The Challenge: World Championship- Victoria Patricia “Tori Deal” Dehel

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The Challenge: World Championship- Victoria Patricia “Tori Deal” Dehel


She looks pretty!

Her face gotten harder

That cancerous mole is attractive.

She looks pretty roided and botched

One of her best cast photos Omg 

That cancerous mole is attractive.

That's from when she got branded with the other cows.


She looks pretty roided and botched

A true champion

A true champion

Lol the least legit champ.

A wonder if a certain someone will have a meltdown over her name change like he did Diem.

Her face gotten harder

She's looking like a cat. Did she get botox?

this is a cute pic of her

Oldschooler, that is an upgrade.

This picture looks so bad. She hasn't had a good picture since DA

This picture looks so bad. She hasn't had a good picture since DA

That wasn't the one where she looked like she was going to the beach with her santa belly rght? Lol

And I agree. This picture is awful. She looks like she just woke up from a deep anesthesia sleep after getting some botched plastic surgery done.


Omg I'm dead. This is better picture than this night of the living dead one she did. They did her dirty again with her cast pic. Lol

The Champ is here

Awful picture though

Tori looks amazing in this 

great picture 

Will she beat v/ev record one day? Most likely or at least tie it.


Love you, Tori!

Excited to watch you kill it!

I will keep the thread bumped so the hating **** can see Tori every day!

I will keep the thread bumped so the hating **** can see Tori every day!

*hog sounds*

Kam could never *giggles*
