BB20 Spoilers/Live Feed

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There is a plan to backdoot Winston or Angela. Take Steve down and put one of those 2 up. Boy that alliance lasted long

Tyler is alligned with the Pretty White People Crew or the "All Lives Matter Crew" (Winston, Angela, Bret & Rachel) no way is he gonna backdoor them. Either Steve or Bayleigh will be gone this week since Sam had the advantage cause America felt bad for her.

SIDE NOTE: If it was said that the most trending cast member gets the advantage, I'm surprised Swaggy didn't get it since he was the only cast member who was actually trending.

RLK2014 wrote:

There is a plan to backdoot Winston or Angela. Take Steve down and put one of those 2 up. Boy that alliance lasted long

Tyler is alligned with the Pretty White People Crew or the "All Lives Matter Crew" (Winston, Angela, Bret & Rachel) no way is he gonna backdoor them. Either Steve or Bayleigh will be gone this week since Sam had the advantage cause America felt bad for her.SIDE NOTE: If it was said that the most trending cast member gets the advantage, I'm surprised Swaggy didn't get it since he was the only cast member who was actually trending.

the quiz was a pain in the ***. 

“All lives matter crew” IM GONE⚰️⚰️

The Yes We Can alliance is about to find out no they can't.

“All lives matter crew” IM GONE⚰️⚰️

Ew disgusting Sad

HT calling him a garden gnome is disgusting too but ngl I choked Lol

RLK2014 wrote:

There is a plan to backdoot Winston or Angela. Take Steve down and put one of those 2 up. Boy that alliance lasted long

Tyler is alligned with the Pretty White People Crew or the "All Lives Matter Crew" (Winston, Angela, Bret & Rachel) no way is he gonna backdoor them. Either Steve or Bayleigh will be gone this week since Sam had the advantage cause America felt bad for her.SIDE NOTE: If it was said that the most trending cast member gets the advantage, I'm surprised Swaggy didn't get it since he was the only cast member who was actually trending.


Tyler is a part of Winston’s alliance. Winston, Tyler, Brett, Angela and Rachel are working together. They have Kaycee on their side too but don’t tell her as much as she’s cool with everyone (and not white, cough). 


If Tyler replaces Sam or Steve it’s with Bayleigh. She and Shaggy are Winston’s targets and Winston has been in Tyler’s ear. Tyler never even considered Bayleigh until Winston put it in his head why she needs to go ASAP (cause she’s aligned with Swaggy and Winston wants Swaggy gone ASAP). 


And I don’t know why Swaggy not winnin would be shocking when the demographic for this series hasn’t changed since it started. It’s white Middle America and the South. And Swaggy is the most torn apart houseguest I’ve ever seen on social media. The Big Brother FB groups have been tearing him apart daily while praising Winston 

Wonder why Winston wants Swaggy and Bayleigh out ☕️

Why do people even like Sam

Why do people like Winston?! 


And I think people just feel bad for Sam

Why do people like Kaitlyn

Last night on Feeds Winston and Brett were sitting around bashing Swaggy yet again. They can’t keep him out of their mouths and they keep speaking about how much better they are than him. 


Swaggy won 2 comps already and has a decent social game and is chill and not in drama. He’s playing the game smart. Winston and Brett have no legs to stand on when they have won NOTHING so far and are Have Nots. 




Winston was telling Brett last night how intimidated Faysal was of them...  That Faysal asked Winston if I don’t use the Veto you won’t put me up next week. Because Winston will definitely win HOH... You know because he’s such a threat.. (sarcasm)...

Last night on Feeds Winston and Brett were sitting around bashing Swaggy yet again. They can’t keep him out of their mouths and they keep speaking about how much better they are than him.  Swaggy won 2 comps already and has a decent social game and is chill and not in drama. He’s playing the game smart. Winston and Brett have no legs to stand on when they have won NOTHING so far and are Have Nots.  Also...  Winston was telling Brett last night how intimidated Faysal was of them...  That Faysal asked Winston if I don’t use the Veto you won’t put me up next week. Because Winston will definitely win HOH... You know because he’s such a threat.. (sarcasm)...

Chris is the percieved leader of an opposing alliance. Of course he would be talked about by those two as they surmise they are the leaders of their alliance. As far as competitions go, it's early, and I doubt those two nor Chris would be on the show if they weren't confident in their abilities.  Vocalizing their bravado isn't uncommon and certainly isn't foreign to the show.  Others in the house, Chris included, admitted he didn't do well in the last veto competition. It stands to reason it would be a topic of conversation as the most recent event.  Faysal had the right idea to approach Winston as he correctly concludes he, Chris, Winston, and Brett would be obvious targets.  Why engage in mutual destruction and help those they think are floaters? That's the simple part. The far more difficult part is trusting that the other side will not fire a shot first.

Why do people even like Sam

She seems like a genuinely nice person.

At least the klan has one fan.

Why do people like Kaitlyn


Yeezus wrote:

Why do people even like Sam

She seems like a genuinely nice person.

Shes not tho and this is BB. 

InterFan wrote:

Yeezus wrote:Why do people even like Sam

She seems like a genuinely nice person.

Shes not tho and this is BB. 

says the one with the Elena avi :eyes:

Yeezus wrote:

InterFan wrote:

Yeezus wrote:Why do people even like Sam

She seems like a genuinely nice person.

Shes not tho and this is BB. 

says the one with the Elena avi :eyes:

wym? She has a great personality

Why do people even like Sam

female donny. Or at least america thinks that way. But seriously. You have been watching this show long enough to know this is how jokers roll.

InterFan wrote:

Yeezus wrote:Why do people even like Sam

She seems like a genuinely nice person.

Shes not tho and this is BB. 

Well i cant be bothered watching the live feeds so unless i read something here, i sorta just go with the edit they show. And theyve shown her to be a nice funny person.

So anyone wanting to podcast. RHAP is looking for people to help them with live feed updates. You need to be available 10am eastern and have good internet connection 

Wonder why Winston wants Swaggy and Bayleigh out ☕️

Obviously hes a KKK member who should be hunt down. Nothing more racist than going after the people in your opposing alliance


You guys are the epitome of the worst kind of people in our country right now...yes worse than the Trump lovers. Chris wanted Winston out week one, he pushed for Winston to get nominated...Tyler told Winston this do of course he wants him out. Plus, Chris is an annoying loser who gave himself a nickname, uses it in third person, and has it on all his shirts...everyone should hate him for that. He wants Bayleigh out bc she is his number one and is eligible. Y’all makes disgusting racist nicknames for them but neglect the fact that they have a double minority in their alliance. I really hate people like y’all who try soooo hard to paint everyone out as racist.

You guys are the epitome of the worst kind of people in our country right now...yes worse than the Trump lovers. Chris wanted Winston out week one, he pushed for Winston to get nominated...Tyler told Winston this do of course he wants him out. Plus, Chris is an annoying loser who gave himself a nickname, uses it in third person, and has it on all his shirts...everyone should hate him for that. He wants Bayleigh out bc she is his number one and is eligible. Y’all makes disgusting racist nicknames for them but neglect the fact that they have a double minority in their alliance. I really hate people like y’all who try soooo hard to paint everyone out as racist.

Well this didn’t age well.......

Angela: “I’m looking ghetto with the skin coloration”

Rachel: “I can’t be in the sun for two days straight, I will change ethnicities.”

Rachel saying she’s as dark as Bayleigh.

”I will look like a fricken...” HMMMMMMM

Now the Fox News alliance is appropriate for a nickname :)
