Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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i'm telling y'all Cirie is going to win this 

Matt Cirie Felicia F3 and Matt takes Cirie 

Matt wouldn't take cirie  


Oop, Kirsten is coming for Cam at finale night

She's out here trying to ruin Cam's life but is too stupid to know it's a movie quote. Disgusting, should be banned from the finale same as Luke probably is

Someone tell Kirsten that she was first boot and she will not be given the time to do anything besides say hi 

Regardless of context, Cam is old enough to know what a connotation is. So yeah in her shoes I'd probably smack his *** if I heard that.

And I'm not taking BB fans seriously about shit like this anyway because even when Luke blatantly said a slur people got on their high horse about it. A million and one excuses and I'm supposed to think y'all give af when it actually matters whether this was him actually quoting a movie or saying it because he wanted to.

But speaking of Curly Sue he spent an hour in the DR and now he don't want Cory up anymore.

I'm confused. Was this recent or awhile ago? In what context did he call her cotton, that seems like such a weird thing to say.

But speaking of Curly Sue he spent an hour in the DR and now he don't want Cory up anymore.

No surprise here. You can tell Cory and Matt are their golden boys. They'll protect them at all cost. No one will ever convince me that Grodner isn't racist.

There are two black women on the block yet the BB fans are talking about the optics over a Cory backdoor lol?

There are two black women on the block yet the BB fans are talking about the optics over a Cory backdoor lol?

What the **** does optics over CORY being backdoored means...? Isn't he WHITE...and his lil girlfriend America is WHITE.


There are two black women on the block yet the BB fans are talking about the optics over a Cory backdoor lol?

What the **** does optics over CORY being backdoored means...? Isn't he WHITE...and his lil girlfriend America is WHITE.

I wish I can say they're unserious about it

The bb fandom is full of r3t/-\rds

Huh? Y'all say wild things then never give more info or context.

Sounds like Felicia went off on Cory

Has Cory's idiotic brother said much on twitter? I don't even know his name. That's why Maryanne didn't sit right with me. She was head over heels over that skinny ugly white nerd simply for being white. If she was in the BB house she'd be worshipping Cory

We need Felicia at least for jury how many more prejurors will there be

We need Felicia at least for jury how many more prejurors will there be

This the last one, and as of right now she's getting evicted Sad

  1. Has the veto cermony happen?
  2. Can you expand on Redneck calling Kirsten, Cotton?
  3. How are people arguing the optics of Cory being on the block looks bad?

  1. Has the veto cermony happen?
  2. Can you expand on Redneck calling Kirsten, Cotton?
  3. How are people arguing the optics of Cory being on the block looks bad?

1. Yes, noms still the same

2. It happened while she was still in the house. Supposedly he referenced her to a movie which I still think it's weird. Then there's the plate of fried chicken comment that he said she'll follow the veto winner around with.

3. They're worried that if Cory was evicted Cam would try to make a move on America if they were at the jury house after he told her he doesn't think he'll control himself around her. He gives a creepy vibe but she been getting the side eye from me lately

If production gave that much of af about the optics (to some extent they do), then they should have made sure Cam couldn't make the jury... which he didn't.


Also, to reiterate what I said before, everyone crying steamroll can smd because Cam nominating Cory was the only way we were about to stop that same alliance from taking over for the next few weeks.

And, lastly, love Meme down but Felicia has fought to get here, imo it should be Felicia staying.

Meme is the only one I see winning a comp atp now that they're moving on from crapshoots.

Has Cory's idiotic brother said much on twitter? I don't even know his name. That's why Maryanne didn't sit right with me. She was head over heels over that skinny ugly white nerd simply for being white. If she was in the BB house she'd be worshipping Cory

who is his brother? and who is maryanne?

If production gave that much of af about the optics (to some extent they do), then they should have made sure Cam couldn't make the jury... which he didn't.


They tried to get Jared to have America evicted lol

I want Felicia to stay. 


Has Cory's idiotic brother said much on twitter? I don't even know his name. That's why Maryanne didn't sit right with me. She was head over heels over that skinny ugly white nerd simply for being white. If she was in the BB house she'd be worshipping Cory

who is his brother? and who is maryanne?

his brother was the first boot of Survivor 42 and the winner of that season was a young nerdy unattractive black girl named Maryanne who said her type is white men. She said out loud that she had a crush on Cory's first boot brother for being WHITE and it was awkward cause he didn't reciprocate those feelings. The second Maryanne won the million dollars she got the white boyfriend she dreamt of but not Cory's brother. Some closeted very unattractive nerdy white male who was a super fan of the show hit her up in dms when he saw spoilers saying she won the season while it was still airing and she desperately replied to his flirty DMs and met up with him in real life. Now they're dating he's gold digging all her cash prize and will break up with her the moment she runs out of the money. 

I know people want Felicia to stay because she's more fun on feeds but I rather Meme because she's capable of winning comps to be able to go after that alliance. They're taking over and I need to see them scrambling

Just think we could have just cancelled the first eviciton and potentially saved the season. But instead they chose to have the worst battle back twist of all-time. Grodner is so stupid lol. I hate her. I finally just deleted this off my DVR.

I know people want Felicia to stay because she's fun on feeds but I rather Meme because she's capable of winning comps to be able to go after that alliance. I need to see them scrambling

Felicia has won a comp. Meme has not.


I know people want Felicia to stay because she's fun on feeds but I rather Meme because she's capable of winning comps to be able to go after that alliance. I need to see them scrambling

Felicia has won a comp. Meme has not.

But don't the comps get harder physically as the season goes? Meme even outperformed Felicia in the veto and lost to Cam by seconds
