Rules: First 5 Episodes Inner circle of top 3 of the daily vote off a member of their team. Next 5 top 2 members vote off a member of the team. Last 5 top 1 votes off a member
Episode 1 - Inner circle (Coral, Ellen, Ayana) / (Shane, Patrick, LT) Voted off - (Angela/Charlie)
Episode 2 - Inner Circle (Coral, Tina, Veronica) / (Simon,Brad,Abe) Voted off (Brynn/CT)
Episode 3 - Inner Circle (Ruthie,Veronica, Ellen) / (Shane, Darrell, LT) Voted off (Emily/Donnell)
Episode 4 - Inner Circle (Veronica, Kendall, Ellen) / (Simon, Theo, Abe) Voted off (Ruthie/Eric J)
Episode 5 - Inner Circle ( Coral, Elka, Genesis) /(Shane, Darrel, LT) Voted off (Julie/Theo)
Episode 6 - Inner Circle (Keri,Kendall) / (Patrick/ Shane) Voted off (Kameelah/Syrus)
Episode 7 - Inner Circle (Elka, Genesis) / (Antoine,Shane) Voted off (Kendall, Jaques)
Episose 8 - Inner Circle (Coral,Melissa) / (Simon,LT) Voted off (Kina,Brad)
Episode 9 - Inner Circle (Elka, Ellen) / (Frank, Abe) Voted off (Piggy,Danny)
Episode 10 - Inner Circle (Tina,Genesis)/ (Darrell,Patrick) Voted off (Ayana,Frank)
Episode 11 - Inner Circle (Coral) / (Abe) Voted off (Ellen,Patrick)
Episode 12 - Inner Circle (Genesis) / (Shane) Voted off (Keri, LT)
Episode 13 - Inner Circle (Tina) / (Simon) Voted off (Elka,Shane)
Episode 14 - Inner Circle (Veronica) / (Darrell) Voted off (Melissa, Jeremy)
Episode 15 - Inner Circle (Coral) / (Darrell) Voted off (Tina,Simon)
Since Netflix is making their own here's my cast, haven't seen Love Is Blind, THTH after season 3 and a few of the other shit dating shows. assuming everyone's willing besides like Mel B
Joey Sasso, Circle 1
Mitchell Eason, Circle 2
Courtney Revolution, Circle 2
Nick Uhlenhuth, Circle 3
Brett Robinson, Circle 5
Marvin Achi, Circle 5
Chaz Lawery, Circle 5
Dom Gabriel, The Mole
Will Richardson, The Mole
Harry Jowsey, THTH1
Kelz ****, THTH1
Chase De Moor,THTH2
Alex, Surviving Paradise
Sisco, Survivint Paradise
Bryton,, Squid Game
Stephen, Squid Game
Trey, Squid Game
Sammie Cimarelli, Circle 1
Savannah Palacio, Circle 2
Khat Bell, Circle 2
Jacki Jing, Circle 3
Kai Ghost, Circle 3
Xanthi Perdikomatis, The Circle 5
Avori Henderson, The Mole
Francesca Farago, THTH1
Chloe Veitch, THTH1
Melinda Melrose, THTH2
Georgia Hassaratti, THTH3
Tabitha, Surviving Paradise
Lellies, Survivint Paradise
Tolu Ekindare, The Trust
Ines Tazi, Perfect Match
Figgy, Squid Game
Ashley, Squid Game
This is mostly the big names, people I'd expect to see and people I like. There's such a wide pool of people from like 5 years worth of shows so they don't need to blow their wad with every big name on season 1. Sometimes u need the super dramatic flops that will give u a good episode or two before leaving as well as some background characters
this cast is OUTSTANDING. I'd also love to see Phill (runner-up) and Jada (who gave her kidney to her brother) from Squid Game
OMG YES. The chaos of yes and ayanna will be hilarious cuz even though I'm a fan, I know she will work his patience and good guy persona LMAO. Blair, yes please! The dan & flora confessionals would be amazing. Jamie & Julie will be a mess. The miz & coral=ICONS.
I'm surprised to see trisha over your girl Ashli though?
you should answer the inferno $75 one in the create your own thread, that was fun
Casting the Future of The Challenge - All Stars 5, USA 3, and Season 41
Going forward with newer cast members, emphasizing younger rookies, and keeping in mind the 50% BIPOC rule:
All Stars 5
Only people from Road Rules, Real World, Fresh Meat, and Bloodlines who aren’t likely to compete on the flagship these days. Keep the cast small and the format straightforward.
Dan R, Marlon, CJ, Eric N, Pete, Chadwick, Danny J, Ty, Noor, Stephen, Kefla, Mitch – alt: MJ
Only people from US-based CBS shows, Love Island, and Netflix shows. Cast of 32, 4 teams of 8 that stay throughout the game (meaning multiple new winners)
Returners: Ed, Derek X, James
Brett (BB20 and Circle 5)
Wendell (Surv 38 and 40)
Mitchell (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Bryton (Squid Game)
Stephen (Squid Game)
Kaleb (Surv 45)
Matt (BB25)
Sami (Surv 43)
Jonathan (Surv 42)
Will (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Dom (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Chase (Too Hot to Handle 2 and Perfect Match)
Zach R (BB16)
Other people considered: Mark J (BB19), Harry (Too Hot to Handle 1), Dean (Surv 39), JD (Surv 41), Alec (Surv 37), Marvin (Circle 5), Danny M (Surv 43), Cody (Surv 43), Bru (Circle 4), Seth (TAR29), Nick (The Circle 3), Chris Noble (Surv 36), Cole (Surv 35), Ryan (TAR33), Riley or Maddison (TAR32), Scott (TAR29), Korey (TAR28 and 31), Joseph (BB24), Michael (BB24), Xavier (BB23)
Returners: Amber B, Michaela, Cayla, Natalie N, Da’Vonne, Cassidy, Bayleigh
Dee (Surv 45)
Cydney (Surv 32)
Jada (Squid Game)
Xanthi (Circle 5)
Savannah (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Avori (The Mole)
Missy (Surv 39 and Survive the Raft)
Lauren O (Surv 38)
Becca (TAR29 and 31)
Other people considered: Chanelle, Hannah (BB23), Francesca (Too Hot to Handle 1 and Perfect Match), Christie (BB21), Mattie (TAR34), Lala or Lulu (TAR33), Jessie (TAR29), Wentworth (Surv 38), Natalia (Surv 37), Imani (Love Island 4)
Season 41 – The Challenge: Protégés
4 male winners + 4 female winners as captains of teams of 4 for a cast of 32. 34 people below because the slowest man and woman purged on Day 1.
Emanuel, Frank S, Rogan, Troy (or a new winner)
Kiki, Ashley M, Sarah R, Kaz (or a new winner)
Nathan, Corey L, Johnny M, Jay S, Kyland, Callum, Ciarran, Grant, Faysal, Dusty, Jag (winner of BB25), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Alts: Paulie / Horacio
Nurys, Ravyn, Berna, Zara, Kailah, Alyssa L, Cassidy, Olivia, Justine, Averey, Ekin-Su (Traitors 2 and winner of Love Island UK 8), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Casting the Future of The Challenge - All Stars 5, USA 3, and Season 41
Going forward with newer cast members, emphasizing younger rookies, and keeping in mind the 50% BIPOC rule:
All Stars 5
Only people from Road Rules, Real World, Fresh Meat, and Bloodlines who aren’t likely to compete on the flagship these days. Keep the cast small and the format straightforward.
Dan R, Marlon, CJ, Eric N, Pete, Chadwick, Danny J, Ty, Noor, Stephen, Kefla, Mitch – alt: MJ
Only people from US-based CBS shows, Love Island, and Netflix shows. Cast of 32, 4 teams of 8 that stay throughout the game (meaning multiple new winners)
Returners: Ed, Derek X, James
Brett (BB20 and Circle 5)
Wendell (Surv 38 and 40)
Mitchell (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Bryton (Squid Game)
Stephen (Squid Game)
Kaleb (Surv 45)
Matt (BB25)
Sami (Surv 43)
Jonathan (Surv 42)
Will (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Dom (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Chase (Too Hot to Handle 2 and Perfect Match)
Zach R (BB16)
Other people considered: Mark J (BB19), Harry (Too Hot to Handle 1), Dean (Surv 39), JD (Surv 41), Alec (Surv 37), Marvin (Circle 5), Danny M (Surv 43), Cody (Surv 43), Bru (Circle 4), Seth (TAR29), Nick (The Circle 3), Chris Noble (Surv 36), Cole (Surv 35), Ryan (TAR33), Riley or Maddison (TAR32), Scott (TAR29), Korey (TAR28 and 31), Joseph (BB24), Michael (BB24), Xavier (BB23)
Returners: Amber B, Michaela, Cayla, Natalie N, Da’Vonne, Cassidy, Bayleigh
Dee (Surv 45)
Cydney (Surv 32)
Jada (Squid Game)
Xanthi (Circle 5)
Savannah (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Avori (The Mole)
Missy (Surv 39 and Survive the Raft)
Lauren O (Surv 38)
Becca (TAR29 and 31)
Other people considered: Chanelle, Hannah (BB23), Francesca (Too Hot to Handle 1 and Perfect Match), Christie (BB21), Mattie (TAR34), Lala or Lulu (TAR33), Jessie (TAR29), Wentworth (Surv 38), Natalia (Surv 37), Imani (Love Island 4)
Season 41 – The Challenge: Protégés
4 male winners + 4 female winners as captains of teams of 4 for a cast of 32. 34 people below because the slowest man and woman purged on Day 1.
Emanuel, Frank S, Rogan, Troy (or a new winner)
Kiki, Ashley M, Sarah R, Kaz (or a new winner)
Nathan, Corey L, Johnny M, Jay S, Kyland, Callum, Ciarran, Grant, Faysal, Dusty, Jag (winner of BB25), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Alts: Paulie / Horacio
Nurys, Ravyn, Berna, Zara, Kailah, Alyssa L, Cassidy, Olivia, Justine, Averey, Ekin-Su (Traitors 2 and winner of Love Island UK 8), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Format: Battle of the sexes leaderboard. Inner Circle is immune and votes for one person of their gender. That person decides who to go against in the elimination. Final with 8 people, one winner per gender. Cast rule: no people outside of RR, RW, FM or Bloodlines, no returning AS with more than 2 seasons.
Format: Battle of the sexes leaderboard. Inner Circle is immune and votes for one person of their gender. That person decides who to go against in the elimination. Final with 8 people, one winner per gender. Cast rule: no people outside of RR, RW, FM or Bloodlines, no returning AS with more than 2 seasons.
Brandon Nelson (Fresh Meat II)
Chadwick Pelletier (RR: Down Under)
CJ Koegel (RW: Cancun)
Cohutta Grindstaff (RW: Sidney)
Dan Renzi (RW: Miami)
Dustin Zito (RW: Las Vegas)
Eric Banks "Big Easy" (Fresh Meat I)
Eric Nies (RW: New York)
Jaime Murray (RW: New Orleans)
Kefla Hare (RR: Down Under)
Marlon Williams (RW: Portland)
Nick Haggart (RR: X-treme)
Preston Roberson-Charles (RW: New Orleans 2010)
Tony Raines (RW: Skeletons)
ALTS: Ty Ruff (RW: DC)
Carley Johnson (Fresh Meat II)
Christena Pyle (RR: South Pacific)
Genesis Moss (RW: Boston)
Heather Cooke (RW: Las Vegas 2011)
Irulan Wilson (RW: Las Vegas)
Jenn Grijalva (RW: Denver)
Jisela Delgado (RR: The Quest)
Jemmye Carroll (RW: New Orleans 2010)
Julie Stoffer (RW: New Orleans)
Marie Roda (RW: St. Thomas)
Ruthie Alcaide (RW: Hawaii)
Sandy Kang (Fresh Meat II)
Sarah Rice (RW: Brooklyn)
Susie Meister (RR: Down Under)
ALT: Sydney Walker (Fresh Meat II)
Great cast! I would switch out Eric Banks with literally anyone....
^ Took her off last second having too many circle people. Not that it was a realistic cast but gamer also said she isn't on
Battle of the Sexes 2
Rules: First 5 Episodes Inner circle of top 3 of the daily vote off a member of their team. Next 5 top 2 members vote off a member of the team. Last 5 top 1 votes off a member
Episode 1 - Inner circle (Coral, Ellen, Ayana) / (Shane, Patrick, LT) Voted off - (Angela/Charlie)
Episode 2 - Inner Circle (Coral, Tina, Veronica) / (Simon,Brad,Abe) Voted off (Brynn/CT)
Episode 3 - Inner Circle (Ruthie,Veronica, Ellen) / (Shane, Darrell, LT) Voted off (Emily/Donnell)
Episode 4 - Inner Circle (Veronica, Kendall, Ellen) / (Simon, Theo, Abe) Voted off (Ruthie/Eric J)
Episode 5 - Inner Circle ( Coral, Elka, Genesis) /(Shane, Darrel, LT) Voted off (Julie/Theo)
Episode 6 - Inner Circle (Keri,Kendall) / (Patrick/ Shane) Voted off (Kameelah/Syrus)
Episode 7 - Inner Circle (Elka, Genesis) / (Antoine,Shane) Voted off (Kendall, Jaques)
Episose 8 - Inner Circle (Coral,Melissa) / (Simon,LT) Voted off (Kina,Brad)
Episode 9 - Inner Circle (Elka, Ellen) / (Frank, Abe) Voted off (Piggy,Danny)
Episode 10 - Inner Circle (Tina,Genesis)/ (Darrell,Patrick) Voted off (Ayana,Frank)
Episode 11 - Inner Circle (Coral) / (Abe) Voted off (Ellen,Patrick)
Episode 12 - Inner Circle (Genesis) / (Shane) Voted off (Keri, LT)
Episode 13 - Inner Circle (Tina) / (Simon) Voted off (Elka,Shane)
Episode 14 - Inner Circle (Veronica) / (Darrell) Voted off (Melissa, Jeremy)
Episode 15 - Inner Circle (Coral) / (Darrell) Voted off (Tina,Simon)
Women - Genesis, Coral, Veronica WINNERS
Men - Antoine, Darrell, Abe
The Challenge: Ride or Dies (The Duel Era)
1. Sophia Pasquis (Road Rules: The Quest)/Ruthie Alcaide (The Real World: Hawaii)
2. Coral Smith (The Real World: Back to New York)/Melissa Howard (The Real World: New Orleans)
3. Jamie Chung (The Real World: San Diego)/Johanna Botta (The Real World: Austin)
4. Trishelle Cannatella (The Real World: Las Vegas)/Kendal Sheppard (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)
5. Veronica Portillo (Road Rules: Semester at Sea)/Rachel Robinson (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)
6. Janelle Casanave (The Real World: Key West)/Paula Meronek (The Real World: Key West)
7. Ibis Nieves (Road Rules: X-Treme)/ Kina Dean (Road Rules: X-Treme)
1. Shane Landrum (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)/Darrell Taylor (Road Rules: Campus Crawl)
2. Wes Bergmann (The Real World: Austin)/Nehemiah Clark (The Real World: Austin)
3. Chris "C.T." Tamburello (The Real World: Paris)/Ace Amerson (The Real World: Paris)
4. Mark Long (Road Rules: The First Adventure)/Timmy Beggy (Road Rules: The Second Adventure)
5. Derrick Kosinski (Road Rules:X-Treme)/Brad Fiorenza (The Real World: San Diego)
6. John "Johnny Bananas" Devenanzio (The Real World: Key West)/Jose Tapia (The Real World: Key West)
7. Alton Williams (The Real World: Las Vegas)/Steven Hill (The Real World: Las Vegas)
Jamie and Johanna were friends? Trishelle and Kendal didn't like each other.
this cast is OUTSTANDING. I'd also love to see Phill (runner-up) and Jada (who gave her kidney to her brother) from Squid Game
Jamie and Johanna were friends in college.
The Challenge:
Tori H
Tori D
Cara Maria
Episode 1:
Winners: Blue
Last: Green
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Katie and Josh vs Tori H and Zach
Eliminated: Katie and Josh
Episode 2:
Winners: Blue
Last: Purple
Voted in: Green
Matchup: Jenna and Kyle vs Trishelle and Brad
Eliminated: Trishelle and Brad
Episode 3:
Winners: Orange
Last: Pink
Voted in: Purple
Matchup: Tori D and Shane vs Amanda and Kyle
Eliminated: Amanda and Kyle
Episode 4:
Winners: Blue
Last: Purple
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Jenna and Kyland vs Ashley and Zach
Eliminated: Jenna and Kyland
Episode 5:
Winners: Pink
Last: Orange
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Theresa and Darrell vs Mandi and Paulie
Eliminated: Mandi and Paulie
Episode 6:
Winners: Yellow
Last: Pink
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Tori D and Shane vs Rachel and Leroy
Eliminated: Rachel and Leroy
Episode 7:
Winners: Red
Last: Yellow
Voted in: Black
Matchup: Nany and CT vs Casey and Devin
Eliminated: Casey and Devin
Episode 8:
Winners: Orange
Last: Black
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Cara Maria and Wes vs Laurel and Fessy
Eliminated: Cara Maria and Wes
Episode 9:
Winners: Orange
Last: Yellow
Voted in : Blue
Matchup: Nany and CT vs Laurel and Fessy
Eliminated: Nany and CT
Episode 10:
Winners: Orange
Last: Blue
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Laurel and Fessy vs Ashley and Zach
Eliminated: Laurel and Fessy
Episode 11:
Winners: Orange
Last: Pink
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Tori D and Shane vs Tori H and Horacio
Eliminated: Tori H and Horacio
Episode 12:
3rd: Pink (Aneesa, Tori D, Shane, Jordan)
2nd: Red (Ashley and Zach)
1st: Orange (Theresa, Kaycee, Bananas, Darrell)
The Challenge: Redneck Island Rules
Leroy and Kam
Shane and Nany
Bananas and Tori D
Darrell and Nia
Ace and Amanda
Brad and Kaycee
Horacio and Ashley
Tyler and Tori H
Frank S and Aneesa
Adam L and Theresa
Zach and Averey
Josh and Katie
Jordan and Mandi
Episode 1:
Winners: Tyler and Tori H
Last: Frank S and Aneesa
Voted in: Horacio and Ashley
Eliminated: Horacio and Ashley
Episode 2:
Winners: Leroy and Kam
Last: Josh and Katie
Voted in: Ace and Amanda
Eliminated: Ace and Amanda
Episode 3:
Winners: Tyler and Tori H
Last: Leroy and Kam
Voted in: Zach and Averey
Eliminated: Leroy and Averey
New Team: Zach and Kam
Episode 4:
Winners: Zach and Kam
Last: Shane and Nany
Voted in: Tyler and Tori H
Eliminated: Shane and Nany
Episode 5:
Winners: Tyler and Tori H
Last: Darrell and Nia
Voted in: Zach and Kam
Eliminated: Darrell and Nia
Episode 6:
Winners: Zach and Kam
Last: Josh and Katie
Voted in: Tyler and Tori H
Eliminated: Josh and Katie
Episode 7:
Winners: Zach and Kam
Last: Brad and Kaycee
Voted in: Tyler and Tori H
Eliminated: Tyler and Tori H
Episode 8:
Winners: Zach and Kam
Last: Frank S and Aneesa
Voted in: Adam L and Theresa
Eliminated: Frank S and Theresa
New Team: Adam L and Aneesa
Episode 9:
Winners: Zach and Kam
Last: Adam L and Aneesa
Voted in: Brad and Kaycee
Eliminated: Adam L and Aneesa
Episode 10:
Winners: Brad and Kaycee
Last: Jordan and Mandi
Voted in: Zach and Kam
Eliminated: Zach and Mandi
New Team: Jordan and Kam
Episode 11:
3rd: Brad and Kaycee
Episode 12:
2nd: Jordan and Kam
1st: Bananas and Tori D
All Stars 5
Battle of the Seasons
The Challenge: Filthy Forty
Cara Maria
Tori H
Tori D
Adam L
Episode 1:
Winners: Blue
Saved: Red
Voted in Green: Marie and Fessy
Voted in Yellow: Tina (Picked by Marie due to Tie) and Paulie
Eliminated: Tina and Paulie
Episode 2:
Winners: Yellow
Saved: Green
Voted in Blue: Nia and Josh
Voted in Red: Kellyanne and Kyland
Eliminated: Kellyanne and Josh
Episode 3:
Winners: Yellow
Saved: Green
Voted in Blue: Nia and Zach
Voted in Red: Aneesa and Kyland
Eliminated: Nia and Kyland
Episode 4:
Winners: Yellow
Saved: Green
Voted in Blue: Kendal and Zach
Voted in Red: Aneesa and Kyle
Eliminated: Kendal and Kyle
New Teams:
Kam and Veronica
Rachel and Aneesa
Laurel and Nany
Averey and Jemmye
Kailah and Tori H
Jonna and Marie
Cara Maria and Jodi
Tori D and Jenna
Zach and Adam L
MJ and Leroy
Tyler and Jordan
Horacio and Devin
Wes and Ace
Fessy and Bananas
Shane and Brad
Darrell and Cohutta
Episode 5:
Winners: Rachel and Aneesa/ Tyler and Jordan
Last: Kailah and Tori H/ Zach and Adam L
Voted in: Averey and Jemmye/ Horacio and Devin
Eliminated: Averey and Jemmye/ Horacio and Devin
Episode 6:
Winners: Kam and Veronica/ Wes and Ace
Last: Kailah and Tori H/ Fessy and Bananas
Voted in: Jonna and Marie/ Tyler and Jordan
Eliminated: Jonna and Marie/ Tyler and Jordan
Episode 7:
Winners: Tori D and Jenna/ Shane and Brad
Last: Kam and Veronica/ MJ and Leroy
Voted in: Cara Maria and Jodi/ Fessy and Bananas
Eliminated: Cara Maria and Jodi/ MJ and Leroy
New Phase- Individual
Tori D
Tori H
Adam L
Episode 8:
Winners: Laurel and Fessy
Last: Veronica and Shane
Chosen for Elimination by Last Place: Nany and Cohutta
Eliminated: Veronica and Shane
Episode 9:
Winners: Laurel and Fessy
Last: Aneesa and Ace
Chosen: Jenna and Zach
Eliminated: Jenna and Ace
Episode 10:
Winners: Rachel and Wes
Last: Kailah and Brad
Chosen: Tori H and Fessy
Eliminated: Kailah and Brad
New Teams:
Aneesa and Adam L
Laurel and Wes
Tori H and Darrell
Kam and Cohutta
Nany and Fessy
Tori D and Zach
Rachel and Bananas
Episode 11:
Winners: Laurel and Wes
Last: Kam and Cohutta
Voted in: Tori D and Zach
Eliminated: Kam and Cohutta
Episode 12:
Winners: Rachel and Bananas
Last: Aneesa and Adam L
Voted in: Tori D and Zach
Eliminated: Aneesa and Adam L
Episode 13:
Winners: Laurel and Wes
Last: Nany and Fessy
Voted in: Tori D and Zach
Eliminated: Tori D and Zach
Episode 14:
4th: Nany and Fessy
3rd: Tori H and Wes
2nd: Laurel and Darrell
1st: Rachel and Bananas
The Challenge: THe Tornado
Cara Maria
Tori D
Episode 1:
Winners: Blue
Last: Purple
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Tori D and Kyle vs Rachel and Jordan
Eliminated: Rachel and Jordan
Episode 2:
Winners: Yellow
Last: Red
Voted in: Green
Matchup: Amanda and Shane vs Jonna and Darrell
Eliminated: Amanda and Shane
Episode 3:
Winners: Pink
Last: Purple
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Tina and Devin vs Nia and Nelson
Eliminated: Nia and Nelson
Episode 4:
Winners: Blue
Last: Yellow
Voted in: Purple
Matchup: Trishelle and Zach vs Tina and Devin
Eliminated: Tina and Devin
Episode 5:
Winners: Pink
Last: Purple
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Tori D and Kyle vs Trishelle and Zach
Eliminated: Tori D and Kyle
Episode 6:
Winners: Yellow
Last: Black
Voted in: Pink
Matchup: Averey and Bananas vs Theresa and CT
Eliminated: Averey and Bananas
Episode 7:
Winners: Pink
Last: Black
Voted in: Yellow
Matchup: Aneesa and Cory vs Trishelle and Zach
Eliminated: Trishelle and Zach
Episode 8:
Winners: Blue
Last: Black
Voted in: Green
Matchup: Aneesa and Cory vs Jonna and Darrell
Eliminated: Jonna and Darrell
Episode 9:
Winners: Pink
Last: Black
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Aneesa and Cory vs Kailah and Mark
Eliminated: Aneesa and Cory
Episode 10:
Winners: Blue
Last: Green
Voted in: Pink
Matchup: Veronica and Brad vs Ashley and Wes
Eliminated: Veronica and Brad
Episode 11:
Winners: Pink
Last: Blue
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Jenna and Leroy vs Nany and Hunter
Eliminated: Jenna and Leroy
Episode 12:
3rd: Orange (Nany, Kailah, Hunter, Mark)
2nd: Blue (Cara Maria and Paulie)
1st: Pink (Ashley, Theresa, CT, Wes)
The Challenge: The Eliminator
Nominated for Elimination: Tori D, Kailah, Olivia, Frank S, Nehemiah, Josh
Winners: Wes and Theresa
Saved: Tori D and Nehemiah
Matchup: Olivia vs Kailah/ Josh vs Frank S
Eliminated: Kailah and Josh
Episode 2:
Nominated for Elimination: Amanda, Theresa, Rachel, Shane, Bananas, Leroy
Winners: Laurel and CT
Saved: Rachel and Bananas
Matchup: Amanda vs Theresa/ Leroy vs Shane
Eliminated: Amanda and Shane
Episode 3:
Nominated for Elimination: Laurel, Tina, Ashley, Wes, Brad, Ace
Winners: Rachel and Paulie
Saved: Tina and Brad
Matchup: Laurel vs Ashley/ Wes vs Ace
Eliminated: Ashley and Ace
Episode 4:
Nominated for Elimination: Cara Maria, Nurys, Jenna, Zach, Jordan, Kefla
Winners: Laurel and CT
Saved: Jenna and Zach
Matchup: Cara Maria vs Nurys/ Kefla vs Jordan
Eliminated: Nurys and Jordan
Episode 5:
Nominated for Elimination: Michele, Nia, Veronica, Derrick, CT, Paulie
Winners: Cara Maria and Zach
Saved: Nia and CT
Matchup: Michele vs Veronica/ Derrick vs Paulie
Eliminated: Veronica and Derrick
Episode 6:
Nominated for Elimination: Nany, Averey, Aneesa, Darrell, Devin, Fessy
Winners: Michele and Frank S
Saved: Aneesa and Devin
Matchup: Nany vs Averey/ Darrell vs Fessy
Eliminated: Nany and Fessy
Episode 7:
Nominated for Elimination: Tori D, Olivia, Theresa, Frank S, Nehemiah, Bananas
Winners: Laurel and CT
Saved: Tori D and Bananas
Matchup: Olivia vs Theresa/ Frank S vs Nehemiah
Eliminated: Theresa and Frank S
Episode 8:
Nominated for Elimination: Rachel, Laurel, Tina, Leroy, Wes, Brad
Winners: Michele and Wes
Saved: Tina and Wes
Matchup: Laurel vs Rachel/ Leroy vs Brad
Eliminated: Rachel and Brad
Episode 9:
Nominated for Elimination: Cara Maria, Jenna, Michele, Zach, Kefla, CT
Winners: Laurel and Zach
Saved: Jenna and Zach
Matchup: Cara Maria vs Michele/ Kefla vs CT
Eliminated: Michele and Kefla
Episode 10:
Nominated for Elimination: Nia, Averey, Aneesa, Paulie, Darrell, Devin
Winners: Laurel and CT
Saved: Aneesa and Darrell
Matchup: Nia vs Averey/ Paulie vs Devin
Eliminated: Averey and Paulie
Episode 11:
Nominated for Elimination: Tori D, Olivia, Laurel, Nehemiah, Bananas, Leroy
Winners: Laurel and Zach
Saved: Laurel and Leroy
Matchup: Tori D vs Olivia/ Bananas vs Nehemiah
Eliminated: Olivia and Bananas
Episode 12:
Nominated for Elimination: Tina, Cara Maria, Jenna, Wes, Zach, CT
Winners: Aneesa and Wes
Saved: Tina and Wes
Matchup: Jenna vs Cara Maria/ Zach vs CT
Eliminated: Jenna and Zach
Episode 13:
Nominated for Elimination: Nia, Aneesa, Tori D, Darrell, Devin, Nehemiah
Winners: Aneesa and Devin
Saved: Aneesa and Devin
Matchup: Nia vs Tori D/ Darrell vs Nehemiah
Eliminated: Nia and Nehemiah
Episode 14:
Nominated for Elimination: Laurel, Tina, Cara Maria, Leroy, Wes, CT
Winners: Laurel and CT
Saved: Laurel and CT
Matchup: Tina vs Cara Maria/ Leroy vs Wes
Eliminated: Tina and Leroy
Episode 15:
Nominated for Elimination: Tori D, Laurel, Cara Maria, Aneesa, Wes, CT, Darrell, Devin
Winners (Safe From Elimination): Laurel and CT
Saved: Tori D and Darrell
Matchup: Cara Maria vs Aneesa/ Wes vs Devin
Eliminated: Aneesa and Devin
Episode 16:
3rd: Tori D and Wes
2nd: Cara Maria and CT
1st: Laurel and Darrell
The Challenge: Filthy Forty
Rogan and Rachel
Devin and Kam
Cohutta and Tori H
Adam L and Kailah
Zach and Jodi
Kefla and Cara Maria
Joss and Ashley
Derek and Kaycee
Kyle and Nany
Hunter and Jenna
Josh and Laurel
Shane and Theresa
Jordan and Sylvia
Bananas and Tori D
Darrell and Cooke
Wes and Aneesa
Cory and Amanda
Ryan and Kendal
CT and Jonna
Leroy and Emily
Episode 1:
Winners: Cohutta and Tori H
Last: Wes and Aneesa
Voted in: Devin and Kam
Eliminated: Wes and Aneesa
Episode 2:
Winners: Darrell and Cooke
Last: Derek and Kaycee
Voted in: Devin and Kam
Eliminated: Derek and Kaycee
Episode 3:
Winners: Shane and Theresa
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Kyle and Nany
Eliminated: Kyle and Nany
Episode 4:
Winners: Leroy and Emily
Last: Ryan and Kendal
Voted in: Cory and Amanda
Eliminated: Ryan and Kendal
Episode 5:
Winners: Shane and Theresa
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Devin and Kam
Eliminated: Devin and Kam
Episode 6:
Winners: Cory and Amanda
Last: Hunter and Jenna
Voted in: Leroy and Emily
Eliminated: Hunter and Jenna
Episode 7:
Winners: CT and Jonna
Last: Adam L and Kailah
Voted in: Cory and Amanda
Eliminated: Adam L and Kailah
Episode 8:
Winners: Zach and Jodi
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Cory and Amanda
Eliminated: Cory and Amanda
Episode 9:
Winners: Darrell and Cooke
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Joss and Ashley
Eliminated: Joss and Ashley
Episode 10:
Winners: Leroy and Emily
Last: CT and Jonna
Voted in: Rogan and Rachel
Eliminated: Rogan and Rachel
Episode 11:
Purged: Leroy and Emily
Episode 12:
Winners: Zach and Jodi
Last: Cohutta and Tori H
Voted in: Shane and Theresa
Eliminated: Shane and Theresa
Episode 13:
Purged: Josh and Laurel
Episode 14:
Winners: CT and Jonna
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Cohutta and Tori H
Eliminated: Cohutta and Tori H
Episode 15:
Purged: Darrell and Cooke
Episode 16:
Winners: CT and Jonna
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Jordan and Sylvia
Eliminated: Jordan and Sylvia
Episode 17:
Winners: Zach and Jodi
Last: Kefla and Cara Maria
Voted in: Bananas and Tori D
Eliminated: Kefla and Cara Maria
Episode 18:
3rd: Bananas and Tori D
2nd: CT and Jonna
1st: Zach and Jodi
OMG YES. The chaos of yes and ayanna will be hilarious cuz even though I'm a fan, I know she will work his patience and good guy persona LMAO. Blair, yes please! The dan & flora confessionals would be amazing. Jamie & Julie will be a mess. The miz & coral=ICONS.
I'm surprised to see trisha over your girl Ashli though?
you should answer the inferno $75 one in the create your own thread, that was fun
Trisha >>>> Ashli.
The Challenge USA 3: Bad Blood
Austin & Dee (Survivor 45) – Exes
Caleb & Justine (Love Island 2) – Exes
Christian & Alyssa (Big Brother 23) – Exes
Faysal & Haleigh (Big Brother 20)
Jared & Blue (Big Brother 25) – Exes
Jay & Michaela (Millennials vs Gen X) – Rivals
Johnny & Cely (Love Island 2) – Exes
Josh & Jessica (Big Brother 19) – Rivals
Monte & Taylor (Big Brother 24) – Exes
Q & Tiffany (Survivor 46) – Rivals
Ricard & Shan (Survivor 41) - Rivals
Ryan & Cassidy (Survivor 43) – Rivals
Tevin & Venus (Survivor 46) – Rivals
Tyler & Bayleigh (Big Brother 20 & 22) – Rivals
Xander & Liana (Survivor 41) – Rivals
Wendell & Michele (Winners at War) – Exes
Love it we could never get a cast that good
Tevin & Venus would be hilarious especially if they got anything physical
Casting the Future of The Challenge - All Stars 5, USA 3, and Season 41
Going forward with newer cast members, emphasizing younger rookies, and keeping in mind the 50% BIPOC rule:
All Stars 5
Only people from Road Rules, Real World, Fresh Meat, and Bloodlines who aren’t likely to compete on the flagship these days. Keep the cast small and the format straightforward.
Genesis, Ellen, Melissa H, Carley, Jenn, Emily B, Piggy, Roni, Irulan, Susie, Jisela, Cooke - alt: Mandi
Dan R, Marlon, CJ, Eric N, Pete, Chadwick, Danny J, Ty, Noor, Stephen, Kefla, Mitch – alt: MJ
Only people from US-based CBS shows, Love Island, and Netflix shows. Cast of 32, 4 teams of 8 that stay throughout the game (meaning multiple new winners)
Returners: Ed, Derek X, James
Brett (BB20 and Circle 5)
Wendell (Surv 38 and 40)
Mitchell (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Bryton (Squid Game)
Stephen (Squid Game)
Kaleb (Surv 45)
Matt (BB25)
Sami (Surv 43)
Jonathan (Surv 42)
Will (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Dom (The Mole and Perfect Match)
Chase (Too Hot to Handle 2 and Perfect Match)
Zach R (BB16)
Other people considered: Mark J (BB19), Harry (Too Hot to Handle 1), Dean (Surv 39), JD (Surv 41), Alec (Surv 37), Marvin (Circle 5), Danny M (Surv 43), Cody (Surv 43), Bru (Circle 4), Seth (TAR29), Nick (The Circle 3), Chris Noble (Surv 36), Cole (Surv 35), Ryan (TAR33), Riley or Maddison (TAR32), Scott (TAR29), Korey (TAR28 and 31), Joseph (BB24), Michael (BB24), Xavier (BB23)
Returners: Amber B, Michaela, Cayla, Natalie N, Da’Vonne, Cassidy, Bayleigh
Dee (Surv 45)
Cydney (Surv 32)
Jada (Squid Game)
Xanthi (Circle 5)
Savannah (Circle 2 and Perfect Match)
Avori (The Mole)
Missy (Surv 39 and Survive the Raft)
Lauren O (Surv 38)
Becca (TAR29 and 31)
Other people considered: Chanelle, Hannah (BB23), Francesca (Too Hot to Handle 1 and Perfect Match), Christie (BB21), Mattie (TAR34), Lala or Lulu (TAR33), Jessie (TAR29), Wentworth (Surv 38), Natalia (Surv 37), Imani (Love Island 4)
Season 41 – The Challenge: Protégés
4 male winners + 4 female winners as captains of teams of 4 for a cast of 32. 34 people below because the slowest man and woman purged on Day 1.
Emanuel, Frank S, Rogan, Troy (or a new winner)
Kiki, Ashley M, Sarah R, Kaz (or a new winner)
Nathan, Corey L, Johnny M, Jay S, Kyland, Callum, Ciarran, Grant, Faysal, Dusty, Jag (winner of BB25), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Alts: Paulie / Horacio
Nurys, Ravyn, Berna, Zara, Kailah, Alyssa L, Cassidy, Olivia, Justine, Averey, Ekin-Su (Traitors 2 and winner of Love Island UK 8), 2 winners/standouts from USA 3
Alts: Michele / Moriah
Hunter and Venus would be better and would eat up the competition.
I'll be doing my own iteration. Nice casts.
thanks, looking forward to yours!
I love her but Venus wouldn't be a good competitor
Love the casts Lobito. The show definitely needs a lot of fresh faces
Format: Battle of the sexes leaderboard. Inner Circle is immune and votes for one person of their gender. That person decides who to go against in the elimination. Final with 8 people, one winner per gender. Cast rule: no people outside of RR, RW, FM or Bloodlines, no returning AS with more than 2 seasons.
ALTS: Ty Ruff (RW: DC)
ALT: Sydney Walker (Fresh Meat II)
Great cast! I would switch out Eric Banks with literally anyone....
Bump up Sydney and dropp Jemmye. : )
Loved the USA III Cast!
This is how it ran for me. I added a safety shield for the elimination winners
Red Team:
Blue Team:
Green Team:
Yellow Team:
usa season 3.jpg
Not finally getting Zach R on the show just to lose him the first episode!
Loved this simulation, though - Glad Michaela got her win! And Will/Missy would be a messy team I'd love to watch.
The Challenge: The Tornado
Tori D
Frank S
Episode 1:
Winners: Blue
Last: Purple
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Kaycee and Darrell vs Sylvia and Cory
Eliminated: Kaycee and Darrell
Episode 2:
Winners: Blue
Last: Purple
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Kayleigh and Cohutta vs Sylvia and Cory
Eliminated: Kayleigh and Cohutta
Episode 3:
Winners: Blue
Last: Yellow
Voted In: Orange
Matchup: Jemmye and MJ vs Amanda and Alton
Eliminated: Jemmye and MJ
Episode 4:
Winners: Blue
Last: Yellow
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Nany and Kyland vs Amanda and Alton
Eliminated: Nany and Kyland
Episode 5:
Winners: Black
Last: Green
Voted in: Pink
Matchup: Jenna and Horacio vs Ashley and Jordan
Eliminated: Jenna and Horacio
Episode 6:
Winners: Green
Last: Black
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Aneesa and Dustin vs Tori D and Wes
Eliminated: Aneesa and Dustin
Episode 7:
Winners: Red
Last: Green
Voted in: Blue
Matchup: Marie and Fessy vs Theresa and Wes
Eliminated: Marie and Fessy
Episode 8:
Winners: Blue
Last: Black
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Kam and Frank S vs Sylvia and Cory
Eliminated: Kam and Frank S
Episode 9:
Winners: Blue
Last: Pink
Voted in: Orange
Matchup: Ashley and Jordan vs Sylvia and Cory
Eliminated: Sylvia and Cory
Episode 10:
Winners: Blue
Last: Orange
Voted in: Red
Matchup: Amanda and Alton vs Jonna and Shane
Eliminated: Amanda and Alton
Episode 11:
Winners: Blue
Last: Red
Voted in: Pink
Matchup: Kailah and Shane vs Melissa and Brad
Eliminated: Melissa and Brad
Episode 12:
3rd: Red (Jonna, Kailah, Bananas, Shane)
2nd: Blue (Tori D, Theresa, Zach, Wes)
1st: Pink (Ashley and Jordan)