Fresh Meat 2: Ryan Kehoe

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I like Ryan! I don't really know of anything that there isn't to like about it him!! Excited to see him on FM2!!
[QUOTE=longisland09;163735]I like Ryan! I don't really know of anything that there isn't to like about it him!! Excited to see him on FM2!![/QUOTE] When you were in the Bahamas, you must have had one too many of those Paulashots and kept chasing them with glasses of Ryanade.
[QUOTE=longisland09;163735]I like Ryan! I don't really know of anything that there isn't to like about it him!! Excited to see him on FM2!![/QUOTE] I'm going to hold my tongue on that one. :)
I'm shocked there are so many posts in this thread. Is this the most attention Ryan's ever gotten on this board?
[QUOTE=RW561015;163805]I'm shocked there are so many posts in this thread. Is this the most attention Ryan's ever gotten on this board?[/QUOTE] Most of it's negative, but attention is still attention, unfortunately.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RW561015;163805]I'm shocked there are so many posts in this thread. Is this the most attention Ryan's ever gotten on this board?[/QUOTE] LOL, I've seen worse negative posts for other castmembers.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;163839]LOL, I've seen worse negative posts for other castmembers.[/QUOTE] I wasn't commenting on the posts being negative - just that it's interesting that Ryan has this many posts in "his" thread (since he's kind of a non-entity on challenges). I get that it's mostly griping posts, though. And yes, molds, attention is still attention. Usually he's just someone who you may say a line about somewhere during the show's airing. To be fair, though, some of the posts are in relation to Shane and other gay guys from the shows.
[QUOTE=RW561015;163933]I wasn't commenting on the posts being negative - just that it's interesting that Ryan has this many posts in "his" thread (since he's kind of a non-entity on challenges). I get that it's mostly griping posts, though. And yes, molds, attention is still attention. Usually he's just someone who you may say a line about somewhere during the show's airing. To be fair, though, some of the posts are in relation to Shane and other gay guys from the shows.[/QUOTE] I don't see any posts about Shane and the other gay guys :D Ryan is definitely a non-entity. Let's hope it stays that way. Too bad, because his partner seems nice.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;163349]Exactly!! And if I recall correctly, I read a LONG time ago that Shane actually told/asked BMP NOT to cast Ryan. They had recently broken up and Shane knew he was obsessed with the show and thought that was why Ryan had wanted to date him in the first place. BMP casted him anyway, probably wanting the easy drama. EDIT: And we know Ryan flocked to Paula, knowing she was bat-**** crazy and would be good for camera time.[/QUOTE] Wow, I never knew any of that. Where did you get this knowledge?
[QUOTE=thamsenman;163988]Wow, I never knew any of that. Where did you get this knowledge?[/QUOTE] I don't know where OPD got the info from, but that matches what I learned on the defunct [U]S[/U]peak[U]R[/U]eality site. SR had an interview with Ryan where he stated his case that he was on TV (a Bravo documentary at age 19), and that Shane came to him for a relationship. Long story short, he said the opposite of what Shane says, and he even posted back-and-forth MySpace messages between the two of them. I don't really give a **** about their drama in-depth, only because I don't know them and it has nothing to do with me, but I just thought to put this out there for the record.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=thamsenman;163988]Wow, I never knew any of that. Where did you get this knowledge?[/QUOTE] Its on MTV's website, the freshmeat aftershow with Blair, Shane's segment. And in all actuality, they wanted Ryan out first, not the Austin kids.
Does anyone think that Ryan looks kindof like Justin Bobby from the hills. I saw some previews to the hills and just put 2 and 2 together.
Wow I had NO idea that Ryan and Shane dated prior to Fresh Meat! I wish they had shown some of THAT drama! I remember Shane making a snarky comment about Ryan and one point (I think it was in the *** they should have shown) but didn't think much of it other than I guess he didn't care much for him.
Anonymous's picture
Here it is, for anyone that wants to watch. [url][/url]
I like Ryan...): But then again I like the invisible people so...I'm the minority here, I guess xD
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;164098]Here it is, for anyone that wants to watch. [url=]Interview: Shane's Super Fan | Video | MTV[/url][/QUOTE] Thank you! :D
I don't understand where the "hate" towards Ryan is coming from. I realize he has never been one of the "key" cast members in any of the challenges he's been on but he's not annoying (unlike Key West Tyler) or anything, at least not to me. He comes across as a really nice guy. Plus he's eye candy and that's always good lol. I'd actually like to see for once a gay guy getting far in one of these challenges. We haven't had an openly gay guy make the finals since Norm in G1, and Danny in BOTSeasons (who actually won). We had Dan and Davis who were just 1 Inferno away from making the finals but lost their infernos. I know this probably won't be Ryan but I would like to see an openly gay guy be strong and kick some *** in these shows. That would be a fresh breath of air since the gay guys are always dismissed by the other guys in the challenges.
[QUOTE=Dannyboy;164167]I don't understand where the "hate" towards Ryan is coming from. I realize he has never been one of the "key" cast members in any of the challenges he's been on but he's not annoying (unlike Key West Tyler) or anything, at least not to me. He comes across as a really nice guy. Plus he's eye candy and that's always good lol.[/QUOTE] To me, he seems a bit deranged. As OPD has said, he seems to be blatantly flocking to cast members who are unstable (i.e Tonya and Paula) in order to get spill-over camera time. I remember hearing that he wanted Tonya to remain on The Island just so she could continue to "entertain" him with her psychotic behavior (while her meds were withheld from her). Oh and plus the whole Shane's ex-boyfriend thing just screams "obsessive challenge fanboy who just struck lucky." Overall, Ryan's leech-like behavior turns me off, and it probably does to most other Vevmo members.
[QUOTE=cystic;164176]To me, he seems a bit deranged. As OPD has said, he seems to be blatantly flocking to cast members who are unstable (i.e Tonya and Paula) in order to get spill-over camera time. I remember hearing that he wanted Tonya to remain on The Island just so she could continue to "entertain" him with her psychotic behavior (while her meds were withheld from her). Oh and plus the whole Shane's ex-boyfriend thing just screams "obsessive challenge fanboy who just struck lucky." Overall, Ryan's leech-like behavior turns me off, and it probably does to most other Vevmo members.[/QUOTE] Didn't he refuse to vote for Tonya in that first vote-off ceremony when it was between her and Kenny? I think he voted for Kenny to be voted off and said something like he could never vote for her. I think regardless of his comments that he made in order to get camera time he genuinely liked her and cared for her. I see what you're saying about him though. I guess to me, at least based solely on what I have seen in TV he comes across as a nice likable guy. I don't think he's annoying like some gay guys we have had in the past (i.e. Tyler, Karamo, and Dan to some extent).
Wow, Shane really seems to hate Ryan. Although, one could argue that Ryan has made more of a name for himself in playing this game than Shane ever did. Also, I did not know they were both waiters. I knew Ryan was, but Shane? Weird.
[QUOTE=thamsenman;164820]Wow, Shane really seems to hate Ryan. Although, one could argue that Ryan has made more of a name for himself in playing this game than Shane ever did. Also, I did not know they were both waiters. I knew Ryan was, but Shane? Weird.[/QUOTE] Not anymore. They seem to get along now. They spoke to each other recently on twitter...
It shocks me that everyone is comparing Shane to Ryan. The only thing they seem to have in common is that they are gay. It's pretty sad that makes people "the same". Shane is amazing and was great in his day (and not a terrible competitor either), whereas Ryan is the [B]original [/B]super-stalker and is an all around creepo who has never performed that well. And seriously this new look isn't okay-- he looks like the Fonz.
[quote=rrrwjunkie;165320]it shocks me that everyone is comparing shane to ryan. The only thing they seem to have in common is that they are gay. It's pretty sad that makes people "the same". Shane is amazing and was great in his day (and not a terrible competitor either), whereas ryan is the [b]original [/b]super-stalker and is an all around creepo who has never performed that well. And seriously this new look isn't okay-- [i][b]he looks like the fonz.[/b][/i][/quote] thank you.
[QUOTE=RRRWJunkie;165320]It shocks me that everyone is comparing Shane to Ryan. The only thing they seem to have in common is that they are gay. It's pretty sad that makes people "the same". Shane is amazing and was great in his day (and not a terrible competitor either), whereas Ryan is the [B]original [/B]super-stalker and is an all around creepo who has never performed that well. And seriously this new look isn't okay-- he looks like the Fonz.[/QUOTE] I dont get it, so you are saying that they shouldnt be compared because Shane has done well on challenges and Ryan hasnt? But overall I agree with you, personality wise I think Shane is much more like Davis than Ryan.
[QUOTE=morris614;165323]I dont get it, so you are saying that they shouldnt be compared because Shane has done well on challenges and Ryan hasnt? But overall I agree with you, personality wise I think Shane is much more like Davis than Ryan.[/QUOTE] [I]Davis??[/I] Oh God...
Not only has Shane done better than Ryan in challenges but the only big similarity I see in general is they both like boys. I just think we can all be more creative with our comparisons. Thread after thread you will see Ryan being compared to Shane being compared to Davis bc they are all gay or Ty being compared to Tyrie being compared to Karamo bc they are all big black men. That doesn't mean they all act the same.
[QUOTE=RRRWJunkie;165325]Not only has Shane done better than Ryan in challenges but the only big similarity I see in general is they both like boys. I just think we can all be more creative with our comparisons. Thread after thread you will see Ryan being compared to Shane being compared to Davis bc they are all gay or Ty being compared to Tyrie being compared to Karamo bc they are all big black men. That doesn't mean they all act the same.[/QUOTE] Ok, but then there should also be a problem with comparing Kenny and Vinny just because they are both white and dumb.
[QUOTE=morris614;165329]Ok, but then there should also be a problem with comparing Kenny and Vinny just because they are both white and dumb.[/QUOTE] 1) what does race have anything to do with it? 2) Being dumb don't win you more challenges on this show (Kenny), and you don't even know vinny.
Wow Im surprised to see he's armenian
[QUOTE=Npresh24;171662]Wow Im surprised to see he's armenian[/QUOTE] I always thought he was Native American. Not that it matters, but just saying.
