Can we expect Rachel? Or do you guys think she would be a no?
Are they filming in LA?
- I am leading more to No for her but I am leaving her as up in the air.
-At first they wanted this to have more freedom like the champs spinoff but due to covid they have to make a bubble and a week of a quarentine making it longer making harder for some people.
- Based on what I know it's not filming in LA. Probably they are doing a week there of quarentine like they did for season 36.
Idk how people are complaining, the potentials are phenomenal. Bananas, CT, Wes, etc are inevitable due to marketing needs. If people like Nany start getting casted then I understand the complaints.
Idk how people are complaining, the potentials are phenomenal. Bananas, CT, Wes, etc are inevitable due to marketing needs. If people like Nany start getting casted then I understand the complaints.
Also people declining over family, work or other obligations not allowing to take 3 weeks off. Plus there are those that thinking this whole thing is a joke and don't get the purpose of doing it in their 40s.
I love the potential list. I think it's safe to say Sarah G. Is a no. She keeps saying over and over she would never come back. But I would love to be wrong about that. Hahah.
hoping Coral and Irulan move to the yes list. They are my favorite all time OGs. I expect Arissa will be there since she was the one who helped reach out to Trishelle and Irulan.
That old bitter hag Tori Hall can stay home, ANYWAY. lol @ Susie the crypt keeper not being on this. Sis is turning 125 yrs old and still talks about the show she did 100 yrs ago.
So many people on those lists that I love, lol. I hope they don't cast Casey, she's a waste of spot. Give me Arissa, Beth, Cara, Coral, Jisela, Kendal. The rest I'm either neutral on for like them but not as much.
Why did Chris G being on that list made me giggle? Like I'm an old school fan and legit forgot he existed, now I'm remembering he flew home to marry his wife and came back to do the swings challenge and then get voted out....ok?
I thought Robin fell off the grid or something? I'm not shocked. I'm rewatching G3 and lol, I always forget the Veteran girls. I was shocked to see Robin get the same confessional about guys trying to throw girl elimination days. I'm like, oh she was on this season.
That old bitter hag Tori Hall can stay home, ANYWAY. lol @ Susie the crypt keeper not being on this. Sis is turning 125 yrs old and still talks about the show she did 100 yrs ago.
So many people on those lists that I love, lol. I hope they don't cast Casey, she's a waste of spot. Give me Arissa, Beth, Cara, Coral, Jisela, Kendal. The rest I'm either neutral on for like them but not as much.
Why did Chris G being on that list made me giggle? Like I'm an old school fan and legit forgot he existed, now I'm remembering he flew home to marry his wife and came back to do the swings challenge and then get voted out....ok?
I dont like tori either... But really old hag? Shes the same age as the most recent women winners jenny and cara.
I appriciate Mark doing this for us.... but I really want him to be first boot still. It would be hilarious considering the ONLY reason he wants this, is because it's the only way he gets cast again lets be real.
That old bitter hag Tori Hall can stay home, ANYWAY. lol @ Susie the crypt keeper not being on this. Sis is turning 125 yrs old and still talks about the show she did 100 yrs ago.
So many people on those lists that I love, lol. I hope they don't cast Casey, she's a waste of spot. Give me Arissa, Beth, Cara, Coral, Jisela, Kendal. The rest I'm either neutral on for like them but not as much.
Why did Chris G being on that list made me giggle? Like I'm an old school fan and legit forgot he existed, now I'm remembering he flew home to marry his wife and came back to do the swings challenge and then get voted out....ok?
i wouldn't bet on Tori. Especially if Brad is there. Their relationship is at an all time low as Brad has made that very clear on his Twitter. She MAY go if Kendal convinces her. But I don't see Brad saying no, so there's that.
I pray for no Big Easy and Casey and if we had to have one then I'd want Casey so she can be first boot and guarantee the rest of the women at least 2 episodes.
I know Timmy is listed as Up in the Air, but how likely do we really think he is? does he lean more towards yes or no? I need to know if I can get my hopes up or not lmao. I never thought I would see this day!
That old bitter hag Tori Hall can stay home, ANYWAY. lol @ Susie the crypt keeper not being on this. Sis is turning 125 yrs old and still talks about the show she did 100 yrs ago.
So many people on those lists that I love, lol. I hope they don't cast Casey, she's a waste of spot. Give me Arissa, Beth, Cara, Coral, Jisela, Kendal. The rest I'm either neutral on for like them but not as much.
Why did Chris G being on that list made me giggle? Like I'm an old school fan and legit forgot he existed, now I'm remembering he flew home to marry his wife and came back to do the swings challenge and then get voted out....ok?
i wouldn't bet on Tori. Especially if Brad is there. Their relationship is at an all time low as Brad has made that very clear on his Twitter. She MAY go if Kendal convinces her. But I don't see Brad saying no, so there's that.
Hopefully MTV sees that he is not mentally fit for this.
Robin is a challenge legend so no doubt she would be here if she wasn't mentally ill. It's a shame! Kinda like Jenna m from survivor who WOULDVE been on winners at war if she didn't have a drug problem
I don't have any reason to think any of them would be on this
Okay. This is on officially.
I REALLY hope Julie is on this. Beth as well.
- I am leading more to No for her but I am leaving her as up in the air.
-At first they wanted this to have more freedom like the champs spinoff but due to covid they have to make a bubble and a week of a quarentine making it longer making harder for some people.
- Based on what I know it's not filming in LA. Probably they are doing a week there of quarentine like they did for season 36.
Idk how people are complaining, the potentials are phenomenal. Bananas, CT, Wes, etc are inevitable due to marketing needs. If people like Nany start getting casted then I understand the complaints.
Also people declining over family, work or other obligations not allowing to take 3 weeks off. Plus there are those that thinking this whole thing is a joke and don't get the purpose of doing it in their 40s.
I hope Casey is on
Hoping we get Antoine!
OMFG I will die when they start quaranting. I lowkey thought this wasn't going to happen!
I love the potential list. I think it's safe to say Sarah G. Is a no. She keeps saying over and over she would never come back. But I would love to be wrong about that. Hahah.
hoping Coral and Irulan move to the yes list. They are my favorite all time OGs. I expect Arissa will be there since she was the one who helped reach out to Trishelle and Irulan.
Irulan still looks AMAZING. I really hope she is on this!
What about abram? I don't see his name
He smeared **** in his jail cell... good luck on that invitation you're waiting on LOL
That old bitter hag Tori Hall can stay home, ANYWAY. lol @ Susie the crypt keeper not being on this. Sis is turning 125 yrs old and still talks about the show she did 100 yrs ago.
So many people on those lists that I love, lol. I hope they don't cast Casey, she's a waste of spot. Give me Arissa, Beth, Cara, Coral, Jisela, Kendal. The rest I'm either neutral on for like them but not as much.
Why did Chris G being on that list made me giggle? Like I'm an old school fan and legit forgot he existed, now I'm remembering he flew home to marry his wife and came back to do the swings challenge and then get voted out....ok?
And can I just emphasize on how this list is gold? I really was never expecting people like Sarah G to even be considered.
Seriously. Robin for sure I thought would be a definite.
I thought Robin fell off the grid or something? I'm not shocked. I'm rewatching G3 and lol, I always forget the Veteran girls. I was shocked to see Robin get the same confessional about guys trying to throw girl elimination days. I'm like, oh she was on this season.
Thinking about changing my pic to Mark. That dude really pulled it off...
I dont like tori either... But really old hag? Shes the same age as the most recent women winners jenny and cara.
Didn't Wes trash the OG spinoff in a recent interview and say he wouldn't do it because its pathetic?
Shoutout mark long for making this thing a reality and who's gonna be the host of this thing mark or someone else
I hope they go all out for this. Like give us a casting special showing their past clips and a good amount of promos.
I appriciate Mark doing this for us.... but I really want him to be first boot still. It would be hilarious considering the ONLY reason he wants this, is because it's the only way he gets cast again lets be real.
i wouldn't bet on Tori. Especially if Brad is there. Their relationship is at an all time low as Brad has made that very clear on his Twitter. She MAY go if Kendal convinces her. But I don't see Brad saying no, so there's that.
This is going to be amazing
of course wes ct bananas are all on
Yes Darrell!!!
Isn't robin not ok mentally?
I pray for no Big Easy and Casey and if we had to have one then I'd want Casey so she can be first boot and guarantee the rest of the women at least 2 episodes.
I know Timmy is listed as Up in the Air, but how likely do we really think he is? does he lean more towards yes or no? I need to know if I can get my hopes up or not lmao. I never thought I would see this day!
Love Robin but if she's in the same mental state as Exes it's probably best she stays home. But if she's doing much better she should def be on.
Hopefully MTV sees that he is not mentally fit for this.
Robin is a challenge legend so no doubt she would be here if she wasn't mentally ill. It's a shame! Kinda like Jenna m from survivor who WOULDVE been on winners at war if she didn't have a drug problem