witty or Lurker is cast. Unless Greg Halstead returns to troll the **** out of everyone. Or Ryan Leslie.

Oh and Brad can stay home. No real reason for him to return.

I wnt brad/tri. Not noth! WhoW the duck Jas mine pregnat?

Ryan would get wrecked on the challenge greg at least is in shape Ryan is a twig.

Part of me always thought Ryan was scared to do The Challenge because the guys there would have been harder to deal with in the house unlike the guys he lived with in New Orleans.

Ryan would get wrecked on the challenge greg at least is in shape Ryan is a twig.

Oh Ryan isn't there to compete. He's there to be the second coming of Puck and bring ratings.

I didnt know we had a thread for this yet!

From my exes 2/bloodlines source, I'm hearing this is filming in early November.  

I see Ashley is already on the list. PinkRose , you can add Camila to the list of people who have been contacted / will be going. 

The people have been told to be available from november 1 to december 18th.

Camila has been added! Smile
