The Mole - Netflix

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I watched season 1 and this wasnt as good but it was still very good. Maybe nostalgia is hurting this for you. The mole did a great job actually. Sabotaged a lot and was still put in leadership roles a good amount by the other players

maybe for the players but as a viewer this was the most obvious mole on any season ever. they did a bad job especially in their interviews 

Weren't you saying it was someone else tho

yes because i didn't think they would be that obvious. that quiz thing was editing i guess. 

LMAO I was dead set on Will despite my friend who is crazy good at these shows guessing Kasi after the first batch of episodes. She did look super shady at the end but so did Joi (whom I knew wasn't the mole). Everything started to make sense at it being Will in the end from my point of view. Kasi was just too obvious at sabotaging. You have to remember the people that aren't the mole want to look like them all to throw everybody off so I figured that was her strategy from the very start was to make everyone think she's the mole but not be as obvious as someone like Joi. It's a great strategy you just get less money in the end. Meanwhile Will kept surviving despite his mole guess going home almost every round. When he guessed Avori but she went home I was like..... Again? Then his closing confessional with him saying he keeps sneaking by with a smirk made me DEAD SET on him. 

I feel bad for Joi. Congrats to Will though. The first straight white male to win a reality show in a couple years since diversity has taken over!

I hope the producers of this show were very honest. If this was BMP or Fly on the Wall productions, quizzes would be rigged and the winner would be preselected. 

Does anyone think Kesi made it obvious she was sabotaging every time she was with Joi because she wanted Joi to win the whole thing? They hugged each other first before hugging Will lol 

Does anyone think Kesi made it obvious she was sabotaging every time she was with Joi because she wanted Joi to win the whole thing? They hugged each other first before hugging Will lol 

yes i think so but joi would think she was just trying to throw her off.

joi probably trusted their friendship and bond too much, but she didnt seem that bright to begin with. 

watch the mole 2 timster, probably best season of reality tv there is 

I miss the who's more likely questions, someone having to hear that people think they will cheat on their fiancee was so messy 

I can't believe that I'm a Joi. I pretty much knew it was Kesi when my friend told me but my tunnel vision for Will made me believe that it could be anybody but Kesi, Avori, Joi. Watching the finale it should have been so obvious but I was dead set on being correct and not wanting to change my answer the same way Joi did. When Kesi was the mole I screamed in shock lmao. 

I don't think we are discussing the snow mountain task enough. The way Kesi tossed every single ice block off of Joi's sled and Joi strutting up the mountain and not noticing at all until the very end was absolutely hilarious. That is a strange woman and she definitely needs to come back to reality TV

Kasi definitely wanted Joi to win but she over thought it 

i think a lot of people from here should be on the challenge tbh 

The first season of the mole I watched and I loved it!

Can someone explain to me what would have happened if joi and will voted for Kasi in the end. Would they have split the money?

No winner 


Avori is gonna do a YouTube video spilling tea soon.

Can someone explain to me what would have happened if joi and will voted for Kasi in the end. Would they have split the money?

whoever answered more questions right i thought they said? 

Can someone explain to me what would have happened if joi and will voted for Kasi in the end. Would they have split the money?

The person who got the higher score on the quiz would have won and if they tied, whoever finished the quiz faster would have won.

how can someone get to the end and not know who the mole was the entire time


this is why people form alliances on the show and nearly every season those alliances got to the end

the video gamer was dumb to not spill more info with that guy she was working with. they both could have made it to f3 then 

I doubt any of the people on the show watched the original ABC version. If this comes back for a second season, I can imagine the strategies getting better

Joy not guessing Kasi after her literally throwing to her is so funny. she practically lobbed you up 100k on that snowy tundra.

she wanted her to win 

No winner 

so nobody gets money?


Can someone explain to me what would have happened if joi and will voted for Kasi in the end. Would they have split the money?

The person who got the higher score on the quiz would have won and if they tied, whoever finished the quiz faster would have won.

ok thanks!

Don't know why this wasn't in the finale episode but ok

Skip to 4:44

Don't know why this wasn't in the finale episode but ok

nothing will be funnier than watching one of the celebrities on the celeb season tearing down the set trying to find clues to who the mole was. and then they were right but no one believed them 


They got me with the edit. After the last batch of episodes last week I was CONVINCED Joi was the winner and William was the mole. Based on the editing, I don't understand how Joi made it to the end. It doesn't make sense, but obviously I wasn't there. I really thought Kesi was just a red herring, but she was a top suspect for me based on her confessionals/interviews. Overall I enjoyed the show, I hope they get another season. Would love to see Joi back on TV somewhere as well.

Half of these cast would be great for Future Big Brother 

Watching this and got to the part Kesi took the exemption, looked at everyone and walked off lmao. Damn that was funny.

I finished this today and regardless of spoilers I found it funny how Kesi played it off the last few missions. 


It's hard to tell who the villains were because Joi, Kesi and Jacob were messy evil for no reason lol. 

idk who jacob is but queen joi shoulda been on traitors 2
