The Real World: Generic Thread

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Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Svetlana ran Key West

Switching topics again. Which cities do you wish they would've done a season in?

I always wanted them to do Atlanta but back in the day in the 90s or 2000s, a major city in Texas / the south, more international seasons- Toronto, Tokyo, Rome, Barcelona, Rio, Vancouver, Dubai, etc 

I always wanted Detroit but now that I'm older a season somewhere in Montana like Missoula would be cool.  Internationally I'd love a Rome or Athens 

I would have loved to see The Real World: Vienna or The Real World: Phoenix. 

Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Irene--every word she said to Stephen was true


Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Irene--every word she said to Stephen was true

Irene left first...not last. I think PK is talking about being the last to leave on the season finale, which I can't remember.

Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Someone post a list. I can't remember.

The last exit that stays etched in my memory is Brad leaving the San Diego house on his motorcycle with Modest Mouse's "Float On" in my background. Nostalgic for me. 

What are some names?

A Rio season is what we needed. I understand safety concerns but if you only stay in Copacabana and Ipanema things should be fine.

Tokyo, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Athens, Mexico City, Kyiv, Tel Aviv & Istanbul would have made for great locations



Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Irene--every word she said to Stephen was true

Irene left first...not last. I think PK is talking about being the last to leave on the season finale, which I can't remember.

Oh good correction. Totally misread that.  Thanks


Who was your favorite person who was the last cast member to leave the house during their Real World season? 

Someone post a list. I can't remember.

The last exit that stays etched in my memory is Brad leaving the San Diego house on his motorcycle with Modest Mouse's "Float On" in my background. Nostalgic for me. 

What are some names?


OMG wow! Brings back total nostalgia with Brad driving away on his motorcycle and Modest Mouse's "Float On" playing in the background.  

The original Vegas' goodbye was one of the best finales imo

someone said a baltimore season lol why

the good thing about bad girls club is they did the locations & vacations that RW didn't 

Some I can remember: 

New Orleans (2000)- Julie, B2NY- Mike, Chicago- Cara (I think), Las Vegas- Trishelle, Paris- no idea, San Diego- Brad, Denver- Brooke, New Orleans (2010)- Jemmye

My personal favorite would be Brooke exiting in a limo with champagne sent from her parents haha


Wrong thread oops

Joe and Sarah were the last to leave Miami. Sarah said she forgot to pack and bring all her clothes. She was a mess that girl. 

I'm surprised that they cast Baya for The Real World: Brooklyn instead of Laurel.

Does someone has the old seasons or a site to watch it? There is no Paramount Plus in my country and like to rwatch some of the seasons like Austin

Does someone has the old seasons or a site to watch it? There is no Paramount Plus in my country and like to rwatch some of the seasons like Austin

youtube has a good chunk of the old seasons on there you just have to look around ~ if you're looking for middle seasons like Austin then you won't have luck 


Does someone has the old seasons or a site to watch it? There is no Paramount Plus in my country and like to rwatch some of the seasons like Austin

youtube has a good chunk of the old seasons on there you just have to look around ~ if you're looking for middle seasons like Austin then you won't have luck 

Thanks I'll search even though i was more interested in the middle seasons like Austin, Las Vegas or Denver

what seasons of this show are the best? I was never a big RW watcher but I have seen Portland, Vegas 2 & explosion.

Currently watching Denver and its entertaining af! I heard Vegas 1 was good

My first full season was Vegas 1 so for me:

Vegas 1, Hollywood, Philly, Nola 2, Key West, Skeletons

what seasons of this show are the best? I was never a big RW watcher but I have seen Portland, Vegas 2 & explosion.

Currently watching Denver and its entertaining af! I heard Vegas 1 was good

avoid the last 2 or 3 seasons that were on tv. You should def watch hollywood lmao

what seasons of this show are the best? I was never a big RW watcher but I have seen Portland, Vegas 2 & explosion.

Currently watching Denver and its entertaining af! I heard Vegas 1 was good

From the lastv5 seasons the only worth watching is Skeletons

Hollywood was the szn w that Greg guy that looked like squidward right.... he was such a troll loved it 

Explosion >>>> Skeletons. 

That whole cast on Skeletons needed therapy. Although i will admit it wasn't a boring season

what seasons of this show are the best? I was never a big RW watcher but I have seen Portland, Vegas 2 & explosion.

Currently watching Denver and its entertaining af! I heard Vegas 1 was good

Hollywood / Vegas 2 / Los Angeles are top tier seasons & if you wanna do Vegas 1 you could but try an older season before you immerse yourself in that one 

Skeletons is a solid modern season 

Watching the 02 Vegas season... why does this season get so much hate? 

It does? I thought it was overall loved.

It does? I thought it was overall loved.

I've seen so many ppl say that's When the show went into the direction that led to its demise... idk id love to see all the seasons prior to Vegas to judge it

Vegas was mostly about the sex and drama. There was no direction to the cast. They were there to party all night for 6 months. Previous seasons had their share of sex and drama, but the casts were for the most part people who were... going places and doing things in their life and the camera got to follow that journey. Vegas didn't really have any of that. The cast has come out and straight up said all they did was party until 2 am every single day and barely leave the casino lol


FWIW, I love Vegas and I think the cast was excellent. I also do think the show took a turn toward partying and drama BUT I liked both the more serious early seasons and the fun later ones so I didn't mind.

i also thought vegas was universally loved, whereas dc was universally hated and labeled as "when the show went downhill" but tbh imo it was NOLA bc if NOLA was that good, people would have tuned in for the following season. NOOA is where the viewership started to drop
