The Ruins: Derrick Kosinski - MTV

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I've never been a big Derrick fan, and I don't understand why people think he's such a great player. On the Ruins I think he was just grand-fathered into the final. He was in a couple if deliberations and no one even mentioned his name. And he is not a good social player at all. He always makes friends with people who are less popular, and then votes them in to the elimination round because everyone else is doing it (example- Tonya on Fresh Meat, Veronica on the Ruins). I don't think Derrick is the worst player by any means, but I think the way he's portrayed makes him WAY overrated. Am I the only one who feels this way? Because Derrick seems very popular.
Derrick has a solid social game and the number 1 of it is to not be an ***. Treat everyone with as much respect as you can while keeping in mind it is a game and not to be taken personally. JEK like to do stupid **** and Derrick prefers to be low key. The only real drama he had is when Brad woke him up and got in his face, to which Derrick replied, "Do you want me to break out the 16 inchers?" He was referring to the boxing gloves he brought along. The guy is honorable and that makes me worthy of respect.
Anonymous's picture
Derrick overrated? Did you miss Gauntlet 2?
Derrick is one of the best player both mentally and physically.He is definitely not over-rated. He has the record for most individual elimination wins.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;166013]Derrick is one of the best player both mentally and physically.He is definitely not over-rated. He has the record for most individual elimination wins.[/QUOTE] How many does he have? I know Wes has 8.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;165965]Derrick has a solid social game and the number 1 of it is to not be an ***. Treat everyone with as much respect as you can while keeping in mind it is a game and not to be taken personally. JEK like to do stupid **** and Derrick prefers to be low key. The only real drama he had is when Brad woke him up and got in his face, to which Derrick replied, "Do you want me to break out the 16 inchers?" He was referring to the boxing gloves he brought along. The guy is honorable and that makes me worthy of respect.[/QUOTE] Actually Brad was the one who suggested bring the 16 [B]ounce-rs [/B] out.
I thought Derrick did... I'm certain he actually shouted it so it was heard over Brad's voice
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;166017]I thought Derrick did... I'm certain he actually shouted it so it was heard over Brad's voice[/QUOTE] Brad spits on the ground and then Derrick goes or your a real tough guy. Then Brad mumbles something with a beep beep. Then says let's put the 16 ounce-rs on. Then Derrick yells put them on
You're probably right ... it's be awhile since I've seen it. I just distinctly remember Derrick yelling to put them on.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;166019]You're probably right ... it's be awhile since I've seen it. I just distinctly remember Derrick yelling to put them on.[/QUOTE] Yea he does, after Brad insists it. I have the season ha, so I made sure of it before I presented it.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;166009]Derrick overrated? Did you miss Gauntlet 2?[/QUOTE] I don't think Derrick's performance on the Gauntlet was THAT great. Did he do a good job? Absolutely, but he also wasn't the best on the team. Remember, the reason Derrick was voted into the first Gauntlet that season was for yelling at all of his teammates in the deliberation, or in other words, playing a terrible social game. However, the reason I say he is overrated it because of the Inferno 3 reunion/top 10 moment special. The #1 moment on the countdown was Derrick winning his first challenge. The Inferno 3 was his 6th challenge, and it was also Tonya's 6th challenge and first win. The fact that Tonya got no recognition for the exact same accomplishment shows that they are trying to make Derrick look better than other people. Also, while I do feel like he is part of the JEK alliance, I feel like he does not make any moves. In all the deliberations he seems to be the last to talk. That's just how I see it though.
[QUOTE=iMichael;166029] However, the reason I say he is overrated it because of the Inferno 3 reunion/top 10 moment special. The #1 moment on the countdown was Derrick winning his first challenge. The Inferno 3 was his 6th challenge, and it was also Tonya's 6th challenge and first win. The fact that Tonya got no recognition for the exact same accomplishment shows that they are trying to make Derrick look better than other people.[/QUOTE] I'm sure that's part of it, but I think it also has to do with Derrick coming SO CLOSE in earlier challenges, just to be eliminated right before the final.
Derrick was recognized in that first spot because he's taken out so many people, he's always been counted out as an easy target and he fought harder then anyone else for that win. Derrick doesn't make plays in deliberation rounds because he doesn't need to. He knows that if he makes people mad then his game play will be ruined. He's smart enough to know that. So because it took Derrick 6 tries to finally win, while coming close almost every single time, does that make Brad overrated? Does that make CT overrated? Derrick had to go against Adam, Syrus, Ace, Brad and Timmy and had to do different things against them, beach brawl, the coconuts one and reverse tug of war. When Wes was in FM and went against all the people he did, he did the same exact thing. Derrick was stated by the people on his team to probably be the strongest player. PLUS he is the original person to show how much heart he has. Everyone after just goes "I deserve to stay because I have heart". Derrick has the heart, the game play and the physical ability to always do well.
[QUOTE=faceless;166041]Derrick was recognized in that first spot because he's taken out so many people, he's always been counted out as an easy target and he fought harder then anyone else for that win. Derrick doesn't make plays in deliberation rounds because he doesn't need to. He knows that if he makes people mad then his game play will be ruined. He's smart enough to know that. So because it took Derrick 6 tries to finally win, while coming close almost every single time, does that make Brad overrated? Does that make CT overrated? Derrick had to go against Adam, Syrus, Ace, Brad and Timmy and had to do different things against them, beach brawl, the coconuts one and reverse tug of war. When Wes was in FM and went against all the people he did, he did the same exact thing. Derrick was stated by the people on his team to probably be the strongest player. PLUS he is the original person to show how much heart he has. Everyone after just goes "I deserve to stay because I have heart". Derrick has the heart, the game play and the physical ability to always do well.[/QUOTE] Derrick has proven himself time and again. I believe prior to his wrestling match against Syrus (who outweighs him by a large amount), Derrick made the statement: "It ain't the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog."
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=iMichael;166029]I don't think Derrick's performance on the Gauntlet was THAT great. Did he do a good job? Absolutely, but he also wasn't the best on the team. Remember, the reason Derrick was voted into the first Gauntlet that season was for yelling at all of his teammates in the deliberation, or in other words, playing a terrible social game. However, the reason I say he is overrated it because of the Inferno 3 reunion/top 10 moment special. The #1 moment on the countdown was Derrick winning his first challenge. The Inferno 3 was his 6th challenge, and it was also Tonya's 6th challenge and first win. The fact that Tonya got no recognition for the exact same accomplishment shows that they are trying to make Derrick look better than other people. Also, while I do feel like he is part of the JEK alliance, I feel like he does not make any moves. In all the deliberations he seems to be the last to talk. That's just how I see it though.[/QUOTE] I'm talking about Derrick's competitive abilities, not him yelling in team deliberations. That was one time, by the way. And comparing Derrick and Tonya? There is no real argument here, you can't compare them.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;166014]How many does he have? I know Wes has 8.[/QUOTE] Wes has 8 sure, but most of his are in Exiles with a teammate which was Casey. There's nothing wrong with Exiles but in a head to head he's only won three and lost one. And the only REAL competition he's had was Derrick in Pole Wrestle and he barely won that against Derrick (who some say is very overrated, I'm not one of them BTW) and he was much bigger than Derrick and for the most part Derrick was slinging Wes around and Wes just hung on and eventually took the pole away from Derrick just because he was bigger and I would say Cohutta was competition for Wes but everybody would just say that Cohutta got lucky because of the game they played in the Ruins. And Derrick has won 6 elimination rounds and lost 3 two of which were head to head and if you want to count The Island faceoffs then he was 1-1 in those but the one he lost was on purpose to help Johnny.
Also, I have to say what Derrick did for Johnny on the Island is a huge play for his alliance cause out of JEKD I think Derrick is the only person who would do that for someone else.
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;166060]Wes has 8 sure, but most of his are in Exiles with a teammate which was Casey.[/QUOTE] Lol but you could say that Wes managed to win those Exiles IN SPITE of having Casey as a partner. I'm not going to make that argument though, I think Wes won a bunch of Exiles which are all the same thing so he's good at that particular thing, doesn't make him good at EVERY type of elimination challenge. Then again, there are very few competitors that are good at everything. Oh plus I'm pretty sure (and too lazy to fact check this) that Casey and Wes were always carrying less weight than the team they were facing in Exile, thus giving them an advantage every time. (or maybe, at least leveling up the playing field since they still had Casey). But yah I'm going to agree with you that Wes's wins in exile don't really measure up to Derrick winning the number of eliminations he's won that were all different. So at least comparing at that level, I give the edge to Derrick. And I think Derrick is probably a better person than Wes, and I do like seeing him on challenges. But I LOVE to watch Wes and the drama he brings. Hmm I'm not really sure what the point I was trying to make was... maybe I didn't have one.
CharR, I was getting this out of everything you said: Derrick > Wes
[QUOTE=faceless;166066]CharR, I was getting this out of everything you said: Derrick > Wes[/QUOTE] I guess that was it yup. I mean, I would much rather have Derrick on my team if I was there, than Wes. I'm still Team Wes first of all because I want to see him take down JEK (who Derrick is with) and second because he's just so **** entertaining. But I'm just not as deluded about his physical capabilities (or mental or social capabilities) as many other Wes fans.
[QUOTE=CharR;166064][B]Lol but you could say that Wes managed to win those Exiles IN SPITE of having Casey as a partner.[/B] I'm not going to make that argument though, I think Wes won a bunch of Exiles which are all the same thing so he's good at that particular thing, doesn't make him good at EVERY type of elimination challenge. Then again, there are very few competitors that are good at everything. Oh plus I'm pretty sure (and too lazy to fact check this) that Casey and Wes were always carrying less weight than the team they were facing in Exile, thus giving them an advantage every time. (or maybe, at least leveling up the playing field since they still had Casey). But yah I'm going to agree with you that Wes's wins in exile don't really measure up to Derrick winning the number of eliminations he's won that were all different. So at least comparing at that level, I give the edge to Derrick. And I think Derrick is probably a better person than Wes, and I do like seeing him on challenges. But I LOVE to watch Wes and the drama he brings. Hmm I'm not really sure what the point I was trying to make was... maybe I didn't have one.[/QUOTE] And we could also say that Casey has a winning record in eliminations just because of Exiles. LoL, that's crazy, but she does.
Consider that Derrick outwrestled Syrus ... A wrestling match I feel that Wes would have easily lost.
Derrick's win was hyped up so much because he has been known as a fan favorite - a small, scrappy guy with a lot of heart and competitive ability. He'd done so many back to back challenges as well, and it just so happens he wins when he is a replacement competitor? Just a good story for that season. Derrick's social game is good, too. Notice during The Island and The Ruins, he was in with Evan and Kenny, who tend to control the games these days. On Gauntlet 2, he had friends and people who liked him, but he was still one of the more recent cast members (despite it being his third challenge) He had guys like David, Timmy, and Mark on his team. Those guys go way back, so he could have been a perfect angel and they still would have thrown him in at some point, I believe. On BOTS2, Derrick felt out of place, but he proved himself to his team on the first mission. He also did a good job on I2 as well. He did win a life shield, didn't he?
[QUOTE=RW561015;166414]Derrick's win was hyped up so much because he has been known as a fan favorite - a small, scrappy guy with a lot of heart and competitive ability. He'd done so many back to back challenges as well, and it just so happens he wins when he is a replacement competitor? Just a good story for that season. Derrick's social game is good, too. Notice during The Island and The Ruins, he was in with Evan and Kenny, who tend to control the games these days. On Gauntlet 2, he had friends and people who liked him, but he was still one of the more recent cast members (despite it being his third challenge) He had guys like David, Timmy, and Mark on his team. Those guys go way back, so he could have been a perfect angel and they still would have thrown him in at some point, I believe. On BOTS2, Derrick felt out of place, but he proved himself to his team on the first mission. He also did a good job on I2 as well. He did win a life shield, didn't he?[/QUOTE] Besides BOTS2, Derrick has always been a respected competitor. He won 2 life shields on I2.
[QUOTE=faceless;166431]Besides BOTS2, Derrick has always been a respected competitor. He won 2 life shields on I2.[/QUOTE] But he did earn some respect on BOTS2, even. He was very impressive on the first mission, which was one of the ones that showed individual strength, and he got the attention of his team then. He just got a bit hyper when he was picking pieces for the raft in that raft mission, which caused the team a turn in picking something. That, the fact that people were worried about his drinking, and of course there was that old guys alliance going on (though I can't remember if one of the old guys was up for elimination with Derrick during that mission). But I thought he did just fine on that challenge, and I don't think anyone really disliked him. Eric just seemed like the main one who may have had something against him, if he did (he was talking about the drinking).
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;166060]Wes has 8 sure, but most of his are in Exiles with a teammate which was Casey. There's nothing wrong with Exiles but in a head to head he's only won three and lost one. And the only REAL competition he's had was Derrick in Pole Wrestle and he barely won that against Derrick (who some say is very overrated, I'm not one of them BTW) and he was much bigger than Derrick and for the most part Derrick was slinging Wes around and Wes just hung on and eventually took the pole away from Derrick just because he was bigger and I would say Cohutta was competition for Wes but everybody would just say that Cohutta got lucky because of the game they played in the Ruins. And Derrick has won 6 elimination rounds and lost 3 two of which were head to head and if you want to count The Island faceoffs then he was 1-1 in those but the one he lost was on purpose to help Johnny.[/QUOTE] Damnit Adrian we just made peace ha. What Pole Wrestle were you watching? Derrick was not slinging around Wes at all. They were both evenly going at it for like the first three rounds. Then after that, it was all Wes. Even CT said Wes has a little more juice then Derrick. And if you remembered at the end Derrick goes I had it, and Wes goes you don't have it. Which, Wes was still on his knees at this point, and Derrick was just laying on the ground. Wes obviously with more endurance than Derrick. Then Wes practically rips the pole away from him, without using much strength if you ask me. To me it looks like Derrick gave up at the end. With Exiles, it was pretty much just him. Every girl on FM 1 was a lot better than Casey. Cohutta was definitely competition for Wes. Wes even said at the beginning of that Ruin, that this type wasn't in his favor of his strengths.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;166595]Damnit Adrian we just made peace ha. What Pole Wrestle were you watching? Derrick was not slinging around Wes at all. They were both evenly going at it for like the first three rounds. Then after that, it was all Wes. Even CT said Wes has a little more juice then Derrick. And if you remembered at the end Derrick goes I had it, and Wes goes you don't have it. Which, Wes was still on his knees at this point, and Derrick was just laying on the ground. Wes obviously with more endurance than Derrick. Then Wes practically rips the pole away from him, without using much strength if you ask me. To me it looks like Derrick gave up at the end. With Exiles, it was pretty much just him. Every girl on FM 1 was a lot better than Casey. Cohutta was definitely competition for Wes. Wes even said at the beginning of that Ruin, that this type wasn't in his favor of his strengths.[/QUOTE] All I know is the round before Wes finally ripped the pole away Derrick put Wes's face in the dirt. At one point Wes was completely in the air upside down after Derrick done some wrestling move on him. Maybe I shouldn't have said Wes was getting slung around but he was getting worked by Derrick. But props to Wes for holding on to the pole all the way and eventually taking it away from Derrick. I just watched the whole season of the Duel on MTV's site and I remember everything just fine so ...
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;166656]All I know is the round before Wes finally ripped the pole away Derrick put Wes's face in the dirt. At one point Wes was completely in the air upside down after Derrick done some wrestling move on him. Maybe I shouldn't have said Wes was getting slung around but he was getting worked by Derrick. But props to Wes for holding on to the pole all the way and eventually taking it away from Derrick. I just watched the whole season of the Duel on MTV's site and I remember everything just fine so ...[/QUOTE] Well, I have the season, so I've looked at it over and over again. I will admit Derrick had "better wrestling moves," if you will. However, they weren't threatening as to where Wes almost lost, or let go. Derricks strategy was good, by jumping and twisting. Even Wes was telling his competitors on the Spring Break Challenge to do it. Still, it wasn't enough to budge Wes in any shape or form.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;166776]Well, I have the season, so I've looked at it over and over again. I will admit Derrick had "better wrestling moves," if you will. However, they weren't threatening as to where Wes almost lost, or let go. Derricks strategy was good, by jumping and twisting. Even Wes was telling his competitors on the Spring Break Challenge to do it. [B]Still, it wasn't enough to budge Wes in any shape or form.[/QUOTE][/B] I know, I mean Wes was freakin ripped on that challenge just like he is now but he was probably bigger on the Duel. My whole point was a few people were saying Derrick is overrated and I just said if he's so overrated then how come big bad Wes took 20 minutes to beat him in something that was heavily favoring Wes due to the size/ muscle difference between the two? I know Derrick has better wrestling skills than Wes but with a pole muscle and strength matters too much and Wes was just too strong.
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;166780][/B] I know, I mean Wes was freakin ripped on that challenge just like he is now but he was probably bigger on the Duel. My whole point was a few people were saying Derrick is overrated and I just said if he's so overrated then how come big bad Wes took 20 minutes to beat him in something that was heavily favoring Wes due to the size/ muscle difference between the two? I know Derrick has better wrestling skills than Wes but with a pole muscle and strength matters too much and Wes was just too strong.[/QUOTE] I don't see why people call Derrick overrated. I mean I haven't heard one thing that makes him overrated. Everything anyone has said about him, positive wise, dealing with him as a competitor, is true. Now if someone was saying he's the number one overall best player, then he'd be overrated. However, I will agree with you on this one and say he is not overrated in the least bit.
