Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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You always have a strong reaction every time someone points out race. That's pretty telling. Maybe you feel some type of way because I reveal your own ignorance.

Or maybe I just find racism apalling and don't like when people use it as a trivial prop for a moment.


Welcome back to the BB thread KVM. 

Yet you were pretending to be black years ago...please sit this one out with your white ***.

Pretending to be black is a stretch. I'll speak on what I want and definitely won't heed the advice from Vevmo's most ignorant.



You always have a strong reaction every time someone points out race. That's pretty telling. Maybe you feel some type of way because I reveal your own ignorance.

Or maybe I just find racism apalling and don't like when people use it as a trivial prop for a moment.

Yet you were pretending to be black years ago...please sit this one out with your white ***.



Yet you were pretending to be black years ago...please sit this one out with your white ***.

Pretending to be black is a stretch. I'll speak on what I want and definitely won't heed the advice from Vevmo's most ignorant.

You calling someone most ignorant is NOT something you're in the position to do when you literally are pretending to be something you're not. You don't know or understand anything about POC because you're WHITE. Again, sit this one out.

Or maybe I just find racism apalling and don't like when people use it as a trivial prop for a moment.


I'm just like Tucker on this board. A bunch of miserable dweebs trying to bring me down...but they just can't do it Smile

i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's hurt us all these years and try to change his ways Smile

i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's all hurt us these years and try to change his ways

Lol I like this game.

i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's all hurt us all these years and try to change his ways

Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 


i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's all hurt us all these years and try to change his ways

Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 


i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's all hurt us all these years and try to change his ways

Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 

Interesting a "new" user knowing my history of YEARS! That tracks with what the mods found with your IP address lol. I'm a lot of things on here...but NEVER a victim lol.



i think we should have a house meeting and say 1 thing we don't like about oldschooler so he could open his crusty eyes and see if he can finally acknowledge how he's all hurt us all these years and try to change his ways

Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 

Interesting a "new" user knowing my history of YEARS! That tracks with what the mods found with your IP address lol. I'm a lot of things on here...but NEVER a victim lol.


UKLover and OS should both say 1 thing that they like about each other Smile

UKLover and OS should both say 1 thing that they like about each other

UKLover is an absolute loser who has zero self-awareness, sense of humor, or really any likable traits. However, I love watching a delusional freak in action so they provide me with tons of entertainment...and they also make me look like not the biggest fraud on the site so I appreciate that!

wow so that TEA is true that hagschooler really be tracking IP addresses WHY!?!

Y'all posted nothing about the episode.


UKLover and OS should both say 1 thing that they like about each other

UKLover is an absolute loser who has zero self-awareness, sense of humor, or really any likable traits. However, I love watching a delusional freak in action so they provide me with tons of entertainment...and they also make me look like not the biggest fraud on the site so I appreciate that!


if any of you want to EVICT oldschooler do it NOW!


The amount of energy and vitriol that OldCreep has for me is insane! When all I've ever asked is for him to leave me alone, lol. You keep telling me that I don't have a sense on humor. I don't find YOU funny. Your sense humor is picking at people to get under their skin. I bet your the type of guy that still harassing ex-girlfriends (assuming you've ever had one) for "fun". 

Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 

Hauserbigot, why did you retweet this when you started drama with me but then literally cried that I HARASSED you when I responded? (I am still in disbelief that you used the word "harassed," if you're gonna be a vile bigot then at least stand on the fact that you're a piece of shit????? Failed non-bigot and failed victim of harassment, damn ***** pick a struggle lmaooooooooooo) 


Lol. It'll go in one ear and out the other. He'll continue to think everyone else is the problem and he's a victim. From what I've seen OS has been this way for YEARS. 

Hauserbigot, why did you retweet this when you started drama with me but then literally cried that I HARASSED you when I responded? (I am still in disbelief that you used the word "harassed," if you're gonna be a vile bigot then at least stand on the fact that you're a piece of shit????? Failed non-bigot and failed victim of harassment, damn ***** pick a struggle lmaooooooooooo) 

retweet? ***** this isn't twitter Smile

Also is Cedric in danger of going home?

retweet? ***** this isn't twitter

***** I like saying it. (in before Hauserbigot retweets your message as if you're talking shit about me because he's too much of a ******* moron to properly understand what anyone says) 

The amount of energy and vitriol that OldCreep has for me is insane! When all I've ever asked is for him to leave me alone, lol. You keep telling me that I don't have a sense on humor. I don't find YOU funny. Your sense humor is picking at people to get under their skin. I bet your the type of guy that still harassing ex-girlfriends (assuming you've ever had one) for "fun". 

So the compliment was that I have a lot of energy...? <3

Also is Cedric in danger of going home?

I hope not.

Also is Cedric in danger of going home?

I don't think so. It's either Rubina or Mak. Cedric has enough votes and I don't see his alliances turning on him at this stage. But next time don't be stupid and volunteer!

The amount of energy and vitriol that OldCreep has for me is insane! When all I've ever asked is for him to leave me alone, lol. You keep telling me that I don't have a sense on humor. I don't find YOU funny. Your sense humor is picking at people to get under their skin. I bet your the type of guy that still harassing ex-girlfriends (assuming you've ever had one) for "fun". 

So the compliment was that I have a lot of energy...? <3

Omg, just leave me alone. 

Omg, just leave me alone. 

Leave the site and you'll never have to deal with me again <3

When UKLover and I used to fight, she would be engaged and bite back. When UKLover and OldSchooler fight, she's just tired of and over his shit. I outplayed OldSchooler, lol! 
