Real World/Road Rules/The Challenge: Where Are They Now?

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Recent Theresa

Idk when's the last time we got a Shavonda update, but:ma is looking good, wife & mother, and she writes blogs/has vlogs somewhere. Also sells clothes or some shit at [url=]ShopwithShavonda[/url]


Recent Theresa

dem abs >>>>>>

This snack lives in Nashville.

Ms. Success getting ready for the comeback >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

But let me not

Graphik wrote:

Ms. Success getting ready for the comeback >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

i thought you meant Jonna for a sec and I was like nah she getting ready for that Whopper Challenge

STOP! Jonna out here enjoying life. Lol

Oop I got caught

Jonna gained some weight. She still look good though.

Theresa's man ain't all that cute. But she looks great though. 

Oop I got caught

You petty as hell for that lmaoooooo.

Jonna needed to gain a little bit of weight--she looks good there

I really shouldn't have said anything, because she do look good. It's just not what I was expecting at all.

Jonna is naturally beautiful but man she always looks a mess. I think she was at Ryder's birthday party looking like a blow up doll. She's too young to look like a "mom-mom" as opposed to a ****. 

Randy Barry ******* ate Queena Dean. This is him and his wife (?)

That is NOT ******* Randy lmao. Omg.. What the hell happened...? He went from college hottie to slightly attractive daddy.

Jonna is naturally beautiful but man she always looks a mess. I think she was at Ryder's birthday party looking like a blow up doll. She's too young to look like a "mom-mom" as opposed to a ****. 

I need y'all to let Jonna live! She's a free spirit. Lol

I want Jonna back soooo bad. But given everything she's been through, I'm glad she has a stable family and her daughter is so friggen cute. It's so funny seeing her from Endurance to the party girl, bartender on Cancun, her journey through the Challenges and he breakdown from *******, to now. Love seeing someone show actual growth.

Ok last one for the night:

This pic is from October, but Ibis recently moved back to California and is some kind of film/tv producer.

Ibis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I still think she's going to make another random return in the near future lmao

Oh you know what- someone was asking about Casey Cooper recently:

Casey lives in Texas and is an office manager. She was a veterinary assistant recently as well. Currently still in school for Accounting. I don't have a recent pic tho.

The best I got

Casey prob doesn’t know how to upload pics tbh

Casey prob doesn't know how to upload pics tbh

********** nah her shit is just pretty locked down.

Recent Theresa


Sahar from RW: New Orleans 2. Actress and Editor. I believe she lives in Chicago.

Heres a more recent photo of Casey


Simon from RW Paris. He lives in LA. I believe he's some sort of dancer. His social media is pretty... risqué. So I got out quick lmao

Wow, thanks for these updates. Shavonda is gorgeous, no one is aging better than her. 

Ibis will probably still be attractive at 60.

Theresa needs a return. 

You could always tell Randy's hotness was only temporary.

That last pic looks nothing like Casey we knew.

Wow, thanks for these updates. Shavonda is gorgeous, no one is aging better than her. Ibis will probably still be attractive at 60.Theresa needs a return. You could always tell Randy's hotness was only temporary.That last pic looks nothing like Casey we knew.

if I get bored again soon I might do some more. I remember a few months back I found like Derek McCray's Facebook and dragged his ***.

Casey looks nothing like she used to


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