The Ruins: Reunion Show

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The Ruins: Reunion Show
[I]via[/I][INDENT]We are casting HUGE fans of the Real World / Road Rules Ruins cast who want to see them for their Reunion special. Do you want to be in the audience? This show is in New York City and the entire cast will be present for this show. Tickets are limited so request them now. For FREE tickets go to [URL=""]Onset Productions[/URL] to apply. Click on the MTV Real World / Road Rules Ruins LOGO on the home page and sign up for free tickets. MTV will NOT provide travel to this event. [/INDENT][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [I]via Onset Productions[/I][INDENT][B]DO YOU WANT TO ATTEND THE MTV REAL WORLD / ROAD RULES RUINS REUNION IN NEW YORK?[/B] We are giving away FREE tickets to be part of the audience for the filming of the MTV Real World / ROAD RULES RUINS Reunion in New York City. Find out all the behind the scenes secrets? What have they been up to? You will find the answers to all these questions before the rest of the world. Tickets are Free and available exclusively to our members, but space is limited so hurry and apply for your ticket. You must be 16 years old or older to apply for this show. After your ticket request is submitted, members will receive an E-Ticket via email prior to the show. Check your email daily to see if your request for tickets was accepted. Simply print out your ticket and bring it with you to the show. Not a member yet? Sign up today, it’s easy and it’s Free. You must be a member to apply for tickets to this or any of our shows. [/INDENT][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
Just applied!! :) Thats crazy that the entire cast will be there!!
Thanks, Bacchus!! I just applied too. I live in Philly so it wouldn't be hard to get there. RMD- let us know if you hear back!
[QUOTE=Cait3223;138110]Thanks, Bacchus!! I just applied too. I live in Philly so it wouldn't be hard to get there. RMD- let us know if you hear back![/QUOTE] LOL I live in Philly too!! And I will let ya know!
[QUOTE=RMD1;138107]Just applied!! :) Thats crazy that the entire cast will be there!![/QUOTE] They have advertised that countless times in the past and it has never happened.
The ENTIRE cast? Drama, drama, drama!
I don't really see the point of having the entire cast there. I mean I guess it will be fun but what's the point of having people like Adam and Brianna there when they were there for such a short time and nothing really happened to them?
[QUOTE=cjslife;138149]I don't really see the point of having the entire cast there. I mean I guess it will be fun but what's the point of having people like Adam and Brianna there when they were there for such a short time and nothing really happened to them?[/QUOTE] I agree. I don't like when the reunions have lots of people there that contributed almost absolutely nothing to the drama/entertainment. People that should/need to be there are: Veronica, Katie, Tonya, Evan, Kenny, Johnny, Wes, KellyAnne, Johanna, Sarah, Brad, Darrell, Evelyn (I don't know if she's necessary though since she was on like, the only after show this season) and as much as this pains me to say, Susie. Oh, and throw in Cohutta to, if nothing more for something to look at.
They usually only have people on that had big story lines. For the Gauntlet 3, I was pissed CT wasn't there. This one will most likely have Veronica, Katie, Tonya, Evan, Sarah, Kenny, KellyAnne, Wes, Johanna, Susie, and Cohutta. MAYBE Johnny and MAYBE Casey. And I wonder if they'll have Brad or Darrell. I'm guessing only one of them will show up.
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;138201]they usually only have people on that had big storylines. for the gauntlet 3, i was pissed CT wasnt there. this one will most likely have veronica, katie, tonya, evan, sarah, kenny, kellyanne, wes, johanna, susie, and cohutta. MAYBE johnny and MAYBE casey. and i wonder if they'll have brad or darrell. im guessing only one of them will show up.[/QUOTE] You don't have to guess anymore, the entire cast was stated to be there.
[QUOTE=faceless;138222]You don't have to guess anymore, the entire cast was stated to be there.[/QUOTE]I'll put money on the fact that the entire cast won't be there. I remember several occasions where it's been advertised for the whole cast but that's never happened. They aren't going to pay appearance fees for more people than they can fit into a one-hour show.
I'm hoping I get tickets so I can give everyone an update like last time! I applied for tickets about a week ago but I haven't gotten any word back yet. Has anyone heard back?
If the whole cast is there, then the entire show is going to spent trying to shut them all up.
They have a lot to cover!! Maybe it will be 2 hours?? Or an hour and a half?
They always talk about Drama in Reunions rather than the actual challenge. People I would bring in: Champions - Veronica, Tonya, Johanna, Wes, Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Darrell. Challengers - Brad, Dunbar, Cohutta, Kelly Ann, Casey, Sara. No point in bring people like Derrick, Kim, Susie because even though they made it far. None of brought much drama to the game or did anything. We have Tonya/Veronica drama. We have Wes vs. Champions Team. Wes/Johanna/Kelly Ann drama. We have Brad vs. Darrell. We have Casey vs. Challengers. The above people I mentioned are the only people you need to cover those subjects.
Even though I look forward to seeing the reunion, I don't expect it to be anything great. We're just gonna hear stuff we've heard before about Tonya and Veronica. JEK are gonna agree with Wes says or try anything to save face. Wes is gonna pout and be a baby and say how his feelings were hurt and he felt he was the strongest person to ever walk the earth. KA and Wes will say that they are not together. Casey will say she tried and that's all that matters. Either Darrell and Brad will have gotten over their fight or be babies and forever hate each other. Johanna and Wes are just gonna talk about their relationship but they're gonna say the things they said on the show. Really, I don't expect to hear anything new from anyone. So I at least hope for the people I like (Derrick, Brad, Cohutta, Katie and that's about it) to be there, even if they don't say a word.
I think Wes and Kenny might get into it. Wes bashed him in the special aftershow where Wes/Johnny/Ev/Kelly Ann appear. If not we could hear Kenny apologize to Wes. Which is all that Wes wanted to hear, after his former friend ****ed his ex girl on TV. If you watch the Duel 1 aftershow with Wes. He says Kenny is a good friend. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe you're not Face, because you hate the people involved in the drama. I don't want to hear from people who don't matter. What will Derrick bring to the table? Just shake his head and agree to whatever EKJ say.
I wanna hear how Ibis feels about Derrick
I hope they get Carlos to do the reunion he is the best of who they have at MTV to do the job.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;138341]I hope they get Carlos to do the reunion he is the best of who they have at MTV to do the job.[/QUOTE] Who?? I hope they stick with Maria Menounos myself.
I would rather see Maria. Carlos was good, but Maria is a professional.
Susie should still be doing them. Maria is a solid replacement though.
I much prefer Maria to any of those MTV correspondents. Maria is a professional and she actually seems to have knowledge on the shows. She also is pretty good at asking the right (or "wrong", depending on how you look at it heh) questions. And she's very easy on the eyes.
I liked LALA.. LOL
[QUOTE=colt1819;138353]Susie should still be doing them. Maria is a solid replacement though.[/QUOTE] Susie didn't even know many of the cast members names or even much about the show. She seemed to take everything that happened as a joke to an extent. The vquestion she asked were not always relevant or important. She overall lacked knowledge and wasn't very proffessional. Susie hosting is the worst decision for a host mtv could make. Lets hope mtv dosen't repeat their mistake. Maria knew alot about the show, knew when to joke, when to be serious, and knew how to ask some deep relvent question that got to the core of what was going on for the castmebers for their season or challenge. Nonetheless, Maria, is sweet, intelligent, and very proffessional.
Susie was awful on the reunion of Real World Hollywood. I thought when Carlos host he does overall a good job and at least can formulate questions that people somewhat want to hear and at least he so far has shown to remeber names and do somewhat research. It would though be cool if Chet eventually took over the roll as host because he knows some of the people and engages well in his question asking
I like Chet also. Very likable.
I guess Maria M. is the best host for these things. Carlos, I find a bit annoying as in he tries too hard to be comical and it doesnt work. Susie, didnt know anything about the show so whats the point of having her?
What about Evan? He has that personality....
Okay I have to ask; who is Carlos and what reunions did he host? I do not remember this person haha. The only ones I remember in recent years are Maria, Susie, and some Australian girl...
