I'm probably alone but Chris Graebe was great on Road Rules and Sexes. I remember during the Xtreme-South Pacific faceoff him chatting with Derrick about his alcohol/drug issues--the show was so much more "real" then. I knew he wouldn't show up for this--he had moved on for good reasons
If I even watch this it's going to feel like another Big Brother season where I'm watching a bunch of people I've never heard of. I'm glad the old school fans on here are excited about this
Super stoked Trishelle and Veronica are on the most likely list. I wish Wes, Johnny, and CT weren't invited to this. Also sad Susie is on the most likely not going list
Woah, Tori's impact is something else. However, with the limited numbers of spots open I hope to see others more.
What were Coral, Tina, and Katie's responses when Mark reached out?
Their response could have change because things have change since then with an extra week for quarentine/sequestered and living together under the same roof without freedom during those 2 weeks after quarentining unlike the other spinoff.
Reading all Mark's messages. A lot of the legends seemed excited about it. I'm shocked Cameran was onboard for it at one point. Katie didn't seem that into it.
I'm living for this list though. It's like my dream list to see all of these names during each specualtion thread. I'm impressed with the names that are on this <3
Tori hall is only useful if brad is there otherwise her Karen *** could stay all the way home
I'm probably alone but Chris Graebe was great on Road Rules and Sexes. I remember during the Xtreme-South Pacific faceoff him chatting with Derrick about his alcohol/drug issues--the show was so much more "real" then. I knew he wouldn't show up for this--he had moved on for good reasons
Any word on Da'Vonne
Tonya removed herself by way of the suit settlement agreement years ago.
I fully expect to see Ace or Danny but not both.
I'm also devastated that Mallory didn't make any list lol
ace better be there
I'm leaning toward him over Danny to be honest but they fill a similar role--Ace just does it better
im sure there are some people who are on this that haven't been named yet
hopefully ELKA!
Come on, Tina. I need you on that very likely list.
Hoping for Elka, Mallory and Holly lol
Who who and who ????? Lmao
If I even watch this it's going to feel like another Big Brother season where I'm watching a bunch of people I've never heard of. I'm glad the old school fans on here are excited about this
Super stoked Trishelle and Veronica are on the most likely list. I wish Wes, Johnny, and CT weren't invited to this. Also sad Susie is on the most likely not going list
Woah, Tori's impact is something else. However, with the limited numbers of spots open I hope to see others more.
What were Coral, Tina, and Katie's responses when Mark reached out?
cant wait for derricks confessional about facing joss....
Their response could have change because things have change since then with an extra week for quarentine/sequestered and living together under the same roof without freedom during those 2 weeks after quarentining unlike the other spinoff.
Whoever suggested Mark for first boot is a genius
i was about to say the same thing! I'm super hoping Elka pops up!!!
Reading all Mark's messages. A lot of the legends seemed excited about it. I'm shocked Cameran was onboard for it at one point. Katie didn't seem that into it.
I'm living for this list though. It's like my dream list to see all of these names during each specualtion thread. I'm impressed with the names that are on this <3
Teck needs to be on this, he would have great commentary. I hope something happens to move Dan S. from the most likely not list!
same. and magically have Anne pop up on a maybe list too!
Call me boo boo the fool but I expected a surprise comeback with Kenny. Guess he really is banned!
I want Jodi.
Oh god, please no Big Easy..
Is this projected to be a full season or a shortened half season?
on the mike lewis podcast katie had a list of requirements she needed to do the show, so i wouldn't be shocked if she's not there
Its supposed to be only 3.5 weeks with one of them being them being sequestered and the other 2.5 filming