[QUOTE=RMD1;368208]Eric Stein will be on All Stars 2. He's been waiting, believe me.[/QUOTE]
I think he definitely deserves to come back. As well as Annie. They were both thrown into the game playing America's game. I'd like to see what they can do on their own. Yep, Annie was gone first but we don't really know what she was doing to "shake up the house" as the saboteur. She may have played differently if she wasn't attached to the twist.
Aaryn has the best PR team in the history of the world. Did you see where she has been so far? Something from breast cancer, an emmy party, and an interview in LA Times. That's just what I have seen in passing through twitter.
[QUOTE=RMD1;368208]Eric Stein will be on All Stars 2. He's been waiting, believe me.[/QUOTE]
Say it isn't so! I get that being America's Player totally screwed his own game. But he did get more money and as much as he wants to claim otherwise, there was zero guarantee that he would have won had he gotten to play his own game. I just remember after Evel **** won that season he was like the worst sport ever and would not stop claiming that he would have won the entire game otherwise. He may or may not have and that was a bold claim to make over and OVER again!
[QUOTE=RMD1;368208]Eric Stein will be on All Stars 2. He's been waiting, believe me.[/QUOTE]
Not a huge fan but would like to see him and Dani play together without Evel or America being involved.
[QUOTE=kvm1977;368254]Not a huge fan but would like to see him and Dani play together without Evel or America being involved.[/QUOTE]
That does sound interesting, way to look at the bigger picture. His post game bitter grapes and crap talking got on my nerves, but that was years ago so I guess I ought to be over it. Geez thinking back on that season when Amber made her ignorant comments and what an uproar that caused at the the time. Little did we know what lay ahead with the cast this year, Aaron was the main one singled out but SEVERAL of em made derogatory and offensive remarks.
[QUOTE=Katiedid;368259]Aaron was the main one singled out but SEVERAL of em made derogatory and offensive remarks.[/QUOTE]
Aaryn took way too much heat IMO--probably because she's a southern girl and blond. Spencer was far worse for starters
[QUOTE=Katiedid;368260]Btw have you guys heard a rumor that Aaryns parents hired her her own PR team? I thought they were maybe provided by the network.[/QUOTE]
Her parents did indeed hire them.
I couldn't agree with this blog post more.
[url=http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbnewsandrumors&Number=21097963]JokersUpdates.com: BB News & Rumors - Blog post about the BB 15 Apology Tour.[/url]
[QUOTE=Katiedid;368702]I couldn't agree with this blog post more.
Good ******* luck 1) casting Mother Theresa for BB, and 2) I'm more sick of whining and complaining fans who are far more evil, in my opinion, than the cast.
Hell, Julie Chen is a home wrecker and you don't see the same rabid fans upset about that fact.
Someone give the complainers a hanky...
[QUOTE=TheFeedMachi;368758]People need to realize that a reason and an excuse are 2 different things.[/QUOTE]
Absolutely true! The haters always focus on the answers to the questions instead of understanding that the questions someones includes a "why" and an implied or even explicit demands for explanations/reasons.
If anyone would like to donate or read updates on Tilly you can here:
[url=http://togetherfortilly.com/2013/09/27/gratitude/]gratitude - Together For Tilly[/url]
[QUOTE=kvm1977;368262]Aaryn took way too much heat IMO--probably because she's a southern girl and blond. Spencer was far worse for starters[/QUOTE]because she is a southern girl and blond thats why people dont like her...i am pretty sure its because all of the things she did to candice....that was aaryn excuse because she is southern she didnt know any better which is complete bull.
[QUOTE=noahh;370242]because she is a southern girl and blond thats why people dont like her...i am pretty sure its because all of the things she did to candice....that was aaryn excuse because she is southern she didnt know any better which is complete bull.[/QUOTE]
You're entitled to your opinion but ask yourself...why weren't Amanda, Gina and Spencer hated the same way when at least Spencer was far worse. Don't kid yourself--those singling out Aaryn are just as prejudice as she is...and just like her they don't even comprehend it.
[QUOTE=V1man;368756]Good ******* luck 1) casting Mother Theresa for BB, and 2) I'm more sick of whining and complaining fans who are far more evil, in my opinion, than the cast.
Hell, Julie Chen is a home wrecker and you don't see the same rabid fans upset about that fact.
Someone give the complainers a hanky...[/QUOTE] Oh V1man, you may not remember me.... but just wanted to say how I've missed thee. Years ago you reprimanded me if I ever commented about a reality tv personality I didn't care for. In an oddly refreshing way it's good to see some things never change, lol
[QUOTE=kvm1977;370295]You're entitled to your opinion but ask yourself...why weren't Amanda, Gina and Spencer hated the same way when at least Spencer was far worse. Don't kid yourself--those singling out Aaryn are just as prejudice as she is...and just like her they don't even comprehend it.[/QUOTE]people werent ignoring what amanda was saying to candice or what she was doing to elissa,gm lost her job and because of the things spencer was doing he was being looked at by the police....and compared to aaryn do you really think that what spencer was doing was far worse then her i dont think so..but because she southern and blond we should give her a break...she is what 22 or 23 years old she knows better i am 18 and would never say or do the things amanda, aaryn,gm, or spencer was doing.
[QUOTE=noahh;370714]people werent ignoring what amanda was saying to candice or what she was doing to elissa,gm lost her job and because of the things spencer was doing he was being looked at by the police....and compared to aaryn do you really think that what spencer was doing was far worse then her i dont think so..but because she southern and blond we should give her a break...she is what 22 or 23 years old she knows better i am 18 and would never say or do the things amanda, aaryn,gm, or spencer was doing.[/QUOTE]
Not once in this response did you address my point. At no point did I say she should be given a break. There's a reason Aaryn is the only one singled out by the public at large and that is based on their stereotypes and some jealousy. And, yes, Spencer was far worse if you watched the feeds.
I did watch some of the feeds and aaryn was still saying things that were offensive...lets just put it this way i would never like aaryn i think she is a terrible person along with Amanda and GM and Spencer.
[QUOTE=noahh;370775]I did watch [B][I][U]some of the feeds[/U][/I][/B] and aaryn was still saying things that were offensive...lets just put it this way i would never like aaryn i think she is a terrible person along with Amanda and GM and Spencer.[/QUOTE]
Key words...
I never said you needed to like Aaryn or that she didn't say anything offensive, she did. You keep changing the subject because you don't have a legit argument against the FACT she is being singled out due to her looks and where she is from over people like Amanda, Spencer and Gina Maria. And, again, Spencer was far worse--not even close. The edit just doesn't show it.
If you just stated you didn't like the four of them I would have never debated it but you tried to argue that the fact she's attractive, blond and from Texas has nothing to do with her being the primary target. If you truly believe that you're wrong.
Who would you guys wanna see for next year? I have no doubt it'll be something like All-Stars 2, Heroes vs. Villains, and there's even rumors of BB using the Blood vs. Water format (Rachel/Elissa would definitely be a go for that).
My ideal All-Stars 2 cast would have Danielle D, Rachel, Amanda, Andy, Keesha, Michelle (BB10), Kevin, Hayden, and Britney.
People I'd like to see on an all star season:
Season 8: Jen, Eric, Daniele
Season 9: didn't watch this season so no clue
Season 10: Keesha
Season 11: Russell, Kevin, Natalie
Season 12: Matt, Britney, Hayden(I didn't really care about him before but after survivor I liked him a lot more)
Season 13: Dominic
Season 14: Frank, Danielle
Season 15: Aaryn, Helen, Amanda(just because I need someone to root against), Judd
[QUOTE=Fresh Meat;388079]Who would you guys wanna see for next year? I have no doubt it'll be something like All-Stars 2, Heroes vs. Villains, [B]and there's even rumors of BB using the Blood vs. Water forma[/B]t (Rachel/Elissa would definitely be a go for that).
My ideal All-Stars 2 cast would have Danielle D, Rachel, Amanda, Andy, Keesha, Michelle (BB10), Kevin, Hayden, and Britney.[/QUOTE]
And call it Summer of Secrets 2?
[QUOTE=melm3;388083]People I'd like to see on an all star season:
Season 8: Jen, [B]Eric,[/B] Daniele
Season 9: didn't watch this season so no clue
Season 10: Keesha
Season 11: Russell, Kevin, Natalie
Season 12: Matt, Britney, [B]Hayden[/B](I didn't really care about him before but after survivor I liked him a lot more)
Season 13: Dominic
Season 14: [B]Frank[/B], Danielle
Season 15: Aaryn, Helen, Amanda(just because I need someone to root against), Judd[/QUOTE]
Only people i would like to see again. I think Ian should definitely be back