I can confirm with 100% certainty Paula will not be on the show. I work with her, and talk to her several times a week. She was heading a zoom meeting with our team yesterday, and after i stayed back and chatted with her about some work things. Brought up the challenge and the OG show, and she knew all about it, but said she wasn't formally asked to be on the show..and even if she was invited she wouldn't go back unless they paid her a million dollars (her exact words).
The zoom call wasn't recorded (Atleast not on my end), but I can provide proof that I work with her, and that we communicate almost daily
Thanks! Even though I wasn't expecting but getting more confirmation is always great ❤️
She is one of those people that I know as of now has close this chapter of their live.
I just checked her Instagram didn't know she had kids but it's nice to see she hasn't completely aged. She looks like she still would be able to compete but oh well. I think she retired winning her last season if I'm not mistaken ? So as someone else said her story is complete
I would love to see Casey, she's so funny and cool haha and if it's light hearted and not too competitive it would be a much better fit, fingers crossed<3
I'd be fine with Casey, she was comedic gold. She still looks great. I miss team challenges with weak links like Casey and Katie it provided great entertainment.
Yall really arguing that paula isnt an OG when that season is 15 years old at this point. That is definetely old school especially when mtv dumb *** probably thinks everyone prior to real world explosion is an OG lol
lol read what we're writing. There is no true definition of what old school means...we all have different opinions. Some of use believe any challenge pre fresh meat is true old school. We know MTV isn't folowing that rule - that's just what some of us long time fans define it as.
These are all arbitrary metrics, and Paula debuted the season soon after FM - so she basically is an OG.
Now Ellen was "EVERYTHING" we ever needed on the challenge. Dramatic, competitive, vindictive, out-spoken. Ellen is one of those dream people I'd love to see but have no expectations of seeing
I loved Paula idc lmaooo I'm upset she wasn't even invited
Thanks! Even though I wasn't expecting but getting more confirmation is always great ❤️
She is one of those people that I know as of now has close this chapter of their live.
We saw Paula come full circle, she went out on a very high note and had the full challenge experience.
I just checked her Instagram didn't know she had kids but it's nice to see she hasn't completely aged. She looks like she still would be able to compete but oh well. I think she retired winning her last season if I'm not mistaken ? So as someone else said her story is complete
Oh yeah, old school through & through that Casey.
Really she should have told tj to shut his ******* mouth though.
I would love to see Casey, she's so funny and cool haha and if it's light hearted and not too competitive it would be a much better fit, fingers crossed<3
Casey hasnt done a challenge in forever and shes still younger than Cara Maria and Jenny lol
Yeah her Evelyn and even Evan were very young on FM
Queen Casey
Not that I'm a fan, but I hold a grudge against her for turning down exes. It would have been so much better w/o a Johnny and Camila win.
I'd be fine with Casey, she was comedic gold. She still looks great. I miss team challenges with weak links like Casey and Katie it provided great entertainment.
I love how mad she got when Coral quit and it totally screwed her lol.
Not surprised Paula is no. Even when Mark was posting his texts, it was clear she said no first and then said maybe to get Mark off her back. Hahaha
Changing my expectations a bit:Men: Johnny, CT, Derrick, Brad, Mark, Syrus, Abram, Darrell, Alton, WesWomen: Beth, Veronica, Rachel, Tina, Coral, Aneesa, Kendal, Trishelle, KellyAnne, Arissa
Again, me just assuming. But I feel like this is whom they will at least prioritize.
They won't cast Abram
I'd pay money to see her comeback and tell TJ to **** for calling out people for not going into eliminations.
Who do you think is refusing to film with who? I can see Beth refusing to film with Tina or Coral refusing to film with Julie.
casey being there would be amazing
Y'all really think Johnny, Wes, CT gonna do this and the regular challenge? film dates don't overlap right?
Yuck where did this Casey love come from?
she can stay home.
Probably Beth with Tina , Coral with Julie, Trishelle with Aneesa,Veronica with Beth, Veronica with Julie and Brad & Tori with each other.
omg is that Ellen? I totally forgot about her.
These are all arbitrary metrics, and Paula debuted the season soon after FM - so she basically is an OG.
Veronica with Beth. Coral with someone she knows is going so she has an excuse not to
darrell should not do this imo unless the check is good
only will paint a bigger target on his back for the regular challenge
Now Ellen was "EVERYTHING" we ever needed on the challenge. Dramatic, competitive, vindictive, out-spoken. Ellen is one of those dream people I'd love to see but have no expectations of seeing