The Challenge: All Stars- Beth Stolarczyk

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The Challenge: All Stars- Beth Stolarczyk

Don't mess with her.

52 WHERE?!?  


Looks better than *****essss that are HALF her age

Queen of Reverse Aging 

She sold her soul to the devil cause she hasn't aged a day

See how you age when you're unproblematic?

The HBIC ❤️

Back and ready to *****slap Aneesa

She said "Ruthie remember Reverse Tug o War? Now it's Reverse Ageing".

the original henny that keeps all the heaux BOTHERED

In her late 30's

She looks 30

She looks nice but she's looked old all of her life.

She looks nice but she's looked old all of her life.

She finally grew into her age.

Need the infamous Beth laugh this season


She looks nice but she's looked old all of her life.

She finally grew into her age.

She looked 40 at the age of 30, so I think thats why she doesn't look like shes aged. She looks the same as when she was 30.

My queen, I am so excited for her to be back. This will never feel real <3 

isn't she 86 years old 

isn't she 86 years old 

Evil Queen of Cataracts 

I literally can't get over how good she looks wtf


isn't she 86 years old 

Evil Queen of Cataracts 

id nut in her 

GenX Queen

KNOWS HOW TO TAKE A PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333333333

I mean...a legend.

She could teach Ace a thing or two about holding a helmet and looking fierce.

"She has the Paul Rudd phenomenon where she looked 35 when she was in her twenties, but now she’s 52 and still looks 35"

So true lmao

Need the infamous Beth laugh this season

You know they had to put her little laugh in the trailer. I feel like Beth of all people would say **** it and pop up on a regular season lmao 

me when i'm that *****. 

the star. 
