The Mole - Netflix

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idk who jacob is but queen joi shoulda been on traitors 2

The firefighter guy 

This season's cast is already messy omg

This is why I can't quit Venmo. Since I don't follow anyone on my new twitter that I also don't tweet on, I don't know the tea. I saw the trailer, but I had no idea this came out already. As a person who pays for Netflix, but never watches it I hate that the app doesn't send you notifications when A new season of one of your shows comes out. If there is a way to do that, please let me know cause another fave of mine is coming out in July.  

How is the host btw? I miss the female host so much. I don't understand why they replaced her. Did she say anything or throw shade at the show?

How is the host btw? I miss the female host so much. I don't understand why they replaced her. Did she say anything or throw shade at the show?

I think I saw that she has her own news show now so she wasn't available

This season is looking promising.  Also this is what true quality casting looks like in my opinion.  On a side note, if this hasn't been mentioned, if you have watched the Netflix documentary "Don't **** With Cats" - the main character from that documentary, Deanna, is on the cast which is just random as hell but awesome at the same time. 

Rooting for all the minorities since Netflix refuses to follow the lead of CBS diversity quota! Season 1 was better so far don't know what yall are shook about. 

I don't like the host. I'm guessing he messed up a lot cause their is a lot of voiceovers when he is explaining things. This cast is messy but I'm not as interested in this cast as I was season 1. 

Agree this isn't as good as season 1. Also keep getting irritated about all the wasting money like next episode when the prize pot drops to 0 I'd probably just leave cuz who cares at that point. Buying those videos was stupid as ****, if anything just narrows your view on to one person who odds are isn't the mole. Couldn't believe almost all of them took it and blew the pot like that

Deanna, Michael, Melissa, Ryan <3

I'm surprised No one bet on the correction. Like I would have guessed everyone was waiting to have bet on the exemption and at least guaranteed myself to win something.

Oh Hannah is bringing it I fear...

It's been said before but i feel like we should know the mole or at least have a checklist for ourselves. One person being confirmed to not be the mole every episode would do it. 

I lowkey think its Ryan. I just have a gut feeling.

Ryan's probably my top choice as well. Can't be Michael right since we know for sure that's where Tony was directing his answers, Ansy was suspicious of him as well. A hilarious choice would be Q, getting pissed every time money gets spent and constantly shaking, would love it if it was an act the whole time but seems a bit unlikely.

Ryan has been my gut instinct since the opening scene 

Honestly I feel like muna is the mole. She talks a lot about earning money but basically every opportunity she has to lose it she's taken. The challenges she was the one who suggested to skip the barrell entirely for the raft and they ended up being what held it up.  What's against her is idk if netflix would make the mole a black woman twice in a row lol. 

As for the format I wish they took a page from the show nobody watched killer camp. That was like the mole but every dollar the team lost, went directly to the killer(the mole) pocket. It makes it feel like it matters more than an undisclosed amount by production. 

Honestly I feel like muna is the mole. She talks a lot about earning money but basically every opportunity she has to lose it she's taken. The challenges she was the one who suggested to skip the barrell entirely for the raft and they ended up being what held it up.  What's against her is idk if netflix would make the mole a black woman twice in a row lol. 

I agree she's been notably bad in every challenge and they aren't really making a big deal of it which is suspicious. But they've been making her look too suspicious outside of challenges and I also agree I'd be surprised if it was her after Kwai

Like I said last season the format is dumb and pointless. With this cast the mole doesn't have to do shit. And if they did do shit and got caught it doesn't matter cause the mole can't win and will always be in the finale. 

Some tweaks do definitely need to be made format wise

Netflix chooses the annoying gays idk why.

But people are say Tony is hot but I find Neesh hot.

Neesh is annoying as hell. The arrogance is crazy. 

Neesh is annoying as hell. The arrogance is crazy. 

True but i still think he's hot lol

They should have 16 cast and 2 moles. If one of the moles has majority they get eliminated. Idk how they can revamp the format.

I hate that I read y'all's opinions cause Ryan was never on my radar but you idiots spoiled it for me cause now it seems like it's her. But I'm going to stick with who I thought from episode 2 and that's MICHAEL. What you dimwits forgot is that they hide clues about the moles identity throughout the season. During one of the first few tasks there was a red tv with a mini rainbow flag on it. The flag does not come with the tv nor is it the tvs logo as I googled. Michael has sabotaged literally every single task. He's either the worst competitor ever in the history of rtv or as the mole he's trying way too hard to sabotage compared to last seasons mole. Also any time rainbows are on a building the camera man zooms in on it. It's obviously not hannna, Muna or the investigator lady. The cop is potentially a 3rd suspect but he gives red herring. 

The thing about Michael is to our knowledge Tony went home after guessing him. Even if that wasn't actually true Hannah has said in interviews that that's what she believes happened and has definitely moved away from Michael meaning she'd probably be gone as well if it was him. Ryan is still my number 1 simply because of the dinner challenge where she clearly sabotaged and didn't address it in any way that she did it intentionally. Sean I guess is my 2 and Don't **** with Cats girl is my super dark horse, though maybe that's just because she sucks in challenges.

Hannah & Muna are carrying, idk why they felt the need to bring Tony back on another show before them

Well at the F6 mole is 100% one of Sean Michael or Ryan

Michael is kinda too obvious I almost feel like he's just a large sweaty disaster

I swear there were two keys on the keychain when Ryan and Deana were "kidnapped"

I think it's Ryan - no other person makes sense without it being obvious. and last season's wasnt obvious at all 
