Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Cam is boring, Kimo is annoying, Joseph is a psycho, and Quinn is cringe. <3


Team Quinn as a person who only watches the episodes and missed the last one. Stay mad

Look who crawled back to this thread. I knew you wouldn't really leave, UKLover Smile


Oh we lost the plot ranking a cop that says he wants to quit every day over most of the guys including the most active gamer in the house 

Kenney is #3 (HUGE GAP between him and Cedric btw) bc he wouldn't put up Angela otb if he wins hoh

Ok he gets half a point for that but the next time a girl wins HOH that man is quitting lol he legit only wants to play if the bros linkup and never talked game to any of the girls. 

We must be watching different shows (or you fell for the edit) because he did not weaponize race at all and as a person of color I didn't see that angle.

Kenney gonna win HOH and target any woman and POC possible. Some combo of T'kor, Rubina, Brooklyn and Chelsie hitting the block Mayyybe Kimo or Quinn. He can walk out today. 

me whenever quinn gets airtime

LMAO! I've seen that video so many times and laugh every time.

Kenney gonna win HOH and target any woman and POC possible. Some combo of T'kor, Rubina, Brooklyn and Chelsie hitting the block Mayyybe Kimo or Quinn. He can walk out today. 

I hope so if that means kimo gets evicted 

We must be watching different shows (or you fell for the edit) because he did not weaponize race at all and as a person of color I didn't see that angle. As for your Tucker response you think it makes sense to make an enemy out of the most concrete F5 alliance and his own F2 over Tucker and Mak who until this week barely talked to him? None of his allies want to go the Quinn route and if he did, 6+ people including Chelsie (his closest ally) would have been pissed. Let's think a little bit and not be so biased solely because you hate the superfan. Lowkey the way you move on this board you give me 100% Quinn vibes sorry lol 

Tell me you have a VERY low IQ in one post lol. He weaponized race. If you can't see that then I don't know what to do for you. 

CAN YOU READ? I said he didn't say he should have taken Tucker's deal but don't lead him on and make an enemy when he is likely to stay. And getting rid of Makensy's power was DUMB. You lack all common sense.

I'm issuing 2 warning points to OS for personal attacks and bullying.  

Remember everyone, 4 points in 1 month = a 3 month IP suspension. 2 suspensions within 1 year = a permanent IP ban.  

- Mod Team

lol you know you wrong when you trying to talk about low IQs. As a person that pretended to be black on here and got exposed I won't be taking any opinions from you on this topic. I know what I saw and you can feel free to continue having your opinion and your pitchforks along with the FB fans.  

As for Tucker he didn't lead him on he tried to see about his plan, saw no one but him and Kenney wanted it and then told him they don't have the numbers. You new here? Things like this happen every season. 

Lol well let me enjoy my last couple days hours here

OS pretending to be black is my favorite vevmo lore lmaooo

As for Tucker he didn't lead him on he tried to see about his plan, saw no one but him and Kenney wanted it and then told him they don't have the numbers. You new here? Things like this happen every season. 

He led him on. I'm not rehashing the same valid points. They haven't changed. If your reading comprehension there is nothing I can do to help you understand the stupidity behind it.

OS pretending to be black is my LEAST favorite vevmo lore lmaooo

OS pretending to be black is my favorite vevmo lore lmaooo

Lmao top 3 Vevmo moment along with the Chic fila fight which I think was him too hahaha Ls on Ls

They really need to go after the boring ǎșš floater trio: Kimo, T'kor, and Rubina. That's who I would put up Smile

OS pretending to be black is my favorite vevmo lore lmaooo

Let me clarify lol. I just said it off-handed in a debate. KChallenge is right for once it was stupid and a LOW IQ moment. I didn't try and pretend I experienced the struggles that people in the community experience or talk and imitate in any kind of way. Still in the wrong but I wanted to clarify.

They really need to go after the boring ǎșš floater trio: Kimo, T'kor, and Rubina. That's who I would put up

Me too. Right after getting read of creepy Quinn.

The way Quinn might still target the 3 C's with his power next week lmaooo 

I can see Tucker going soon he's getting more annoying and agitating and too confident. As a viewer I'm here for the messiness but if he's in the block at the end of the week especially after trying to pull this move and not using the veto on himself, he may get the boot. 

The way Quinn might still target the 3 C's with his power next week lmaooo 

Hopefully we get him out before then.

They really need to go after the boring ǎșš floater trio: Kimo, Cam, and Rubina. That's who I would put up


Not quinn trending on twitter because everyone is saying to vote for him LMAOOOO


Don't understand how Tucker can be mad when he could've used the veto on himself.

Yeah, not saving himself was dumb and on him...BUT I think his mindset was that Cedric was on board for evicting Q**** so he was taking one for the team by going against Quinn in the Arena to help his odds. All Ced had to say was, "hey man save yourself and I'm just going to flush Makensy's power cause I don't think we have the votes to get rid of Q****". It would be one thing if his intentions were were to backdoor Tucker but going into the meeting I don't think that was the plan. It was ridiculous and made no sense.

Cedric hasn't handled this week well, but pulling a Marcellas is stupid.

If I were in the house, I'd be targeting Tucker.

Stupidity is running rampant in the house but it's the chaos I love! I hope we are in it for the long haul with Ced, Tuck, Ang.

umm i like tucker but I wouldnt mind if he goot the BOOT! The more athletic males that leave the better... after what happened in bb25 we need them all gone

umm i like tucker but I wouldnt mind if he goot the BOOT! The more athletic males that leave the better... after what happened in bb25 we need them all gone

nooo Tucker is so hot tho Sad

umm i like tucker but I wouldnt mind if he goot the BOOT! The more athletic males that leave the better... after what happened in bb25 we need them all gone

Yalls anti-man hate is weird? He is PROVIDING. I hope he wins every comp. You want him gone so that the wet rags have a chance to win comps then do nothing? How about you wish for anybody can win type comps instead?

Killah it is so hard for us being the only 2 in this thread with taste and brains.
