The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. In my opinion the show isn't entertaining no more, it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.


the fact that the shit they choose to show is josh screaming like a toddler and editing out all actual controversy/fights and sending people home for everything nowadays. That combined with the awful casting and god awful spy theme is too much.  

im into all stars at least because they do get some good casting choices at least but I can't get into the main show as it is. It's been god awful Total Madness - now 

The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The fans definitely are toxic. I have never in life used my social media to engage with any of these people, rather I like them or not


The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The fans definitely are toxic. I have never in life used my social media to engage with any of these people, rather I like them or not

I have never attack any of them on Twitter if they see my comments about them it's because they came here looking for it. I don't find the point of trolling them or ***** about them constantly like their shit doesn't affect my life why should I care about them.




The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The fans definitely are toxic. I have never in life used my social media to engage with any of these people, rather I like them or not

I have never attack any of them on Twitter if they see my comments about them it's because they came here looking for it. I don't find the point of trolling them or ***** about the constantly like their shit doesn't affect my life why should I care about them.


same this is the only place where I would discuss them.  

like when Michelle tweeted "We Stan Josh in this house" and she got attacked lol. Wild.

The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The Ashley situation is a great example. She went to anger management after the situation with Josh and apologized when the episode aired, but then immediately started liking tweets and doing cameos for fans who were saying she did nothing wrong. All that does is exonerate her from any sort of accountability. She isn't gonna learn shit from this. 


The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The Ashley situation is a great example. She went to anger management after the situation with Josh and apologized when the episode aired, but then immediately started liking tweets and doing cameos for fans who were saying she did nothing wrong. All that does is exonerate her from any sort of accountability. She isn't gonna learn shit from this. 

why should she? She's a reality tv star not Mother Theresa. I thought people watched reality tv for the messiness not to learn their morals and values but that's just me. 

Fandom is exhausting, especially now with social media. And I think most of us longtime fans have outgrown this show and certainly the fans



The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The Ashley situation is a great example. She went to anger management after the situation with Josh and apologized when the episode aired, but then immediately started liking tweets and doing cameos for fans who were saying she did nothing wrong. All that does is exonerate her from any sort of accountability. She isn't gonna learn shit from this. 

why should she? She's a reality tv star not Mother Theresa. I thought people watched reality tv for the messiness not to learn their morals and values but that's just me. 

messiness and entertainment does not mean racism or homophobia tho. we can have drama without being problematic 


The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The Ashley situation is a great example. She went to anger management after the situation with Josh and apologized when the episode aired, but then immediately started liking tweets and doing cameos for fans who were saying she did nothing wrong. All that does is exonerate her from any sort of accountability. She isn't gonna learn shit from this. 

Who gives a **** if she likes tweets or does cameos ?  Plus, she does cameos for everyone not just the people saying she did nothing wrong

One of the main problems of the show is this stan twitter culture, nowaday we judge cast members based on who's IG post they like or comment, jesus ..

Twitter ruined reality tv in general not just the challenge.

Twitter ruined reality tv in general not just the challenge.

agreed, alot of ppl are too scared to be authentic on camera in fear of online backlash

I feel like the messiness Reality TV era we grew to love kinda died in general in 2016. It just hasn't been the same 




The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

The Ashley situation is a great example. She went to anger management after the situation with Josh and apologized when the episode aired, but then immediately started liking tweets and doing cameos for fans who were saying she did nothing wrong. All that does is exonerate her from any sort of accountability. She isn't gonna learn shit from this. 

why should she? She's a reality tv star not Mother Theresa. I thought people watched reality tv for the messiness not to learn their morals and values but that's just me. 

messiness and entertainment does not mean racism or homophobia tho. we can have drama without being problematic 

she said he was gay and everyone knows it or something along those lines which is not homophobic lol you should be allowed to say what you want outside of slurs and actual racism/homophobia 

Even if all she said was "everyone knows you're gay" she still could've genuinely been outing him


Twitter ruined reality tv in general not just the challenge.

agreed, alot of ppl are too scared to be authentic on camera in fear of online backlash

Gone are the days of people stop being polite and start getting real. I mean look at the Drag Race fandom, some of the queens are literally traumatized mentally by the vicious hate they've gotten from fans. It's disgusting.

There are reality people I hate and maybe I'll vocalize it on a forum or even Twitter but I would never send it directly to any of those people. That's just straight psychotic.

Ashleys not the only one who thinks he's gay. Many other people on the show think hes gay too according to ashley. She just wasnt smart to voice it to him knowing he got skye and them other producers on speed dial.

Nobody would come after Josh if this was an isolated incident, both him and Ashely were in the wrong so no issue here. The problem is the fact that Josh has a track record of instigating fights and then crying to production when the other party retaliate. Last season he pushed Devin pretty hard making him falling flat on the sofa, they let him stay, this season he threw a cup of glass at Fessy, they let him stay and send Fessy home instead. So when fans hear that Ashely went home because of Josh AGAIN, without being shown what happened exactly, they'd naturally assume that Ashely is getting screwed over by production's golden boy as usual. If they gonna send Ashely home because she crossed the line on a fight that wouldn't even have happened if not for Josh then they should've sendt Josh home too for starting that fight.

Also when some of the cast say shit like "we stan josh" or whatever BS it ****** me the hell off, like ***** what do you have to say about his shitty shenanigans? You only have a problem when he gets slandered for his BS but have no problem with said BS? **** off!

Ashleys not the only one who thinks he's gay.

True. I feel like we're all thinking it but she actually had the balls to say it lmao lowkey love that for her as much I hate her

The more I see the more I am over this show and the toxicity of the fan base. The show isn't entertaining no more to me , it's stale with repeat veterans and horrible rookies that 90% of them don't bring shit either. Then we have the fans acting like they are reality stars on Twitter attacking these people non stop or kissing their ***** like they get money from them.

I couldn't agree more. The second part is so true though... i don't know what's worse, stans who are obsessed with certain people and always have an excuse for their shitty behaviour, or those who attack the cast as if they commited a murder. And you know if they ever see them on the street they will act as if they love them.   

See I dont really blame Twitter for the crazy stan energy. Dont get me wrong; there are definitely crazy stans on there. But I remember back in the day, watching shows like rivals/RW LV2, live tweeting and it wasnt toxic back then. 

IMO, in the past maybe 6 years, social media in general is toxic on every app. People feel the need to always be right, to correct other people, its less about understanding different opinions and more "I'm right, you're wrong." I do think its super weird how people stan so hard nowadays, you couldnt catch me defending someone who I don't know in real life. All "celebrities" are not infallible. I also think its weird af to directly talk trash to people in the entertainment industry that you dont like. I will share my opinions here or other forums, but I wouldnt @ the people I dislike to talk trash to them.

But I will say I do think the current toxic Twitter users in the Challenge world seem to be really young, or at least act like it. And its fine to be a young fan, I started watching the show real young too, but I never went crazy over it. The way they react shows their age.

sorry for the rant

Twitter ruined reality tv in general not just the challenge.

it was worse for the show to try and hide it because anyone with a brain can find out what happened less than ten minutes after the episode ends. and the story can be changed when they hear it. at least if the show reveals it they can control how they show it. 

they really need to shake up casting next season

The reason Ashley felt it was OK to say what she said is because of fans creating this toxicity and emboldening her. And clowns like Gamer are still carrying it on. Joke's on him though cuz all it did was get his fave kicked off the show!

she said he was gay and everyone knows it or something along those lines which is not homophobic lol you should be allowed to say what you want outside of slurs and actual racism/homophobia

we don't know what exactly she said to him but PR said she went too far. Multiple people have said she went to far. And even if that sentence was all she said... that's not even entertaining on its own, or drama. It's just playing into rumors about him or potentially outing him- which I thought everyone understands to be wrong. 

The reason Ashley felt it was OK to say what she said is because of fans creating this toxicity and emboldening her. And clowns like Gamer are still carrying it on. Joke's on him though cuz all it did was get his fave kicked off the show!

exactly. imo they both should have been sent home. Ashley has a track record of being toxic and fans have supported her behavior because they like her drama and crazy behavior especially when she goes too far. And josh is a messy instigator who instigated his way to a win on BB and now thinks he can do that here to secure him a challenge win. the fact he didn't get sent home too after his second "big" incident of the season just doesn't make any sense. 

Do we know when departure day is for Season 38? 

Do we know when departure day is for Season 38? 

It will only be filmed next year 


Do we know when departure day is for Season 38? 

It will only be filmed next year 

Thanks. That sucks though.
