The Challenge: Burn Book (Spoilers)

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You know it's a shame really. That a show like this that was a fun *** reunion of Real Worlders and Road Rulers now revolves around(and caters to) the three people in the photo above. A show like this shouldn't be that way..It shouldn't be about 1/2/3 people. Noone should carry it or noone should have to be relied on to make it good. It should be about an ensemble of people, the whole cast need to be able to lift this show up and make it good..That's what shows like this should always do. For Me the challenge was never about 1 person: to me it was about several people and the drama, competition, and fun they all brought. Not CT beasting everyone, Not Backpack running though everyone like a bulldozer, or Wes politicking people in circles. And not even about just the people..the different challenges, eliminations that are done..just everything really. 

Having a show like this reolve around 3 people is stupid because they can't be around forever. As of now CT's future on the show is unknown, Wes has only one more show in him, and Backpack..well he'll keep doing these but even he can't be around forever: What happens when all these guys are done for good? What happens then? This show just goes off the air?

It's time for them to build new people up to take their places and I do feel like they're doing that now with Rivals 3..but it should've already been done a long *** time ago. The Challenge is not CT/Wes/Backpack. Never has been and never will least for me.

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Seriously. We've seen women **** with each other for years on this show and barley any dude action. There's alot of hot guys on this show and I would love to see them **** with each other.

I mean This past Rivals 3 episode was a perfect opprotunity to have a ************ and they didn't take it. Backpack really should've made that happen...I mean everyone on this show aside from a couple of people are up his *** and will do whatever he says anyway. Why not get some sex out of it?

But yeah dudes getting it on needs to happen more often IMO.

Dario & Corey are the only hot dudes left this season.  The rest are gross

Dario & Corey are the only hot dudes left this season.  The rest are gross

Those two banging would've been awesome to see.

dylan76 wrote:

Dario & Corey are the only hot dudes left this season.  The rest are gross

Those two banging would've been awesome to see.


honestly, idc who dario be baning I just need to see that happen stat. 

Nia or CeeJai or Cara Maria will be wrecking her shit soon enough Smile

banned banned and tragic

Queen Jenna and Queen Jenna will soon grace your screens again people, slayage times 2 ❤️

I watched some episodes from it and I didn't know Evan and Veronica ****** oml... What episode 

If I remember correctly, it was episode 3.

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Debut Album wrote:
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This season was bad. Not Ruins/Island bad but not very good. Look at all the reasons why this season sucked.

1. The Bloodlines were ignored. The point of this season was to see the relationship each castmember had with their kinfolk but that was rarely touched upon instead we get the Backpack/Cara Maria hour with special Guest Abram. The fact that this season turned out that way really just made me think the theme was window dressing and they were just gonna give us the same shit. If they were just going to ignore all the bloodlines whom took up half the cast then there was not point in even doing a theme like this.

2.The voting format-This was bad first is was the usual last place goes in/first place chooses opponet..then there were guy/girl days which made no sense given there were co-ed teams and they were up for both days which was unfair. And then the team portion made no sense mainly because at this point there was really not point in winning given that someone from BOTH teams were always going to be eliminated. This was a stupid *** set-up and they should never do it again.

3- CT and Zach..what the **** was the point of them coming on? For Shock Factor? If it was then it wasn't shocking least for me. The shit was pointless and I had no intrest in seeing either of them.

4.The Backpack and Cara Maria-I hate these two so you can imagine why I hated that they got so much screentime.

5. That Mitch/Cory didn't win-I was pulling for them so hard.

Honestly the only good thing about this season I can think of is the City Final. That was really cool and I hope they do it again.

So Yeah..This season was not good. You really gotta wonder what the hell they were going for this season.

Bloodlines final was awesome but I think Exes1 is still the hardest final ever.

I'd like to think Bloodlines never happened.  Half the cast wasn't even used.  What a waste of a season/opportunity to cast compelling characters.

Jenna and Brianna saved Bloodlines from looking like The Ruins 

My problem is they didnt focus on the bloodlines. Apparently Rianna was super funny and the cast loves her but she was basically the Trey of that season. Jill showed promise, Larissa looked fiesty, Brianna had funny moments, but nobody really shined because producers didnt show them 

@DebutAlbum I'm curious while i don't like the hate you spread i must admit you are a very "good" character on this forum, who are your favorite cast-members and your top 3 favorite challenges? I'm curious because nothing seems "good" to you nowadays and while i get some of your points nothing can be perfect :/ 

@DebutAlbum I'm curious while i don't like the hate you spread i must admit you are a very "good" character on this forum, who are your favorite cast-members and your top 3 favorite challenges? I'm curious because nothing seems "good" to you nowadays and while i get some of your points nothing can be perfect :/ 

Well funny you ask those questions because those will be answered in brand new thread. Stay Tuned....

xHollyangel wrote:

@DebutAlbum I'm curious while i don't like the hate you spread i must admit you are a very "good" character on this forum, who are your favorite cast-members and your top 3 favorite challenges? I'm curious because nothing seems "good" to you nowadays and while i get some of your points nothing can be perfect :/ 

Well funny you ask those questions because those will be answered in brand new thread. Stay Tuned....

Haha okay i will stay in tune just because this is the probably one of the "best" and active threads going on and i enjoy your character and to some point Blue's Jenna worship.

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This season was so good and this cast could've brought so much to the shows. It's a shame that they were underepresented and didn't make much of an Impact. The ones that did challenges only did either 1 or 2 and they barely got any screentime on those shows too. They were too busy on JEK and their enablers to really give them some screentime and that's sad(Granted one quit and another didn't last that long on the two seasons they did but still they could've gotten something out of them).

Plus we never got to see Joey(RIP)/Will/Greg on these shows. Those three could've brought so much to these shows it's crazy. Would've loved to see Joey/Brianna be a team on Exes 1 and a Greg/Brianna/Kimberly/Will team on Seasons. 

Oh what could've been.




Debut Album wrote:

xHollyangel wrote:@DebutAlbum I'm curious while i don't like the hate you spread i must admit you are a very "good" character on this forum, who are your favorite cast-members and your top 3 favorite challenges? I'm curious because nothing seems "good" to you nowadays and while i get some of your points nothing can be perfect :/ 

Well funny you ask those questions because those will be answered in brand new thread. Stay Tuned....

Haha okay i will stay in tune just because this is the probably one of the "best" and active threads going on and i enjoy your character and to some point Blue's Jenna worship.

Yeah..Check out the Favorite Things Thread I made. It'll have everything I love about the shows, cast, seasons,'ll all be on the table.

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Much like the Hollywood season DC got the shaft in the worst way when it came to the challenges because out of this cast on TWO people ever got on..that's a shame because this season really could've brought some life to the challenges..especially in the period it was in. 

Andrew would've been an Issac-lite I think.

Ashley definetly would've caused some drama and I don't see her putting up with JEK's shit. I still remember her posting on here about the show saying how newer people were needed to keep the show fresh. And her dragging the shit out of Jasmine on Twitter. THAT was funny.

Erika would've been drama too.

Josh would've hooked up I think. Callie would've been likable.

Mike would've been a good competitor probably..maybe some dude on dude action.

The ones that got on Ty and Emily...Ty was a good choice but Emily? She wasn't all that great. But she was competition though so I'll give her that.

It really would've been nice to see this cast on Seasons 2 as well.

But yeah..DC was wasted potential.


dc sucked as a season so im not too bothered

dc sucked as a season so im not too bothered

I only wanted Ashley L and Mike on from that season, maybe Erika. My mind is still blown that they went with boring *** Emily

I'll beg for Andrew & Greg til the end of time.

God Ashley L. would have been gold on The Challenge.

One of the biggest missed opportunities is Ashley L not being on the Challenge.  What could have been....

Emily should have never been cast on The Challenge ✌️

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I honestly have never cared about this storyline given that I'm not too keen on the parties involved and on top of that I'm not a fan of love stories. The only time it was ever worth watching IMO is Duel 2 when it produced something entertaining with CT beating the shit out Adam and Diem basically being the reason for it. Then it was equally annoying on Rivals 2 given that we just got a good fresh season in Battle of the Seasons and now we're back to this rehashed shit(not only that but a host of other things as well). It really made me wish that they had won Battle of the Exes so that story could've ended right then and there. 

I'm not sad at all that the story is over now(and I say this with the uptmost respect for Diem).




lol does tyrie still post on here?! he's always lurking and looking for an excuse to get in his feelings
