What if Averey stocked these extra Hawaii photos and has someone running her SM? This is the shit I tell myself in hopes that she graces my tv screen once again.
no. She was definitely in Hawaii on departure day! I think shes either a late adition to the cast or shes not on at all and is just taking a break from social media.
seeing Tori on second chances I can see her doing well athletically. But I can see her personality not going well with some people. If she plays her cards right I can see her making it a lil far.. & I just realized her boyfriend is on this cast *face palm* I truly forgot about him no joke. So i changed my mind, he's my first vote to go just cause he's so damn forgettable
seeing Tori on second chances I can see her doing well athletically. But I can see her personality not going well with some people. If she plays her cards right I can see her making it a lil far.. & I just realized her boyfriend is on this cast *face palm* I truly forgot about him no joke. So i changed my mind, he's my first vote to go just cause he's so damn forgettable
oh I bet tori get along with most people..she really only doesn't get along with Devin on second chances and on rivals 3 most people hated him (rightfully so).
i can't wait to see Devin and Amanda get smoked this season
seeing Tori on second chances I can see her doing well athletically. But I can see her personality not going well with some people. If she plays her cards right I can see her making it a lil far.. & I just realized her boyfriend is on this cast *face palm* I truly forgot about him no joke. So i changed my mind, he's my first vote to go just cause he's so damn forgettable
devin don't get along with tori and the vets don't know her this leaves her out of the two potential main alliances #firstweekboot
What if Averey stocked these extra Hawaii photos and has someone running her SM? This is the shit I tell myself in hopes that she graces my tv screen once again.
She did Instagram Live and Snapchat in Hawaii so she was definitely there when she said she was.
I think Misty will survive this first elimination. I can see them using him as a layup (just like they did with Sylvia on Invasion). He will most likely be under Cory's wing.Derrick/Dario or Tony/Shane will probably the first boot for the guys.LaToya/Simone/Amanda will probably the first boot for the girls.
TylerLovesTyler3 wrote:Sad to say I see Alicia or tori going home first
seeing Tori on second chances I can see her doing well athletically. But I can see her personality not going well with some people. If she plays her cards right I can see her making it a lil far.. & I just realized her boyfriend is on this cast *face palm* I truly forgot about him no joke. So i changed my mind, he's my first vote to go just cause he's so damn forgettable
devin don't get along with tori and the vets don't know her this leaves her out of the two potential main alliances #firstweekboot
when the cameras stay in Amanda, Ashley, and Simone's room for a 3rd season in the row>>>>>>>>>>>>
You have terrible taste... lol
Sad to say I see Alicia or tori going home first
no. She was definitely in Hawaii on departure day! I think shes either a late adition to the cast or shes not on at all and is just taking a break from social media.
seeing Tori on second chances I can see her doing well athletically. But I can see her personality not going well with some people. If she plays her cards right I can see her making it a lil far.. & I just realized her boyfriend is on this cast *face palm* I truly forgot about him no joke. So i changed my mind, he's my first vote to go just cause he's so damn forgettable
oh I bet tori get along with most people..she really only doesn't get along with Devin on second chances and on rivals 3 most people hated him (rightfully so).
i can't wait to see Devin and Amanda get smoked this season
devin don't get along with tori and the vets don't know her this leaves her out of the two potential main alliances #firstweekboot
She did Instagram Live and Snapchat in Hawaii so she was definitely there when she said she was.
How many times does pink Rose have to tell you guys AVEREY IS NOT ON
AKF is a slow just gotta let it go
Tony gets eliminated early and Shane makes the final lol.
Yassssss *****.
It wasn't announce who the four girls where that are still up in the air or did I miss it?
You like Jenna.....lol
Tina was one and is now out of the running. Down to three.
So it was Tina, Jonna, Simone and Averey?
i dont think they were considering averey
its simone, jonna and someone else
I think it's Robin instead of Averey
ugh that would have been so lit
I think Misty will survive this first elimination. I can see them using him as a layup (just like they did with Sylvia on Invasion). He will most likely be under Cory's wing.Derrick/Dario or Tony/Shane will probably the first boot for the guys.LaToya/Simone/Amanda will probably the first boot for the girls.
you gotta get beat to home too *******
I can't believe they get paid 30-60k just to show up.
No wonder bananas doesn't want to get a job.
Oh thank you guys for the clarification what if Tori RR is on this? It's hard to think of Veronica going to this alone
Shane Landrum just got on a flight...hopefully to Colombia lmao
Regardless of the missing girls we already know final 4 girls will be QUEENEESA, Cara Maria, Veronica, and Ashley M >>>>
when the bell was Sylvia used as a layup she literally went into 3 eliminations back to back to back