The Real World: D.C. (Spoilers)

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I really just want to know what part the cast will most likely be in!!
[QUOTE=Buck05;77491]I've been a huge follower of the show since the Seattle season (wow)... and all this time I've been waiting for seasons in D.C. and Atlanta. Half of my wish has been granted, now when in the world will the RW go to Atlanta!?!?[/QUOTE] There's a thread for that roaming around here somewhere :D
[QUOTE=Ms. Dynasty;77495]I really just want to know what part the cast will most likely be in!![/QUOTE] Soon enough my dear, soon enough...
[quote=molds13;77490]Actually, anywhere about 5-10 minutes driving distance out of downtown Detroit could be considered "inhabitable" by production. The fact is, Detroit is hardly "interesting" enough and/or safe enough to be able to handle a season of the Real World... Royal Oak is not the only safe place. There's also Auburn Hills, 45 minutes out of Detroit, where the Detroit Pistons ACTUALLY play. Grosse Pointe, a 5 minute drive from Greektown, is one of the wealthiest areas in the state. Most of Oakland County and areas west of Detroit in Washtenaw County (as in Ann Arbor) are also completely safe areas. The only thing is that people would be able to tell that these people are not living "in" Detroit. 15-20 minutes outside of Chicago and New York is considerably different to 15-20 outside of Detroit considering that Detroit is one of the only major cities in the United States to not have their own public transportation system. I can think of many reasons that the Real World would never consider coming to Detroit. These are just a few...the main reason (in my opinion) being that it's just the most pathetic giant city in the United States. However, Detroit is not nearly as dangerous as Washington DC in terms of crime rates. Let's just hope they don't whip out their iPhones in the middle of the city ;) I'm still excited to see where in DC the house will actually be.[/quote] It's a shame, Detroit looks like such a pretty city....FROM ABOVE! Back on topic... I still say they are going to be in Adams Morgan, where they were originally supposed to shoot a few years ago. It's the "cool" new place to be in DC, which BMP always picks as the location. Where is Adams Morgan located in DC? (to people that are in or around)
[quote=molds13;77499]There's a thread for that roaming around here somewhere :D[/quote] Not to digress but I think I recall someone saying that a RW ATL wasnt going to happen because someone supposedly "important" doesn't want a RW to be tapped there..But I don't think I heard it from Bachshizzle or V1mizzle so Im not going to sound confirming..You never know with these things.. Sorry Molds I just get so excited when it comes to the Real World :girl_crazy:!!!!!!!!!!
[quote=jku20;77503]It's a shame, Detroit looks like such a pretty city....FROM ABOVE! Back on topic... I still say they are going to be in Adams Morgan, where they were originally supposed to shoot a few years ago. It's the "cool" new place to be in DC, which BMP always picks as the location. Where is Adams Morgan located in DC? (to people that are in or around)[/quote] I hope its Adams Morgan..The place is great, people are nice and friendly, there are bars and clubs near, there's 2 punk stores I [B]love [/B]and Dupont Circle [[which is basically Gay Central :heart:]]is not too far..
[QUOTE=jku20;77503] Where is Adams Morgan located in DC? (to people that are in or around)[/QUOTE] Say it with me: Google is my friend...Google is my friend... From my Google Maps, it looks as though Adams Morgan is located in the northwest area of Washington, DC.
[quote=molds13;77506]Say it with me: Google is my friend...Google is my friend... From my Google Maps, it looks as though Adams Morgan is located in the northwest area of Washington, DC.[/quote] Indeed it is and you all will see me in every episode LOL
[quote=molds13;77506]Say it with me: Google is my friend...Google is my friend... From my Google Maps, it looks as though Adams Morgan is located in the northwest area of Washington, DC.[/quote] Bleh, I hate googling! I knew Dynasty was around so I was guessing I'd get a quick answer hahaha
[QUOTE=Ms. Dynasty;77507]Indeed it is and you all will see me in every episode LOL[/QUOTE] Just let us know what color your hair is that week ;)
[quote=jku20;77508]Bleh, I hate googling! I knew Dynasty was around so I was guessing I'd get a quick answer hahaha[/quote] LOOLLL yes indeedy! Molds, my hair will be the natural colors..Blue or purple
[QUOTE=jku20;77508]Bleh, I hate googling! I knew Dynasty was around so I was guessing I'd get a quick answer hahaha[/QUOTE] I'm not exactly the biggest fan of laziness, so you get no sympathy from me. It took me all of 10 seconds.
[quote=molds13;77477]Royal Oak is at 15-20 minute drive from Detroit. If they had wanted them to live "right outside" of Detroit, they would have placed them in Grosse Pointe or another surrounding city.[/quote] That may be true but it still be called Detroit. I mean look at Brooklyn, they hardly even went out and about. They went to a whole another city sometimes
[QUOTE=jku20;77503] I still say they are going to be in Adams Morgan, where they were originally supposed to shoot a few years ago.[B] It's the "cool" new place to be in DC[/B], which BMP always picks as the location. Where is Adams Morgan located in DC? (to people that are in or around)[/QUOTE] Adams Morgan is yesterday's news relegated to drunken, overgrown fratboys and their ilk. If you're looking for a "new" upcoming neighborhood the hipsters love the Atlas District/ H Street Corridor but the surrounding area is still quite rough.
[quote=Corals Rack;77551]Adams Morgan is yesterday's news relegated to drunken, overgrown fratboys and their ilk. If you're looking for a "new" upcoming neighborhood the hipsters love the Atlas District/ H Street Corridor but the surrounding area is still quite rough.[/quote] Ew at hipsters
[quote=Corals Rack;77551]Adams Morgan is yesterday's news relegated to drunken, overgrown fratboys and their ilk. If you're looking for a "new" upcoming neighborhood the hipsters love the Atlas District/ H Street Corridor but the surrounding area is still quite rough.[/quote] Died that quickly, huh?
[quote=jku20;77876]Died that quickly, huh?[/quote] LOL!!! I think this forum has been pretty live since there is no show to actually comment on just yet..I can't wait until things get started with this cast!!
[quote=Ms. Dynasty;78081]LOL!!! I think this forum has been pretty live since there is no show to actually comment on just yet..I can't wait until things get started with this cast!![/quote] haha nah I was talking about Adams Morgan being hip like a few months ago, and its not anymore (apparently)
[quote=jku20;78144]haha nah I was talking about Adams Morgan being hip like a few months ago, and its not anymore (apparently)[/quote] Well for this cast, I assume this may be their 1st time there if Adams Morgan is chosen spot, I think it will definitely be new and a fun experience..Its like NY its the same ol same ol, But to those who've never been there it's still the place to be!
Alright, everyone apply so we have the inside scoop! :D [URL=""]Bunim-Murray Productions-Production Assistant[/URL]
[quote=Bacchus;78242]Alright, everyone apply so we have the inside scoop! [/quote] Looks like the above link from [I][/I] is now [B]members only[/B] (whereas an hour ago it was free for anyone to read.) Oh, I guess it is 100% confirmed now (rather than just 99.98% confirmed) that we were correct in our previous "assumptions" about the location of the show. Thanks BMP! Below is a snapshot of the listing, although the details are missing (clearly stating they were filming a reality show in the DC metro.) But do we really need the details at this point? Time to go house hunting! [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [LEFT] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
Does BMP typically hire more locals and bring only a few people in to do the filming, or is it mostly full-time BMP employees that travel to each RW city for the time they are filming?
The powers that be taketh, google and a creative search methodology giveth back. Such is the reality that once it is published, it is[I] published. [/I][CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] p.s Yes, I'm make sure to tell BMP we found this listing at, although I wouldn't hold my breath on that commission, lol.
Whats the pay like ? Just wondering .
Anonymous's picture
Anyone here live around DC besides V? LOL...
I live near the area and I would take the position but I don't have much office experience [[rather than being a student aid which is sort of equivelent]] And 2, if I try to take this job..I feel like the chances of me getting a spot on the show someday would be slimmer than ever..
I live in Baltimore
[QUOTE=tjhallow;78323]Anyone here live around DC besides V? LOL...[/QUOTE] Yup.
I just clicked the [URL=""]link[/URL] to see what was happening on the job site that had the Bunim-Murray listing earlier and it [I]now[/I] says: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Well, that's that. I guess the show is not going to be in DC after all. Shucks. We'll have to start looking all over again for The Real World 23 location. :wink2: [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3][B][FONT=Arial Narrow]These aren't the droids you're looking for...[/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Maybe they just took it down?
