The Challenge: Favorite/Fantasy Casts

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Eh bored

The Challenge Allstars:  Exes edition



Shane/ Ryan









Heather M./Dustin




Devyn/Big Easy


Challenge 40 - Cutthroat with 4 teams

Same rules as the original Cutthroat.  With 2 purges that eliminate the entire team

Team 1

Rachel Tina Veronica Susie Ruthie (alt Aneesa)

Darrell, Shane, Abe, CT, Landon (alt Alton)

Team 2

Kellyanne Sarah Devyn Brianna Jenn (alt Angel)

Cohutta Wes Ty Dan Luke ( alt Issac)

Team 3

Nany Jenna Jill Nicole Z Latoya (alt Nicole R)

Leroy Zack Hunter Devin Mitch (alt Tony)

Team 4

Tori Britni Dee Mattie Esther (alt Kayliegh)

Joss Theo Kyle Tommy Idris ( alt Sean)

The Challenge 40: Battle for the Ages

8 teams of 4, divided by seasons. (people who debuted on Season 1-5, season 6-10, etc.)

Season 1-5

  • Mark
  • Yes
  • Susie
  • Veronica
  • Season 6-10

  • Rachel
  •  Anessa
  • CT
  • Darrell
  • Season 11-15

  • Wes
  • Bananas
  • Melinda
  • Tori H
  • Season 16-20

  • Cara
  • Laurel
  • Cohoutta
  • Derek Chavez
  • Season 21-25

  • Jonna
  • Heather Cooke
  • Jordan
  • Leroy
  • Season 26-30

  • Nicole Z
  • Tony
  • Cory
  • Amanda
  • Season 31-35

  • Josh
  • Devin
  • Da'vonne
  • Tori
  • Seasons 36-39

  • Nurys
  • Michele
  • Kyland
  • Horacio
  • I almost nailed the format and got about 50% of the people right, I'll take it.

    The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons 2010 (in place of Cutthroat)

    Made this season because I felt like a lot of the seasons in this era went un-used and deserved a chance to shine.


    Team Austin:

    Danny, Wes, Johanna, Melinda

    Team Key West:

    Bananas, Tyler, Janelle, Paula

    Team Sydney:

    Cohutta, Dunbar, KellyAnne, Shauvon

    Team Hollywood:

    Greg, Will, Brianna, Kimberly

    Team Brooklyn:

    Chet, JD, Katelynn, Sarah

    Team Cancun:

    CJ, Derek, Ayiiia, Jonna

    Team D.C.:

    Mike, Ty, Ashley, Emily

    Team New Orleans:

    Knight, Preston, Ashlee, Jemmye

    Team Road Rules:

    Abram, Derrick, Katie, Tori

    Team Fresh Meat:

    Brandon, Vinny, Cara Maria, Laurel

    The Challenge: Free Agents 2







    Tori D


    Tori H














    Adam L









    Episode 1:

    Winners: Team Blue (Brad, Leroy, CJ, Mark, Zach, Horacio, Emanuel, Jodi, Theresa, Nany, Veronica, Jonna, Tori H, Kaycee)

    Voted in: Kyland and Susie

    Kill Card: Jordan and Averey

    Eliminated: Jordan and Susie


    Episode 2:

    Winners: Team Red (Jodi and Brad)

    Voted in: Trishelle and CJ

    Kill Card: Tori D and Shane

    Eliminated: Trishelle and Shane


    Episode 3: 

    Winners: Team Green (Tori D, Veronica, Emanuel, Horacio)

    Voted in: Tori H and Dustin

    Kill Card: Nia and CJ

    Eliminated: Tori H and Dustin


    Episode 4:

    Winners: Team Red (Nia, Jodi, Aneesa, Rachel, Jonna, Wes, Adam L, Brad, Emanuel, Horacio, Zach)

    Voted in: Kaycee and CJ

    Kill Card: Tori D and Kyland

    Eliminated: Tori D and Kyland


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Team Yellow (Mark, Horacio, Brad, CJ, Zach, Jodi, Averey, Theresa, Rachel, Veronica)

    Voted in: Emanuel and Kaycee

    Kill Card: Leroy and Aneesa

    Eliminated: Emanuel and Aneesa


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Zach and Veronica

    Voted in: Adam L and Theresa

    Kill Card: Horacio and Averey

    Eliminated: Horacio and Averey


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Zach and Kaycee

    Voted in: Adam L and Rachel

    Kill Card: Bananas and Theresa

    Eliminated: Bananas and Theresa


    Episode 8: 

    Winners: Team Orange (Adam L, Brad, Leroy, Rachel, Nany, Nia, Jonna)

    Voted in: CJ and Kaycee

    Kill Card: Zach and Jodi

    Eliminated: CJ and Jodi


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Team Blue (Mark and Leroy)/ Team Red (Rachel and Nany)

    Voted in: Zach and Nia

    Kill Card: Wes and Kaycee

    Eliminated: Wes and Nia


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Team Orange (Veronica and Zach)

    Voted in: Kaycee and Adam L

    Kill Card: Nany and Brad

    Eliminated: Nany and Adam L


    Episode 11:

    Kill Card: Kaycee and Veronica / Zach and Mark

    Eliminated: Kaycee and Mark


    Episode 12:

    3rd: Veronica and Leroy

    2nd: Jonna and Brad

    1st: Rachel and Zach

    The Challenge: Free Agents 2







    Tori D


    Tori H














    Adam L









    Episode 1:

    Winners: Team Blue (Brad, Leroy, CJ, Mark, Zach, Horacio, Emanuel, Jodi, Theresa, Nany, Veronica, Jonna, Tori H, Kaycee)

    Voted in: Kyland and Susie

    Kill Card: Jordan and Averey

    Eliminated: Jordan and Susie


    Episode 2:

    Winners: Team Red (Jodi and Brad)

    Voted in: Trishelle and CJ

    Kill Card: Tori D and Shane

    Eliminated: Trishelle and Shane


    Episode 3: 

    Winners: Team Green (Tori D, Veronica, Emanuel, Horacio)

    Voted in: Tori H and Dustin

    Kill Card: Nia and CJ

    Eliminated: Tori H and Dustin


    Episode 4:

    Winners: Team Red (Nia, Jodi, Aneesa, Rachel, Jonna, Wes, Adam L, Brad, Emanuel, Horacio, Zach)

    Voted in: Kaycee and CJ

    Kill Card: Tori D and Kyland

    Eliminated: Tori D and Kyland


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Team Yellow (Mark, Horacio, Brad, CJ, Zach, Jodi, Averey, Theresa, Rachel, Veronica)

    Voted in: Emanuel and Kaycee

    Kill Card: Leroy and Aneesa

    Eliminated: Emanuel and Aneesa


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Zach and Veronica

    Voted in: Adam L and Theresa

    Kill Card: Horacio and Averey

    Eliminated: Horacio and Averey


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Zach and Kaycee

    Voted in: Adam L and Rachel

    Kill Card: Bananas and Theresa

    Eliminated: Bananas and Theresa


    Episode 8: 

    Winners: Team Orange (Adam L, Brad, Leroy, Rachel, Nany, Nia, Jonna)

    Voted in: CJ and Kaycee

    Kill Card: Zach and Jodi

    Eliminated: CJ and Jodi


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Team Blue (Mark and Leroy)/ Team Red (Rachel and Nany)

    Voted in: Zach and Nia

    Kill Card: Wes and Kaycee

    Eliminated: Wes and Nia


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Team Orange (Veronica and Zach)

    Voted in: Kaycee and Adam L

    Kill Card: Nany and Brad

    Eliminated: Nany and Adam L


    Episode 11:

    Kill Card: Kaycee and Veronica / Zach and Mark

    Eliminated: Kaycee and Mark


    Episode 12:

    3rd: Veronica and Leroy

    2nd: Jonna and Brad

    1st: Rachel and Zach

    Great cast and finalists 

    The Challenge 41: Redneck Island Rules


    Cooke and Darrell

    Jonna and Bananas

    Rachel and Wes

    Sarah and Derrick

    Emily and Jordan

    Laurel and Fessy

    Kaycee and Zach

    Tori H and Kyle

    Kellyanne and Devin

    Jodi and CT

    Cara Maria and Paulie

    Theresa and Leroy

    Tori D and Shane


    Episode 1:

    Winners: Tori H and Kyle

    Last: Emily and Jordan

    Voted in: Cara Maria and Paulie

    Eliminated: Cara Maria and Jordan

    New Team: Emily and Paulie


    Episode 2:

    Winners: Laurel and Fessy

    Last: Kaycee and Zach

    Voted in: Sarah and Derrick

    Eliminated: Kaycee and Derrick

    New Team: Sarah and Zach


    Episode 3:

    Winners: Sarah and Zach

    Last: Theresa and Leroy

    Voted in: Tori D and Shane

    Eliminated: Theresa and Leroy


    Episode 4:

    Winners: Laurel and Fessy

    Last: Kellyanne and Devin

    Voted in: Cooke and Darrell

    Eliminated: Kellyanne and Devin


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Rachel and Wes

    Last: Cooke and Darrell

    Voted in: Laurel and Fessy

    Eliminated: Cooke and Darrell


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Sarah and Zach

    Last: Emily and Paulie

    Voted in: Tori D and Shane

    Eliminated: Tori D and Shane


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Sarah and Zach

    Last: Tori H and Kyle

    Voted in: Laurel and Fessy

    Eliminated: Tori H and Kyle


    Episode 8:

    Winners: Laurel and Fessy

    Last; Jonna and Bananas

    Voted in: Sarah and Zach

    Eliminated: Jonna and Zach

    New Team: Sarah and Bananas


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Jodi and CT

    Last: Emily and Paulie

    Voted in: Laurel and Fessy

    Eliminated: Emily and Paulie


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Laurel and Fessy

    Last: Sarah and Bananas

    Voted in: Jodi and CT

    Eliminated: Sarah and Bananas


    Episode 11:

    3rd: Laurel and Fessy 


    Episode 12:

    2nd: Jodi and CT

    1st: Rachel and Wes

    The Challenge: Filthy Forty












    Derrick K






    Cara Maria

    Tori D






















    Nicole Z











    Episode 1:

    Winners: Yellow

    Saved: Red

    Voted in Blue: Theresa and Marlon

    Voted in Green: Jodi and Derek

    Eliminated: Theresa and Derek


    Episode 2: 

    Winners: Red

    Saved: Green

    Voted in Blue: Nany and Kyle (Picked by CJ because of tie)

    Voted in Yellow: Janelle and CJ

    Eliminated: Nany and Kyle


    Episode 3:

    Winners: Yellow

    Saved: Red

    Voted in Blue: Nia and Marlon

    Voted in Green: Jodi and Jordan

    Eliminated: Nia and Jordan


    Episode 4:

    Winners: Yellow

    Saved: Red

    Voted in Blue: Kellyanne and Marlon

    Voted in Green: Jodi and Leroy

    Eliminated: Kellyanne and Leroy


    Phase 2:

    Jenna and Veronica

    Janelle and Laurel

    Kam and Jonna

    Kailah and Kaycee

    Rachel and Averey

    Aneesa and Nicole Z

    Tina and Cara Maria

    Tori D and Jodi


    Shane and Brad

    Fessy and Marlon

    Paulie and Bananas

    Derrick K and Devin

    Darrell and CJ

    Tyler and Josh

    Wes and Zach

    Ryan and CT


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Kailah and Kaycee/ Wes and Zach

    Last: Kam and Jonna/ Fessy and Marlon

    Voted in: Janelle and Laurel/ Darrell and CJ (Picked by Kailah and Kaycee because of tie)

    Eliminated: Kam and Jonna/ Darrell and CJ


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Aneesa and Nicole Z/ Paulie and Bananas

    Last: Jenna and Veronica/ Derrick K and Devin

    Voted in: Rachel and Averey (Picked by Paulie and Bananas because of tie)/ Fessy and Marlon

    Eliminated: Jenna and Veronica/ Derrick K and Devin


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Tori D and Jodi/ Wes and Zach

    Last: Aneesa and Nicole Z/ Fessy and Marlon

    Voted in: Rachel and Averey/ Tyler and Josh

    Eliminated: Rachel and Averey/ Tyler and Josh


    Phase 3:





    Tori D



    Nicole Z

    Cara Maria














    Episode 8:

    Winners: Laurel and CT

    Last: Tina and Ryan

    Chosen: Tori D and Paulie

    Eliminated: Tina and Ryan


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Laurel and Paulie

    Last: Aneesa and Marlon

    Chosen: Nicole Z and Brad

    Eliminated: Nicole Z and Brad


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Aneesa and Wes

    Last: Kailah and Marlon

    Chosen: Janelle and Paulie

    Eliminated: Kailah and Marlon


    Phase 4:

    Cara Maria and Zach

    Jodi and Shane

    Aneesa and Paulie

    Kaycee and Bananas

    Janelle and CT

    Tori D and Fessy

    Laurel and Wes


    Episode 11: 

    Winners: Cara Maria and Zach

    Last: Aneesa and Paulie

    Voted in: Jodi and Shane

    Eliminated: Jodi and Shane


    Episode 12:

    Winners: Laurel and Wes

    Last: Kaycee and Bananas

    Voted in: Cara Maria and Zach

    Eliminated: Kaycee and Bananas


    Episode 13:

    Winners: Laurel and Wes

    Last: Aneesa and Paulie

    Voted in: Cara Maria and Zach

    Eliminated: Aneesa and Paulie


    Episode 14: Final (Individual)

    4th: Janelle and Fessy

    3rd: Tori D and Zach

    2nd: Cara Maria and Wes

    1st: Laurel and CT

    Survivior Season 40 as ERAS instead of Winners at War

    I forgot how good Survivor casting was, especially between era 3 and 4.  Casting after 40 has been dreadful.

    Era 1  1-10

    Andrew Savage, Tom Weston, Boston Rob, Skupin, Rupert  Alts (Rob Cesternino)

    Kelly Wigglesworth, Vecepia, Sue Hawk, Shi Ann, Sandra  ALT (Tina)

    Era 2   11-20

    Jonathon Penner, Yau-Man, Erik Reichenbach, James Clement, Coach        ALTS (Yul, Russel Hantz)

    Danni Boatwright, Cirie Fields, Parvati, Amanda Kimmel, Sugar                      ALT (Shambo)

    Era 3 21-30

    Jeremy, Philip Shepard, Vytas, Josh Canfield, Spencer  Alt (Keith, Brad Culpepper)

    Brenda Lowe, Andrea, Kelly Wentworth, Natalie A, Chaos Kass  ALT (Francesca, Cierra Easton, Lisa Welchel, Tasha, Abi Maria, Mama C )

    Era 4  31-40

    Tai, Micheal Yerger, Nick Wilson, Wardog, Tommy S ALT (Dean. Caleb)

    Debbie, Michaela, Desi, Laurel, Lauren Beck  ALTS (Wendy Diaz, Angelina, Victoria, Lauren O'Connel, Missy Byrd)

    The Challenge: Free Agents 2 (With Double Cross Instead of Kill Card)





    Tori D


























    Episode 1:

    Winners: Team Red (Theresa, Jillian, Nany, Darrell, Cory, Brad, Katie, Sylvia, Mark, Devin, Cooke, Kam, Bananas, Jordan)

    Voted in: Mandi and Dustin

    Double Cross: Tori D and Wes

    Sent in: Amanda and Brandon

    Eliminated: Amanda and Dustin


    Episode 2: 

    Winners: Team Green (Jillian and Jordan)

    Voted in: Sylvia and Mark

    Double Cross: Kailah and Brad

    Sent In: Katie and Brandon

    Eliminated: Katie and Brandon


    Episode 3:

    Winners: Team Blue (Mandi, Nany, Mark, Bananas)

    Voted in: Sylvia and Cory

    Double Cross: Aneesa and Leroy

    Sent in: Ashley and Shane

    Eliminated: Ashley and Shane


    Episode 4: 

    Winners: Team Yellow (Cooke, Theresa, Tori D, Nehemiah, Mark, Jordan, Aneesa, Sylvia, Wes, Devin, Leroy)

    Voted in: Jillian and Cory

    Double Cross: Kam and Darrell

    Sent in: Mandi and Cohutta

    Eliminated: Mandi and Cohutta


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Team Purple (Devin, Wes, Leroy, Bananas, Darrell, Nany, Kam, Theresa, Kailah, Sylvia)

    Voted in: Jillian and Cory

    Double Cross: Kaycee and Jordan

    Sent in: Cooke and Mark

    Eliminated: Jillian and Mark


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Devin and Kam

    Voted in: Nehemiah and Cooke

    Double Cross: Cory and Kailah

    Sent in: Brad and Theresa

    Eliminated: Nehemiah and Theresa


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Cory and Kaycee

    Voted in: Brad and Sylvia

    Double Cross: Leroy and Tori D

    Sent in: Devin and Cooke

    Eliminated: Devin and Sylvia


    Episode 8:

    Winners: Team Green (Brad, Wes, Darrell, Leroy, Kaycee, Nany, Tori D)

    Voted in: Cory and Cooke

    Double Cross: Jordan and Aneesa

    Sent in: Bananas and Kam

    Eliminated: Bananas and Kam


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Team Blue (Leroy and Cory)/ Team Red (Tori D and Kaycee)

    Voted in: Brad and Cooke

    Double Cross: Jordan and Kailah

    Sent in: Darrell and Aneesa

    Eliminated: Brad and Aneesa


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Team Green (Tori D and Jordan)

    Voted in: Cooke and Cory

    Double Cross: Kaycee and Wes

    Sent in: Kailah and Leroy

    Eliminated: Kailah and Cory


    Episode 11:

    Double Cross (SAFE): Kaycee, Cooke, Wes, Leroy

    Matchup: Nany vs Tori D/ Jordan vs Darrell

    Eliminated: Nany and Darrell


    Episode 12: 

    3rd: Kaycee and Leroy

    2nd: Tori D and Wes

    1st: Cooke and Jordan

    The Challenge: Allstars 5


    Alton (RW: Las Vegas)

    Chadwick (RR: Down Under)

    CJ (RW: Cancun)

    Cohutta (RW: Sydney)

    Dan (RW: Miami)

    David (RW: Los Angeles)

    Dustin (RW: Las Vegas 2)

    Eric (RW: New York)

    Frank (RW: San Diego 2)

    Jamie (RW: New Orleans)

    Kefla (RR: Down Under)

    Landon (RW: Philadelphia)

    Laterrian (RR: Maximum Velocity Tour)

    Pete (Fresh Meat 2)

    Shane (RR: Campus Crawl)


    Brianna (RW: Hollywood)

    Cara (RR: South Pacific)

    Evelyn (Fresh Meat)

    Flora (RW: Miami)

    Holly (RR: Latin America)

    Jenn (RW: Denver)

    Jillian (RR: X-Treme)

    Jisela (RR: The Quest)

    Julie (RW: New Orleans)

    KellyAnne (RW: Sydney)

    Marie (RW: St. Thomas)

    Sarah (RW: Brooklyn)

    Susie (RR: Down Under)

    Theresa (Fresh Meat 2)

    Trishelle (RW: Las Vegas)


    The opening challenge will be a puzzle with the twist being the bottom 3 players will be the team captains. They will draft one player to their team, then that player will draft one player, and so on.


    Last three players: David, Brianna, Pete


    Red Team:


    Blue Team:


    Green Team:



    Phase 2: Individual

    Top Male and Female Players nominate 1 player of their respective gender. 

    The bottom four players of each gender go to the double cross.






    Survivior Season 40 as ERAS instead of Winners at War

    I forgot how good Survivor casting was, especially between era 3 and 4.  Casting after 40 has been dreadful.

    Era 1  1-10

    Andrew Savage, Tom Weston, Boston Rob, Skupin, Rupert  Alts (Rob Cesternino)

    Kelly Wigglesworth, Vecepia, Sue Hawk, Shi Ann, Sandra  ALT (Tina)

    Era 2   11-20

    Jonathon Penner, Yau-Man, Erik Reichenbach, James Clement, Coach        ALTS (Yul, Russel Hantz)

    Danni Boatwright, Cirie Fields, Parvati, Amanda Kimmel, Sugar                      ALT (Shambo)

    Era 3 21-30

    Jeremy, Philip Shepard, Vytas, Josh Canfield, Spencer  Alt (Keith, Brad Culpepper)

    Brenda Lowe, Andrea, Kelly Wentworth, Natalie A, Chaos Kass  ALT (Francesca, Cierra Easton, Lisa Welchel, Tasha, Abi Maria, Mama C )

    Era 4  31-40

    Tai, Micheal Yerger, Nick Wilson, Wardog, Tommy S ALT (Dean. Caleb)

    Debbie, Michaela, Desi, Laurel, Lauren Beck  ALTS (Wendy Diaz, Angelina, Victoria, Lauren O'Connel, Missy Byrd)

    how are you going to have a convicted sex offender over Rob C ?!

    Who is a sex offender?   I had no idea

    Who is a sex offender?   I had no idea


    The Challenge All Stars 5: In Love and War


    Leroy and Kam

    Adam L and Averey

    Zach and Jenna

    Paulie and Cara Maria

    Chadwick and Holly

    Nany and Kaycee

    Brad and Tori H

    Danny and Melinda

    Wes and Johanna

    Alton and Irulan

    Steven and Trishelle

    Frank R and Jillian

    Timmy and Susie


    Episode 1:

    Winners: Leroy and Kam

    Last: Nany and Kaycee

    Voted in: Chadwick and Holly

    Eliminated: Nany and Kaycee


    Episode 2:

    Purged: Danny and Melinda


    Episode 3:

    Winners: Paulie and Cara Maria

    Last: Timmy and Susie

    Voted in: Chadwick and Holly

    Eliminated: Timmy and Susie


    Episode 4:

    Purged: Adam L and Averey


    Episode 5:

    Winners: Paulie and Cara Maria

    Last: Alton and Irulan

    Voted In: Chadwick and Holly

    Eliminated: Chadwick and Holly


    Episode 6:

    Winners: Wes and Johanna

    Last: Leroy and Kam

    Voted in: Alton and Irulan

    Eliminated: Leroy and Kam


    Episode 7:

    Winners: Alton and Irulan

    Last: Steven and Trishelle

    Voted in: Wes and Johanna

    Eliminated: Wes and Johanna


    Episode 8:

    Winners: Alton and Irulan

    Last: Steven and Trishelle

    Voted in: Paulie and Cara Maria

    Eliminated: Steven and Trishelle


    Episode 9:

    Winners: Zach and Jenna

    Last: Frank R and Jillian

    Voted in: Alton and Irulan

    Eliminated: Frank R and Jillian


    Episode 10:

    Winners: Paulie and Cara Maria

    Last: Zach and Jenna

    Voted in: Alton and Irulan

    Eliminated: Zach and Jenna


    Episode 11:

    3rd: Brad and Tori H


    Episode 12:

    2nd: Alton and Irulan

    1st: Paulie and Cara Maria



    The Challenge: All Stars 5 fantasy cast. I didn't try making it realistic, btw. 

    The Challenge: All Stars 5 fantasy cast. I didn't try making it realistic, btw. 

    Great cast

    Switch out Danny for Abram and Preston for anyoneland it is an A Plus!  Lol



    Great cast

    Switch out Danny for Abram and Preston for anyoneland it is an A Plus!  Lol

    If Abram wasn't an abusive piece of shit then he would've been one of the first guys that I put on. I was inspired to put Danny on due to his fellow flop Tyrie getting a shot at redemption on AS4, but he was probably one of the last guys that made the cut for me. As for Preston, I've always had a soft spot for him, so I just really wanted to put him on <3 the only reason that I would've used to consider cutting him was the fact that his debut was later on. 

    The Challenge: All Stars 5 fantasy cast. I didn't try making it realistic, btw. 

    Cynthia = QUEEN of having the most All Stars experience on my cast Smile

    Los was the og troll. I miss him. Is that pic recent?


    Great cast

    Switch out Danny for Abram and Preston for anyoneland it is an A Plus!  Lol

    If Abram wasn't an abusive piece of shit then he would've been one of the first guys that I put on. I was inspired to put Danny on due to his fellow flop Tyrie getting a shot at redemption on AS4, but he was probably one of the last guys that made the cut for me. As for Preston, I've always had a soft spot for him, so I just really wanted to put him on <3 the only reason that I would've used to consider cutting him was the fact that his debut was later on. 

    I forgot about the abuse allegations 

    Los was the og troll. I miss him. Is that pic recent?

    No, it's from his Road Rules season 

    Here is my semi-realisitc/semi fantasy *** cast going by the formula I think they'll use:

  • Angel RR14
  • Ashli RW19
  • Ashley RW29
  • Cara RR12
  • Holly RR7
  • Julie RW9
  • Kam AYTO5
  • Irulan RW12
  • Latoya RW27
  • Marie RW27
  • Sarah RW21
  • Susie RR6
  • Chadwick RR6
  • CT RW13
  • Dan RR5
  • Dan RW5
  • Dario AYTO2
  • Darrell RR11
  • Kefla RR6
  • Pete FM2
  • Stephen RW7
  • Theo RW11
  • Thomas RW29
  • Zach RW26
  • I'm realistically recasting seaon 40 and creating a new format. The bottom 2 teams deliberate together and vote one guy, one girl. Everyine with a vote is "nominated". The winning team selects one guy and one girl that are nominated for elimination. The rest are put in the hopper and it selects the guy and girl they compete against.

    Era 1:

  • Julie RW9
  • Katie RR10
  • Tina RR12
  • Susie RR6
  • Trishelle RW12
  • CT RR13
  • Darrell RR11
  • Laterrian RR9
  • Shane RR11
  • Yes RR8
  • Era 2

  • Aviv FM1
  • Cara FM2
  • Jenn RW18
  • Kellyanne RW19
  • Laurel FM2
  • Brandon FM22
  • CJ RW22
  • Danny RW16
  • John RW17
  • Pete FM2
  • Era 3

  • Amanda AYTO3
  • Ashley RW29
  • Jonna RW22
  • Nia RW28
  • Tori AYTO4
  • Dario or Raphy AYTO2
  • Jordan RW28
  • Marlon RW28
  • Leroy RW25
  • Tony RW30
  • Era 4

  • Alyssa BB23
  • Georgia UK
  • Kayleigh UK
  • Natalie S29
  • Nurys AYTO5
  • Grant WC
  • JP WOTW1
  • Johnny LI2
  • Rogan UK
  • Theo UK
  • LOL, my All Stars 5 cast was sooo much better than yours OldSchooler. Smile

    LOL, my All Stars 5 cast was sooo much better than yours OldSchooler.

    I will say, though, I wanted to put Angel, Cara Z, and Irulan on, but there were too many girls that I wanted on so they didn't make the cut. Sad

    Your mens side was atrocious. And it lacked realism.

    You have Shauvon over Cara Z and Irulan. That's how you know yours is a joke.

    Your mens side was atrocious. And it lacked realism.

    ***** I literally said that I didn't try making it realistic! What was atrocious about it? You had too many people who were AYTO/not OGs. Ashley and Kam were particularly awful choices. 
