[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdcenq_quotes-and-moments-part-2_shortfilms]Dailymotion - Quotes and Moments Part 2 - a Film & TV video[/url]
This is Part 2 :)
[QUOTE=Old Friend;177883]That video was epic. it didn't seem as long as i thought it was. but very very funny.[/QUOTE]
There are 4 different videos. Only two have been posted though. I should have the others posted by tomorrow ;)
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdcujg_quotes-and-moments-part-3_shortfilms]Dailymotion - Quotes and Moments Part 3 - a Film & TV video[/url]
This is part 3 and I promise part 4 sometime tomorrow. I really like these last two, they are better in my opinion. :)
So I'm making the final part of my Best quotes and Moments, and if there is any that you guys feel that is missing and should be in there, then let me know because I will try and put them in if I have the clips for them.
If you can find the scene from Gauntlet 2 after the body painting mission where Derrick is talking about how happy he is that they won the mission and that all the guys on his team get to stay and someone runs by him and stuffs a speedo on his head, that is a great one.
Dan and Tina arguing in Inferno 2 and Tina telling him "thank you" followed by Dan sarcastically telling her "you're welcome". Also Abe freaking out at Tina after she accuses him of being in an alliance with the Miz. I believe Abe says something along the lines of "I AM NOT IN AN ALLIANCE WITH MIKE!!! AND ANYONE THAT THINKS SO CAN GO **** THEMSELVES!!!" followed by a frustrated scream and a glass getting whipped across the room. I enjoy it when people don't take any **** from Tina, she sucks.
Actually the one I want to see is from Battle of the Seasons where Theo from RR: MVT wins the scooter and promptly wrecks it in front of everyone.
From the same show, get Belou blowing up on Holly & Chadwick and the party that was had because of the hurricane.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;178133]Actually the one I want to see is from Battle of the Seasons where Theo from RR: MVT wins the scooter and promptly wrecks it in front of everyone.
From the same show, get Belou blowing up on Holly & Chadwick and the party that was had because of the hurricane.[/QUOTE]
Oooh those are good. Any moment from the Sidekick showdown, especially if you have the part where Timmy is asked what personal habit of his irks Emily the most, and he yells out "NOSEPICKING!".
Another classic Timmy line: "Are you allowed to pee yourself? (Eric and Mark: "Yes")...consider the car mine!"
Actually some more of that challenge: anything with Miz & Coral on that Sidekick Show which they ruled.
Some of the newer viewers need to see those bits to realize how much more fun those Challenges were than the most recent ones currently are.
I keep thinking of good ones...Inferno when Julie first tells Coral to shut her ******* mouth which ****** Coral off, David is standing there and makes the greatest face ever. Syrus says in an interview in the middle of all that "You do NOT want to get in an arguement with Coral."
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;178137]Actually some more of that challenge: anything with Miz & Coral on that Sidekick Show which they ruled.[/QUOTE]
Dan's hand motions were the best part of that challenge. That was most definitely one of my favorite challenges of all time.
[QUOTE=molds13;178141]Dan's hand motions were the best part of that challenge. That was most definitely one of my favorite challenges of all time.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha holy crap I forgot about that. "She would fix...the tatTOO on her TOE" all while making goofy gestures with his hands. Sidekick Showdown was definitely priceless. Tara saying that Dan is always tripping and falling and then the first thing he does when he comes back out is trips and falls. LMAO.
"Rachel eye's just ignite and flames start shooting out of them. She's like 'We're going to be playing dodge ball' and I'm like we're going to win, we have a lesbian on our team. Yes! Lesbian's always win dodge ball." :)
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdhy4m_quotes-and-moments-part-4_shortfilms]Dailymotion - Quotes and Moments Part 4 - a Film & TV video[/url]
Part 4!!! There will be a part 5 because it was too long for just one part :) Sorry bout the small screen!!
[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdi0u8_quotes-and-moments-part-5_shortfilms]Dailymotion - Quotes and Moments Part 5 - a Film & TV video[/url]
Part 5!!!!! :)
Nice you put in everything I asked for...thanks for listening to me! And as much as I can't stand Kenny, voting himself in on FM1 was pretty funny...and Tina's such an idiot for blowing up like that. They were going in anyway!
[QUOTE=tjhallow;69031]"If you see me on a challenge, get rid of me first. History repeats itself. If you not with me, you aint winning baby."--Darrell on Fresh Meat (4 for 4).[/QUOTE]
[strike]and they sure as hell did that on Fresh Meat II. HA! thats funny.[/strike]
And they sure as hell did that on Fresh Meat II. HA! That's funny.