The Mole - Netflix

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[QUOTE]but at least I changed my answer to Craig and not the winner.[/QUOTE] I have Kristened you, "Johnny come lately."
[quote=Bacchus;25627]I have Kristened you, "Johnny come lately."[/quote] Hahah, you are too funny. Plus, I knew it wasn't Mark right off the bat almost. Why would anyone want to be the Mole if they are trying to make their wife stop working two jobs? I could see if he used it as a distraction, but he was so sincere about it and was truly playing the game, so he is one of the most obvious picks to not be the Mole.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;25630]Hahah, you are too funny. Plus, I knew it wasn't Craig right off the bat almost. Why would anyone want to be the Mole if they are trying to make their wife stop working two jobs? I could see if he used it as a distraction, but he was so sincere about it and was truly playing the game, so he is one of the most obvious picks to not be the Mole.[/quote] Is that backpedaling I hear??
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;25631]Is that backpedaling I hear??[/quote] Sorry, I edited my post.
He knew it wasn't Mark, BECAUSE IT WAS KRISTEN-CLAY-NICHOLE-PAUL! HAHAHA! The way to win the mole is to act like the mole. I had the final 3 picked by week 3. Nicole and Craig in week 1 and Mark in week 3. They were all good players who did their job to "be the mole" and get targeted. Eventually, I knew Craig and Mark were the Mole and winner, [URL=""]just not sure of the way it would play out[/URL] and went with Mark as the Mole. At least I stuck to my guns... I would take the time to respond and decimate your comments about Craig being a good mole, except [URL=""]you said this[/URL] just two week ago....
Anonymous's picture
Oooh B is winning this debate with the references ;)
[quote=Bacchus;25639]He knew it wasn't Mark, BECAUSE IT WAS KRISTEN-CLAY-NICHOLE-PAUL! HAHAHA! The way to win the mole is to act like the mole. I had the final 3 picked by week 3. Nicole and Craig in week 1 and Mark in week 3. They were all good players who did their job to "be the mole" and get targeted. Eventually, I knew Craig and Mark were the Mole and winner, [URL=""]just not sure of the way it would play out[/URL] and went with Mark as the Mole. At least I stuck to my guns... I would take the time to respond and decimate your comments about Craig being a good mole, except [URL=""]you said this[/URL] just two week ago....[/quote] Just because someone points out why this person could be the Mole or that person could be the Mole, doesn't mean i think that they are all the Mole. And I don't remember ever saying that Paul was the Mole. I never thought he was the Mole straight off the bat. Nicole was an option, but I said that I predicted she would make the finals and she did. Clay never ran through my mind either. I thought he was suspicious, but he never really struck me as the Mole. Kristen, however, had me fooled. I believed she was the Mole from the beginning until she got eliminated. You cant act like the Mole all you want doesn't mean that you will get far in the game. You know how many people thought Corbin bernsen and Stephen Baldwin were the Mole for acting like it, when they really just acted like idiots. Nicole got far because she was doing amazing on the quizzes. And Mark didn't get there because he acted like the Mole. He was tied to go home three times. If that is getting you far in the game because he acted like the Mole, than that makes no sense. Mark didn't play the game very smart to get himself into that situation. You need to play the odds on these quizzes. If there are two females left and five males, wouldn't you answer more of the questions statistically towards males?
[quote=Bacchus;25639]I would take the time to respond and decimate your comments about Craig being a good mole, except [URL=""]you said this[/URL] just two week ago....[/quote] Hehehe, You tell him B! Ok no seriously though... I was wrong in both my picks. I'm just not good at these games.
I'm still surprised that Kristen was eliminated so early....booooo BUT Bacchus...i totally get ur point. When Craig was revealed as the mole...i was kinda like " what." He really didn't have to do much to screw things up cuz he WAS an overweight underachiever. I will totally not argue with ya there. Nicole put up one hell of a fight though... Her and Mark were 2 totally deserving of being the last ones standing
slash....i'm 5 episodes deep of watching Season 2 on YouTube! its so good already!
Anonymous's picture
Can I just say, that just because Craig is obviously overweight, does not mean he is an underacheiver in any means, nor does it make him lazy. Just wanted to get that out.
But he even said things similar to this though! Like how just because he's overweight, people were rooting for him instead of wondering why he didn't complete tasks. See: Mission 1, with the bag. See: Climbing that mountain. People perceived him differently because of his weight....That's what I meant (and I think Bacchus too)
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;25712]But he even said things similar to this though! Like how just because he's overweight, people were rooting for him instead of wondering why he didn't complete tasks. [/quote] OPD has seen exactly ZERO seconds of the show and is just broad stroking this... Don't let her attempting to claim the moral high ground throw you on the defense RSV. ;)
Anonymous's picture
*hmph* :on_the_quiet:
I'd love to hear a producer's postmortem on the show. IMO they made two classic mistakes that have sunk other shows. First, they opted for a host who offered little charisma and likely retained few viewers from the magnetic power of his personality alone. (i.g., the host of Pirate Master was fatal to that show on day one and it didn't survive past a few episodes). Secondly, choosing Craig as the mole seemed an odd choice given that few viewers seemed to actually find him to be someone they wanted to watch as a cast member week after week. Finally, I'm curious about the casting of the show. While one seeks a diverse group where conflicting personalities allow for potential conflict, the range of personalities seemed almost flat-lined. If Paul and Nicole were to be the extremes of behavior, then the producers appear to have failed in the critical element of providing some cast who were instant fan favorites simply based on how they looked on camera, how their quick wit captured the room, or how someone's sleuthing ability make them instantly into people you had to watch week after week. To me, not a single cast member was even akin to a glass of warm milk on a cold night. Perhaps the producers became too wrapped up in the game themselves and forgot that the only thing networks care about are the ratings.
It's a shame this show will probably not be renewed....i just finished season 2 and it was AMAAAAZING.
Anonymous's picture

Now casting...

It says that the link doesn't this show coming back!?!!? This was one of my favorites back in the day.  I even bought the DVD back in the day of the 'celebrity' season when Kathy Griffin and Erik Von Detten were battling it out cause I loved it so much lol 

I hope this makes a comeback! I loved it.

i'm pretty sure the link above is similar to this but it's being rebooted as a show called The Insider

Is there anywhere to watch the show?

Is there anywhere to watch the show?

I have seen episodes on YouTube

Just noticed today that the first 2 seasons are on Netflix!


A trailer is out now. It comes our October 7th

I think 2 of these guys are on that untitled Netflix dating show.

I didn't watch the original show and no I'm not going back to watch idc how good it is hyped up to be but this looks juicy and expensive. I'll be tuning in! Curious to see how the Cirie show compared that should be coming soon 

I love that you referred to The Traitor as "the Cirie show" because yes, any show with her I am tuning in.

A trailer is out now. It comes our October 7th

I think 2 of these guys are on that untitled Netflix dating show.

The trailer was surprisingly decent.  Not sure about the cast (seems like they just went young unless I missed something) but given it's on Netflix maybe that makes sense.  Missions seem more extreme which feels unnecessary

I never saw this show so I decided to watch a few episodes on Netflix. It's interesting but I kinda was bored. Lol

I forgot this was out-  I need to watch it.  I loved the Mole back in the day. 
