V1man has an elaborate story why Beth lost each challenge and it was always by her own choice or production rigging lol. He blamed everything on editing and claimed she was really Ms. Congeniality.
I think that may be accurate (Beth losing by choice) aside from being voted off on Season and Sexes
There's always been rumors that she threw the elimination against Coral on G3. She quit on G2 and I2. The DQ was to save Svetlana on The Duel but that one could have been legit--conflicting info on that over the years
Veronica ruined her legacy with the return to the trilogy. The only thing she proved is that she is a bitter old spinster. Her negative presence will kill the vibe of the season.
Wait. Are we pretending a lot of these people we like aren't negative?
Like who? Coral? She probably will be and will quit because they served meat for dinner and then complain about it on Twitter for months to come but her commentary will still be great and worth it? Trishelle? I find her entitlement funny and I think in real life she is nice and fun. This will be a much different environment and she'll be around people she likes. Rachel? Eh. I've never been a fan and felt she was overrated as a personality. Susie? Hopefully the don't call her, she is one of the worst humans on the planet. Beth? I actually think she would have fun with it. Tori H? She's only needed if Kendal is there and Kendal would keep her chill. Veronica and Susie are the only 2 I can think of who would be buzzkills and ruin the vibe.
lol Veronia nor Susie would kill the vibe - they would prob enjoy it. If it truly is a reflection of older seasons - a fun atmosphere, fun games with a little competition. Everyone on your hate list there I hope is on this and I love lol <3 I would add Katie and Julie and I'd be on cloud nine. Still hoping for a random casting or two like Elka or Jodi or Holly S or Anne but I'm just excited in general!
Only Susie is on my hate list, a truly terrible human at the core. Veronica had a lot of very sad things happen in a short time and I think it really and understandably defeated her, so her misery is more sad to me than anything. Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast. Hopefully they don't though.
Only Susie is on my hate list, a truly terrible human at the core. Veronica had a lot of very sad things happen in a short time and I think it really and understandably defeated her, so her misery is more sad to me than anything. Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast. Hopefully they don't though.
love what I bolded there that you wrote. While I once again agree to disgree (as I hope they both are lol), I def respect the fact that even if you hate a cast member you can still look beyoind it, not have to like it, but not be closed minded. I wish more people on this site were like that lol
not that you needed my apporval of your thoughts lol
edit: i guess bold isn't showing up for some reason - 'Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast' is what i was talking about lol
I like that you can respectfully disagree lol. As much as I hate Susie I wouldn't mind to see her return with Cara Z. I enjoyed the dynamic of their friendship on Gauntlet 2 and Inferno 3. Plus gotta have someone to root against, right lol? I'd love to see Katie or Beth beat her in an elimination.
Also we've yet to have any old schooler return that couldn't be competitive with people 10-15 years than them. Give them missions like Inferno 2 and it should be a great time. They could literally do "old school missions" and it would still be entertaining for a lot of us. Not all. Some will hate it but most of them also hate everything about the show.
I'm confused tho, aren't you the one who says you like the show becoming more like a sport? Wouldn't you not want old school missions then
To be honest he just like to have opposite point of views than the rest on each thread to argue lmao
It's not true at all. If the old schoolers show up on The Challenge they should be doing the missions we currently see. The current show is becoming a sport as we can see with the edit.
This isn't "The Challenge"--it's literally a chance to see people that aren't willing to give up 2 months of their lives to do a show. We're also (hopefully) not talking about a million dollar prize. This is pure nostalgia. Here's Beth, Syrus, Eric Nies, etc that you haven't seen in a decade--they're now doing this with their lives--and here's some comps to cause game drama.
Hell, if I just wanted to opposite point of view I'd root for John.
This probably should not be called a "Challenge," but I don't have a better name for it. I see it as more of a 'reunion' style two-week shoot, and hopefully any prize at the end will go to charity. Most of these people have changed, some dramatically, since 2010. Some of the cast have much more in common today than they did years ago, and that's probably a good thing for them. I'm much more interested in the potential positive social interaction among the cast than in any crazy competition that risks putting people in a hospital. Most were notable cast members when each episode pulled over 2M viewers per episode. I'm glad MTV has seen the value in reaching a wider audience than their usually advertised '13+' demographic.
Only Susie is on my hate list, a truly terrible human at the core. Veronica had a lot of very sad things happen in a short time and I think it really and understandably defeated her, so her misery is more sad to me than anything. Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast. Hopefully they don't though.
We agree on something for a change, and i disagree with Psy lol. Susie is my least favorite female castmember by far, just cruel.
Kendal? for competitive ability I can understand, but for impact on the show? sis was on one season back in the dark ages. no way should she be cast over people who were actual stars.
Kendal was a great addition to the Inferno.....wouldn't mind seeing her, but not sure her impact deserves a spot over other people. The Inferno was absolutely not the Dark Ages.....it was the freakin GOLDEN AGE!
Yeah I dunno about kendal. I feel like people they should give those limited spots to those OG's who were actually iconic and not those who were one and done in challenges.
Kendal? for competitive ability I can understand, but for impact on the show? sis was on one season back in the dark ages. no way should she be cast over people who were actual stars.
Dark ages? You losing it.
Battle of the Seasons - Gauntlet 2 were pure gold.
You guys do realized that not everyone that you consider worthy of an spot will agree to do this right? Some people have move on with their lives and will never be back no matter the money offered or how long it films for not everyone is a Veronica,Mark and Derrick that would jump to do it the moment they get the call. For some this is a close chapter of their lives.
If you're expecting a cast full of legends or everyone from 1900s then you will be disappointed.
You guys do realized that not everyone that you consider worthy of an spot will agree to do this right? Some people have move on with their lives and will never be back no matter the money offered or how long it films for not everyone is a Veronica,Mark and Derrick that would jump to do it the moment they get the call. For some this is a close chapter of their lives.
If you're expecting a cast full of legends or everyone from 1900s then you will be disappointed.
Definitely--I'm just trying to be optimistic that we get a surprise or two
Kendal was a legend on her one season. Name another one hit wonder who was still getting calls 15 years later. Kendal should be on this without a doubt.
You guys do realized that not everyone that you consider worthy of an spot will agree to do this right? Some people have move on with their lives and will never be back no matter the money offered or how long it films for not everyone is a Veronica,Mark and Derrick that would jump to do it the moment they get the call. For some this is a close chapter of their lives.
If you're expecting a cast full of legends or everyone from 1900s then you will be disappointed.
One minute you make it sound like the casting is great and now you contridict it lol. Obviously we aren't going to get all the legends but it's fun to speculate about the few we might get.
You guys do realized that not everyone that you consider worthy of an spot will agree to do this right? Some people have move on with their lives and will never be back no matter the money offered or how long it films for not everyone is a Veronica,Mark and Derrick that would jump to do it the moment they get the call. For some this is a close chapter of their lives.
If you're expecting a cast full of legends or everyone from 1900s then you will be disappointed.
One minute you make it sound like the casting is great and now you contridict it lol. Obviously we aren't going to get all the legends but it's fun to speculate about the few we might get.
I have never say casting is great or bad. All I have say is that they try to stay true to the concept of being OGs and they reached out to people from back in the day.
But that doesn't mean all have accepted which would give an spot to someone in the same category as Amaya (declined) that are from back in the day but not necessarily a big name and people that they can stretch as OG to casuals that can be in the same category as Ryan K, Cohutta, Dunbar, etc (Not saying any of them were contacted or will get on but using their Era as examples of possible stretches)
Honestly y'all can drag me all ya want. But the only person I'd be interested in seeing return in this environment is Miss Paula and she'll probably decline. She was my OG favorite. Anyone else can kick rocks.
Just sitting here, thinking about the Gauntlet 2 and how LUCKY Aneesa was that Beth didn't ****** *****slap her.
I mean, it would've happened in front of Julie... the person who believes women should wrestle their problems out like men. Even SHE was shook about Beth wanting to fight her in the gauntlet.
Honestly y'all can drag me all ya want. But the only person I'd be interested in seeing return in this environment is Miss Paula and she'll probably decline. She was my OG favorite. Anyone else can kick rocks.
I think that may be accurate (Beth losing by choice) aside from being voted off on Season and Sexes
There's always been rumors that she threw the elimination against Coral on G3. She quit on G2 and I2. The DQ was to save Svetlana on The Duel but that one could have been legit--conflicting info on that over the years
I don't believe for a second she was well-liked
lol Veronia nor Susie would kill the vibe - they would prob enjoy it. If it truly is a reflection of older seasons - a fun atmosphere, fun games with a little competition. Everyone on your hate list there I hope is on this and I love lol <3 I would add Katie and Julie and I'd be on cloud nine. Still hoping for a random casting or two like Elka or Jodi or Holly S or Anne but I'm just excited in general!
Only Susie is on my hate list, a truly terrible human at the core. Veronica had a lot of very sad things happen in a short time and I think it really and understandably defeated her, so her misery is more sad to me than anything. Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast. Hopefully they don't though.
love what I bolded there that you wrote. While I once again agree to disgree (as I hope they both are lol), I def respect the fact that even if you hate a cast member you can still look beyoind it, not have to like it, but not be closed minded. I wish more people on this site were like that lol
not that you needed my apporval of your thoughts lol
edit: i guess bold isn't showing up for some reason - 'Based on their old school history and contribution to the show they both are deserving of a spot if they end up getting cast' is what i was talking about lol
I like that you can respectfully disagree lol. As much as I hate Susie I wouldn't mind to see her return with Cara Z. I enjoyed the dynamic of their friendship on Gauntlet 2 and Inferno 3. Plus gotta have someone to root against, right lol? I'd love to see Katie or Beth beat her in an elimination.
Veronica still have beef with Beth
We agree on something for a change, and i disagree with Psy lol. Susie is my least favorite female castmember by far, just cruel.
Veronica holding a grudge against Beth about the playboy stuff that happened like 20 years ago is such on brand.
Kendal? for competitive ability I can understand, but for impact on the show? sis was on one season back in the dark ages. no way should she be cast over people who were actual stars.
Kendal was a great addition to the Inferno.....wouldn't mind seeing her, but not sure her impact deserves a spot over other people. The Inferno was absolutely not the Dark Ages.....it was the freakin GOLDEN AGE!
Yeah I dunno about kendal. I feel like people they should give those limited spots to those OG's who were actually iconic and not those who were one and done in challenges.
If there's a part II of this OG's spin-off, I'll gradly take Kendall.
Now lets only focus on true OG Legends and when I say "OG Legends" it doesn't include Sarah Rice nor Emily S.
Dark ages? You losing it.
Battle of the Seasons - Gauntlet 2 were pure gold.
You guys do realized that not everyone that you consider worthy of an spot will agree to do this right? Some people have move on with their lives and will never be back no matter the money offered or how long it films for not everyone is a Veronica,Mark and Derrick that would jump to do it the moment they get the call. For some this is a close chapter of their lives.
If you're expecting a cast full of legends or everyone from 1900s then you will be disappointed.
Definitely--I'm just trying to be optimistic that we get a surprise or two
Honestly I'm just hoping that we get Landon and he dominates the season and solidifies his GOAT status forever
I’m gonna need Beth and Montana to revive their rivalry.
The beef was real and had already been standing the test of time from the RW/RR Challenge they were on in like 1999 to the Gauntlet 2 many years later
Honestly, I feel like Montana is someone that would come back lol
Kendal was a legend on her one season. Name another one hit wonder who was still getting calls 15 years later. Kendal should be on this without a doubt.
One minute you make it sound like the casting is great and now you contridict it lol. Obviously we aren't going to get all the legends but it's fun to speculate about the few we might get.
I have never say casting is great or bad. All I have say is that they try to stay true to the concept of being OGs and they reached out to people from back in the day.
But that doesn't mean all have accepted which would give an spot to someone in the same category as Amaya (declined) that are from back in the day but not necessarily a big name and people that they can stretch as OG to casuals that can be in the same category as Ryan K, Cohutta, Dunbar, etc (Not saying any of them were contacted or will get on but using their Era as examples of possible stretches)
I don't remember anyone that hasn't appeared more than once before The Ruins so lol.
Honestly y'all can drag me all ya want. But the only person I'd be interested in seeing return in this environment is Miss Paula and she'll probably decline. She was my OG favorite. Anyone else can kick rocks.
Just sitting here, thinking about the Gauntlet 2 and how LUCKY Aneesa was that Beth didn't ****** *****slap her.
I mean, it would've happened in front of Julie... the person who believes women should wrestle their problems out like men. Even SHE was shook about Beth wanting to fight her in the gauntlet.
yes to Paula ❤️❤️
Imagine thinking Paula is an OG.
season 11 isn't an og to you?
If Duel 1 is too new to be considered old school then they can keep this mess (Insert skull emoji)
See this pretentious gatekeeping people have about who's really "og" is why I hope we get Tony on it just to get people upset
Production thinks she is an OG