Hmmm something's up with Svetlana? Maybeeee she is the one that PR was refering too...
I still feel like Inferno 2 and The Duel were released for a reason. Maybe it's just Beth but Svetlana showing up wouldn't shock me--although she'll probably drop last second.
Doesn't Svetlana have a bad drug problem. Hopefully Inferno 2 and The Duel were released to hype up the rivalry of Tina and Beth. Both should be locks for this.
Doesn't Svetlana have a bad drug problem. Hopefully Inferno 2 and The Duel were released to hype up the rivalry of Tina and Beth. Both should be locks for this.
I don't know if she still.has a drug problem but if I'm remembering correctly she did
MTV is going to ruin this, no question, from the format, to the casting, to the promotion it will all be a big disaster I predict. They have proven how incompetent they are for years.
They are actually doing a decent job at casting imo staying true to the main concept
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
I have no interest in Trishelle after her BS on Rivals 2 but the rest is basically perfect
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
I have no interest in Trishelle after her BS on Rivals 2 but the rest is basically perfect
Honestly, Trishelle is major staple in the franchise along with Beth, Coral, and the Mean Girls (V., Rachel, Tina). Add in Ruthie, Julie, Katie, & Robin/Jodi/Susie and I'd say that's pretty iconic. (We all know the last spot should actually go to Tonya)
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
I have no interest in Trishelle after her BS on Rivals 2 but the rest is basically perfect
Honestly, Trishelle is major staple in the franchise along with Beth, Coral, and the Mean Girls (V., Rachel, Tina). Add in Ruthie, Julie, Katie, & Robin/Jodi/Susie and I'd say that's pretty iconic. (We all know the last spot should actually go to Tonya)
I know I'm alone with Trishelle but I have Katie, Julie, Robin, Susie, Tonya and Jodi ahead of her. And that's not even counting Emily Bailey. Trishelle's just not someone that I'd want to see again but, again, I know I'm alone lol
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
I have no interest in Trishelle after her BS on Rivals 2 but the rest is basically perfect
Honestly, Trishelle is major staple in the franchise along with Beth, Coral, and the Mean Girls (V., Rachel, Tina). Add in Ruthie, Julie, Katie, & Robin/Jodi/Susie and I'd say that's pretty iconic. (We all know the last spot should actually go to Tonya)
I think all OG fans will always hold Katie on high regard because of her showing on The Inferno, game and drama wise. Plus more legendary moments after. She's my most entertaining female next to Coral and Beth.
This is going to have horrible ratings and when it does terribly ill be starting my #BringBackChampsVsStarsCampaign and yes i know those ratings were a hot mess but at least it was good TV
I woulda cared about an OG season 10 years ago or even 5 years ago but I really dont care nowadays. Do people really wanna see a group of 40+ year old's playing carnival games.
I love nostalgia so I'm all down for watching 40 year olds compete lol. And the Challenges back in the day were way more fun as a viewer than the trash missions these days and the years before that it was always just jumping off a platform into water over and over. Climbing ladders, musical chairs with the intertubes, the snake pit pool, I found all those 100x more interesting than running and watching them do a puzzle with a slow motion explosion in the end.
Brad & Veronica can stay home. No new fans remember them from the whack trilogy. They are awful. Darrell should be there. Aneesa isn't needed but if they need her to tie it in with the new trash I'm fine. Everyone should be from before the original Fresh Meat.
lol Veronica proved herself time and again on Dirty 30 as well as being one of the most iconic players of the Gauntlet-Inferno 2 seasons - she most def deserves a spot in this.
Hoping we somehow get Rachel on this <3 My random casting wish is for Elka to be there but i can't get too greedy.
Veronica ruined her legacy with the return to the trilogy. The only thing she proved is that she is a bitter old spinster. Her negative presence will kill the vibe of the season.
Hmmm something's up with Svetlana? Maybeeee she is the one that PR was refering too...
I still feel like Inferno 2 and The Duel were released for a reason. Maybe it's just Beth but Svetlana showing up wouldn't shock me--although she'll probably drop last second.
Doesn't Svetlana have a bad drug problem. Hopefully Inferno 2 and The Duel were released to hype up the rivalry of Tina and Beth. Both should be locks for this.
I don't know if she still.has a drug problem but if I'm remembering correctly she did
I'm ready for the speculation page to see who is getting calls lol.
I feel like this show will go on Paramount+, the revamped version of CBS All Access.
Gamer has taste so I have faith now.
This show has to include Coral, Beth, Mark, Abram, Tina, Veronica, Rachel,, Julie, Derrick, Trishelle and Syrus and hopefullyyyyyyyyy two of Landon, Frank, Alton and Timmy.. (Darrell might be reserved for S37). These OG names I think would make the most realistic sense and would try to give us good stuff. The way gamer has been heavily on Svetlana on twitter makes me think there is something there and two of Bananas / CT / Wes wil do this show too, that's almost a sad given since they want them to "draw the casuals". Also, I'm betting on three of Susie, Aneesa, Robin, Paula or Sarah to do this lol.
Also the diabolical producer in me kinda wants Brad and Tori in this...
I have no interest in Trishelle after her BS on Rivals 2 but the rest is basically perfect
Honestly, Trishelle is major staple in the franchise along with Beth, Coral, and the Mean Girls (V., Rachel, Tina). Add in Ruthie, Julie, Katie, & Robin/Jodi/Susie and I'd say that's pretty iconic. (We all know the last spot should actually go to Tonya)
I know I'm alone with Trishelle but I have Katie, Julie, Robin, Susie, Tonya and Jodi ahead of her. And that's not even counting Emily Bailey. Trishelle's just not someone that I'd want to see again but, again, I know I'm alone lol
Katie is another must. She is the underrated icon of the franchise. She'd be on my Mount Rushmore of Challenge legends.
You think she's underrated? People forget how nuts she is lol. I have always loved her. She would genuinely get mad and then destroy them. Icon
Oh I want trishelle back.
Honestly, Elka is much higher on my list than Jodi or Trishelle.
I also wonder if they'd consider using Theo Von as a host or does he still have that mullet lol
I'm bored so who's the top 3 men and women you guys hope to see? For me it's:
Women: Coral, Beth, Rachel
Men: Miz, Timmy, Alton
Can I just do 6 women? Coral, Beth, Katie, Tina, Kendal, and Julie.
so agree
I think all OG fans will always hold Katie on high regard because of her showing on The Inferno, game and drama wise. Plus more legendary moments after. She's my most entertaining female next to Coral and Beth.
Women: Coral, Beth, Katie. Tina is 4th.
Men: Landon, Darrell, Timmy.
would love if Ace popped out of nowhere too
This is going to have horrible ratings and when it does terribly ill be starting my #BringBackChampsVsStarsCampaign and yes i know those ratings were a hot mess but at least it was good TV
I concur with your picks, OldSchooler.
Women: Coral, Katie & Beth (off.under the radar Elka, Mallory & Roni Martin)
Men: Landon, Timmy & Syrus (off/under the radar Dan Setzler, Theo Von & Norman)
Honestly, the women will make or break this
I'm a little surprised that Tina's as well-liked as she is. I'd like to see her but she's not a must for me.
1000%. Yes.
Preach. All of this is perfectly stated <3
lol Veronica proved herself time and again on Dirty 30 as well as being one of the most iconic players of the Gauntlet-Inferno 2 seasons - she most def deserves a spot in this.
Hoping we somehow get Rachel on this <3 My random casting wish is for Elka to be there but i can't get too greedy.
Veronica ruined her legacy with the return to the trilogy. The only thing she proved is that she is a bitter old spinster. Her negative presence will kill the vibe of the season.