The Ruins: Ep. 5 - Reversal of Fortune

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The "Block Party" challenge was similar to the "Kicking and Screaming" challenge from Survivor Check it out! [url=]Survivor: Gabon - Reward Challenge: Kicking and Screaming - Season 17 - Episode 3 - Video[/url]
[QUOTE=Unicorn;135086]I don't get when people talk like Johanna sucks. What are they basing that on? Where have you seen her suck in a mission? To me a sucky player is someone like Casey, Katie, or Shauvon. The ones that hold a whole team back. We have never seen Johanna hold a team back which is why they don't even show her much in the missions if you notice. If she were so bad they would show her more. So I don't think she's as great as a Susie or Evelyn ofcourse, but I don't think she's bad either. I think she just gets the job done for the team and helps her alliance out. Why is that so terrible?[/QUOTE] She did bad in the FM missions... Especially that one where she had to climb up and put the different pieces into the climbing wall.
