The Challenge: Cut Throat - Season Finale

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Anonymous's picture
I like how Cara Maria is staring at Abram blankly while Laurel suggests, "I think he might need a doctor."
wow Abe looked really ill
Lol I never thought that the finale of Cutthroat was going to be a softcore **** to Vevmo lol.
[QUOTE=Camille;227070]You people are just noticing Jenn is hot? She's gorgeous. And the thing is I remember on her season she used to pill on makeup, well she looks much better natural! [B]oh and Emily is also gorgeous[/B]. They make a good looking team![/QUOTE] I've always known about Jenn too !! And yes Emily is hot too, this is the best final challenge ever !!
Anonymous's picture
Abram doing horrible proves that you may never know what might happen on a challenge.
Whoa maybe Abe does have heatstroke. Hope he was hydrated enough for this mission.
It's always hard to see someone not being able to finish a challenge. Still love TJ on his bike. Such a great moment.
TJ rolling cool !! Ha Ha !!
Hmm no DQ like Gauntlet 3? Tori's telling the truth for once haha. I love TJ's bike lol.
Anonymous's picture
Laurel so strong she took the front, because Luke may not do it.
Atleast it's not like the Gauntlet 3 where without Big Easy, they were disqualified. They changed the rules for this game, I guess.
So on the Gauntlet 3, Eric is medically unable to finish and they lose because of it. Now on Cutthroat, Abram gets sick and they're allowed to continue? They just keep changing the rules all the time
So wait, let me get something straight Eric passess out, and the vets get punished, but this time Abe can't compete but the grey team would not be punished.
Anonymous's picture
Jenn sounds a bit catty right now. Why is Sarah puking?
Anonymous's picture
Oh karma
I'm feeling sick just watching them all sick.
Grey is just falling apart tonight.
Love Jenn's impression of Tori. Jenn's got a cute voice. :D
Can we stick with Jenn's sexy *** and cut it out with the vomit ?!?! Good grief !!
Sarah Karma!!!!
ewww...I hate seeing throw up. I agree with Laurel. Not everyone can handle the long distance running thing.
So Blue hasn't caught up yet??
[strike]are these people getting water at all!!! come on bmr, this is terrible.[/strike] Are these people getting water at all? Come on BMP, this is terrible.
[QUOTE=Nightwolf;227084]So on the Gauntlet 3, Eric is medically unable to finish and they lose because of it. Now on Cutthroat, Abram gets sick and they're allowed to continue? They just keep changing the rules all the time[/QUOTE] This is a completely different challenge. The Vets still finished, but all the money was handed out on the final and the rules stated then that they had to have everyone finish to win. I'm sure Abe and Sarah will still get portions of the money even if they quit because they won that money in the challenges.
[QUOTE=Clarke;227081]Hmm no DQ like Gauntlet 3? Tori's telling the truth for once haha. I love TJ's bike lol.[/QUOTE] The bike is hilarious to me. As they are on foot struggling.
No one is invincible. This is a pretty tough final.
Dunbar must think he's got it made. Kissing up to Brad and Tori was good strategy.
[QUOTE=royalt;227098]The bike is hilarious to me. As they are on foot struggling.[/QUOTE] Hey, I thought he'd take a car.
[QUOTE=RW561015;227089]I'm feeling sick just watching them all sick.[/QUOTE] Yeah that is definitely pretty disgusting.
Anonymous's picture
The crying is going to make me vomit.
