[QUOTE=JEKFAN;364309]Diem to me comes off as very cocky this season like she is better than everyone else. I guess she really thinks she is going to make it to the end because she has CT/Wes and Johnny but she is not as good as she thinks she is. Alliances only take you so far...[/QUOTE]
I don't like it when teams get free rides because of their friendships, like jenn/mandi on rivals 1.
[QUOTE=Lostcity;364316]I don't like it when teams get free rides because of their friendships, like
jenn/mandi on rivals 1.[/QUOTE]
Foolish Brad and Tori for another.
[QUOTE=Lostcity;364316]I don't like it when teams get free rides because of their friendships, like jenn/mandi on rivals 1.[/QUOTE]
To be fair, they won a mission and almost won another (maybe 2?) this season.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;364328]To be fair, they won a mission and almost won another (maybe 2?) this season.[/QUOTE]
The one they won was because they followed ct/wes lead, diem even said thanks ct/wes during her confessional. Emily/paula and camila/jemmye finish ahead of the boys or in camila case led knight/preston through that maze. Imo the 3 teams that have earned spots in the final are cooke/cara, camila/jemmye, and emily/paula.
[QUOTE=Lostcity;364337]The one they won was because they followed ct/wes lead, diem even said thanks ct/wes during her confessional. Emily/paula and camila/jemmye finish ahead of the boys or in camila case led knight/preston through that maze. Imo the 3 teams that have earned spots in the final are cooke/cara, camila/jemmye, and emily/paula.[/QUOTE]
I'm not disagreeing with your final point, but they've proven themselves far more than Jenn/Mandi did.
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;364056]v1man will have an interview with Diem here sometime. I think he is waiting for everything they talk about to air so that there are no spoilers.[/QUOTE]
There's been a small set back on my end. I'm typing with one arm in a sling, and a face so swollen, red and bruised that I look like a combination between a raccoon and Santa Clause. As soon as I'm off the pain killers, I'll get back to the interview. (Face plant from the back of a moving van to the concrete. As I told Diem last night, I look like I met an angry CT in a dark alley)
[QUOTE=V1man;364346]There's been a small set back on my end. I'm typing with one arm in a sling, and a face so swollen, red and bruised that I look like a combination between a raccoon and Santa Clause. As soon as I'm off the pain killers, I'll get back to the interview. (Face plant from the back of a moving van to the concrete. As I told Diem last night, I look like I met an angry CT in a dark alley)[/QUOTE]
Ouch, sorry to hear that. Hope you heal up quickly!
[QUOTE=V1man;364346]There's been a small set back on my end. I'm typing with one arm in a sling, and a face so swollen, red and bruised that I look like a combination between a raccoon and Santa Clause. As soon as I'm off the pain killers, I'll get back to the interview. (Face plant from the back of a moving van to the concrete. As I told Diem last night, I look like I met an angry CT in a dark alley)[/QUOTE]
I'm very sorry to hear this. I noticed you weren't posting and thought you might be enjoying a Labor Day getaway. Hoping for a full and speedy recovery. Also, wondering what you were doing on the back of a moving van.
Quote Originally Posted by Imjustsayin View Post
I do. Even though she makes a TON of excuses and thinks she is exempt from rules/laws/regulations/guidelines/etc that everyone else has to follow...
[QUOTE=Nostalgic;364291]No, she's not. She's seriously tripping if she herself thinks otherwise.[/QUOTE]
I wonder sometimes if I'm watching the same show as some folks on here. She works hard, she tries hard, she wants to win. I've yet to hear her claim an exemption from a rule/law/regulation/guideline, etc. that everyone else tries to follow. I've seen her be kind to people who usually don't get niceness sent their way. I've seen her steer clear of people whom she knows either don't like her or who wish her misfortune. She gets, and has gotten, a lot of airtime over the years because of her compelling life story and the fact that she is attractive and articulate. Getting the airtime works against her. She seems to be on good terms with lots of competitors (from other seasons, other challenges, RR and RW) off the show. Why the 10 minutes of Diem hate constantly?
Despite all the Diem hate, I think she's just playing the game the best way she can. She's went to 7 Challenges (not entirely sure about this estimate) and has yet to win one, so why wouldn't she be cut throat? It's not the most popular decision some times, but she's stayed true to her alliance and she and Anessa have done really well in Challenges.
However, after this season (if she does do another one), I suspect people won't have the same sympathy as they did for her this time around. She's made a lot of rivals with the newer cast of the show, who are likely to do more and more Challenges as time goes on.
Overall, Diem is a solid competitor who's main strength is endurance - which is what you need to win a final. If she can even make it to a final (despite being tethered to Aneesa) she's a threat, and she has the opportunity to win, so she's doing everything in her power to make sure she gets to the promise land.
Also, props to Aneesa for doing well on most of these Challenges along with Diem. She doesn't really get the props that she should, and this is probably her best showing in a Challenge since sending people on flight's home in The Duel 1 & 2. Her endurance still is in question, but she's evolved from one of the least-worthy cast mates to a threat in her own right.
[QUOTE=AnneK;364351]I'm very sorry to hear this. I noticed you weren't posting and thought you might be enjoying a Labor Day getaway. Hoping for a full and speedy recovery. Also, wondering what you were doing on the back of a moving van.[/QUOTE]
Off topic, but to answer briefly. I was unloading a 26 ft moving van. With a very small box in each hand, I tripped on a curb and landed face-first onto the edge of an old oak fireplace mantle sitting on two concrete blocks. I'm sure I quality for casting in a horror film without need of makeup.
Yeah Diem may not be cutthroat, but she is in a house where she has [B]Fresh Meat [/B]to deal with, coexisting with her [B]Rival 2[/B], maybe [B]Duel 1[/B] or [B]2[/B] people politically, to get to the end she will have to [B]Battle[/B] in a house [B]of[/B] people who know [B]the[/B] prize is more important than their [B]Exes[/B], truth is you have to not be afraid to run the [B]Gauntlet[/B] if you want to be one of the final [B]3[/B] teams, if not your teams chances will be in [B]Ruins[/B]. This is easily one of the most pointless things I have ever typed into a computer and I am sorry.
[QUOTE=WesandCT;364457]Yeah Diem may not be cutthroat, but she is in a house where she has [B]Fresh Meat [/B]to deal with, coexisting with her [B]Rival 2[/B], maybe [B]Duel 1[/B] or [B]2[/B] people politically, to get to the end she will have to [B]Battle[/B] in a house [B]of[/B] people who know [B]the[/B] prize is more important than their [B]Exes[/B], truth is you have to not be afraid to run the [B]Gauntlet[/B] if you want to be one of the final [B]3[/B] teams, if not your teams chances will be in [B]Ruins[/B]. This is easily one of the most pointless things I have ever typed into a computer and I am sorry.[/QUOTE]
It wasn't Pointless. I thought it was cool.
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;364338]I'm not disagreeing with your final point, but they've proven themselves far more than Jenn/Mandi did.[/QUOTE]
Jenn/Mandi, along with their "win", came close to winning several other challenges that season. They also consistently performed at the top half of every other challenge so I would not say that they didn't prove themselves. Mission wise, they were actually consistently good on paper and the only other team that had better scores than them overall was Evelyn/Paula.
Aneesa/Diem have also done very well this season. No they haven't won that many challenges but they are consistently runner ups and most of their second place losses are always by seconds. Being seconds off from being first is nothing to scoff at since it just exactly that...seconds from first place. They have definitely earned their spot.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;364850]It wasn't Pointless. I thought it was cool.[/QUO
I hadn't seen this in quite awhile. Sort of puts Diem's Challenges in perspective to see where she came from and how we've seen her vulnerability on display. Good reminder that in Rivals II, she's going through the same thing for the second time in six years. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSyeVrDPbOg]MTV Real World Road Rules Challenge "Fresh Meat" "The Duel" MedGift documentary - YouTube[/url]
Hopefully this works! This is a copy of the US Magazine February 2007 article on CT and Diem after The Duel. Tells the story of what happened, especially with that first kiss.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;365950]It is Hideous and doesn't fit him at all. FAIL.
Nice article though.[/QUOTE]
Agreed lovely lovely article. I can't believe I missed it.
For all you guys interested in Danni Victor from Bad Girls Club and CT's relationship...this was her little tweet war upon rivals 2 airing on Wednesday. Subsequently, she has deleted the incriminating tweets....interesting
[QUOTE=JEKFAN;366751]Wait he got her pregnant? What
I feel like she is always involved in the real world drama....[/QUOTE]
im assuming she got an abortion? This isn't to be confused with her sister Gabi, who IS pregnant. but when news of her sister's pregnancy was released, she voiced she was happy for her sister but she's glad she's young and not having a kid. Her tweets reveal a lot, you could tell a lot was going on with CT although you know it wasn't official like she thought it was LOL the part about it being about publicity and spinoff for ct/diem is what gets me. Guess it's mmore about looking good on TV for some people. And I know MTV would love that idea as both are among the top favorites....means more money for MTV so I think we might see this in our future ....
Considering danni had hard feelings for zach for months after a one night stand i would say she will do and say anything for attention... She is a girl noone should mess with unless u wsnt the world to know everything