[QUOTE=Lotus;412973]I'm trying to grasp BMP's thought process here.
1) Markets this Challenge as "Free Agents", where everyone is their own agent (lol)
2) Forces both individual winners to come to a unanimous decision on who to vote into the elimination for BOTH genders. I mean it's not like it's mathematically possible to have a 50-50 split in votes between two people, right????
3) Allow their horribly unprofessional inarticulate host to badger a contestant due to their own ****** rules.
That part just bothered me this episode. I get that you have to be able to move the game along with a forceful hand sometimes as the host but TJ's really stepping out of line lately. Stick to your main job, guy. Or go back to sleeping with the contestants. Make up your mind.[/QUOTE]
This season isn't really proving anything until the eliminations and even that has had a lot of mismatches. It's hard to be a stand out in these missions and when people argue zach is smart he won the trivia, he answered 2-3 questions and one was about disney characters. That hardly proves you are smart, it's more how dumb everyone else is, and the order of when you went really affected this too. It's liek one question is about Disney, the next is about the biggest country so a bit different. Jessica has the most wins i think someone posted on twitter so far, and she so far really has done the log mission solo as a stand out i can't think of much else...It's not her fault but her and like johnny R are getting quite lucky really so far.
Having a bunch of beast guys and the one time you do individual you do trivia is really ruining this when it has so much potential imo
[QUOTE=Scouxx;412976]Re: Laurel's list
It wasn't in any order. If you watch the scene carefully, I believe she orders them:
1. Aneesa
2. Theresa
3. Jonna
4. someone unseen[/QUOTE]
Which makes perfect sense
I would hope Camila was the 4th
Absolutely hilarious that people are now considering Zach intelligent because he correctly answered a question about a Disney Princess and a question about a soccer team.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;412968]Kenny's praised Jonna as well...not sure how you missed that.
Kenny's also very close to Laurel, Theresa and Camila so I would expect him to say their names first.
The opinions of Knight, Marie, Trey & Laura mean nothing.
I find it hard to believe Zach never gave credit to Jonna[/QUOTE]
Where did Kenny praise Jonna? Post a link.
Kenny isn't close to Theresa or Camila. He went on to call both of them head cases with little sloppy mental games, but acknowledged that their physical capabilities could possible keep them in the game, which is actually the OPPOSITE of what he did with Jonna. He actually said that Jonna was something along the lines of a good strategist but essentially inferred that she had no chance because she is physically inept.
Either way, he still clearly placed Nany above Jonna which is what this argument is about. Not Theresa vs Jonna or Camila vs Jonna, it's Nany vs Jonna. Guarantee that 10 to 1 Kenny would take Nany over Jonna anyday of the week.
And you can't omit the opinions of Knight, Marie, Trey & Laura because YOU personally don't find them credible. They actually competed on a challenge with both of them and came to their conclusions based on that. FOUR different cast mates coming to the same conclusion, sorry but you can't omit that because it doesn't match what you want to believe.
Zach stated on Derrick's podcast, while he was dating Jonna I believe, that Nany is a great competitor despite how he feels about her personally. No mention of Jonna whatsoever in this ideal team of his. Other people he added to this team were Ashlee Feldman, Laura(because she was a gymnast and athlete), and Jemmye or Marie. Jonna didn't make the cut.
Theresa has called Jonna mediocre.
[QUOTE=toenails;412983]Absolutely hilarious that people are now considering Zach intelligent because he correctly answered a question about a Disney Princess and a question about a soccer team.[/QUOTE]
Lol right. At least he knew Rome was the capital though unlike Jordan. I was actually a bit surprised when Jordan failed to answer that but at least the answer was in Italy.
If zach added marie to his team of ideal women like v123 states, than that completely makes Zach's opinions worthless..She has 0 endurance, and she is bigger than most of the girls but that wont' get you to the finish line
[QUOTE=v123;412984]Where did Kenny praise Jonna? Post a link.
Kenny isn't close to Theresa or Camila. He went on to call both of them head cases with little sloppy mental games, but acknowledged that their physical capabilities could possible keep them in the game, which is actually the OPPOSITE of what he did with Jonna. He actually said that Jonna was something along the lines of a good strategist but essentially inferred that she had no chance because she is physically inept.
Either way, he still clearly placed Nany above Jonna which is what this argument is about. Not Theresa vs Jonna or Camila vs Jonna, it's Nany vs Jonna. Guarantee that 10 to 1 Kenny would take Nany over Jonna anyday of the week.
And you can't omit the opinions of Knight, Marie, Trey & Laura because YOU personally don't find them credible. They actually competed on a challenge with both of them and came to their conclusions based on that. FOUR different cast mates coming to the same conclusion, sorry but you can't omit that because it doesn't match what you want to believe.
Zach stated on Derrick's podcast, while he was dating Jonna I believe, that Nany is a great competitor despite how he feels about her personally. No mention of Jonna whatsoever in this ideal team of his. [B]Other people he added to this team were Ashlee Feldman, Laura(because she was a gymnast and athlete), and Jemmye or Marie. Jonna didn't make the cut.[/B]
Theresa has called Jonna mediocre.[/QUOTE]
If zach added marie to his team of ideal women like v123 states, than that completely makes Zach's opinions worthless..She has 0 endurance, and she is bigger than most of the girls but that wont' get you to the finish line..He is obviously biased like laurel/knight
[QUOTE=jojorules;412967]Kenny has never been on a season with Nany, so he's biased as well. Knight is friends with nany have you seen them tweet at each other like bff's? Laurel and Nany are like bff's too now, Zach has said that jonna was awesome and nany was awesome so that's a wash...So their is biased in all of these opinions really. Trey is probably theonly unbiased one, but at the time he was enemies wiht Zach he was with Jonna so odds are he wouldn't be too fond of her..
I wouldn't want to get a lot of praise when i haven't really proven anything either, so if anything they are just hyping her which almost forces her to produce or she is overrated.[/QUOTE]
Kenny goes off of what he has heard which means that cast mates have chirped in his ear that Nany shows up and is someone to not take lightly, compared to Jonna.
And these people were not hyping Nany. They were asked questions, such as who was the strongest girl on Seasons and some said Nany. That's not hyping, they were clearly going based off of what they saw. Why would Laura have any reason to hype Nany? Laura is so boring and matter of fact that she has no reason to slight anyone. She's just giving her opinion that Nany was really impressive. She was actually present with both of them at these challenges so she obviously got to see a lot more than any of us.
[QUOTE=v123;412992]Kenny goes off of what he has heard which means that cast mates have chirped in his ear that Nany shows up and is someone to not take lightly, compared to Jonna.
And these people were not hyping Nany. They were asked questions, such as who was the strongest girl on Seasons and some said Nany. That's not hyping, they were clearly going based off of what they saw. Why would Laura have any reason to hype Nany? She's just giving her opinion that Nany was really impressive. She was actually present with both of them at these challenges so she obviously got to see a lot more than any of us.[/QUOTE]
So you are taking a third party who is whispering to kenny that nany is great as fact? ok....that proves nothing to me ..just my opinion but id rather see her prove it head to head or in a final than i am convinced. i want nany to do well, but she has to do something. she has a lot of potential...You also don't know that the person who told kenny that may not like jonna, the challenge is like clique..
[QUOTE=jojorules;412990]If zach added marie to his team of ideal women like v123 states, than that completely makes Zach's opinions worthless..She has 0 endurance, and she is bigger than most of the girls but that wont' get you to the finish line..He is obviously biased like laurel/knight[/QUOTE]
Thanks KVM i am starting to think i am watching something different on a different channel haha. Although he may have said Marie is tough btu Zach's realistic i doubt he had marie on his "dream team". Zach's challenge opinions when judging people is usually pretty spot on when he isn't being too cocky about himself
[QUOTE=jojorules;412988]If zach added marie to his team of ideal women like v123 states, than that completely makes Zach's opinions worthless..She has 0 endurance, and she is bigger than most of the girls but that wont' get you to the finish line[/QUOTE]
Maybe he was only picking from BOTS2. Cause that's an odd answer, especially for a person who was a challenge fanatic. But then Ashlee F. is in his answer so I don't even know.
[QUOTE=hannamez8;412999]Maybe he was only picking from BOTS2. Cause that's an odd answer, especially for a person who was a challenge fanatic. But then Ashlee F. is in his answer so I don't even know.[/QUOTE]
He was making a Rookie team so Jonna, Dustin, Frank, CJ all those people were all possibilities. I believe he picked Dustin, Frank, CJ but no Jonna.
[QUOTE=v123;413002]He was making a Rookie team so Jonna, Dustin, Frank, CJ all those people were all possibilities. I believe he picked Dustin, Frank, CJ but no Jonna.[/QUOTE]
You're not making any sense. Ashlee wasn't on that challenge
If he picked those girls over Ashley K (ignore Jonna for the time being) he's an idiot
This likely was after Zach and Jonna were done and shows bias. See Ashlee being included who wasn't there
[QUOTE=jojorules;412958]That is my opinion based on who i have seen do well in finals. Things you need in a final, endurance, puzzle ability, and a no quit attitude..I haven't seen either give up, both have good endurance from what i have seen more so Jonna than Nany, nany smokes and drinks a lot so that could hurt her more so everyone jokes how much nany drinks...Laurel doesn't want anyone with better endurance to have to face her in the final...
Id say puzzle skills jonna has advantage as well over nany from what i have seen. You have to be well rounded to win a final, look at johnny. he isn't the biggest, fastest, or smartest, but he is above average at all (except maybe average at puzzles), and look at his record.
You also need the "willing to do anything" mentality liek eating all that crap on rivals 2 becuase you never know what will be in front of you. I'd say nany would be more willing than jonna in that.[/QUOTE]
I agree. I said it before too that Nany's smoking habit can may have a huge effect on her performance but she does have a strong mindset especially from BOTS2, willing to give it her all. But like many said about Jonna, she cracks under pressure and she did in the first episode of this season so I don't know what to expect from her in puzzles in a final.
Zach has had a few changes of opinions but i believe his dream guy team was like ct/frank/derrick K/himself/CJ just based on the many interviews i have seen him do and who he respects ...if he was interviewed now he might have bananas over cj though but just my thoughts from what he said on bots2 and what he has said since rivals 2
I mean that team is absolutely stacked too
[QUOTE=hannamez8;413004]I agree. I said it before too that Nany's smoking habit can may have a huge effect on her performance but she does have a strong mindset especially from BOTS2, willing to give it her all. But like many said about Jonna, she cracks under pressure and she did in the first episode of this season so I don't know what to expect from her in puzzles in a final.[/QUOTE]
The issue in the first episode was Chet...not Jonna or Emilee.
Her solving the puzzle in an elimination wasn't under pressure? The difference was Jasmine let Jonna run the show as Chet should have done. Fortunately Chet got what he deserved
[QUOTE=jojorules;412995]So you are taking a third party who is whispering to kenny that nany is great as fact? ok....that proves nothing to me ..just my opinion but id rather see her prove it head to head or in a final than i am convinced. i want nany to do well, but she has to do something. she has a lot of potential...You also don't know that the person who told kenny that may not like jonna, the challenge is like clique..[/QUOTE]
Except I don't go based off one opinion. I go based off of collective evidence. Kenny is only one contributing factor to the whole argument that Nany is seen as tougher than Jonna by cast mates.
I don't have any reason to favor either one of these ladies. It just so happens that when i watch, cast mates are constantly highlighting Nany while there is little mention of Jonna. You can come to your own conclusion based off of a 20 minute snippet TV edit while I prefer to take the near unanimous opinions of those that were there for the entire day.
[QUOTE=v123;413009]Except I don't go based off one opinion. I go based off of collective evidence. Kenny is only one contributing factor to the whole argument that Nany is seen as tougher than Jonna by cast mates.
I don't have any reason to favor either one of these ladies. It just so happens that when i watch, cast mates are constantly highlighting Nany while there is little mention of Jonna. You can come to your own conclusion based off of a 20 minute snippet TV edit while I prefer to take the near unanimous opinions of those that were there for the entire day.[/QUOTE]
Find better sources that aren't her ex-boyfriend, never competed in a challenge with her or are horrible competitors themselves that may be bitter Jonna ran the show against them.
[QUOTE=v123;413009]Except I don't go based off one opinion. I go based off of collective evidence. Kenny is only one contributing factor to the whole argument that Nany is seen as tougher than Jonna by cast mates.
I don't have any reason to favor either one of these ladies. It just so happens that when i watch, cast mates are constantly highlighting Nany while there is little mention of Jonna. You can come to your own conclusion based off of a 20 minute snippet TV edit while I prefer to take the near unanimous opinions of those that were there for the entire day.[/QUOTE]
I go off what i see on the show when they are competing, not what goes on in the house and off the show which heavily influences the castmembers opinions of each other whether they admit it or not.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;413006]The issue in the first episode was Chet...not Jonna or Emilee.
[B]Her solving the puzzle in an elimination wasn't under pressure[/B]? The difference was Jasmine let Jonna run the show as Chet should have done. Fortunately Chet got what he deserved[/QUOTE]
Emilee said that on her facebook post if I'm not mistaken.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;413003]You're not making any sense. Ashlee wasn't on that challenge
If he picked those girls over Ashley K (ignore Jonna for the time being) he's an idiot
This likely was after Zach and Jonna were done and shows bias. See Ashlee being included who wasn't there[/QUOTE]
What are you talking about? Ashlee not being on that challenge had nothing to do with his building a Rookie team.
And he had Ashley K on his list. He said something about how she has endurance for days.
His rookie team was Frank, Dustin, CJ(I think?) and I don't remember who else. Girls were Ashlee(kryptonite for the bigger girls), Ashley K(runner), Nany(great competitor in spite of how he feels about her personally), Laura(gymnast), and Derrick offered up Marie. He was going to for her because he wanted a girl that could crush heads in physical contact but went for Jemmye instead because Jemmye can do that and climb well.
[QUOTE=hannamez8;413013]Emilee said that on her facebook post if I'm not mistaken.[/QUOTE]
What does Emille have to do with solving the puzzle on Rivals?
[QUOTE=v123;413014]What are you talking about? Ashlee not being on that challenge had nothing to do with his building a Rookie team.
And he had Ashley K on his list. He said something about how she has endurance for days.
His rookie team was Frank, Dustin, CJ(I think?) and I don't remember who else. Girls were Ashlee(kryptonite for the bigger girls), Ashley K(runner), Nany(great competitor in spite of how he feels about her personally), Laura(gymnast), and Derrick offered up Marie. He was going to for her because he wanted a girl that could crush heads in physical contact but went for Jemmye instead because Jemmye can do that and climb well.[/QUOTE]
Go back and read your first post. He was clearly broken up with Jonna at the time.
Ashley K & Ashlee on your team absolutely make sense. Having Nany does as well. If you don't see the bias that's on you.
[QUOTE=v123;413014]What are you talking about? Ashlee not being on that challenge had nothing to do with his building a Rookie team.
And he had Ashley K on his list. He said something about how she has endurance for days.
His rookie team was Frank, Dustin, CJ(I think?) and I don't remember who else. Girls were Ashlee(kryptonite for the bigger girls), Ashley K(runner), Nany(great competitor in spite of how he feels about her personally), Laura(gymnast), and Derrick offered up Marie. He was going to for her because he wanted a girl that could crush heads in physical contact but went for Jemmye instead because Jemmye can do that and climb well.[/QUOTE]
No offense seriously i don't mean to be mean, but picking jemmye is just as bad if not worse than Marie..Rookie girls is tough though, but ashley marie K from san diego 2 is a def yes for endurance, he has said that. also even broken up he would take his ex ashlee feldman i mean she is athletic and has endurance too...Nany was a rookie at hte time so by default he may chose her but who else is there really that is a rookie so it's not that much of a compliment. I thnk the guys he took says more
Your post
"Zach stated on Derrick's podcast, while he was dating Jonna I believe, that Nany is a great competitor despite how he feels about her personally. No mention of Jonna whatsoever in this ideal team of his. Other people he added to this team were Ashlee Feldman, Laura(because she was a gymnast and athlete), and Jemmye or Marie. Jonna didn't make the cut."
You never said Ashley K--please get yous story straight. Right now you're desperate. You even wrongly claimed he was still with Jonna at this time. If you want to make an argument make one that I can't smash in 5 seconds
[QUOTE=hannamez8;413018]First episode or Free agents...[/QUOTE]
Are you trying to prove you can't read?
I explained Free Agents and clearly referenced the "elimination" in which she solved a puzzle
Please learn to READ. My three year old can
[QUOTE=kvm1977;413016]Go back and read your first post. [B]He was clearly broken up with Jonna at the time.[/B]
Ashley K & Ashlee on your team absolutely make sense. Having Nany does as well. If you don't see the bias that's on you.[/QUOTE]
And he was also broken up with Ashley K and had personal distaste for Nany yet he still put her on his team. You're really reaching right now.
[QUOTE=v123;413021]And he was also broken up with Ashley K and had personal distaste for Nany yet he still put her on his team. You're really reaching right now.[/QUOTE]
Ashley K > Jonna. No one's arguing that and he just won a challenge with her.
Jonna's break up was recent. That will impact things. You did lie and say they were together at the time. Get your story straight.
You clearly making stuff up as you go. Notice you didn't include Ashley originally. You're a joke at this point. I just wish you were funny.