BB20 Spoilers/Live Feed

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Yeezus wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Kaitlyn is ******* CRACKED and I love it. She's Raven levels of crazy. 

Shes midkey worse than Raven 

I wouldn't go that far but she's just mentally turning cracked in a good way. 

she's fun. 

Yeezus wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Kaitlyn is ******* CRACKED and I love it. She's Raven levels of crazy. 

Shes midkey worse than Raven 

I wouldn't go that far but she's just mentally turning cracked in a good way. 

idk what cracked means but she's definitely more wild and annoying than Raven was the first week

So what’s the votes looking like? Is it still looking like 7-6 with Sam getting “evicted”?

So what’s the votes looking like? Is it still looking like 7-6 with Sam getting “evicted”?

it is looking unanimous. The other side (Minus Tyler who doesn’t vote) doesn’t want to make Steve mad. Winston wanted to tell sam they tried what they could but they can’t get the votes so if she comes back she will be on his side which he also stated she rats everything so he will never tell her a single thing (another reason he wants her gone) 

Winston/Brett want to keep Steve, cuz Steve is a bro.

the rest of Level 6 wants to keep Sam, and are working on flipping either Kaitlin or Hayleigh. Currently looking like Sam will go by a big margin. 

LucciVee wrote:

Yeezus wrote:

nevidcm wrote:Kaitlyn is ******* CRACKED and I love it. She's Raven levels of crazy. 

Shes midkey worse than Raven 

I wouldn't go that far but she's just mentally turning cracked in a good way. 

idk what cracked means but she's definitely more wild and annoying than Raven was the first week

It means that she's insane but in a fun for entertainment type of way. People say cracked because they're saying similar to a crack head. ⚰️

This is wild. Tyler told Level 6 about the power and now they are all voting to keep Sam. He’s now trying to flip Kaitlyn by telling her lies about the power and lies about her alliance being against her.

She better not believe this.

This is wild. Tyler told Level 6 about the power and now they are all voting to keep Sam. He’s now trying to flip Kaitlyn by telling her lies about the power and lies about her alliance being against her.She better not believe this.

I don’t think she will. Apparently Tyler plans on signaling his alliance during eviction whether they have Kaitlyn or not by putting his hair up or down which is funny.

Production needs to stop this. It’s against the rules.

I hate this Kaitlyn *****

I hate this Kaitlyn *****

Shes probably got a demon in her tbh

Kaitlyn is so cracked omfg. She looked at the camera and asked production to tell her who to vote for. Then said “call me to the diary room, I want to talk” 

She will have an emotional breakdown and be removed, bookmark this.

Kaitlyn is so cracked omfg. She looked at the camera and asked production to tell her who to vote for. Then said “call me to the diary room, I want to talk” She will have an emotional breakdown and be removed, bookmark this.

legend status

Tyler went to Kaitlyn right before the feeds were cut and made up a lie about how Swaggy C said he didn't trust Kaitlyn. Except it actually ended up being true *****, Swaggy just told Angie and Hayleigh instead, not Tyler. 

********* love Kaitlyn 

Tyler and Swaggy reveal way too much information to the others, both are trying way too hard to play both sides without actually playing both sides. Guarantee all this information they reveal will haunt them in the future of their games. Tyler is more likable and respected by fans so the "trending" twist might benefit in the future. Swaggy is already hated and called ghetto by a few of the houseguests, he'll be gone soon and plus casual fans hate him and are praising the "All Lives Matter" alliance (Winston, Brett, Rachel, Angela, Tyler & Kaycee The Token) online. I'm just disappointed in Tyler & Swaggy they have potential but I feel like things might backfire on them. 

Kaitlyn told Tyler she will vote with them 

Does Kaytlin realize that Julie reads the votes out loud and she’ll be the obvious pers that flipped? Has someone ever been this stupid 

Imo Tyler is playing to hard his days will be number now the entire house knows sam has the power and she only told him, and saying Swaggy doesn’t like you. These people talk it’s to early for this

Kaitlyn will literally believe and do anything you say as long as you give her attention lmao

Imo Tyler is playing to hard his days will be number now the entire house knows sam has the power and she only told him, and saying Swaggy doesn’t like you. These people talk it’s to early for this

Agreed. Everyone is way too sloppy this season.

********* love Kaitlyn 

Idk why but everytime i see Kaitlyn, she looks like an unattractive verison of Veronica Portillo. 

I need me some Swaggy C on a Challenge! 

I need me some Swaggy C on a Challenge! 

Kaitlyn told Tyler she will vote with them 

Ugh I hope someone talks some sense into this girl and stick with voting out Sam.

Idk why but everytime i see Kaitlyn, she looks like an unattractive verison of Veronica Portillo. 

IT IS THE EYES! they are bugging out. SHe looks like a crazy person. Makes sense because she is one haha.

Can someone give me a live stream link please?? I’m in Vegas and I can’t watch live bc it’s not on until 9


Kaitlyn is so gonna make Hayleigh a have not just so her and Faysal can't sleep together
