The Real World: Portland - Ratings

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I'm just sad to this all very possibly come to an end. I will always hope for a bounce back but it looks like things are just going under. Small respite is when it's all said and done maybe they will sell the series to Netflix and we can watch the all the old seasons hopefully including RR. And then, maybe in 5-10 years, someone will go "Hey, let's bring that Real World/Road Rules/Challenge" show back and it will get a second life.
[QUOTE=Calinks;338796]Sad thing is, they actually put promotion into this season too.[/QUOTE]They gave it the same publicity that Vegas 2 received and it fell flat. I knew when I didn't see it trending that the ratings were gonna suck. Alot of other shows may trend, but still get bad ratings. The RW and the challenge don't tend to work like that. When you see it's trending worldwide it usually means folks are watching. If the ratings don't pick up, we're gonna look back at SD2 being the downfall of the RW.
Thanks Frank Sweeney.
[QUOTE=jhl182;338835]Thanks Frank Sweeney.[/QUOTE]Had Portland aired after Vegas, we wouldn't have this problem. San Diego had an amazing rating the first episode because it followed Vegas. I don't care what anyone says, SD as a whole was the knife that killed Real World.
^ Yep....
[QUOTE=Calinks;338829]And then, maybe in 5-10 years, someone will go "Hey, let's bring that Real World/Road Rules/Challenge" show back and it will get a second life.[/QUOTE] More like in the year 3000 when the Real World takes it's seven strangers to The Sun.
At this point idk what can be done to save RW. But maybe the fighting and chaos turned people off even more? that seems to be a constant never ending complaint, how the show went from a show of substance to a Jersey Shore rip off... but that's a whole nother issue. Hopefully MTV won't give up on promoting it and giving it re-runs although I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
TRW has never been a Jersey Shore rip off. Where'd you get that notion?
Not the show itself, that wouldn't be possible since RW started way before JS but I saw on imdb and twitter people were saying this season was trying too hard to be like Jersey Shore.
[QUOTE=KevinW;338851]Not the show itself, that wouldn't be possible since RW started way before JS but I saw on imdb and twitter people were saying this season was trying too hard to be like Jersey Shore.[/QUOTE] So I see. Had to be the IMDB trolls to call it a JS ripoff. They are seriously in denial much less tripping.
Like Alexndra Govere from San diego 2 said on her Spreet cast yesterday, the first episode ratings also depend on the season before. That she thinks that they are going to go up. for example : For example san diego 2 premiere ratings were good thanks to vegas being a good season. while st.thomas was bad because it came after a bad season
I watched the premier and won't be watching further. The show sucked, nothing was entertaining at all. The worst part was how annoying and scummy Jordan is. I also dislike Anastasia but she's not as bad as Jordan. Whoever said that this cast was so good looking was wrong about the females. Averey is the only particularly attractive female and it won't change when Nia gets there. Joi is the least attractive of the four, and when Nia comes she will also be the least attractive of the four.
[QUOTE=Pinky;338869]Like Alexndra Govere from San diego 2 said on her Spreet cast yesterday, the first episode ratings also depend on the season before. That she thinks that they are going to go up. for example : For example san diego 2 premiere ratings were good thanks to vegas being a good season. while st.thomas was bad because it came after a bad season[/QUOTE] We've had two bad seasons in a row and folks may have checked out. I don't think it's any guarantee the ratings get better.
[QUOTE=gbp02;338874]I watched the premier and won't be watching further. The show sucked, nothing was entertaining at all. The worst part was how annoying and scummy Jordan is. I also dislike Anastasia but she's not as bad as Jordan. Whoever said that this cast was so good looking was wrong about the females. Averey is the only particularly attractive female and it won't change when Nia gets there. Joi is the least attractive of the four, and when Nia comes she will also be the least attractive of the four.[/QUOTE]We must have watched two different shows
[QUOTE=gbp02;338874]I watched the premier and won't be watching further. The show sucked, nothing was entertaining at all. The worst part was how annoying and scummy Jordan is. I also dislike Anastasia but she's not as bad as Jordan. Whoever said that this cast was so good looking was wrong about the females. Averey is the only particularly attractive female and it won't change when Nia gets there. Joi is the least attractive of the four, and when Nia comes she will also be the least attractive of the four.[/QUOTE] We must have watched two different shows
[QUOTE=gbp02;338874]I watched the premier and won't be watching further. The show sucked, nothing was entertaining at all. The worst part was how annoying and scummy Jordan is. I also dislike Anastasia but she's not as bad as Jordan. Whoever said that this cast was so good looking was wrong about the females. Averey is the only particularly attractive female and it won't change when Nia gets there. Joi is the least attractive of the four, and when Nia comes she will also be the least attractive of the four.[/QUOTE] Is it me or are the females getting less and less attractive each season!!
[QUOTE=rachel_28;338880]Is it me or are the females getting less and less attractive each season!![/QUOTE] Are you kidding this is the best looking set of females in years, since DC I'd say. As for the men, there way a head of St Thomas but nothing above average.
[QUOTE=KevinW;338844]At this point idk what can be done to save RW. But maybe the fighting and chaos turned people off even more? that seems to be a constant never ending complaint, how the show went from a show of substance to a Jersey Shore rip off... but that's a whole nother issue. Hopefully MTV won't give up on promoting it and giving it re-runs although I wouldn't be surprised if they do.[/QUOTE] Like someone said I think folks have checked out, esp. after the last two seasons. The fans and viewers that are left are so inconsistent too. TRW gives you substance or drama-free then it's viewed as boring, they give you entertainment then it's viewed as too much/rip-off/etc.People complain about every little thing. Also, why can't people comprehend that Nia is obviously a replacement and coming later in the season if she's not on the first episode? It's really not that hard.... what world are we living in.
[QUOTE=gbp02;338874]I watched the premier and won't be watching further. The show sucked, nothing was entertaining at all. The worst part was how annoying and scummy Jordan is. I also dislike Anastasia but she's not as bad as Jordan. Whoever said that this cast was so good looking was wrong about the females. Averey is the only particularly attractive female and it won't change when Nia gets there. Joi is the least attractive of the four, and when Nia comes she will also be the least attractive of the four.[/QUOTE] You have no taste....
I don't genuinely understand why anyone comments about people's attractiveness on TV as if it's a make-or-break deal for viewership. I mean do people really tune into the show just to watch beautiful people do mundane things? And people wonder why BMP keeps casting people who are aspiring models. I think Nia said it best on Alexandra's spreecast. People tune into the Kardashian show and don't care about the "stupid ****" they say, as long as people get to [I]look[/I] at them talk on TV. I think people are tuning into the wrong show if they're expecting a soap opera or runway show. The quality of TRW has declined, yes, but not for the reasons people keep complaining about.
[QUOTE=cystic;338888]I don't genuinely understand why anyone comments about people's attractiveness on TV as if it's a make-or-break deal for viewership. I mean do people really tune into the show just to watch beautiful people do mundane things? And people wonder why BMP keeps casting people who are aspiring models. I think Nia said it best on Alexandra's spreecast. People tune into the Kardashian show and don't care about the "stupid ****" they say, as long as people get to [I]look[/I] at them talk on TV. I think people are tuning into the wrong show if they're expecting a soap opera or runway show. The quality of TRW has declined, yes, but not for the reasons people keep complaining about.[/QUOTE] I think with some people it's a stigma of "For a show that usually features attractive people, how the hell did this person get on the show?" especially if their personality is also really lacking. Personally, outside of Avery, I don't find any of these girls attractive in the face and they all have other things as well that I don't find attractive. That doesn't mean I'd be less likely to watch the show, but admittedly, the more attractive ones seem to have everyone's eye on them earlier than the rest.
[QUOTE=wutzrenzi;338886]Like someone said I think folks have checked out, esp. after the last two seasons. The fans and viewers that are left are so inconsistent too. TRW gives you substance or drama-free then it's viewed as boring, they give you entertainment then it's viewed as too much/rip-off/etc.People complain about every little thing. [/QUOTE] Exactly and that's what sucks. The show is either too "trashy" or too "Jersey Shore like" or old fans are upset because they miss the old school RW but old school RW isn't gonna bring in ratings and even if BMP wanted to they couldn't make an old school RW because times are just different so either way MTV and BMP can't win. But in this case, you have a season that was promoted probably more than any other season in recent years, good drama, arguments and fights also mixed with a pretty good cast... I don't get why people aren't watching.
The reason why people could be confused about the new cast member is that they featured her in promos prominently. That hasn't happened in recent seasons when someone gets replaced. Some viewers may be thinking that she is some twist cast member that shows up later for some reason other than someone going home. Who is to say that TRW didn't try to change things up to boost ratings? Or remember when they used to have fans vote one housemate into the show? Not everyone is going to assume it's because someone goes home, especially so early.
[QUOTE=KevinW;338894]Exactly and that's what sucks. The show is either too "trashy" or too "Jersey Shore like" or old fans are upset because they miss the old school RW but old school RW isn't gonna bring in ratings and even if BMP wanted to they couldn't make an old school RW because times are just different so either way MTV and BMP can't win. But in this case, you have a season that was promoted probably more than any other season in recent years, good drama, arguments and fights also mixed with a pretty good cast... I don't get why people aren't watching.[/QUOTE] 1. Because people just don't give two ****s about this show or MTV anymore. 2. The amount of stuff to watch on Wednesday compared to the show is huge. Duck Dynasty had 8.5 million viewers at 10:00, that's basically like going up against the season premiere of Jersey Shore season 3 or 4. There was also the Miami Heat losing for the first time since the beginning of February to see. Hell, the show lost in terms of viewers to SIX IN THE MORNING reruns of Full House. 6 AM!
[QUOTE=KevinW;338894]I don't get why people aren't watching.[/QUOTE] MTV was marketing Portland to its existing MTV audience. People may be impressed by the replays of past RW seasons; but, again, the audience was internal to MTV. Sure, they did some outreach via email to people who had previously registered at Unfortunately for RW, they lost their prior audience for good reasons. That old audience has so many more interesting options now on cable or satellite on Wed at 10 PM, that expecting the "old school" viewers to easily return is unrealistic. For a relatively small cost, MTV could have contracted 30 of their popular RW/RR cast members email all the people with accounts. That outreach would have received a much greater positive response.
Not sure if this was said yet, but MTV certainly does NOT need to be showing Ridiculousness 24/7. They were showing it before the premiere, and then right after the premiere instead of showing a repeat, they show True Life: I'm Addicted to Tanning. :frown-new: And all of yesterday, all they showed was Ridiculousness. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen the show, it's just a less funny rip-off of Tosh.0. Maybe instead of having the RW marathon over the weekend (or in addition to) could have shown another marathon of a popular season right before the premiere, maybe LA, Denver, Austin, Vegas 2? Anything would have been better than Ridiculousness. (BTW, I tried to write this last night, but for some reason was not able to)
[QUOTE=arilicious;338903]Not sure if this was said yet, but MTV certainly does NOT need to be showing Ridiculousness 24/7. They were showing it before the premiere, and then right after the premiere instead of showing a repeat, they show True Life: I'm Addicted to Tanning. :frown-new: And all of yesterday, all they showed was Ridiculousness. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen the show, it's just a less funny rip-off of Tosh.0. Maybe instead of having the RW marathon over the weekend (or in addition to) could have shown another marathon of a popular season right before the premiere, maybe LA, Denver, Austin, Vegas 2? Anything would have been better than Ridiculousness. (BTW, I tried to write this last night, but for some reason was not able to)[/QUOTE] I would rather watch 16 and pregnant than ridiculousness
I've never understood that. MTV really has nothing to offer tbh (I love Awkward though).
[QUOTE=V1man;338897]MTV was marketing Portland to its existing MTV audience. People may be impressed by the replays of past RW seasons; but, again, the audience was internal to MTV. Sure, they did some outreach via email to people who had previously registered at Unfortunately for RW, they lost their prior audience for good reasons. That old audience has so many more interesting options now on cable or satellite on Wed at 10 PM, that expecting the "old school" viewers to easily return is unrealistic. For a relatively small cost, MTV could have contracted 30 of their popular RW/RR cast members email all the people with accounts. That outreach would have received a much greater positive response.[/QUOTE] Just curious, did you watch the premiere? Do you think the rating should have be better?
[QUOTE=WallyT09;338904]I would rather watch 16 and pregnant than ridiculousness[/QUOTE] Both are pretty good actually.
