[QUOTE=mcis1979;188307]^^^ that would be cool if someone knew how to do that but no one knows where to start. Also its pretty obvious this season is going to be international or in Texas because it would follow the 3 season rule...
13. Paris
16. Austin (not international but still the first time they went to TX and everyone knows that might as well be its own country)
19. Sydney
22. Cancun
25. Canada??? Europe?? Asia? Texas again???[/QUOTE]
Don't be ridiculous.
Anyway I can feel myself getting more and more pissed that BMP rejected me, It would [strike]of[/strike] have been perfect timing for me right now.
[QUOTE=ILoveRW;188315]Don't be ridiculous.
Anyway I can feel myself getting more and more pissed that BMP rejected me, It would [strike]of[/strike] have been perfect timing for me right now.[/QUOTE]
I know how it is to get rejected and you know you would be a good fit for the due to the casting that BMP have on the show so far. I hope the people that brought BMP go that route hope they change some things. Who knows
[QUOTE=nightmarekev;188321]I know how it is to get rejected and you know you would be a good fit for the due to the casting that BMP have on the show so far. I hope the people that brought BMP go that route hope they change some things. Who knows[/QUOTE]
It may be a good thing if you got rejected; I haven't read a competent post from you yet.
[QUOTE=icubaby;188324]It may be a good thing if you got rejected; I haven't read a competent post from you yet.[/QUOTE]
[strike]why you say it may be a good thing?[/strike]
Why do you say it may be a good thing?
I doubt we'll ever see an Asian RW season. I could see Toronto/Vancouver being the next international locations. As for big cities left in the states that are interesting... Atlanta and Pittsburgh are all that I can think of. Maybe Dallas/Houston
I could see the next Back to... season being Vegas or Miami.
Anyway I can't wait to try out next year when I'll almost be 21.
So we know that
1.the location has been selected
2.the cast has been notified
3.filming will begin by the end of this month or early next month
So the notices for crew should be out,right? So how would one go about finding that?
I believe they were posted on Monster or Craigslist the past 2 years -- does anyone remember?
Also -- the past two seasons, we've basically already known the location before now. DC we knew before they started doing Semi-Finals...and New Orleans was figured out by Baccus right before Finals started. So the info is out there -- you just have to go look.
I don't know if this means anything bc casting recruiters would be what? casting producers?
idk but why would they need to be in Scottsdale for 10 weeks...? and I know 10 weeks is less than what the show is usually filmed for but maybe this is all pre-production stuff.
[url=http://phoenix.craigslist.org/cph/tfr/1807457778.html]Casting Recruiters Needed for MTV Series[/url]
[QUOTE=mcis1979;188964]I don't know if this means anything bc casting recruiters would be what? casting producers?
idk but why would they need to be in Scottsdale for 10 weeks...? and I know 10 weeks is less than what the show is usually filmed for but maybe this is all pre-production stuff.
Casting recruiters are people who recruit a cast.
[QUOTE=molds13;188969]Casting recruiters are people who recruit a cast.[/QUOTE]
[strike]well thats cool but why would they need to know club owners and such like it says...? and this was posted not to long ago like last week or so and i thought casting was close to being done by now...[/strike]
Well that's cool, but why would they need to know club owners and stuff like that? And this was posted not too long ago, like last week or so, and I thought casting was close to being done by now.
[QUOTE=mcis1979;189108][strike]well thats cool but why would they need to know club owners and such like it says...? and this was posted not to long ago like last week or so and i thought casting was close to being done by now...[/strike]
Well that's cool, but why would they need to know club owners and stuff like that? And this was posted not too long ago, like last week or so, and I thought casting was close to being done by now.[/QUOTE]
So they can get in and promote what they're doing through the bars and clubs they're going to to get the maximum amount of people involved and interested.
The ad says they are [B]trying to find the right people[/B] for a show. RW25 has already been cast. And what person in their late teens-late 20s doesn't know about Real World by now?
Just did a quick search and the guy that posted the ad is a casting director for "Is she really going out with him?" The show is shooting in Scottsdale August-October.
[QUOTE=ThePNW;189266]Just did a quick search and the guy that posted the ad is a casting director for "Is she really going out with him?" The show is shooting in Scottsdale August-October.[/QUOTE]
Scottsdale? Wow I always wanted to go some place around the Arizona area I thought The real world 25 I tried out for would get me there. S.M.H
[QUOTE=nightmarekev;189330]Scottsdale? Wow I always wanted to go some place around the Arizona area I thought The real world 25 I tried out for would get me there. S.M.H[/QUOTE]
I can't tell based on your post, but I was referring to "Is she really going out with him" being shot in Scottsdale and NOT the Real World. Just clearing things up.
[strike]So is the real world age limit now 18-25 or still 18-24......ive heard they uppped the age to 25[/strike]
So is the Real World age limit now 18-25 or still 18-24? I've heard they upped the age to 25.
[QUOTE=torpedo21;189627]So is the real world age limit now 18-25 or still 18-24......ive heard they uppped the age to 25[/QUOTE]
Good question...they've removed the age restrictions from their website.
[QUOTE=CannotTellU;189632]Good question...they've removed the age restrictions from their website.[/QUOTE]
I hope they do it like how jersey shore does it
I would put money on Amsterdam, Holland.
This may not mean anything but I know that one of the casting directors for the show is headed over there in 3 weeks. Maybe just for a visit, but you never know.
When I went to a casting call there were rumors going around that the season would be in Amsterdam actually. My table was talking about it as we filled out our applications.
This guy knows where its being filmed. Hmmm...I wonder if we can get it out of him? Lol.
Yea -- I'm thinking its abroad too...otherwise we would have heard. I've always thought Toronto, Montreal, and Amsterdam would be the best choices. But I would consider Toronto and Montreal more "serious" season material, and Amsterdam a more "fun" season. Though if BMP did put a bunch of "fun" people in Amsterdam, I'm not sure how much footage they'd actually be able to use. haha.
I guess, if it weren't one of those 3, I could see them going to Rome, Berlin, Tokyo, or Hong Kong. Berlin and Amsterdam would probably make the most sense, especially if they found some really cool goth, underground people.
This guy knows where its being filmed. Hmmm...I wonder if we can get it out of him? Lol.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully he spills it.
[QUOTE=Npresh24;190399]Hopefully he spills it.[/QUOTE]
I have a feeling he won't...