The Challenge: World Championship- Victoria Patricia “Tori Deal” Dehel

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Tori also probably has in her contract a requirement to get paid $5 every time someone posts about her on Vevmo. That damn money hungry heffa

Tory is paying them to be on tv.

Lol do people really think that was rigged for nany when the puzzle portion took up the majority of the final challenge. The 1st step and final step look like it took under 5 minutes lol. 

To be honest im shocked they didnt rig it for nany more bc we already have a bunch of white woman winners. We coulda had our first latina winner in ages.

People who don't think the final was rigged for nany are delusional- Devin and tori won 11/12 checkpoints and didn't even have an advantage for the final elimination. That's how badly it was rigged for nany. She's just an idiot 


I don't care about Tori either way.  She's not a problem just like Sarah wasn't.  And it wasn't rigged for her.  They did everything possible to have Nany win. 

1) Yes, you do care lol. 2) She's a problem to me, I can't watch her. She also discredits the show and makes it stale. 3) Sarah has zero to do with this. 4) It was righed for her. 5) Lol thinking it was rigged for Nany. If Aneesa's knee wasn't busted Nany had ZERO shot at that elimination. Nany and Johnny suck at puzzles. Nany is a twig and wasn't beating anyone at moving cinder blocks, so clearly nothing was rigged for minus the draws at elimination.

Watch the final.  It was absolutely for Nany

And I don't care. I just call everyone out on their BS.  And yes it has everything to do with Sarah.  She's Sarah 2.0

Lol how was it rigged for Nany? Literally everything in the final episode was a disadvantage to her and geared towards Tory? You guys are idiots. 

Tory might be the Kmart version of Sarah, but she is very poor at it. Sarah was a natural endearing cornball, Tory is a forced tryhard cringe loser.

Lol how was it rigged for Nany? Literally everything in the final episode was a disadvantage to her and geared towards Tory? You guys are idiots. 

Tory might be the Kmart version of Sarah, but she is very poor at it. Sarah was a natural endearing cornball, Tory is a forced tryhard cringe loser.

Lol how was it rigged for Nany? Literally everything in the final episode was a disadvantage to her and geared towards Tory? You guys are idiots. 

Tory might be the Kmart version of Sarah, but she is very poor at it. Sarah was a natural endearing cornball, Tory is a forced tryhard cringe loser.

Did you even watch the final episode?  The last part of the final...the only part that mattered was geared for them.  Hell even the part before that John kept yelling "this is made for us" and they still lost the corn maze.  You're just mad Tori and Devin won and are being unreasonable 

Tori and Sarah are the same. 

Did you even watch the final episode?  The last part of the final...the only part that mattered was geared for them.  Hell even the part before that John kept yelling "this is made for us" and they still lost the corn maze.  You're just mad Tori and Devin won and are being unreasonable 

I did watch over the weekend actually. I hated all the final 3 teams so I don't care that Tory & Devon won. Winners mean nothing to me, they made the end so the season flopped regardless for ME. You have yet to tell me how the final was catered towards Nany. 1) A maze, Nany & John had terrible communication and aren't smart. Tory and Devon are great communicators and great at logic things like mazes. 2) Balls-in, Nany is a stick and would never beat a healthy Aneesa or Tory in physical battle. She sucked against a girl with a blown out knee. 3) A cinder block puzzle, again Nany and John suck at communication, puzzles, and her picking up a cinder block is going to be 20x harder than Toroids picking them up. Let me know when you come up with a way it was rigged for Naneigh.


Did you even watch the final episode?  The last part of the final...the only part that mattered was geared for them.  Hell even the part before that John kept yelling "this is made for us" and they still lost the corn maze.  You're just mad Tori and Devin won and are being unreasonable 

I did watch over the weekend actually. I hated all the final 3 teams so I don't care that Tory & Devon won. Winners mean nothing to me, they made the end so the season flopped regardless for ME. You have yet to tell me how the final was catered towards Nany. 1) A maze, Nany & John had terrible communication and aren't smart. Tory and Devon are great communicators and great at logic things like mazes. 2) Balls-in, Nany is a stick and would never beat a healthy Aneesa or Tory in physical battle. She sucked against a girl with a blown out knee. 3) A cinder block puzzle, again Nany and John suck at communication, puzzles, and her picking up a cinder block is going to be 20x harder than Toroids picking them up. Let me know when you come up with a way it was rigged for Naneigh.

they lost almost every checkpoint leading up to the final elim against tori and Devin and still ended up competing at the same time as them. They were never hindered in any way

People who don't think the final was rigged for nany are delusional- Devin and tori won 11/12 checkpoints and didn't even have an advantage for the final elimination. That's how badly it was rigged for nany. She's just an idiot 

you're just proving to me it was rigged for Tory lol

People who don't think the final was rigged for nany are delusional- Devin and tori won 11/12 checkpoints and didn't even have an advantage for the final elimination. That's how badly it was rigged for nany. She's just an idiot 

you're just proving to me it was rigged for Tory lol

No, they're not--had they rigged it for Tori those stages would have mattered.  It wasn't "rigged" for anyone but catered to Nany.  The final stage was 100% for John and Nany.  The puzzle was what it was so they wouldn't have to truly think or solve anything.  They just had to know colors.  The first stage before the bricks was set up to hopefully give them a lead which they did.

Dead that he thinks they catered to Nany by giving her a maze, balls in, and stacking cinder blocks. He really is either the dumbest person on the board or the biggest troll. Either way he sucks.

Dead that he thinks they catered to Nany by giving her a maze, balls in, and stacking cinder blocks. He really is either the dumbest person on the board or the biggest troll. Either way he sucks.

It was clearly catered to Nany and you know it. You just refuse to acknowledge obvious things.  It's part of your act. 

I laid out obviously facts, you have said not one thing about the final that was catered to Nany. You couldn't name one skillset or prove one thing wrong I said. You just wanna bait me into a fight cause you know I'll take the bait and feed your need for vevmo attention lol. But unless you can argue one skill set they  catered towards Nany, I'm done. I laid out my case with facts and effortlessly won. 

I laid out obviously facts, you have said not one thing about the final that was catered to Nany. You couldn't name one skillset or prove one thing wrong I said. You just wanna bait me into a fight cause you know I'll take the bait and feed your need for vevmo attention lol. But unless you can argue one skill set they  catered towards Nany, I'm done. I laid out my case with facts and effortlessly won. 

You aren't stating facts--you're spinning reality to fit the box you want it to be in. The entire final was set up for Nany including the elimination as Jordan has no shot to beat John and Nany wasn't losing that even to a healthy Aneesa.   If Nany just stopped in the circle it's a blowout.   Aneesa's too out of shape to stop Nany.   The entire final portion, including moving blocks as the puzzle, was done for Nany/John to win.   It's clear.   But the person they hope wins doesn't always win.  We've seen that a lot.

Yall dumb as **** that cinderblock puzzle took the majority of the time. Like pinkrose spoiled early on that it came down to a puzzle and it did. The step after the puzzle was literally digging through some sand for like a minute. We all know devin and tori are better at puzzles.

Yall dumb as **** that cinderblock puzzle took the majority of the time. Like pinkrose spoiled early on that it came down to a puzzle and it did. The step after the puzzle was literally digging through some sand for like a minute. We all know devin and tori are better at puzzles.

AND YALL SEEM TO FORGET that  Bananas and Nany were IN THE LEAD from removing those spears catered to a PHYSICAL PAIR. Even tho Tori is strong Devin is much weaker compared to John who did that shit himself. It literally could not have been catered more to them to win 


Yall dumb as **** that cinderblock puzzle took the majority of the time. Like pinkrose spoiled early on that it came down to a puzzle and it did. The step after the puzzle was literally digging through some sand for like a minute. We all know devin and tori are better at puzzles.

AND YALL SEEM TO FORGET that  Bananas and Nany were IN THE LEAD from removing those spears catered to a PHYSICAL PAIR. Even tho Tori is strong Devin is much weaker compared to John who did that shit himself. It literally could not have been catered more to them to win 

Like I said those spears took minutes for both teams to finish. The puzzle like pinkrose said was what ultimately mattered and it did.



Yall dumb as **** that cinderblock puzzle took the majority of the time. Like pinkrose spoiled early on that it came down to a puzzle and it did. The step after the puzzle was literally digging through some sand for like a minute. We all know devin and tori are better at puzzles.

AND YALL SEEM TO FORGET that  Bananas and Nany were IN THE LEAD from removing those spears catered to a PHYSICAL PAIR. Even tho Tori is strong Devin is much weaker compared to John who did that shit himself. It literally could not have been catered more to them to win 

Like I said those spears took minutes for both teams to finish. The puzzle like pinkrose said was what ultimately mattered and it did.

Yet Banany started the Puzzle FIRST they were in the LEAD. They could've won if they kept it but because they are ********* they lost it. Nothing was rigged for Devin and tori stop it

No one said rigged, favored was the word used. The facts and opinions don't take her title or money away so y'all can quit throwing a fit. She is not the first or last that has benefited from production intervention. I just hope one day I'll have a fav on the receiving end of their favoritism lol.

I love Tori! I don't think she's acting unauthentic. Have you watched her IG stories? She's the same. Not everyone is perfect like some of you hoeeessss

Just say you're jealous and move on?

Also, are y'all females or males? Just wondering who's hating on my girl. Trying to see something.

In my opinion of the whole vacation alliance, Tory is the only one who should return. Tory isn't a bad or toxic human like Cara either. Production just really kills their talent. She is over used and needs adversity. She didn't bother me at the start of RoD when there was a lot of people to split the airtime with but when it's late and she's dominating the airtime the cringe is too much. But as you see with Nurys everyone that comes on realizes they need to kiss her a** to keep getting calls. I can see why she has a couple fans with the same generation who made the Paul brothers famous, but yall just gotta realize why she sucks too.


Big mama needs to hang it up.

Tori <3

Big mama needs to hang it up.

Big mama needs to hang it up.

Big mama needs to hang it up.

LMAO was this meant for Aneesa? 
