The Challenge : Spies, Lies and Allies (Spoiler Discussion) - Part 2

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Has there been any season where everyone left is so unlikable? (Other than amanda) I don't care who wins

The Island, The Ruins, FR and War of the worlds 2 got backlash too about everyone disliking the majority alliance. Almost each of those seasons had the same story line just different ppl getting the hate.

Wotw2 superior team season

agreed, every week there was drama

Yeah on WOTW2 you had Cara and Paulie vs Jordan and Tori, which was kind of a lose/lose.

I loved WOTW2. Was shocked some fans hated it. I thought it was a great season. Never a boring moment. 

I loved WOTW 2 up until Laurel left 

WOTW2 was top tier in terms of drama. I just wish it had some lighter and fun moments to not make it such a dark season.

WOTW2 was the most stacked season castwise since Rivals 1

Battle of the Sexes 2 is my favorite Challenge.

I really can't stand this ***** Tori

I really can't stand this ***** Tori

And yet Tori plays up for the cameras so she can get called back. Because she knows being boring and being a good competitor doesn't get you anywhere.


I really can't stand this ***** Tori

omg ooofffffff

Once again this is not sportscenter or ESPN this is a REALITY TV SHOW 

Tori not that good of a competitor herself.......

Once again this is not sportscenter or ESPN this is a REALITY TV SHOW 

This show is ruined

Incoming KVM comment saying "Tori's not wrong" 

But do she say that to Aneesa tho?

But do she say that to Aneesa tho?

Incoming KVM comment saying "Tori's not wrong" 

Now its ResilientWarrior, KVM is on a sabatical

Wouldnt be suprised if they came up with that bs dq for ashley to make it easier for kaycee to win. Kaycee and josh are besties and as we know production has a hard on for josh for some reason.

I don't remember people like Zach, Bananas, or even Cara ever knocking Amanda's competitive ability but all of a sudden she's Casey Cooper to these people cause she didn't try her hardest in ONE challenge. 

But do she say that to Aneesa tho?

No because she lost to her lol

But do she say that to Aneesa tho?


Behind her back, sure 

Lets see if production finally smartens up and make necessary casting changes next season when 9 out of their 14 episodes have been the lowest watched episodes in challenge history *giggles*

Lets see if production finally smartens up and make necessary casting changes next season when 9 out of their 14 episodes have been the lowest watched episodes in challenge history *giggles*

No they won't they probably will give us the same combunation of old tired vets(Tori, Devin,Josh, Nelson and Kyle)plus Emmanuel and Emy and a few new rookies from Big Brother Lithuania or Survivor Slovakia or something like that...

At this point I'm happy if we get Fessy, Amanda or Michaela 

Tori is not that good at dailies (She DQs constantly) and she has been in the bottom of both of her finals. 

I really can't stand this ***** Tori

bye Tori is gonna flop the final at the first puzzle and place last I stg 

The new generation of Big Brother players ruined that show and now they are ruining the challenge. 

if Tori is on steroids and gets last in the final, i'll cackle for all of eternity
