Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Good thing I have a large small barely existing following from my tv show. I will also be creating 5000k emails to vote for Quinn. It's gonna be a double win Thurs night.

Good thing I have a large small barely existing following from my tv show. I will also be creating 5000k emails to vote for Quinn. It's gonna be a double win Thurs night.

oh you're in your bag

oh you're in your bag

Is this a good thing or bad thing?

Good thing I have a large small barely existing following from my tv show. I will also be creating 5000k emails to vote for Quinn. It's gonna be a double win Thurs night.

Just for this, I'm leaving this thread now. 


Good thing I have a large small barely existing following from my tv show. I will also be creating 5000k emails to vote for Quinn. It's gonna be a double win Thurs night.

Just for this, I'm leaving this thread now. 

You gotta learn to punish your haters better instead of rewarding them.

According to an online poll, the people who the viewers seem to be leaning towards for the replacement nominee are Quinn, Joseph and Leah.

Ppl on bb twitter talking about voting for Chelsie lol? That's like voting for a third party candidate. 

Not UKLover actually leaving lmaooo she loved Quinn's cringe așš BAD Smile

quinn will still have the votes to stay even if he loses the ai comp unfortunately... but at least that demon will know america despises him so we still win! *giggles*


oh you're in your bag

Is this a good thing or bad thing?




oh you're in your bag

Is this a good thing or bad thing?


OMG, my first Vevmo compliment?!

If Kenney wins the AI Arena, Tucker is in danger Sad

He lost his alliance with Tucker who was loyal to him. He made Makensy throw a power away she could have used to help him. Now a third person is on the block and he has no idea if it'll be his number one. And the target is still Kenny? So what was the point in lying to Tucker?

But Tucker JUST started talking game with Cedric while Quinn has been locked in with him since week 1 and they have a F2. And Mak and Leah are not working with him so I don't get why people want him to play Tucker and Maks game lol like I get it we want the chaos and entertainment but let's remember they are playing a game to get to the end. 

A real study needs to be done on why super fans of shows hate when one of their own get on the show. Like Quinn is literally most of us but he's a demon now....because he's a fan of the show lol At least he's playing messy and actively playing the game. Let's put this energy on Kenney, Cam and Leah who are duds. 

As a non super fan, I don't even understand not liking someone because they're on a show they've been a fan of for years. Kenny literally asks to go home every week, I've seen the kitchen utensils more than Rubina, Cam is just chilling thinking he's on the bachelor. And y'all want QUINN out.  America is vapid.

Quinn is a detriment. Better to get rid of him now than later Smile

As a non super fan, I don't even understand not liking someone because they're on a show they've been a fan of for years. Kenny literally asks to go home every week, I've seen the kitchen untensils more than Rubina, Cam is just chilling thinking he's on the bachelor. And y'all want QUINN out.  America is vapid.

Literally this. Blows my mind when most of us if cast on a show would move the same way. Messy, eager superfan. Last season a man said the N word and Jared said he didn't see females as normal people/friends yet Cory the superfan gets the most hate by far. Happens in Survivor too it's so bizarre. 

Cory ate boogers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner btw 

But Tucker JUST started talking game with Cedric while Quinn has been locked in with him since week 1 and they have a F2. And Mak and Leah are not working with him so I don't get why people want him to play Tucker and Maks game lol like I get it we want the chaos and entertainment but let's remember they are playing a game to get to the end. 

Do you have any critical thinking skills? If he prefers to work with Quinn, that is FINE but don't lead Tucker on. He just a huge enemy for zero reason. He also made an enemy of Makensy for no reason. He wanted to burn her power with zero idea who it might actually put up. What is the point in burning it and making an enemy? He played this as bad as possible from every angle. He went from leaving this week very well positioned to now being a huge target for zero purpose....all for Kenney to prob leave...who wanted to leave. MORON.

A real study needs to be done on why super fans of shows hate when one of their own get on the show. Like Quinn is literally most of us but he's a demon now....because he's a fan of the show lol At least he's playing messy and actively playing the game.

Maybe he represents you, but he does not represent me AT ALL. I'm nothing like him. BB must have you convinced all super fans are the same since they cast them the same. He is annoying, cringe, and tryhard. He's like Devun (The Challenge) imitating Tori (The Challenge). I don't like how they paint all BB fans as obnoxious nerds who play the exact same game of overplaying till they flop. It's old and tired. He weaponized race though which is where he become disgusting to me. He intentionally wanted to make the black hg feel uncomfortable to try and ruin someone else...and after he saw both sides were upset HE LAUGHED ABOUT IT. He is a trash human. And annoying.

Well next week's HOH isn't even going to matter if Quinn is still there.

Team Quinn as a person who only watches the episodes and missed the last one. Stay mad


A real study needs to be done on why super fans of shows hate when one of their own get on the show. Like Quinn is literally most of us but he's a demon now....because he's a fan of the show lol At least he's playing messy and actively playing the game.

Maybe he represents you, but he does not represent me AT ALL. I'm nothing like him. BB must have you convinced all super fans are the same since they cast them the same. He is annoying, cringe, and tryhard. He's like Devun (The Challenge) imitating Tori (The Challenge). I don't like how they paint all BB fans as obnoxious nerds who play the exact same game of overplaying till they flop. It's old and tired. He weaponized race though which is where he become disgusting to me. He intentionally wanted to make the black hg feel uncomfortable to try and ruin someone else...and after he saw both sides were upset HE LAUGHED ABOUT IT. He is a trash human. And annoying.

We must be watching different shows (or you fell for the edit) because he did not weaponize race at all and as a person of color I didn't see that angle. As for your Tucker response you think it makes sense to make an enemy out of the most concrete F5 alliance and his own F2 over Tucker and Mak who until this week barely talked to him? None of his allies want to go the Quinn route and if he did, 6+ people including Chelsie (his closest ally) would have been pissed. Let's think a little bit and not be so biased solely because you hate the superfan. Lowkey the way you move on this board you give me 100% Quinn vibes sorry lol 



  1. Angela
  2. Chelsie
  3. Brooklyn
  4. Makensy
  5. Leah
  6. T'Kor
  7. Rubina


  1. Tucker
  2. Cedric 
  3. (HUGE GAP) Kenney
  4. Cam
  5. Kimo
  6. Joseph
  7. Quinn

I don't even remember Tucker or Mak having a convo with Cedric until this week and I keep up with the feeds via Twitter and he's supposed to throw his whole game, his F2, his F5, and F8 to the curb because Tucker and Mak want him to? He made the best move 

Oh we lost the plot ranking a cop that says he wants to quit every day over most of the guys including the most active gamer in the house 

He made the best move 

We'll circle back to this when Cedric is on the block week 5. That's still my #2 tho

Oh we lost the plot ranking a cop that says he wants to quit every day over most of the guys including the most active gamer in the house 

Kenney is #3 (HUGE GAP between him and Cedric btw) bc he wouldn't put up Angela otb if he wins hoh Smile

Team Quinn as a person who only watches the episodes and missed the last one. Stay mad
