i mean obviously it's taking people a while to win, compared to back then? there was a team season every other season, half the time team seasons were consecutive which is why people like katie are challenge champions. not saying katie sucks but if she was in this era? she would have never won.
We know but if there were more individual seasons like nowadays where teams weren't holding him back he would've easily won before 8 tries. He likely wins the Duel if not for the DQ, maybe the Duel 2, he DQed on another team challenge, and then teams held him back except for Exes 1 which is the only one I'd credit to his own fault/Diem's as well for not helping.
Do we all now agree the women need to keep CT with Cory gone? Please....lol
i mean at this point they should be trying to get rid of Devin and Josh at all costs I think we can agree on that lmao
Okay I'll take that as an agreement then--instead of saying keep CT I'll say eliminate those 2 then play it out lol
No I think you're right. I do think the ideal situation for Ashley and Amanda's game would be to have him out. HOWEVER, I concede that targetting him on the hopes that someone can eliminate him (probably unlikely) would likely backfire and he would end up with Kaycee and Tori who will likely win under his wing.
The good news about Amanda/Ashley potentially being in the last few elims is that if they manage to pull out wins, they could set themselves up nicely with partners and maybe even snag CT.
Would you be surprised if Ashley wanted to run with CT now? Or maybe even all along? I feel like they have a mutual respect for each other now.
we need more equalizer eliminations or ones that benefit smaller people. the dee vs mattie elimination is a good start. you can turn a lot of the final reckoning eliminations into solo, the angela & faith one would be perfect for a one on one.
??? LMAO im arguing with a *******. WHITE PEOPLE DONT NEED REPRESENTATION. You're asking me why white people shouldn't want to be represented after Sarah, Cara, Jamie, CT, Ashley, Jordan, Hunter, Jenny, Bananas, etc won in the last couple years??? What ae white people representing? Why is white representation needed?
What do past seasons have to do with the current season? Why is any representation needed? You can't have it both ways. Either everyone needs representation or no one does. The cast was very diverse (okay--needs more asian and latino representation and probably better LGBT+) but casting isn't the issue. People just failed to perform
Do we all now agree the women need to keep CT with Cory gone? Please....lol
i mean at this point they should be trying to get rid of Devin and Josh at all costs I think we can agree on that lmao
Okay I'll take that as an agreement then--instead of saying keep CT I'll say eliminate those 2 then play it out lol
No I think you're right. I do think the ideal situation for Ashley and Amanda's game would be to have him out. HOWEVER, I concede that targetting him on the hopes that someone can eliminate him (probably unlikely) would likely backfire and he would end up with Kaycee and Tori who will likely win under his wing.
The good news about Amanda/Ashley potentially being in the last few elims is that if they manage to pull out wins, they could set themselves up nicely with partners and maybe even snag CT.
Would you be surprised if Ashley wanted to run with CT now? Or maybe even all along? I feel like they have a mutual respect for each other now.
Not at all. They're both the best finals runners left, it's only natural they would want each other. However, CT being with someone like Tori or Kaycee is way more detrimental to Ashley than it is for Ashley to be with someone else. Ashley still could win with Nelson, Logan, or Emanual, or even a long shot with Kyle, but you get my point. CT being with anyone but Ashley is an awful situation for Ashley if she wants to win. That alone is dangerous for him to be there because it's not guaranteed she gets him unless she's in the final elim and wins.
i mean obviously it's taking people a while to win, compared to back then? there was a team season every other season, half the time team seasons were consecutive which is why people like katie are challenge champions. not saying katie sucks but if she was in this era? she would have never won.
it makes sense for people to be on their nineth season in this era w/o a win, cory has been here since bloodlines and has never seen a team format. war of the worlds II was his only chance which is sad, cause one team season out of almost twenty seasons since the last one really says why we get the same champions.
You make a good point. Just because someone will probably never get a win in this era doesn't mean they don't still add value to the show. Cory and Leroy are obviously way better than guys like Randy and MJ who have won in previous era's.
Literally two people are ready every day to prove to the others that CT will win this season, and all the girls must dream and pray to be with him in the finals. How many times will we hear the same arguments?
Do we all now agree the women need to keep CT with Cory gone? Please....lol
i mean at this point they should be trying to get rid of Devin and Josh at all costs I think we can agree on that lmao
Okay I'll take that as an agreement then--instead of saying keep CT I'll say eliminate those 2 then play it out lol
No I think you're right. I do think the ideal situation for Ashley and Amanda's game would be to have him out. HOWEVER, I concede that targetting him on the hopes that someone can eliminate him (probably unlikely) would likely backfire and he would end up with Kaycee and Tori who will likely win under his wing.
The good news about Amanda/Ashley potentially being in the last few elims is that if they manage to pull out wins, they could set themselves up nicely with partners and maybe even snag CT.
Would you be surprised if Ashley wanted to run with CT now? Or maybe even all along? I feel like they have a mutual respect for each other now.
Not at all. They're both the best finals runners left, it's only natural they would want each other. However, CT being with someone like Tori or Kaycee is way more detrimental to Ashley than it is for Ashley to be with someone else. Ashley still could win with Nelson, Logan, or Emanual, or even a long shot with Kyle, but you get my point. CT being with anyone but Ashley is an awful situation for Ashley if she wants to win. That alone is dangerous for him to be there because it's not guaranteed she gets him unless she's in the final elim and wins.
ct is not a better runner than nelsom. get off the drugs
Since Ashley is the most well rounded female in a final unless she and CT have a mutual understanding where they're picking each other, it's in her best interests to get him out so he can't balance the weaknesses for girls like Kaycee/Tori.
i just know production is in his ear forcing him to pick tornado Tori and they'll rig a season for CT.
we need more equalizer eliminations or ones that benefit smaller people. the dee vs mattie elimination is a good start. you can turn a lot of the final reckoning eliminations into solo, the angela & faith one would be perfect for a one on one.
I do agree I would like to see more equalizers. Stuff like "The Elevator" and "Spool". I wish they'd do Dead Man's Drop again but no luck
KVM is stubborn but he does have a point. Who exactly is eliminating CT if he's targetted lol
almost anyone could. eliminations are flukey.
Eliminations are flukey if there are flukey eliminations lol. What vet left beats CT in literally any elimination last season?
Logan and Emanual have a shot based on what we heard, but they're also rookies going against someone on his like 18th season.
almost all of them could beat CT in the short footrace Cory beat Darrell in. I bet plenty could beat him in the hog tied one.
uh no lol Josh, Kyle, and Devin are probably not beating CT in that. Nelson probably but that's it.
Literally any other elimination CT beats any of the vets left. Logan and Emanual are wildcards who are apparently good but we don't know their exact skill set yet.
Do we all now agree the women need to keep CT with Cory gone? Please....lol
i mean at this point they should be trying to get rid of Devin and Josh at all costs I think we can agree on that lmao
Okay I'll take that as an agreement then--instead of saying keep CT I'll say eliminate those 2 then play it out lol
No I think you're right. I do think the ideal situation for Ashley and Amanda's game would be to have him out. HOWEVER, I concede that targetting him on the hopes that someone can eliminate him (probably unlikely) would likely backfire and he would end up with Kaycee and Tori who will likely win under his wing.
The good news about Amanda/Ashley potentially being in the last few elims is that if they manage to pull out wins, they could set themselves up nicely with partners and maybe even snag CT.
Would you be surprised if Ashley wanted to run with CT now? Or maybe even all along? I feel like they have a mutual respect for each other now.
Not at all. They're both the best finals runners left, it's only natural they would want each other. However, CT being with someone like Tori or Kaycee is way more detrimental to Ashley than it is for Ashley to be with someone else. Ashley still could win with Nelson, Logan, or Emanual, or even a long shot with Kyle, but you get my point. CT being with anyone but Ashley is an awful situation for Ashley if she wants to win. That alone is dangerous for him to be there because it's not guaranteed she gets him unless she's in the final elim and wins.
Yeah, that's fair. Honestly I'd like to see the following play out at this point
CT/Tori, Nelson/Ashley Logan/Kaycee and then some combination of Emmanuel/Kyle/Amanda/Emy
KVM is stubborn but he does have a point. Who exactly is eliminating CT if he's targetted lol
almost anyone could. eliminations are flukey.
Eliminations are flukey if there are flukey eliminations lol. What vet left beats CT in literally any elimination last season?
Logan and Emanual have a shot based on what we heard, but they're also rookies going against someone on his like 18th season.
almost all of them could beat CT in the short footrace Cory beat Darrell in. I bet plenty could beat him in the hog tied one.
uh no lol Josh, Kyle, and Devin are probably not beating CT in that. Nelson probably but that's it.
Literally any other elimination CT beats any of the vets left. Logan and Emanual are wildcards who are apparently good but we don't know their exact skill set yet.
send CT into 2 or 3 eliminations and he'll lose one. That's the best way to beat him, just throw him in a bunch and hope the odds eventually take him out. There's no skulls or relics, that we know of, for that to be not the ideal strategy.
It literally took CT nine seasons and five finals to get his first win. And now most people are guessing he's about to get win #5. Assuming people can't win based on the number of seasons they've done makes no sense. These games come down to luck just as much as skill. There are plenty of players from the early seasons who would have never made a final, let alone win, if not for big team formats. Similarly, there are plenty of people who have yet to make a final in the modern era but would probably destroy a final.
CT is an anamoly of someone who clearly should have been winning but was not due to various circumstances. On the other hand you can't say that any of the vets left with the exception of Nelson (not the same level still but he's good) really have proven to be a force nearly as good as CT was then or now. Those are just facts lol.
I'm over CT winning too and would love a different outcome, but Cory losing his 9th season, Kyle about to lose his 7th etc is not the same as CT losing for 8 seasons before he won.
You just proved my point. Luck, whether good or bad, plays a huge factor in winning. I don't think players like Kyle, Cory, or even Nelson are as good as CT. But if it took someone as good as CT that long to win, it makes sense that it would take another good (but not as good as CT) player longer to win.
Another interesting random fact. CT was 32 when he got his first win. Most of his competition are younger or just now reaching that age. On average, I've noticed that most of the winners have been skewing older for the last several seasons.
Im from the future where Amanda and Emmanuel beat the other teams in a final totally eclipsing everybody else. Even the second place team Ct/Tori were behind them by 3 hours. Legend shit.
??? LMAO im arguing with a *******. WHITE PEOPLE DONT NEED REPRESENTATION. You're asking me why white people shouldn't want to be represented after Sarah, Cara, Jamie, CT, Ashley, Jordan, Hunter, Jenny, Bananas, etc won in the last couple years??? What ae white people representing? Why is white representation needed?
What do past seasons have to do with the current season? Why is any representation needed? You can't have it both ways. Either everyone needs representation or no one does. The cast was very diverse (okay--needs more asian and latino representation and probably better LGBT+) but casting isn't the issue. People just failed to perform
This is definitely something a cracker would say. White representation and POC representation are not the same. One is much more important. Stay outta POC's business. The next time you see someone talk about more black or asian representation or complain about POC being eliminated, keep your mouth shut and stay in your lane. Cracker behaviour.
send CT into 2 or 3 eliminations and he'll lose one. That's the best way to beat him, just throw him in a bunch and hope the odds eventually take him out. There's no skulls or relics, that we know of, for that to be not the ideal strategy.
the only way that's happening is if the winning pair finally puts CT in. i highly, highly doubt he'll be the house vote as the girls probably all want him there like kvm said.
we will see and I'd like for him to at least go in once, but im not gonna be shocked if he floats his way to the final.
ct is not a better runner than nelsom. get off the drugs
CT beat Nelson when he was out of shape and now Nelson who hasn't even been able to make a final is going to beat an in-shape CT? mmkay
I am not wanting nor advocating for another CT win. But let's face reality here.
do we watch the same show? nelson SMOKED him on the run its the swimming and camilas ******* that held him back
again, that was when CT was a good 50 pounds overweight and nelson still couldn't get it done so now that CT is in shape you think Nelson is going to magically be so much better?
almost anyone could. eliminations are flukey.
We know but if there were more individual seasons like nowadays where teams weren't holding him back he would've easily won before 8 tries. He likely wins the Duel if not for the DQ, maybe the Duel 2, he DQed on another team challenge, and then teams held him back except for Exes 1 which is the only one I'd credit to his own fault/Diem's as well for not helping.
Emmanuel can beat ct in something where being small helps like hog tie or something
Would you be surprised if Ashley wanted to run with CT now? Or maybe even all along? I feel like they have a mutual respect for each other now.
Eliminations are flukey if there are flukey eliminations lol. What vet left beats CT in literally any elimination last season?
Logan and Emanual have a shot based on what we heard, but they're also rookies going against someone on his like 18th season.
we need more equalizer eliminations or ones that benefit smaller people. the dee vs mattie elimination is a good start. you can turn a lot of the final reckoning eliminations into solo, the angela & faith one would be perfect for a one on one.
What do past seasons have to do with the current season? Why is any representation needed? You can't have it both ways. Either everyone needs representation or no one does. The cast was very diverse (okay--needs more asian and latino representation and probably better LGBT+) but casting isn't the issue. People just failed to perform
Not at all. They're both the best finals runners left, it's only natural they would want each other. However, CT being with someone like Tori or Kaycee is way more detrimental to Ashley than it is for Ashley to be with someone else. Ashley still could win with Nelson, Logan, or Emanual, or even a long shot with Kyle, but you get my point. CT being with anyone but Ashley is an awful situation for Ashley if she wants to win. That alone is dangerous for him to be there because it's not guaranteed she gets him unless she's in the final elim and wins.
almost all of them could beat CT in the short footrace Cory beat Darrell in. I bet plenty could beat him in the hog tied one.
You make a good point. Just because someone will probably never get a win in this era doesn't mean they don't still add value to the show. Cory and Leroy are obviously way better than guys like Randy and MJ who have won in previous era's.
at this point, anyone but Tori for the win
Literally two people are ready every day to prove to the others that CT will win this season, and all the girls must dream and pray to be with him in the finals. How many times will we hear the same arguments?
ct is not a better runner than nelsom. get off the drugs
Since Ashley is the most well rounded female in a final unless she and CT have a mutual understanding where they're picking each other, it's in her best interests to get him out so he can't balance the weaknesses for girls like Kaycee/Tori.
i just know production is in his ear forcing him to pick tornado Tori and they'll rig a season for CT.
I do agree I would like to see more equalizers. Stuff like "The Elevator" and "Spool". I wish they'd do Dead Man's Drop again but no luck
uh no lol Josh, Kyle, and Devin are probably not beating CT in that. Nelson probably but that's it.
Literally any other elimination CT beats any of the vets left. Logan and Emanual are wildcards who are apparently good but we don't know their exact skill set yet.
Amanda is lighting up the house as we speak
Yeah, that's fair. Honestly I'd like to see the following play out at this point
CT/Tori, Nelson/Ashley Logan/Kaycee and then some combination of Emmanuel/Kyle/Amanda/Emy
I think that would be interesting/competittive
CT beat Nelson when he was out of shape and now Nelson who hasn't even been able to make a final is going to beat an in-shape CT? mmkay
I am not wanting nor advocating for another CT win. But let's face reality here.
send CT into 2 or 3 eliminations and he'll lose one. That's the best way to beat him, just throw him in a bunch and hope the odds eventually take him out. There's no skulls or relics, that we know of, for that to be not the ideal strategy.
totally. I am not interested in seeing Kyle, Devin, Josh, Nany, or Big T there because any combination of those 5 screams 3rd or 4th place.
Any combo of Nelson, Logan, Emanual, CT, Kaycee, Tori, Ashley, Amanda, or Emy would be fun to watch
You just proved my point. Luck, whether good or bad, plays a huge factor in winning. I don't think players like Kyle, Cory, or even Nelson are as good as CT. But if it took someone as good as CT that long to win, it makes sense that it would take another good (but not as good as CT) player longer to win.
Another interesting random fact. CT was 32 when he got his first win. Most of his competition are younger or just now reaching that age. On average, I've noticed that most of the winners have been skewing older for the last several seasons.
Im from the future where Amanda and Emmanuel beat the other teams in a final totally eclipsing everybody else. Even the second place team Ct/Tori were behind them by 3 hours. Legend shit.
do we watch the same show? nelson SMOKED him on the run its the swimming and camilas ******* that held him back
This is definitely something a cracker would say. White representation and POC representation are not the same. One is much more important. Stay outta POC's business. The next time you see someone talk about more black or asian representation or complain about POC being eliminated, keep your mouth shut and stay in your lane. Cracker behaviour.
the only way that's happening is if the winning pair finally puts CT in. i highly, highly doubt he'll be the house vote as the girls probably all want him there like kvm said.
we will see and I'd like for him to at least go in once, but im not gonna be shocked if he floats his way to the final.
ct only beat nelson cause of that long swim, and they're ******* sick for adding that for NO reason
again, that was when CT was a good 50 pounds overweight and nelson still couldn't get it done so now that CT is in shape you think Nelson is going to magically be so much better?
swimming has always been a part of most finals lol