CHILDDD!!! The winner you know damn well that RU would never crown Pearl as the winner of All Stars after all the drama Pearl has brought to Ru and the show.
Plus you got Willam in there who has said would never return.
SEASON 5 OF ALL STARS I want Shea, Miz Cracker, Kameron, 2 season 11 girls, Ongina, Jujubee, Pandora Boxx, Mariah, Nina, Kim Chi, and Maxx.
Apparently I can’t use the abbreviation for All-Stars 5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
they fxked that up when they brought in Bebe last season. Gotta wait until after season 13 to have an all winners season. And honestly season 14 should be first-boot queens back for more
It is so obvious that Trinity will win and I am super okay with that. I need an all winners season just like project runway all stars has all winners in the current season. But I feel because Ru is so busy now filming UK Drag Race that it is almost impossible.
It is so obvious that Trinity will win and I am super okay with that. I need an all winners season just like project runway all stars has all winners in the current season. But I feel because Ru is so busy now filming UK Drag Race that it is almost impossible.
only 2 white queens this season and a white queen will win yet again. I hope trinity doesn’t win honestly. I was hoping trinity would lose the lipsynch to Monique just so Monique’s track record would be pretty on par with the other girls’ and trinity wouldn’t have that extra step above everyone else.
Out of 5 queens of color and 1 white queen, I'm sure the white queen will win. And I am okay with that.
Not just 5 black queens, but also 2 Asian queens, and 1 Latina queen, with only 2 white queens. That’s what everyone is mad about. Granted she actually deserves it, but out of the most diverse cast a white Queen still wins.
I’m all for our first queen of color for the hall of fame. Wish it was Manila. But you can’t take this away from trinity now. It’s hers to win.
I will say that the talent that has been shown from Monique this season is the level I expected from her her First time around. Especially after her look that she made the first episode of season 10. I was ready for her to slay.
Monique did excellent this season totally deserved getting further and you can tell she has grown aside from her annoying brown cow stunning schtick, same with Aja last All stars both did mediocre during their seasons but did better on All stars.
Well for those wanting a queen of color to win best bet is Shea next season of All stars unless Kameron or Miz Cracker win it then the fans will totally set Drag Race on fire.
Is it bad that while i'm 100000% Team Trinity The Tuck, I don't really want a group of white skinny chicks coming to induct yet another white skinny chick into the Drag Race Hall of Fame..?
NOOOOOOOOO. Not even close. AS2 actually stands for Alaska's season part 2
Anyway.... Naomi better win this season.
That’ll be the only saving grace for me, and at least make me feel better that she sent Manila home lol
All Stars 5: Click to Enlarge (Results from
Also just realized that I misspelt Dida's name in the cast list
Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 8.37.12 PM.png
Some of that is confusing. Though I’m not too upset with the cast (minus a few).
Yall ready to see Naomi get her second win tonight and send home Trinity?
tbh I hope Latrice goes home tonight
CHILDDD!!! The winner you know damn well that RU would never crown Pearl as the winner of All Stars after all the drama Pearl has brought to Ru and the show.
Plus you got Willam in there who has said would never return.
SEASON 5 OF ALL STARS I want Shea, Miz Cracker, Kameron, 2 season 11 girls, Ongina, Jujubee, Pandora Boxx, Mariah, Nina, Kim Chi, and Maxx.
AS5 should be winners only, imo. I’d LIVE.
I need Trinity to win so Naomi stays and Latrice leaves
im only half watching this episode tho so I don’t know any of the judges critiques
what is the blocked word???
You can tell Ru wanted Latrice to win. Or at least not be eliminated again
Shouldve stayed gone the first time.
agreed. But ru brought her back for a reason... and was massively shocked when she got eliminated again.
Apparently I can’t use the abbreviation for All-Stars 5 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
As much as I am biased for a Noami win, Trinity or Monique do deserve to win now that Manila is gone. They’ve been turning it out
but hey.. Trixie won, so I guess my baby Noami can too
they fxked that up when they brought in Bebe last season. Gotta wait until after season 13 to have an all winners season. And honestly season 14 should be first-boot queens back for more
Naomi Smalls. Period
It is so obvious that Trinity will win and I am super okay with that. I need an all winners season just like project runway all stars has all winners in the current season. But I feel because Ru is so busy now filming UK Drag Race that it is almost impossible.
only 2 white queens this season and a white queen will win yet again. I hope trinity doesn’t win honestly. I was hoping trinity would lose the lipsynch to Monique just so Monique’s track record would be pretty on par with the other girls’ and trinity wouldn’t have that extra step above everyone else.
Out of 5 queens of color and 1 white queen, I'm sure the white queen will win. And I am okay with that.
I agree. Especially since Trinity has been such a force. Unlike AS3 where it was Shangie’s win
Not just 5 black queens, but also 2 Asian queens, and 1 Latina queen, with only 2 white queens. That’s what everyone is mad about. Granted she actually deserves it, but out of the most diverse cast a white Queen still wins.
I’m all for our first queen of color for the hall of fame. Wish it was Manila. But you can’t take this away from trinity now. It’s hers to win.
I will say that the talent that has been shown from Monique this season is the level I expected from her her First time around. Especially after her look that she made the first episode of season 10. I was ready for her to slay.
Monique did excellent this season totally deserved getting further and you can tell she has grown aside from her annoying brown cow stunning schtick, same with Aja last All stars both did mediocre during their seasons but did better on All stars.
Well for those wanting a queen of color to win best bet is Shea next season of All stars unless Kameron or Miz Cracker win it then the fans will totally set Drag Race on fire.
Is it bad that while i'm 100000% Team Trinity The Tuck, I don't really want a group of white skinny chicks coming to induct yet another white skinny chick into the Drag Race Hall of Fame..?
Finale night girls!!
That performance was cute. Cute next to gorgeous (Read u, Wrote U/ Kitty Girl). Gorgeous is gonna you know, devour cute
I think that was my least favorite performance we've seen.
Hopefully they pick a good lipsync song for the final.
Monet beating Monquie? I have to laugh. I love Monet, but I was way more impressed by Monquie.
Noami remains undefeated in lipsyncs.. I have to stan
Monet won the lipsync, Trin won the challenge/runway. Why not just make it a 3 way winner with Manilanila?
I'm Jasmine Masters and I have something to say... Rupauls Drag Race done ****** up Drag.
They wanted a black queen but knew trinity deserved it and didn’t want backlash lol.