The Real World: D.C. (Spoilers)

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The Early Show on CBS just did a piece on reality shows in DC and mentioned The Real World. It said MTV will probably announce as early as today.
They are rushing these entirely too fast... Bacchus, is there an article about it? If so please send the link. I would like to read it.
[quote=blanky667;82958]They are rushing these entirely too fast... Bacchus, is there an article about it? If so please send the link. I would like to read it.[/quote] Nope, no article...I literally just watched it 5 minutes ago - but will look for video and such later on [URL=""]The Early Show website[/URL]. Clearly MTV's hand was forced. I shot my PR contact a note and hopefully will get the release hot off the press if they do infact decide to go official today.
[quote=Bacchus;82960]Nope, no article...I literally just watched it 5 minutes ago - but will look for video and such later on [URL=""]The Early Show website[/URL]. Clearly MTV's hand was forced. I shot my PR contact a note and hopefully will get the release hot off the press if they do infact decide to go official today.[/quote]Wow... lots of stuff going on. Do you know if BMP has found what they were looking for in the cast? Or am I just asking incredibly early?
[quote=blanky667;82961]Wow... lots of stuff going on. Do you know if BMP has found what they were looking for in the cast? Or am I just asking incredibly early?[/quote] Casting is finished. Is that what you mean?
[quote=Bacchus;82962]Casting is finished. Is that what you mean?[/quote]No. I remember i another thread (I believe it was the Real World 23 Casting or something along the name of that) certain posters were stating what BMP was looking forward in the cast. Such as an individual with weight issues or someone that was adopted... did BMP cast individuals with these lifestories/issues?
[quote=blanky667;82964]No. I remember i another thread (I believe it was the Real World 23 Casting or something along the name of that) certain posters were stating what BMP was looking forward in the cast. Such as an individual with weight issues or someone that was adopted... did BMP cast individuals with these lifestories/issues?[/quote] I know that there were [I]actually[/I] looking for such cast members as a few perspective applicants did tell me there was that kind of diversity in the later rounds, but I am not sure if any actually made the final cast cuts.
[quote=Bacchus;82965]I know that there were [I]actually[/I] looking for such cast members as a few perspective applicants did tell me there was that kind of diversity in the later rounds, but I am not sure if any actually made the final cast cuts.[/quote]Thats cool. I really hope one of those few made it. Do you also know if a lot of the finalists had any different political views? Such as a very strong democratic and a very strong republican.
[quote=blanky667;82964]No. I remember i another thread (I believe it was the Real World 23 Casting or something along the name of that) certain posters were stating what BMP was looking forward in the cast. Such as an individual with weight issues or someone that was adopted... did BMP cast individuals with these lifestories/issues?[/quote] My friend made it to Finals (and no, I'm not revealing if he made it on the show so don't ask me), and I made it to Semi-Finals...we both had yes, they were casting for that. He's more f*%$ed up than I am though...haha...I guess that's why he made it to Finals. haha.
[quote=blanky667;82966]Thats cool. I really hope one of those few made it. Do you also know if a lot of the finalists had any different political views? Such as a very strong democratic and a very strong republican.[/quote] I don't know of any cast members. We'll just have to wait and see. :D
[quote=CannotTellU;82967]My friend made it to Finals (and no, I'm not revealing if he made it on the show so don't ask me), and I made it to Semi-Finals...we both had yes, they were casting for that. He's more f*%$ed up than I am though...haha...I guess that's why he made it to Finals. haha.[/quote]Hahahaha. Cool. I hope your friend made it. Could you explain specifically what they were casting for? Just over-weight issues and adoption? Or was there more. (I'm expecting to hear that there was more).
Anytime you bring politics into most things it turns to crap mostly. It just can create alot of drama and I can definitely see them doing that. Plus something tells me this could be a darker season than most. Though I know nothing lol So who knows how it will turn out.
[QUOTE=blanky667;82969]Hahahaha. Cool. I hope your friend made it. Could you explain specifically what they were casting for? Just over-weight issues and adoption? Or was there more. (I'm expecting to hear that there was more).[/QUOTE] The types of people between 18 and 24 years old most sought after for Real World number 23: -Physically challenged or handicapped -Obese or struggling with weight issues -Going through the immigrant-to-citizenship process themselves or an immediate family member -Was adopted via the foster-care system -Grieving over the loss of a spouse or significant other -Deeply passionate about a cause or social issue Whether they were actually cast, we will have to wait and see.
[QUOTE=molds13;82975]The types of people between 18 and 24 years old most sought after for Real World number 23: -Physically challenged or handicapped -Obese or struggling with weight issues -Going through the immigrant-to-citizenship process themselves or an immediate family member -Was adopted via the foster-care system -Grieving over the loss of a spouse or significant other -Deeply passionate about a cause or social issue Whether they were actually cast, we will have to wait and see.[/QUOTE]Thank You, Molds for that list.
[quote=blanky667;82969]Hahahaha. Cool. I hope your friend made it. Could you explain specifically what they were casting for? Just over-weight issues and adoption? Or was there more. (I'm expecting to hear that there was more).[/quote] [SIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]They were definitely looking for life stories. [/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]I will speak a little about me without going into too much detail as I plan to audition again. For one, I met several of the bullet points they were searching for (mentioned at the beginning of this thread). If there were such a think as a one-eyed, foster kid, with addiction problems, who was abused, and diseased...that would be me...I'm not saying that is me...I'm just giving an example of how ridic my background is.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]My problem was I had just started some very strong medications between 1st round and semi-finals...and I was loopy while in Semi-Finals...Just had a hard time answering the questions directly, couldn't focus, couldn't think. Right after Semi-Finals I suffered a nervous breakdown, crashed my car while drunk driving, tried to commit suicide, and a whole bunch of other crap that has landed me in rehab so I wasn't stable enough to move forward. But if I'm in a better place in the fall then I'll audition again. And if they don't want me...then they can*******...I've been filming my life throughout my I'll put it out in documentary form in the future...assuming I make it that long.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]PS. Anyone going to DC Pride this weekend? Message me if you are.[/SIZE][/FONT]
That's very interesting to see insight on their casting selections/aspirations! By the way, you mentioned auditioning again in the that when they have stated they will start open casting again or is that just the normal course of action due to when the next season will be finished? Just wondering, so that I know when to be aware of casting again!
The casting process takes about 5 months. And they will begin filming Season 24 right as Season 23 begins to air. So if that is the case, Season 24 will begin filming sometime in early Feb...which means casting will begin during August. Yea. I just hope they pick interesting people...they've been lacking in that department for a while...minus a few select individuals scattered throughout different seasons. I think the Brooklyn cast definitely had more interesting, deep individuals...but I felt like they were held back from showing how truly dynamic they are...maybe they could have done a better job mixing the cast together. It just goes to show that when only 8 people are being cast, it's really important that they get the right mix of people to provide interesting stories, growth, and action. I hope DC has Brooklyn-type cast members but with a couple of people who just throw things for a crazy loop. Based off my discussions with Damien Fulberg, Jim Johnson, and the other staffers...I think they'll hit the nail on the head. I miss them...they kinda rocked my world for a couple of months.
I see...well I will definitely keep my eyes wide open for any casting opportunities! As I'm sure everyone here at vevmo will be! Thanks for the info!
weird you met Jim? None of the Cancun cast until production started. [quote=CannotTellU;83144]The casting process takes about 5 months. And they will begin filming Season 24 right as Season 23 begins to air. So if that is the case, Season 24 will begin filming sometime in early Feb...which means casting will begin during August. Yea. I just hope they pick interesting people...they've been lacking in that department for a while...minus a few select individuals scattered throughout different seasons. I think the Brooklyn cast definitely had more interesting, deep individuals...but I felt like they were held back from showing how truly dynamic they are...maybe they could have done a better job mixing the cast together. It just goes to show that when only 8 people are being cast, it's really important that they get the right mix of people to provide interesting stories, growth, and action. I hope DC has Brooklyn-type cast members but with a couple of people who just throw things for a crazy loop. Based off my discussions with Damien Fulberg, Jim Johnson, and the other staffers...I think they'll hit the nail on the head. I miss them...they kinda rocked my world for a couple of months.[/quote]
this is my last post on vevmo for awhile (I have a lot of respect for the dedication the moderators, fans, etc that post..) but in all retro-spect.. some of these people who post who have apparently 'been casted' or made it through the 'casting period' - - - - I think are lying. I have literally read the most outrageous things on here that someone who is being casted would never even know about. The casting directors aren't allowed to tell you the motives for the season - I didn't know ANYTHING, along with my fellow cast mates until I got HOME. Literally, you aren't allowed to communicate with the crew, and during casting they are SO TOP SECRET it's almost funny. I think the mods should just keep this in mind while browsing through these threads - - because people are giving false hopes and actually ruining peoples future opportunities for being on the show - my best advice is to seek as little information as you can - because the more you know - and let on that you know - the less likely they are to cast you.
[QUOTE=emilee;83645]this is my last post on vevmo for awhile (I have a lot of respect for the dedication the moderators, fans, etc that post..) but in all retro-spect.. some of these people who post who have apparently 'been casted' or made it through the 'casting period' - - - - I think are lying. I have literally read the most outrageous things on here that someone who is being casted would never even know about. The casting directors aren't allowed to tell you the motives for the season - I didn't know ANYTHING, along with my fellow cast mates until I got HOME. Literally, you aren't allowed to communicate with the crew, and during casting they are SO TOP SECRET it's almost funny. I think the mods should just keep this in mind while browsing through these threads - - because people are giving false hopes and actually ruining peoples future opportunities for being on the show - my best advice is to seek as little information as you can - because the more you know - and let on that you know - the less likely they are to cast you.[/QUOTE] Emilee, I think you likely just did a great public service to some of these people who [I]think they know[/I] the secrets. I agree with you that if casting were so predictable, *everyone* would end up in call backs and on TRW. That said, please don't leave! I think you can be the "BS" police! [B]Note[/B]: I do believe that the person above is legit for other reasons, that I can't disclose. That, or he's duped a very reliable source of mine.
[quote=wiggyndc;83646]Emilee, I think you likely just did a great public service to some of these people who [I]think they know[/I] the secrets. I agree with you that if casting were so predictable, *everyone* would end up in call backs and on TRW. That said, please don't leave! I think you can be the "BS" police! [B]Note[/B]: I do believe that the person above is legit for other reasons, that I can't disclose. That, or he's duped a very reliable source of mine.[/quote] yes well apparently one of the personalities behind 'cannottellyou' made it onto the DC cast. . anyway.. each season is different I suppose.. all I know is cancun was top notch secret. my reaction to them telling me about cancun isn't even legit because I didn't know until the phone call telling me I made it?
[quote=emilee;83648]yes well apparently one of the personalities behind 'cannottellyou' made it onto the DC cast. . anyway.. each season is different I suppose.. all I know is cancun was top notch secret. my reaction to them telling me about cancun isn't even legit because I didn't know until the phone call telling me I made it?[/quote] Emilee, I agree with some of your post and disagree with other parts of your post. I understand that the producers are top secret with how they cast, who they plan on casting, why they cast etc. However, casting for RW Washington was a little different. The producers made it a point to tell people who they were looking to cast. Therefore, giving more insight into the kinda of people they wanted. I don't think we should go around calling people like poster Cannotellyou a liar or whatever.
[quote=emilee;83648]yes well apparently one of the personalities behind 'cannottellyou' made it onto the DC cast. . anyway.. each season is different I suppose.. all I know is cancun was top notch secret. my reaction to them telling me about cancun isn't even legit because I didn't know until the phone call telling me I made it?[/quote] Whoa whoa whoa, home slice. Here's the story for people who want to know. There are 2 people who use this sn. 1 them made it through finals...the other made it to semi-finals...which Em and I discussed in private messages before. Obviously, the one who made it to finals can't post so he doesn't...and honestly, he has not even told me if he made the cast. I never signed a contract bc I didn't make it I'm allowed to speak all I want about my experience. For the DC cast they were looking for specific people...and my friend and I both were the types of people they were seeking....especially him as he had a story that even the CDs said would make him one of the most remembered in the shows history. I'm not saying he made it on...I never posted that. But sorry girl, do some google searching and you'll see that they knew exactly what they were looking for before they even started casting in Feb. As for Jim...he came back from Cancun earlier and helped select people for semi-Finals and Finals and was there for part of the process. Personally, I bet the Producers were more hands on in selecting ths DC cast than the Cancun cast bc it would be more difficult to cast a good blend for DC given the story lines they were looking to potray.
Thanks for clearing that up CannotTellU. I'm starting to believe that this season will be like no other. With the effort that BMP is putting into this, I'm sure it won't dissapoint anyone.
Vevmo is mentioned in this article at Reality Blurred: [URL=""][U][B][/URL][/B][/U]
Even though the information sounds legit, I would still like to say thanks to Emilee for the advice! Not towards anyone in particular and not that I am disregarding anyone's words, but for the fact that Emilee, you reminded not to be too gullible about these things and to not fully put all my trust in someone's word! Sometimes I get caught up in the auditioning process that I begin to just believe everything I hear! Thanks! And Emilee, that was actually genuine haha! I'm am the worst when it comes to typing things without them coming off sarcastic! Thanks again!
Is It Too Early To start a thread On The D.C Cast? lol. Im very excited lol.. I dont thnik its true but i read somewhere that A Reality T.V star from Vh1, was going to be on it? The Only person i can think of Is The Girl From Rock Of love bus Britanya Bacasue she is smoking Hott!
[quote=Soon2bOnRwRr;83842]Is It Too Early To start a thread On The D.C Cast? lol. Im very excited lol.. I dont thnik its true but i read somewhere that A Reality T.V star from Vh1, was going to be on it? The Only person i can think of Is The Girl From Rock Of love bus Britanya Bacasue she is smoking Hott![/quote] Where did you read that? I would hope Ashley, she's so disgustingly trashy, but she's funny.
[QUOTE=Soon2bOnRwRr;83842]I dont thnik its true but i read somewhere that A Reality T.V star from Vh1, was going to be on it? [/QUOTE] If you are going to say something like this, please provide a link so that the rest of us may read it for ourselves to determine its validity.
