[QUOTE=Youssarian;164118]I like Ryan...): But then again I like the invisible people so...I'm the minority here, I guess xD[/QUOTE]
Okay I'm new here but I feel the need to defend Ryan, so I'm prepared to be attacked for this :) but here goes...
Personally, I think Ryan is great. I really don't understand all the hate. You all criticize him for being a "superfan" ... but you are all Shane's superfans. I thought this was Vevmo, not the Shane Landrum superfan fan club. ;) Frankly, it sounds like you all hate him simply because you're Shane fans, and Shane doesn't like him because they are exes.
In terms of being physically attractive, I think Ryan is about 100 times more attractive than Shane. Shane is very cute in a cuddly way, but Ryan is straight up HOT. I know you all think Shane is more attractive, but I just don't get it. Normally, I'm really not into guys with the tatoos and piercings, etc... but something about him is undeniably charismatic, charming, confident and sexy. Shane is adorable and may have charm, but has NO sexual charisma.
I used to really like Shane during Campus Crawl, but with each challenge after that he's left me with an bad taste. It seems like he has progressively given off this vibe that he's above people. And that video with him and Blair? That video actually made me sketched out about Ryan... until I saw footage of Ryan on the shows. Re-watching that video with Blair, Shane sounds incredibly immature and insecure. Even if all the stuff he said was true, if he had ANY integrity he would have taken the high road and not trashed talked his ex on TV. It makes his "reality wh*re" comment seem very hypocritical. Using words like "psycho" and a "stalker" and "dirty *****" (specifically given their history together) is an undeniable sign of insecurity. Those are the kinds of words we use because we want to belittle someone when we are feeling unconfident and don't know what else to say. It sounds like he takes himself way too seriously. Ryan clearly does not take himself too seriously.
As for being a competitor, I will agree that Shane is a better competitor (which you can tell by comparing their track records). However, I do not think Ryan is a poor competitor. He's average to decent, and has proven he can be a fighter when it comes down to it. He rarely places near the bottom in individual challenges. In Fresh Meat, he was nominated second because his partner was Melinda and everyone was trying to break up the Austin alliance. And we all know Melinda was being a big ***** baby, barely making an effort in Exhile so she could go home to Danny who was eliminated the week before. Ryan made it nearly to the end of Gauntlet 3, when he was defeated by Nehemiah, but not before shocking everyone at how hard he fought, and came very close to beating Nehemiah. He made it to the finals of the Island. And in the Duel 2, he went home second because Paula, his own NYC roommate, threw him under the bus and had to go against MJ (which we all know is not a fair fight).
And I'd like to point out that we never hear any cast members talking negatively about Ryan. They all love him, they all love being around him. Even Rachel, a close friend of Shane, is now close friends with Ryan. Lastly, What are you talking about? Ryan is hilarious! Shane's humor is based on funny-ish cute comments. Ryan is hysterical.
I like Ryan too, but I never knew anyone implied that this was a "Shane Landrum super-fan club"...
My only issue with Ryan was him downplaying Katelynn as some sort of embarrassment to the gay community for some kind of supposed ~promiscuity~ when he's the last person on Earth who should be talking about people's promiscuty...based on what we see on TV and in the Dailies.
Yeah, I don't think anyone who has commented is a superfan of Shane's. Even if someone was, it's a difference because Ryan is on the challenges and most of the people on the message boards are not. The challenge people are supposed to be Ryan's peers. So Ryan acting like that around the challengers after already being established in challenges is kind of funny to some of us. And Ryan has talked negatively about people and put them down as well.
I think some of us were just saying that Shane was more interesting. I never cared too much for Shane, either, but I prefer him to Ryan. I think people compared him to Shane because of his past with Shane as well as the fact that Ryan has become the go to "token gay guy" for the challenges, and Shane used to be that. I don't think there is anything wrong with people liking Ryan. But for a lot of people, they just aren't as interested in him, and that's just what they feel.
[QUOTE=RW561015;178119] it's a difference because Ryan is on the challenges and most of the people on the message boards are not. The challenge people are supposed to be Ryan's peers. So Ryan acting like that around the challengers after already being established in challenges is kind of funny to some of us. And Ryan has talked negatively about people and put them down as well. [/QUOTE]
Do we know for a fact that Ryan was a "superfan"? Aside from Shane saying so... Did he used to be on message boards? I thought they just met at the Battle of the Sexes 2 reunion show in NYC...
As for talking negatively, and putting people down, I think there is a distinct difference between gameplay trash talk and real life trash talk. Everyone on these challenges brings up negative qualities in other people... or they talk in interviews about what irritates them about other people. But I challenge anyone to find a clip of Ryan speaking straight up maliciously about someone else, using venomous words like psycho and stalker and reality wh*re and whatever. The only one I can think of is Tonya, which 1) he says are what other people call her, 2) says it in a joking manner, and 3) immediately after says he loves her and in fact votes in favor of her instead of his real life off-the-challenge friend, Kenny (on The Island).
But trashing your ex.... blech... just rubs me the wrong way. In many ways this has less to do with Ryan... I used to really love Shane and I guess I feel really disappointed in him.
I gotta give Ryan some credit he's done well on this challenge IMO. The double agent stuff was a little sneaky/suspect but challenge wise with one of the weaker girls on this challenge he's held his own so far.
Well, it's been in his favor that everyone wants him around at the end because EVERYONE will beat him in a final challenge, or an elimination challenge (thus Wes trying to save Ryan for when he has to go into an elimination). But he has done better, athletically speaking, than he did in previous challenges.
[QUOTE=lildukezup;177960]Okay I'm new here but I feel the need to defend Ryan, so I'm prepared to be attacked for this :) but here goes...
Personally, I have nothing against the kid, but his game play is outright deplorable to watch, especially over the past few challenges.
[U][B]Fresh Meat 1[/B][/U] - He was unfortunate to be paired up with Melinda period! Bad deal for him
[B][U]Gauntlet [/U][/B]3 - He didn't do much, but at least he wasn't a flip flop probably because he was smart enough to understand how weak he was, and that he would get a bye. By the way, his Gauntlet with Nehemiah wasn't even close. I suggest to all to review the tape. Nehemiah never was backed past the start point according to the sand tracks. That Gauntlet lasted all but 10 minutes despite what we was fooled into beleving. The kid from Key West fought harder against Frank in the force Field.
[B][U]The Island [/U][/B]- Totally disappointed with his lack of integrity. He was so scared to go against Kenny and Johnny, he threw his friend Kelly anne right under the bus, and for what ....... to be left on a weak boat for the very person (Evelyn) that everyone was against, of course until it was time to pair up the boats. clearly, the 4 strongest players with keys were on the same boat, and there was no contest. I expected him to learn something from that experience that he was no more than buffer or a tool until the end
Duel 2 - He instead of going against the major alliance, sought an easy victory over a 1 handed Nick, whom he stabbed in the back, only to be left for dead against the major alliance in the next Duel
Fresh Meat - Flip flop Flip flop, and I anticipate the end result will be him being thrown under the bus in the last of the 2 remaining exiles, where he is clearly gonna lose because he and his partner is under the presumetion that they will skate to the final.
My only issue with Ryan is that he fails to keep his word with anyone especially people he claims to be close with.
Good that you pointed out Ryan sucked in that faceoff agianst Nehemiah the only reason he didn't lose instantly was because he put his back to the bag( much easier and Nehemiah didn't do it) once that was over he lost fast.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;178272]Personally, I have nothing against the kid, but his game play is outright deplorable to watch, especially over the past few challenges.
I liked Ryan on Gauntlet III, but ever since the Island and his performance on the duel 2, I can't stand him or his gameplay.
[QUOTE=lildukezup;178256]Do we know for a fact that Ryan was a "superfan"? Aside from Shane saying so... Did he used to be on message boards? I thought they just met at the Battle of the Sexes 2 reunion show in NYC...
But I challenge anyone to find a clip of Ryan speaking straight up maliciously about someone else, using venomous words like psycho and stalker and reality wh*re and whatever. The only one I can think of is Tonya, which 1) he says are what other people call her, 2) says it in a joking manner, and 3) immediately after says he loves her and in fact votes in favor of her instead of his real life off-the-challenge friend, Kenny (on The Island).
I can't remember personally calling him the term "superfan," but when people call him that, I get what they are saying and agree with their sentiment. I don't think he quite comes across like people say Sarah does when they call her a superfan (someone who seems to be trying too hard to be friends with popular people or people running things). Ryan kind of come across as someone who is totally into the gossip and the drama - like that's his only reason to be there. Like he's not quite one of the people who has done a number of shows. I'm sure a lot of people on the shows get interested when they see certain things going on in the house, and I understand it. Especially since in their downtime, there is not much to do. But something about him in particular just comes across as someone who just has to have some drama to hear. He never really has a storyline, so perhaps that is why it stands out for him opposed to someone else.
Something about him is just not very appealing to me, overall. He's not someone I am wanting to see on the challenges. But I don't think he's shown himself to be a horrible person, though.
I wasn't all that convinced that he genuinely cared about Tonya (but then again, there are other people on the shows who I think that about, too). I really think a part of him wanted her there for the drama.
See the daily in which Ryan, Jenn, and Pete talks about CJ being boring. Also, see his daily in which he is talking to Katelynn. I think he had some points, but I did not like the way he went about it, and I also thought he could listen to his own advice a bit.
[QUOTE=RW561015;178427] I wasn't all that convinced that he genuinely cared about Tonya (but then again, there are other people on the shows who I think that about, too). I really think a part of him wanted her there for the drama. [/QUOTE]
Oh, I'm sure he wanted her there for the drama, but it did seem like he genuinely felt bad about the way she was treated. There are clips or dailies I've seen where he seems to be the only one hanging out with her (Island, and I think maybe Fresh Meat 1). He definitely loves the drama, though, so I think you're right on that one.
[QUOTE=RW561015;178427] See the daily in which Ryan, Jenn, and Pete talks about CJ being boring.[/QUOTE]
You're right... but that clip falls into what I was talking about everyone trash talking everyone else during the filming... rather than someone using malicious words about someone in their real life outside of MTVland. It wasn't just Ryan... and some people were much harsher. Poor CJ... why does everyone but Landon hate him??
[QUOTE=RW561015;178427]Also, see his daily in which he is talking to Katelynn. I think he had some points, but I did not like the way he went about it, and I also thought he could listen to his own advice a bit.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you, but also slightly disagree. I understood his points completely. It's one thing to be kissing people when the booze is flowing and everyone is in the hot tub (whether or not you think that's inappropriate, but let's face it, that's half the footage of these challenges)... but that does not equate to having a serious conversation during the day and someone suddenly jumping in gyrating around to get attention. He did start out by saying he couldn't wait to meet her and wanted to love her. Bu if someone who's that open and free to let loose at night has an issue with another GLBT person's interactions during "normal" hours in the day, it just make me think she was trying to fit in and be funny but went about it the wrong way. Or didn't really know how to relate to the people in the house.
I do agree that Ryan was way out of line in his approach, if only for doing it in front of an audience... and doing it while drunk. What if it had been one of the dozen wackos in there? It could have been much more of an angry "shut the ef" kind of in-your-face attack against her. Talking to her while he was noticeably drunk... not ok. Doing it with an audience watching them... SO not ok. I think his intentions were in the right place, but very much failed in his approach. I think we all know that attempting a serious conversation with alcohol involved is not such a great idea.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;178309]Good that you pointed out Ryan sucked in that faceoff agianst Nehemiah the only reason he didn't lose instantly was because he put his back to the bag( much easier and Nehemiah didn't do it) once that was over he lost fast.[/QUOTE]
rewatch the clip... Nehemiah also did it after Ryan started to.
Fresh Meat - Flip flop Flip flop, and I anticipate the end result will be him being thrown under the bus in the last of the 2 remaining exiles, where he is clearly gonna lose because he and his partner is under the presumetion that they will skate to the final.
My only issue with Ryan is that he fails to keep his word with anyone especially people he claims to be close with.[/QUOTE]
Oh flip flop schmip schmop. :) Whatever. It's called playing the game. You do what you have to do to get yourself as far as you can. You should be replacing the word "ryan" in that last sentence with Ev/Wes. How is their gameplay not the most hideously deplorable gameplay in the entire season? At least Ryan & Jenn know their strengths and weaknesses. Have you watched any of the dailies? They've always known they are a weaker team and could go at any point (being used as a tool to save a stronger team thrown into exile).
What friend did he fail to keep his word to? The middle episodes are suddenly not available on the MTV site (bah!) so I can't go back and watch. If you're talking about Ev/Wes then I guess he played you as a viewer as well as he played them. Everyone knows that Ryan is very close friends with Kenny. He's very tight with Jenn and best friends (and roommates) with Paula, who is even tighter with Kenny. I'm talking about in real life, back in NY.
Also, NO ONE TRUSTS WES. How could Wes bank on anyone's word when his own word means absolutely nothing? If Wes wanted to save Ryan for the end as an easy defeat, then maybe he shouldn't have slashed his numbers by throwing his best friend in real life (Danny) under the bus the first second he could. And maybe he shouldn't have then pitted two of his other alliance members (Landon and CJ) against each other.
If Ryan managed to convince Wes to give him info despite the history Ryan has with Kenny/Paula, then good on Ryan (and Jenn for that matter). He was playing Wes, and the chump deserved what he got. Same goes for Ev. I love her but come on. She knew she could get Wes to turn on Danny, Landon and CJ and she knew exactly how that would look to everyone else. Jenn and Ryan may be "challenge friends" with Ev, but she's a smart cookie and should know exactly how close they are with Kenny's cohorts.
As for your comments on the Island, I don't think any of that is valid. I would have done exactly what he did. Two face-offs from the finals is not the time to start ******* off the players controlling the game, especially if they are your good friends off the island (Kenny, Paula, Bananas). Yeah, he took a key from Kelly Anne, and yeah, he went in to a face-off against two of the smaller girls, but at least he went in and earned it. And he didn't "win" it by losing a face-off but getting the vote to stay (like Kenny, Johnny, Robin and Jenn).
When it came down to it, he knew it wasn't smart to take Kenny's or Johnny's because 1) he was only given a chance to go in because they "allowed" him to. They pretty much called the shots on who got to go in every time. 2) there would have been only one face off left and Kenny/Johnny would have immediately taken it back. That leaves Derrick (no one wanted to take Derrick's because of the new baby), Dunbar (he felt didn't deserve the key, but knew that Kenny/Johnny promised Dunbar a spot in the final and then would be under attack by his two friends), Paula (best friend/roommate = out of the question), Jenn (tight friend = out of the question). That leaves Robin (close challenge friend) and Kelly Anne (borderline challenge friend). If you watched the dailies and Reunion, you'd know that he disapproves of things Kelly Anne does in real life. Taking anyone's key other than Kelly Anne or Robin would have been suicide.
And not ONCE did he ever state that he thought he was going to get into the stronger boat. If any of them were to get knocked out, Paula was next on the list. She knew this and Ryan knew this. Considering the majorly shady moves played in this game, I'd hardly use the word shady to describe Ryan's move (the only move he was allowed to make by the alliance).
[QUOTE=lildukezup;178526]Oh flip flop schmip schmop. :) [/QUOTE]
I don't want to read your master's thesis on this subject, but Ryan picking out an injured Nick really made me lose respect for him.
I fail to realize why Ryan keeps getting invited to the challenges, he brings nothing. They probably just cast him as a filler so that they can reach a certain amount of people. Either way, he needs to stop doing challenges and give up his spot to someone who will make the show worth watching.
[QUOTE=lildukezup;178526]Oh flip flop schmip schmop. :) [/QUOTE]
I do respect your passionate opinion, but Ryan infact did give his word to Ev/Wes that he would vote with them if they promise to keep him out of the Exile vs Danny.
Also, I know he is great friends with Kenny, Paula, and Jenn in real life, but he is also close to kelly anne. His tactics on The Island were outright deplorable, esp when he (a.) took Kelly Anne's key, which was absolutely stupid because he should have figured then that there was an ulterior motive to spare Dunbar (b.) informed Kenny and Johnny that Jenn was against him, although they are so close (c.) did not even have the courage to go into a face off unless it was against 2 women minus Evelyn. He had a defeated attitude on The Island, and has carried this to every challenge he has been on. As far as him winning vs being handed a key, come on, given how he got his key is nothing to be proud of. Johnny won and got a key. After Abram left, Derrick and Kenny were by far the strongest 2 there. Ryan never fought to get on the winning boat, so his betrayals were for naught. He should have fought to get on that winning boat, which makes me really question the validity of their friendship. Paula threw a fit when the final teams were paired and felt betrayed by both Johnny and Kenny. Why should Ryan be content with being a first loser, if he is closest with Kenny, Johnny, and Paula? They should have all been on the same boat. Kenny and Johnny made damn sure that they were on the strong boat, and Evelyn was able to get on the right boat because Kenny made a play to ensure that Johnny was also on it. Obviously, Kenny and Ryan aren't that close. There was not 1 wink of remorse for Ryan not being on the winning boat, but there was plenty towards Paula. Do the math when you evaluate friendship.
The Duel 2 - that was the most cowardice move in the history of the challenge, only to be taken down the next challenge.
His moves on this challenge are just as bad. While I admit being under the radar is smart, he has put himself in a horrible position, same as Jenn. The truth is is that Landon is a very strong player, and he is also unbiased, which means Landon could actually find himself with a better deal at the end of this challenge than Ryan because they are the one team that could actually and have beaten Kenny/Laurel in the past. In addition, Landon and Kenny both agreed this past episode that if either of them win, Wes was going in. What makes you think that Landon, who was originally in Wes' alliance wouldn't tell Kenny that both Ryan and Jenn have been "double agents"?
I implore Ryan as a challenge fan to use his head, and think towards (a.) the possibility of actually being on the winning side of a final challenge, (b.) the value of his word in future challenges, and (3.) be confident enough to go in and win. At least Tyler has the courage to go in regardless of who and actually fight. Honestly, if Tyler would have been on Duel 2 instead of Ryan, who knows how the outcome would have been. He would at least have gone after the power alliance unlike Ryan.
[QUOTE=Darock1713;178734]Also, I know he is great friends with Kenny, Paula, and Jenn in real life, but he is also close to kelly anne. His tactics on The Island were outright deplorable, esp when he (a.) took Kelly Anne's key, which was absolutely stupid because he should have figured then that there was an ulterior motive to spare Dunbar (b.) informed Kenny and Johnny that Jenn was against him, although they are so close (c.) did not even have the courage to go into a face off unless it was against 2 women minus Evelyn. He had a defeated attitude on The Island, and has carried this to every challenge he has been on. As far as him winning vs being handed a key, come on, given how he got his key is nothing to be proud of. Johnny won and got a key. After Abram left, Derrick and Kenny were by far the strongest 2 there. Ryan never fought to get on the winning boat, so his betrayals were for naught. He should have fought to get on that winning boat, which makes me really question the validity of their friendship. Paula threw a fit when the final teams were paired and felt betrayed by both Johnny and Kenny. Why should Ryan be content with being a first loser, if he is closest with Kenny, Johnny, and Paula? They should have all been on the same boat. Kenny and Johnny made damn sure that they were on the strong boat, and Evelyn was able to get on the right boat because Kenny made a play to ensure that Johnny was also on it. Obviously, Kenny and Ryan aren't that close. There was not 1 wink of remorse for Ryan not being on the winning boat, but there was plenty towards Paula. Do the math when you evaluate friendship.[/QUOTE]
Kenny, along with Evelyn, stated at the Fresh Meat 2 reunion that since the beginning of The Island, Ev and Kenny had an agreement that she would be on the boat with them. He had promised Paula that he would get her the key and get her to the end (which he did and maybe he promised Ryan that too). The reason that Paula was upset was because Kenny didn't **** Evelyn over and put Paula in his boat. Kenny and Ryan are indeed close, The Island situation has nothing to do with their friendship, it was obvious at the reunion how close they are.
[QUOTE=thamsenman;178569]I don't want to read your master's thesis on this subject,[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=thamsenman;178569]but Ryan picking out an injured Nick really made me lose respect for him.[/QUOTE]
What about MJ picking out Ryan, who everyone saw as the weakest player (ie, an easy win)? Same thing. MJ went for a sure thing to ensure his survival. Ryan did the same with Nick. Sucks for Nick (and Ryan a week later), but "fairness" is irrelevant.
I don't think we should watch a TV show and think, "oh Ryan must pick on disabled people in real life" or "wow, I bet MJ always picks on people smaller than him rather than man up." It's just a game. And if you're projecting a certain code of ethics in your mind onto the behavior of game show contestants, and using that to judge how they must be in a real life situation, then that's your own baggage you're bringing to the table. I'm sure Ryan and MJ are still decent human beings despite gameplay choices they make on a TV show.
[QUOTE=nicalvaro13;178606]I fail to realize why Ryan keeps getting invited to the challenges, he brings nothing. They probably just cast him as a filler so that they can reach a certain amount of people. Either way, he needs to stop doing challenges and give up his spot to someone who will make the show worth watching.[/QUOTE]
This pretty much sums up what I think about Ryan.
[QUOTE=lildukezup;183627]What about MJ picking out Ryan, who everyone saw as the weakest player (ie, an easy win)? [B]Same thing[/B]. MJ went for a sure thing to ensure his survival. Ryan did the same with Nick. Sucks for Nick (and Ryan a week later), but "fairness" is irrelevant.[/QUOTE]
Not the same thing. Healthy Ryan =/= Injured Nick. There was absolutely zero risk in choosing Nick as an opponent. All the duels involved the use of your arm strength. The only thing Ryan accomplished by making such a bogus decision was buy himself one more "day" in New Zealand to party it up. Using MJ as a red herring argument does not automatically excuse Ryan from the decision he willingly made. The decision to take advantage of another person's injury, and quite possibly exacerbate that injury in 3 out of 5 physical contact duels. That's like picking out a gimp-legged calf for slaughter. If MJ had not picked Ryan on the second male Duel, someone else would have. Regardless, MJ's actions (or any one else's for that matter) have absolutely nothing to do with Ryan's. My only issue with Ryan is that he used the excuse, "Oh, well rookies gotta pay their dues" to cloak his cowardice. Whether or not Ryan is a saint outside of the show has zero relevance to his actions on a gameshow. Watching Ryan ever since his challenge debut, I get the impression that he only shows up to win 3rd place and a nice chunk of camera time. I can see why viewers would be annoyed to see someone with that attitude squander a male spot that could've gone to someone that actually wants to [B]win[/B]. And let's face it, a lot of those hypothetical male castmembers would be hell of a lot more interesting than Ryan.
For what it's worth, I enjoy watching Ryan and find him amusing in a way that the other competitors aren't. Yes, I do get the impression that he's more there for the camera time and the fun than to "[B]win[/B]", but it doesn't annoy me. I think the show would be a little boring to watch if ALL of the competitors were virtuous athletes who refuse to play dirty and only want to win through integrity and sportsmanship. It's not the Olympics, it's a trashy MTV show. Ryan gets that, and he brings the LOLs.
...this is all just my opinion--I have no emotions invested in whether people think he's a good guy or not, so it's totally cool that others disagree with my opinion. :)
[QUOTE=boomerangs;183804]For what it's worth, I enjoy watching Ryan and find him amusing in a way that the other competitors aren't. Yes, I do get the impression that he's more there for the camera time and the fun than to "[B]win[/B]", but it doesn't annoy me. I think the show would be a little boring to watch if ALL of the competitors were virtuous athletes who refuse to play dirty and only want to win through integrity and sportsmanship. [B]It's not the Olympics, it's a trashy MTV show[/B]. Ryan gets that, and he brings the LOLs.
...this is all just my opinion--I have no emotions invested in whether people think he's a good guy or not, so it's totally cool that others disagree with my opinion. :)[/QUOTE]
It's neither. The RW/RR Challenge is (or...WAS) a [B]gameshow[/B], as Susie Meister wisely once said. Drama is an added bonus, not a necessity. If you want pure drama, go watch The Hills or Jersey Shore (and I'm not directing that at you, I'm using "you" as the plural. And I also don't mean it in a rude way, either). There's half an hour jam-packed with drama in it right there. The Challenge, on the other hand, is about cast members competing for money. It's not about people sitting around waiting for the money to come to them. And I never implied I wanted the cast to be completely comprised of division 1 athletes (I actually detest the idea). Being "entertaining" on a challenge, in my opinion anyway, would equate to having the physical and [B]mental[/B] drive to win a challenge. Ryan possesses neither quality. If I wanted a "filler character" to fill in a male spot, I'd go with a male that has rarely been used.
[QUOTE=cystic;183894]It's neither. The RW/RR Challenge is (or...WAS) a [B]gameshow[/B], as Susie Meister wisely once said. Drama is an added bonus, not a necessity. If you want pure drama, go watch The Hills or Jersey Shore (and I'm not directing that at you, I'm using "you" as the plural. And I also don't mean it in a rude way, either). There's half an hour jam-packed with drama in it right there. The Challenge, on the other hand, is about cast members competing for money. It's not about people sitting around waiting for the money to come to them. And I never implied I wanted the cast to be completely comprised of division 1 athletes (I actually detest the idea). Being "entertaining" on a challenge, in my opinion anyway, would equate to having the physical and [B]mental[/B] drive to win a challenge. Ryan possesses neither quality. If I wanted a "filler character" to fill in a male spot, I'd go with a male that has rarely been used.[/QUOTE]
What ****** me off most about Ryan is that he comes off as incredibely rude and mean WITHOUT provocation. Remember Katelynn?
[QUOTE=thamsenman;183964]What ****** me off most about Ryan is that he comes off as incredibely rude and mean WITHOUT provocation. Remember Katelynn?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, because I though that was ******* ridiculous and VERY hypocritical on his end.
[QUOTE=cystic;183894]It's neither. The RW/RR Challenge is (or...WAS) a [B]gameshow[/B], as Susie Meister wisely once said. Drama is an added bonus, not a necessity.[/QUOTE]
I think this is where you (or us? idk, plural "you", or general "us") as viewers differ from what MTV is trying to do. I genuinely think MTV is at least equally invested in the drama side as they are in the challenges side, because if they wanted a straight-up gameshow, they wouldn't provide unlimited alcohol every night. They lock a bunch of young people in a house with zero entertainment but an endless supply of alcohol, then film it--it's obvious (to me) what they're trying to promote. They also deliberately chose Ryan for FM1 because he was Shane's ex, and they were probably hoping for some drama. Maybe some of the viewers just want a gameshow, but for whatever reason MTV is hellbent on making drama instead.
[QUOTE=boomerangs;183996]I think this is where you (or us? idk, plural "you", or general "us") as viewers differ from what MTV is trying to do. I genuinely think MTV is at least equally invested in the drama side as they are in the challenges side, because if they wanted a straight-up gameshow, they wouldn't provide unlimited alcohol every night. They lock a bunch of young people in a house with zero entertainment but an endless supply of alcohol, then film it--it's obvious (to me) what they're trying to promote. They also deliberately chose Ryan for FM1 because he was Shane's ex, and they were [B]probably hoping for some drama[/B]. Maybe some of the viewers just want a gameshow, but for whatever reason MTV is hellbent on making drama instead.[/QUOTE]
And their hopes were utterly crushed. I don't remember Ryan doing anything during FM1 that caught my attention. His connection with Shane wasn't even revealed in the episodes. Ryan had zero storyline. He was as invisible as Jesse, and I barely know who that is either. Ryan has no relevance to the show. He didn't back then, and he doesn't now. He brings no morals, no competitive edge, or even any original dialogue/confessionals. If I wanted witty, sarcastic dialogue, I'd rather settle for Evan or Kenny, both of whom I'm not personally fond of in the first place. I have yet to even watch any FM2 dailies that feature Ryan, because from the reactions I've seen on Vevmo and other sites, I'm afraid I'll put a brick through my laptop screen while watching.
And you meant BMP, not MTV. MTV is not responsible for casting on the shows. BMP is. And if they casted relatively interesting and unique people with conflicting morals and personalities on the show in the first place, then they wouldn't need to rely on forcefeeding the castmembers alcohol to get genuine drama, would they? Drunk drama is worthless and only entertaining for the first 4 seconds. And while we're on the subject, why are the casting directors not out of a job yet??
As for the "balance" of drama and competition, I am going to have to stop you right there. The steady decline in creativty is alarming with each progressing challenge season. Terribly lopsided G3/Ruins teams? Picking flowers? The Island???? The consensus is clear: The Challenges are utter crap now. The ratings are absolutely abysmal. Sure, you could attribute it to times changing and the advancement of technology (i.e internet viewing), but let's face it. The general direction of the Challenges is down the gutter and it's because of poor production of the show. If your argument is simply that [strike]MTV[/strike] BMP is within their right to go with a dramatic approach to draw in more viewers, then I think it's safe to say they're failing miserably at it. I understand it is their show to mold and to do with it as they please, but if they want to attract more viewers, they should do a better job at it. Putting Ryan on the show as opposed to many other options is not saving this franchise. And you and I both know this franchise is in desperate need of some saving.
I should note at this point that I'm a completely casual viewer of the show, and I'll defer to your obvious passion/interest for it, because you are probably the target audience MTV (or BMP--I don't know the difference and am not sure I care) should be hoping to satisfy...if they were smart.
I'm not totally convinced that they put much thought into it beyond "it's funny to watch people batter each other and then fall into the water. But they can't batter each other all day, so I guess we'll also film them getting drunk and show that too."
Whoever makes the show obviously thought Ryan would pull in an audience. They managed to hook me into googling his name and finding this forum, where I thought I would stick my two cents in as one of the few people who like watching him. I'm in the minority, probably in numbers and definitely in passion, so maybe MTV/BMP/whoever just made a marketing miscalculation. They got someone like me, but they should probably put their efforts into getting more people like the majority opinion on fan forums.