The Challenge: Rivals II - Aneesa & Diem

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[QUOTE=Tvandcoffee;366754]>> im assuming she got an abortion? This isn't to be confused with her sister Gabi, who IS pregnant. but when news of her sister's pregnancy was released, she voiced she was happy for her sister but she's glad she's young and not having a kid. Her tweets reveal a lot, you could tell a lot was going on with CT although you know it wasn't official like she thought it was LOL the part about it being about publicity and spinoff for ct/diem is what gets me. Guess it's mmore about looking good on TV for some people. And I know MTV would love that idea as both are among the top favorites....means more money for MTV so I think we might see this in our future ....[/QUOTE] A spinoff of CT/diem? no offense but I wouldnt like to see that, I dont see it happening just bc CT is a private person, he barely does interviews, and seems that doesnt like attention like other castmembers (johnny). I dont think they are looking for a spinoff. What I think is that this girl does like attention just like every girl of bgc, also she did the same thing with zach. In the end these ppl are idiots for hooking up with this girls.
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Danni obv cant handle being dumped see countless examples soo doubt she had what she said it would ruin her career anyway so .. One night with zach equalled 10000 tweets interviews and **** talkin so if her and ct hooked ip for momths expect her to not handle it well
[QUOTE=jojorules;366764]Danni obv cant handle being dumped see countless examples soo doubt she had what she said it would ruin her career anyway so .. One night with zach equalled 10000 tweets interviews and **** talkin so if her and ct hooked ip for momths expect her to not handle it well[/QUOTE] I see that trey is friends with her, probably he is the next one.
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[QUOTE=stuufman;366766]I see that trey is friends with her, probably he is the next one.[/QUOTE] Haha yep poor guy ct hates his personal life being exposed but they were friends so maybe he trusted she wuldnt gossip bout there personal life but he is wrong she is om bgc i mean
Yeah, people in the Boston area "know" about Dani. She's trashy and thirsty for attention. I know she was spotted with CT a few times in the beginning of summer but she's also messed with other guys since so I thought she would be over him by now. Her tweeting Diem was really tacky, but what can you expect from a regular on the Bad Girls Club
[QUOTE=AyeOhKay;366768]Yeah, people in the Boston area "know" about Dani. She's trashy and thirsty for attention. I know she was spotted with CT a few times in the beginning of summer but she's also messed with other guys since so I thought she would be over him by now. Her tweeting Diem was really tacky, but what can you expect from a regular on the Bad Girls Club[/QUOTE] Dani is so trashy. No wonder CT didn't want her. She is lashing out but she has a history of this with guys- remember Zach? I consider Dani a MTV Groupie
CT is trash. I consider him a MTV W****.
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;366927]CT is trash. I consider him a MTV W****.[/QUOTE] Well he's not. I can think of 6 other castmembers who fall into that category however.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;366958]Well he's not. I can think of 6 other castmembers who fall into that category however.[/QUOTE] Bananas comes to mind.
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;366958]Well he's not. I can think of 6 other castmembers who fall into that category however.[/QUOTE] He's not what? Trash or a *****? And what makes you so certain?
********************This is not a reply to Imjustsayin**************************** Just a comment. I took a look at the Television Without Pity (TWOP)Challenge forum postings this morning. It was interesting in that game critique is very similar to the one here but very little cast member hate like I see on vevmo, especially as it pertains to Diem. Like I said, just a comment/observation.
[QUOTE=Imjustsayin;366962]He's not what? Trash or a *****? And what makes you so certain?[/QUOTE] What makes [I]you[/I] so certain? Why do so many people here talk like they know these people personally? (I'm aware that certain members do. Excuse me if you're one of them.) It's like you have a personal vendetta against them. [QUOTE=nmanderson;366975]********************This is not a reply to Imjustsayin**************************** Just a comment. I took a look at the Television Without Pity (TWOP)Challenge forum postings this morning. It was interesting in that game critique is very similar to the one here but very little cast member hate like I see on vevmo, especially as it pertains to Diem. Like I said, just a comment/observation.[/QUOTE] Yes. In my experience, Vevmo can be a hateful place. And yet, for some reason I can't stop reading.
Aww, it's not all hateful. :) When you go from Junior Member to Member, you have to click either the option for "Good" or "Evil", that's all! You know which way most people vote! ;) Nah, most people on here are really nice. But people are passionate about their opinions, and with so many seasons, so many castmembers, so many interactions, etc., it's impossible to agree with someone (even someone you like and respect) on every single aspect. Also, what is the W**** word? I can only think of one other word that is bad and starts with a W, but there aren't enough asterisks after it to be what I think it is. Maybe it's just a glitch? Boooo.
[QUOTE=Britney;367012]Aww, it's not all hateful. :) When you go from Junior Member to Member, you have to click either the option for "Good" or "Evil", that's all! You know which way most people vote! ;) Nah, most people on here are really nice. But people are passionate about their opinions, and with so many seasons, so many castmembers, so many interactions, etc., it's impossible to agree with someone (even someone you like and respect) on every single aspect. Also, what is the [B]W**** word[/B]? I can only think of one other word that is bad and starts with a W, but there aren't enough asterisks after it to be what I think it is. Maybe it's just a glitch? Boooo.[/QUOTE] lol Brit, it starts with w, ends in e and contains the letters h, o and r..
[QUOTE=skimthrough;366976] Yes. In my experience, Vevmo can be a hateful place...[/QUOTE] This is a phenomenon relatively new to vevmo, and I find it off-putting. Molds13 had a way of neutralizing it and I miss her.
[QUOTE=V1man;367054]This is a phenomenon relatively new to vevmo, and I find it off-putting. Molds13 had a way of neutralizing it and I miss her.[/QUOTE] Ditto.
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