Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Jared would've lost if he played... I have to hope Cameron drops the ball... if Jared leaves I am done with this season..


Flopanas would be going up for him

But they swore down it would be rigged for Jared.

Cam is a clear casual fave bffr.

jared thinking cirie will do badly without her lmaoooooooooooo

America is such a try hard I truly hate her

Anyone saying this was rigged for Cirie can shut the **** up now lmao

Why was there a whole week wasted on someone coming back? 

Worst season EVER.

Worst season EVER.

im not even watching only twitter updates/clips and it seems like just a huge drag with mostly less than decent players

Now I hope Cirie can rekindle her game because Jared was a liability 

other than cam the only one who deserves the 750k is felicia! Smile

such an awful episode

Now I hope Cirie can rekindle her game because Jared was a liability 

this was the best thing for her game 

such an awful episode season

other than cam the only one who deserves the 750k is felicia!



Now I hope Cirie can rekindle her game because Jared was a liability 

this was the best thing for her game 

Why was there a whole week wasted on someone coming back? 

Writer's strike

Anyone saying this was rigged for Cirie can shut the **** up now lmao

Cam is HOH for the third time

Zzz...usually the person returning would be exciting but he literally is so uninteresting as a person. He'll probably play boring. Casting for this show SUCKS.

Why did Cirie want Hisam out again?

Why do they want Felicia or meme out Sad

Why do they want Felicia or meme out

His main target is Felicia because he claims she won't vote for him to win if she makes jury. He's putting Meme up against her because they never talked like he has with everyone else last week

I could see the vote flipping on Meme, but I know Cirie wants to keep her, and Blue might be with it.

Unless, Cam is lying again but he really doesn't like Felicia.

Black women are ALWAYS nominated against each other. They rarely go home against someone else on the block unless there's no other black person left

Yeah this season is going to be boring now. Very predictable and unfair comps. 

Also HOH was a puzzle but it was physical also.

So if there was a shot for someone like Meme or Cirie having a shot it went out the door with that physical portion.

What a shocker the zero personality redneck is taking out the fun black woman. This is the worst show.
