Major League Baseball: 2012

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I'm not concerned that his managing choices will cost us games (Francona did that anyway), I'm more worried that he'll come in, clamp down on some of the nonsense the players have become accustomed to, then some of them will bolt to greener pastures. It would suck if Lester or one of our other good pitchers (we have some I swear!) decided he only wanted to play for a team that lets him eat fried chicken whenever he wants... lol.
[url=] 10 predictions for Bobby Valentine era.[/url]
[url=]Sources: Miami Marlins agree to six-year deal with Jose Reyes.[/url]
[QUOTE=MF41590;289580][url=]Sources: Miami Marlins agree to six-year deal with Jose Reyes.[/url][/QUOTE] Well, this goes to show that Miami is serious about filling their new ballpark. I think that is a good thing. It's always good to see organizational rebirth. As for the Sox and the winter meetings, I am not expecting much as far as making a splash. They have a lot of dead weight on their payroll (Dice-K; Lackey) and unlike the Yankees don't want to get into luxury tax payments([I]*cough*[/I] to the Rays.) I'm looking for them to snag a couple of bargains (i.e. rehab projects) and maybe a trade for a starting pitcher (4th or 5th tier.) Beyond that, they need to retool what they already have...
Pujols is going to be 32 before next this really a good idea? [url=]Miami Marlins offer St. Louis Cardinals free agent Albert Pujols 10-year contract, sources say - ESPN[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;289679]Pujols is going to be 32 before next this really a good idea?[/QUOTE] Yikes! Are they insane? I guess this means that he is either going to the Marlins or staying with the Cards. No other team in their right mind would be paying a guy $20+ million a year into his 40's (well, besides the Yankees and we already know they are regretting that one with 6 years left on contract...)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;289682]Yikes! Are they insane? I guess this means that he is either going to the Marlins or staying with the Cards. No other team in their right mind would be paying a guy $20+ million a year into his 40's (well, besides the Yankees and we already know they are regretting that one with 6 years left on contract...)[/QUOTE] Never mind. I know why he will go to Miami. [url=]The New Miami Marlins Logo Is No Longer The Worst Thing Ever - Baseball Nation[/url] What homerun hitter wouldn't want to be rewarded with that?
[QUOTE=molds13;289679]Pujols is going to be [B]32[/B] before next this really a good idea? [url=]Miami Marlins offer St. Louis Cardinals free agent Albert Pujols 10-year contract, sources say - ESPN[/url][/QUOTE] There have been numerous rumors over the past couple of years that Albert is a few years older than what he claims he is. For all we know, he could be 35 going on 36. The funniest thing about all this in my opinion is that even if they [I]were[/I] able to sign Pujols to go along with Reyes, Bell, and a returning Josh Johnson, I still don't think they would win the NL East.
[QUOTE=MF41590;289698]There have been numerous rumors over the past couple of years that Albert is a few years older than what he claims he is. For all we know, he could be 35 going on 36. The funniest thing about all this in my opinion is that even if they [I]were[/I] able to sign Pujols to go along with Reyes, Bell, and a returning Josh Johnson, I still don't think they would win the NL East.[/QUOTE] Don't they have Hanley Ramirez too? At least they are putting in the effort to attempt to win. Unfortunately, it's not always about big names. There has to be chemistry as well. Just look at the Heat.
[QUOTE=MF41590;289698]There have been numerous rumors over the past couple of years that Albert is a few years older than what he claims he is. For all we know, he could be 35 going on 36. The funniest thing about all this in my opinion is that even if they [I]were[/I] able to sign Pujols to go along with Reyes, Bell, and a returning Josh Johnson, I still don't think they would win the NL East.[/QUOTE] If they were able to sign them all I think they would be able to win the NL East because offense wins in the regular season. There are a lot of bad pitchers that you can hammer around the league and pick up easy wins on. [QUOTE=molds13;289699]Don't they have Hanley Ramirez too? At least they are putting in the effort to attempt to win. Unfortunately, it's not always about big names. There has to be chemistry as well. Just look at the Heat.[/QUOTE] Chemistry in baseball doesn't matter nearly as much as it does in basketball. The Heat were 2 games away from winning the Finals and are heavy favorites to win it all this year. Not a very good comparison. A better comparison would be the Eagles who have huge holes in their team.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;289700]Chemistry in baseball doesn't matter nearly as much as it does in basketball. The Heat were 2 games away from winning the Finals and are heavy favorites to win it all this year. Not a very good comparison. A better comparison would be the Eagles who have huge holes in their team.[/QUOTE] Oh it's absolutely more important in a sport like basketball, but chemistry is still important in any sport.
[QUOTE=molds13;289702]Oh it's absolutely more important in a sport like basketball, but chemistry is still important in any sport.[/QUOTE] I don't view baseball as a sport where an entire team needs a lot of chemistry. I think that certain positions need chemistry like Pitcher-Catcher and SS-2B but I don't think it matters very much as a whole. I think winning in baseball creates chemistry while in basketball you need chemistry to win.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;289703]I don't view baseball as a sport where an entire team needs a lot of chemistry. I think that certain positions need chemistry like Pitcher-Catcher and SS-2B but I don't think it matters very much as a whole. I think winning in baseball creates chemistry while in basketball you need chemistry to win.[/QUOTE] Fair enough, I agree. Some positions definitely need more chemistry than others.
The correct answer is that if the Marlins sign all of these guys, the remaining Mets fans over here will give up all hope.
Chemistry absolutely matters in baseball, maybe more than in any other sport in my opinion. Why? Because of the amount of time these guys spend with each other in a given year. Baseball season starts in early February and (hopefully) ends in late October. That is 9 months of dealing with your fellow teammates for long days at the park and long nights on planes traversing time zones. If you don't have chemistry and a team starts losing, it is like a cancer that infects a clubhouse. If some guys are seen to be doing their own thing, lets say hypothetically eating chicken and drinking beer while the other guys are busting their butts on the field, that causes division and then maybe when the chicken and beer guy you have an issue with is pitching, you don't dive for that liner that might have been in reach. You don't give that extra effort. When you have a team firing on all cylinders, you don't have to be the best team on paper to win Championships. That chemistry, cohesion or whatever you want to call it is what separates great teams from good teams.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;289703]I don't view baseball as a sport where an entire team needs a lot of chemistry. I think that certain positions need chemistry like Pitcher-Catcher and SS-2B but I don't think it matters very much as a whole. I think winning in baseball creates chemistry[B] while in basketball you need chemistry to win[/B].[/QUOTE] I think in basketball, on court chemistry is a necessity, but off court is not necessarily . Kobe and Shaq HATED each other yet still managed to win 3 titles.
[QUOTE=molds13;289679]Pujols is going to be 32 before next this really a good idea? [url=]Miami Marlins offer St. Louis Cardinals free agent Albert Pujols 10-year contract, sources say - ESPN[/url][/QUOTE] The have Gaby sanchez so it's a position of need anyway i dont know why'd they want him.
[QUOTE=jbo29j;289752]The have Gaby sanchez so it's a position of need anyway i dont know why'd they want him.[/QUOTE] Sanchez doesn't fill seats. A lot of other teams would love to have him. In the end, the Marlins need to answer to the taxpayer boondoggle that their new stadium is and the only way to win the hearts and minds of south Florida is to go big with the wallet. All other teams (including the mystery team which is probably the Cubs) are offering too much for Albert. That said, it would be just for Theo to stick the Cubs with a massive overpriced contract with his first major deal as Cubs GM.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;289756]Sanchez doesn't fill seats. A lot of other teams would love to have him. In the end, the Marlins need to answer to the taxpayer boondoggle that their new stadium is and the only way to win the hearts and minds of south Florida is to go big with the wallet. All other teams (including the mystery team which is probably the Cubs) are offering too much for Albert. That said, it would be just for Theo to stick the Cubs with a massive overpriced contract with his first major deal as Cubs GM.[/QUOTE] Yes, I saw last night on the Sportscenter ticker that the Cubs have also offered Pujols. I also saw that Ramirez refuses to move to 3rd base now that Reyes has been brought in.
[QUOTE=molds13;289767]Yes, I saw last night on the Sportscenter ticker that the Cubs have also offered Pujols. I also saw that Ramirez refuses to move to 3rd base now that Reyes has been brought in.[/QUOTE] I don't blame Hanley for not wanting to play 3rd base. His iron glove + the hot corner is a bad combo for Hanley's safety. I don't think he is really going to have a choice at the end of the day though. I thought they might move Jose Reyes to 2B since he used to play there a little bit in the beginning of his career, but apparently they want him at SS.
[url=]Marlins To Sign Mark Buehrle[/url]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;289791][url=]Marlins To Sign Mark Buehrle[/url][/QUOTE] It's funny, I was just looking at the Miami Marlins Wikipedia page about 5 minutes ago, and it has already been updated to say that he signed a 4yr/$58M deal!! Wikipedia is so reliable.
Even with all these big names, do the Miami Marlins have a chance at winning their division?
[QUOTE=rawrpaula;289795]Even with all these big names, do the Miami Marlins have a chance at winning their division?[/QUOTE] I think they can if Josh Johnson can stay healthy.
[QUOTE=rawrpaula;289795]Even with all these big names, do the Miami Marlins have a chance at winning their division?[/QUOTE] I think their biggest flaw now is that they are lacking CONSISTENT big bats in their line up. Mike Stanton showed flashes last season, but was wildly inconsistent. Also depends on if Hanley Ramirez is producing in the lineup. Apparently he asked the Marlins to restructure his contract with him moving to 3B, and they were not too pleased. I wouldn't at all be surprised if they traded him before the season starts.
[url=]Albert Pujols takes 10-year deal from Los Angeles Angels[/url] Was not expecting that one...
[QUOTE=MF41590;289954] Was not expecting that one...[/QUOTE] I've been reading the comments over on the [URL=""]St. Louis Post-Dispatch.[/URL] I don't think the fans were expecting it either. In the end, the AL was the right choice. There was no way he was going to be an effective first basemen a decade from now and at least now he can rest at DH when needed until eventually making that his full time job.
Dear the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, GO F*** YOURSELVES! From, A Pissed off Rangers fan.
[QUOTE=Lionsfan780;289966]Dear the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, GO F*** YOURSELVES! From, A Pissed off Rangers fan.[/QUOTE] [url=]Los Angeles Angels add Texas Rangers' C.J. Wilson with 5-year, $77.5M deal - ESPN[/url] Just in case this rant came out of nowhere for anyone else...
LAA has a 3 headed monster at pitcher now with Weaver, Haren, and Wilson. Ervin Santana isn't terrible either.
