The Challenge: World Championship- Victoria Patricia “Tori Deal” Dehel

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Why do they have to respect her being conveniently vegan? I forgot who it was but wasn't someone on a challenge recently doing an eating challenge despite mentioning they were vegan? Doubt it's even true for Tori lmao. Gtfoh

Why do they have to respect her being conveniently vegan? I forgot who it was but wasn't someone on a challenge recently doing an eating challenge despite mentioning they were vegan? Doubt it's even true for Tori lmao. Gtfoh

Nehemiah? I know it wouldn't be fair but I'm surprised they don't have a vegan option lol

Like this ***** really wants to make veganism sound like a religion lmao


Why do they have to respect her being conveniently vegan? I forgot who it was but wasn't someone on a challenge recently doing an eating challenge despite mentioning they were vegan? Doubt it's even true for Tori lmao. Gtfoh

Nehemiah? I know it wouldn't be fair but I'm surprised they don't have a vegan option lol

Yeah I think it was Nehemiah! Interesting how they won't accommodate him the same way ☕️



Why do they have to respect her being conveniently vegan? I forgot who it was but wasn't someone on a challenge recently doing an eating challenge despite mentioning they were vegan? Doubt it's even true for Tori lmao. Gtfoh

Nehemiah? I know it wouldn't be fair but I'm surprised they don't have a vegan option lol

Yeah I think it was Nehemiah! Interesting how they won't accommodate him the same way ☕️

Oh did they change it for her?

Just read above and have seen they did. Its BS thats its one rule for one and not another

Respect her vegan diet? Where was this for Nehemiah?

Tori is one of the faces of the show so of course they will bend over for her over others

There's nothing wrong with her. Y'all just like to pick on a girl every season. It was Cara,then it was dee and now it's her

There's nothing wrong with her. Y'all just like to pick on a girl every season. It was Cara,then it was dee and now it's her

She's good at the game and plays a smart game so she's hated like any woman since Veronica and Coral. Many people here like idiots that don't know how to play the game to win.  


There's nothing wrong with her. Y'all just like to pick on a girl every season. It was Cara,then it was dee and now it's her

She's good at the game and plays a smart game so she's hated like any woman since Veronica and Coral. Many people here like idiots that don't know how to play the game to win.  

right Amanda comes to mind

She's kinda the it girl of the challenge even the haters can't lie about this! Smile

I'm in my king Kyle and queen tori era for how much I love her lately! Smile

Once the season starts I'll quit posting here. Tory is hated because of how unauthentic she is. She's corny and forced. I personally just hate try-hard cringe personalities like hers. She is shoved down our throats and is always set-up to do well. She's been on about 65 90-minute episodes the past couple of years. She's has zero depth and is just annoying af. If you disagree and like her that is fine, but don't act like it's hard to understand why she is despised.

Once the season starts I'll quit posting here. Tory is hated because of how unauthentic she is. She's corny and forced. I personally just hate try-hard cringe personalities like hers. She is shoved down our throats and is always set-up to do well. She's been on about 65 90-minute episodes the past couple of years. She's has zero depth and is just annoying af. 

she brings more than 95 percent of the cast tho. She is the female face of the show especially after this win

she brings more than 95 percent of the cast tho. She is the female face of the show especially after this win

All she does is bring me to a different channel. Never once has anything she's done entertain me. Again, you can enjoy it but you can't act surprised that some people have taste and standards.


she brings more than 95 percent of the cast tho. She is the female face of the show especially after this win

All she does is bring me to a different channel. Never once has anything she's done entertain me. Again, you can enjoy it but you can't act surprised that some people have taste and standards.

just look at the women's side of the cast. She's like one of the few who are the total package with competition, drama and hookups. She just needs to own to being a villian but that's pretty much it

just look at the women's side of the cast. She's like one of the few who are the total package with competition, drama and hookups. She just needs to own to being a villian but that's pretty much it

Just cause they cast poorly doesn't mean I'm going to be forced to like the one girl who puts on a forced and cringe production. Hook-ups don't excite me, they actually annoy me. Her drama has never entertained or excited me, it's very low-budget Lifetime type acting. Her being a decent competitor mixed with production intervention sucks cause it just means we have to deal with her more. Again, if you like low-budget acting, wannabe Logan Paul loser then that is fine but you need to understand why others are annoyed by her antics.


There's nothing wrong with her. Y'all just like to pick on a girl every season. It was Cara,then it was dee and now it's her

She's good at the game and plays a smart game so she's hated like any woman since Veronica and Coral. Many people here like idiots that don't know how to play the game to win.  

i would send you home on the first elimination if we ever played, stop it 

I'm in my king Kyle and queen tori era for how much I love her lately!

i love that for you! Smile

She's kinda the it girl of the challenge even the haters can't lie about this!



There's nothing wrong with her. Y'all just like to pick on a girl every season. It was Cara,then it was dee and now it's her

She's good at the game and plays a smart game so she's hated like any woman since Veronica and Coral. Many people here like idiots that don't know how to play the game to win.  

i would send you home on the first elimination if we ever played, stop it 

oh WOW! Smile

Once the season starts I'll quit posting here. Tory is hated because of how unauthentic she is. She's corny and forced. I personally just hate try-hard cringe personalities like hers. She is shoved down our throats and is always set-up to do well. She's been on about 65 90-minute episodes the past couple of years. She's has zero depth and is just annoying af. If you disagree and like her that is fine, but don't act like it's hard to understand why she is despised.

But you like other people that as similar.  You also know she's playing the role she's told to play

But you like other people that as similar.  You also know she's playing the role she's told to play

Who is similiar? And if she's playing the roll she's told it doesn't change the fact that she is unwatchable to me.

Didnt production tell her to amp up the drama between amber/fessy/josh and esther and she did it. She'll do anything production tells her which is annoying but smart of her. Plus shes in the vacation alliance so she'll most likely always make it far. Her only competition is really kaycee. Im still surprised they didnt rig it more for nany so she can win over tori but seems like tori is their girl these days. Like I said before wouldnt be shocked if she ties the cara/veronica/evelyn record and wins another 2 seasons in a few years.

I'm not mad at Tory for doing 100 of these and being a terrible personality. It's working for her. They keep calling and are going as far as rigging it for her to win, so I'd keep up the cringe fake act too. I'm more mad at production for thinking it's entertaining. KVM and one stan account like her, that should tell you everything.

She ain't shit

I'm not mad at Tory for doing 100 of these and being a terrible personality. It's working for her. They keep calling and are going as far as rigging it for her to win, so I'd keep up the cringe fake act too. I'm more mad at production for thinking it's entertaining. KVM and one stan account like her, that should tell you everything.

I don't care about Tori either way.  She's not a problem just like Sarah wasn't.  And it wasn't rigged for her.  They did everything possible to have Nany win. 

I don't care about Tori either way.  She's not a problem just like Sarah wasn't.  And it wasn't rigged for her.  They did everything possible to have Nany win. 

1) Yes, you do care lol. 2) She's a problem to me, I can't watch her. She also discredits the show and makes it stale. 3) Sarah has zero to do with this. 4) It was righed for her. 5) Lol thinking it was rigged for Nany. If Aneesa's knee wasn't busted Nany had ZERO shot at that elimination. Nany and Johnny suck at puzzles. Nany is a twig and wasn't beating anyone at moving cinder blocks, so clearly nothing was rigged for minus the draws at elimination.

Tori also probably has in her contract a requirement to get paid $5 every time someone posts about her on Vevmo. That damn money hungry heffa
