People seem to be suggesting that I dislike either Sydney or America, which is not true.
- Regarding Sydney, I think I am going to like her. She comes across as a straight shooter with no filter, which can easily offend people (and she already has this season). I usually enjoy personalities like hers, but I've noticed that Reddit users and casual hates those type of personalities, similar to how they drag Amanda.
- As for America, she's another rookie who I believe I will like. She seems to be having a hard time fitting in, but she loosens up when she drinks. Can she make mistakes? Absolutely, but that's something I appreciate in a reality TV personality. I like Kailah, who was a hot mess when drunk and struggled to fit in.
When I mentioned that Rogan hooked up while in a relationship, that was something that happened on set, so I felt it was fair to talk about. The only topics I would avoid are pregnancies and details on family emergencies. If someone decides to cheat on their significant other, it's going to be discussed, just like Kyle (who wasn't shown), Kailah (who was shown), or Kaycee (who was hinted at) during Total Madness spoiler season.
Y'all booing me but I'm right !!!! Theo ain't doing that's worthy of a report from the spoiler team. He ain't doing nothing this season but banging botched barbie
i am NOT mad at all at one person leaving per episode for 2 months in 90 minute episodes. We all know how we reacted last season when they wanted to slow down eliminations on season 40 while all the entertainment we're getting taken out in the first half
why are people online all of a sudden so outraged about Gamer and PR's twitter antics as if they (especially gamer) haven't always been this way? do they not remember gamer revealing tony and alyssa which was 10x messier? or are all these people cbs stans?
why are people online all of a sudden so outraged about Gamer and PR's twitter antics as if they (especially gamer) haven't always been this way? do they not remember gamer revealing tony and alyssa which was 10x messier? or are all these people cbs stans?
cbs stans flocking to the challenge community bc of amerikhia
why are people online all of a sudden so outraged about Gamer and PR's twitter antics as if they (especially gamer) haven't always been this way? do they not remember gamer revealing tony and alyssa which was 10x messier? or are all these people cbs stans?
cbs stans flocking to the challenge community bc of amerikhia
you'd think they'd be desperate for real drama since all they've had in the past 5 years was
-Taylor Hale getting yelled at for eating a bag of chips
-Angela having the occasional menopausal rage
-America telling Jag to **** off then walking away
misogyny really has yall calling Amber boring but going up for Theo i can't lmaooooo
Oh my God **** YOU. Theo is funny and has charisma. Ambore is not funny and has zero charisma. Theo gets into fights, the most Ambore will do is cry about how she was "blindsided" by someone she wasn't even working with. Theo makes such good TV that he has to be completely removed from the edit in order to give the likes of Bananas and Devin the spotlight, meanwhile Ambore does nothing with her camera time.
Oh my God **** YOU. Theo is funny and has charisma. Ambore is not funny and has zero charisma. Theo gets into fights, the most Ambore will do is cry about how she was "blindsided" by someone she wasn't even working with. Theo makes such good TV that he has to be completely removed from the edit in order to give the likes of Bananas and Devin the spotlight, meanwhile Ambore does nothing with her camera time.
***** **** u
I liked/rooted for America on BB25 and I'm happy she's still in the game so how you feel ?
ahhh my girls dee and america getting calls AND actually fitting themes
Y'all booing me but I'm right !!!! Theo ain't doing that's worthy of a report from the spoiler team. He ain't doing nothing this season but banging botched barbie
very weird of you to shade a black Woman like this. Ugh I can't stand you twinks
Who we really want a update on is King Turbo
you prop up every light skin Koloristkash ur not the one to talk looks at all your avi's
A rookie who came from WOTW who knows how to PROVIDE on every season he's on
Unlike some * cough cough *
i am NOT mad at all at one person leaving per episode for 2 months in 90 minute episodes. We all know how we reacted last season when they wanted to slow down eliminations on season 40 while all the entertainment we're getting taken out in the first half
excuse me? I uplift and support all black women of all shades from the challenge who isn't complete garbage
British Killa Kam gone too soon </3
cml supports them more than you ever DID!
I either want a Theo and ashley win
or Theo and a rookie gal.
All these Theo fans on Vevmo omg I'm in the sunken place
Michaela, Kam, Bayleigh, sometimes Da'Vonne, Izzy, Leka like you can't say SHIT about me babe
like girl what is going awnnn
i still feel it in my bones that one of nany, leroy or aneesa will finally break the 10 year flop curse with this season!
this "I have black friends" response I'm ctfu
Lol I still love him because or the world seasons. Even though he's done jack spit recently
don't do me like that friend--
why are people online all of a sudden so outraged about Gamer and PR's twitter antics as if they (especially gamer) haven't always been this way? do they not remember gamer revealing tony and alyssa which was 10x messier? or are all these people cbs stans?
cbs stans flocking to the challenge community bc of amerikhia
oh I like you a non biased fan who can admit when their fav doesn't deliver we need more of you
you'd think they'd be desperate for real drama since all they've had in the past 5 years was
-Taylor Hale getting yelled at for eating a bag of chips
-Angela having the occasional menopausal rage
-America telling Jag to **** off then walking away
Don't forget Cirie and Felicia's auntie off.
Oh my God **** YOU. Theo is funny and has charisma. Ambore is not funny and has zero charisma. Theo gets into fights, the most Ambore will do is cry about how she was "blindsided" by someone she wasn't even working with. Theo makes such good TV that he has to be completely removed from the edit in order to give the likes of Bananas and Devin the spotlight, meanwhile Ambore does nothing with her camera time.
not this sexist-fueled rant I'm cryingggg
I love how my girls Cara, Aneesa, Michaela, Nia, Jonna, and Sydney all fit the theme
Cirie fuming at Felicia leaving her toenail clippings everywhere while her son was banging Blue in the next door room was that season's peak