The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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YES! I remember this thread from when I first made my account! Love this keep it up Smile

I remember nany had vevmo PRESSED that she was like #25. This was right after exes 2

Fun read.  Looking forward to more!

I remember nany had vevmo PRESSED that she was like #25. This was right after exes 2

This was when Vevmo was peak Nany disdain. Luckily she saved her legacy on Rivals 3 from being the ultimate Bananas follower and most entitled cast member. 

MalikOnFleek wrote:

I remember nany had vevmo PRESSED that she was like #25. This was right after exes 2

This was when Vevmo was peak Nany disdain. Luckily she saved her legacy on Rivals 3 from being the ultimate Bananas follower and most entitled cast member. 

I get the bloodlines nany hate but not the exes 2 . She said let me redeem myself and go ahead and retire during Rivals 3. 

HonestTea101 wrote:

MalikOnFleek wrote:I remember nany had vevmo PRESSED that she was like #25. This was right after exes 2

This was when Vevmo was peak Nany disdain. Luckily she saved her legacy on Rivals 3 from being the ultimate Bananas follower and most entitled cast member. 

I get the bloodlines nany hate but not the exes 2 . She said let me redeem myself and go ahead and retire during Rivals 3. 

She was insufferable on both Exes 2 and Bloodlines. 

She wasn't all that good on Rivals 3 either. She really just seemed over it and just did not want to be there. But despite that she did end her challenge tenure on a decent note though. Wish she had won at least one challenge though before she retired. 

Wes and Nany deserved the final more than any team on that entire season. "**** you **** you **** you, you're cool, **** you"

She wasn't all that good on Rivals 3 either. She really just seemed over it and just did not want to be there. But despite that she did end her challenge tenure on a decent note though. Wish she had won at least one challenge though before she retired. 

could've won battle of the seasons . Jonna And nany could've had camila/Jemmye spot in the final . Definitely wasn't winning bloodlines. Could've honestly won Rivals 3 if she dogged Nicole in that elimination because wes *** was slow . Exes 2 she honestly had the main storyline the first 5 episodes along with diem and Theresa . And her iconic return led up to sooo many legendary moments. 

Wes and Nany deserved the final more than any team on that entire season. "**** you **** you **** you, you're cool, **** you"

They really did. Although I wouldn't have wanted them to win because I can see Wes Taking the money for himself. Not trying to see Nany go home with nothing.

Theo >>>

Alright, thanks everybody for commenting! Before I continue I think it's worth mentioning that I'm trying to be fair to every "era" of RW - obviously people consider the golden era to be seasons like 1-11 but it's not always easy to compare those with the newer seasons because the show w***o different. So, just keep in mind that just because a season is older doesn't automatically mean it'll rank better or vice versa. Now, that disclaimer doesn't really apply to our next two entries, but still. Also, challenge appearances have NO bearing on this ranking - this is solely about the RW seasons. Lastly, I'm doing all of this based on memory so forgive me if my writeups are incorrect or don't mention some iconic moments. I'd love to hear your guys thoughts on things!


Without further ado, here's 30 and 29!


30. Real World: Go Big or Go Home

Let's just get this out of the way - this wasn't a very good season. These bottom 3 seasons could all feasibly be in last place, but at least GBGH has moments we REMEMBER. The cast is definitely one of the trashier casts the show has ever had (which is saying something) and the "twist" (that they had to perform Road Rules style missions successfully or vote somebody out) never actually panned out. First off, the missions were ******* stupid. Secondly, nobody got sent home! They quite literally never went big OR went home. There were several opportunities to send home cast members, but the producers chickened out. Now, onto the actual cast. Let's start with the non-starters: Sabrina brought pretty much nothing to the table. I think she thought she was gonna be hot shit but Kailah already fulfilled that role (remember she was obsessed with Dione but he slept with Kailah right away? Gag. Why did people like him) She seemed cool and fun (and her voice wasn't half-bad!) but she was just a non-entity. I felt like she slept most the season? Dean was also a cool dude but he just didn't really provide much. I felt for him during the few times he did show his emotions when it came to race relations but he just wasn't bringing much to the table. And then there was Dylan, who they brought on a replacement for...literally no reason at all? Was it because they thought somebody would've been sent home by then? Dylan was also a big bag of nothing. Remember he tried to claim he was a "mastermind" by leading Jenna (and Kailah) on? And everybody (audience and cast alike) was like lol nah dude you suck - you wanted to hook up with the racist chick and then felt stupid when she turned out to be a huge racist. Next up we have self-appointed carnie king Dione - truly one of the most disgusting people ever on the show. Like, I mean disgusting as in actual dirty, looked like he smelled. He actually started off kinda cool but MAN did he suck by the end. I don't know what any of the girls saw in him. I know a lot of people like to hate on Kailah, and honestly yes she is incredibly annoying and insecure, but she had a good heart and I think people were harder on her than she deserved. She was there for Chris when he spoke about leaving the Mormon church and she was the only person to openly tear Jenna's friend a new ******* when she made those disgusting comments about Ceejai (I loved when she was like "brb mom I gotta call this ***** out" and then got back on the phone and her mom was like you go girl!). But man Kailah cared WAY too much about what the others thought about her - I don't know why she gave a **** that Dione and crew excluded her because that crew sucked. The artist formally known as Chris (Ammo), also seemed interesting to begin with but he was a little too self-righteous for my liking. I understand that he was just getting out of a horrible situation and I appreciated that, but his treatment of Jenna was a little over the top nasty (even though she ultimately deserved it) and leaking all that shit (and then letting Kailah take the blame) was pretty shitty and quite frankly, probably should've gotten him kicked off. But ultimately, he was cool. Alright, now for the big matchup - Jenna and CeeJai. I have to say that I do NOT think that Jenna was a good casting decision - she was chipmunk-looking nasty *** unrepentant racist who tried to use being from the south as an excuse for racism. I understand that seasons need conflict but it is not entertaining to watch somebody be nasty all season (and not realize how nasty she's being) and then have the rest of the cast gang up on her (even if she deserved it). Ultimately, it was irresponsible putting Jenna and CeeJai in a house together and I personally watch this show to watch different people who may have their issues and fight, but ultimately can come together. This season ended on a sour note because the producers refused to pull the trigger and get rid of Jenna when they should have. I applaud CeeJai for waiting to beat Jenna's *** til the very end considering Jenna started the season by telling Dean and CeeJai that she'd never met such civilized black people basically. And then Jenna ended the season laughing at her friend telling CeeJai to "pick cotton" soooo yeah, I think CeeJai showed restraint. CeeJai also had a really interesting (well, tragic) backstory about her parents and I think was a genuinely interesting cast member. With that said, she wasn't without her own flaws. She was a bit of a mean girl and follower and latched onto Dione and co a little too easily for my liking.


MVP: Gotta be CeeJai


29. Real World: St. Thomas

These next few entries are dedicated to seasons that are the worst thing a Real World season can be: boring. St. Thomas is up first. This season is just....boring. Like, I don't know how else to describe it. There was an ENTIRE episode dedicated to a sea urchin - that's boring. The location seems great but they were stranded on an island and that really hindered their ability to go out. As much as we watch the show to see the 7 (or 8 or 47 in Bad Blood's case) people interact, we also want to see them explore the city. That just wasn't possible in this location. Also, the cast seemed cool in general but they just didn't make for compelling TV. Swift was corny as hell. Like he always bragged about what a great public speaker he was but then he always had this stutter (I'm not knocking people with speech impediments - I just felt like he was weirdly braggy about something he clearly wasn't good at). Laura seemed like she could possibly be cool but in the long history of RW, she ruined her chance at showing us her personality by shacking up with Trey, who by the way had a girlfriend back home (or something? Idk what they were I just remember she had like a burn mark?). And Trey spent the whole season trying to figure out what he wanted to do with Laura and then *****ing about how Marie was mean to everyone and idk Trey just was annoying. Brandon K w***ort of interesting due to his past with drugs, but man did he blow it all by literally doing blow in the end. It was kind of a tragic end for him because he w***upposed to be getting clean, but he made it really difficult to feel sorry for him because he w***o selfish about it all. Robb was actually pretty genuinely interesting and his issues with self-harm were kind of crazy. Remember he like beat the shit out of himself and like burned himself with cigarettes? That was wild. His relationship with Marie was 2000x more interesting than Trey/Laura (low bar, I know) and he just seemed like a fun, goofy guy to hang out with. Latoya was fun as hell and she seemed like an absolute blast and she had some fun fights with Swift, but it was her friendship with Marie that saved this season. If the entire season was just the adventures of Latoya and Marie, it would honestly rank way higher. When they went hiking, it was gold. Let's be real, Marie carried this season on her back. Between her friendship with Toya, her relationship with Robb, and her fighting with Trey (and everyone), she owned the season. She was like this br***y Staten Island Kesha lookalike who took no prisoners and owned up to all her shit. She was a breath of fresh air after the San Diego season where all the girls were non-entities


MVP: Marie, no question.

Hints for the next update: One of the seasons was filmed abroad and the other on the East Coast.

GBOGH was not a good season so fitting that it places there. But King Dylan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Also St Thomas really was a boring season honestly. Trey was so ******* hot. But Marie really was the star of that season. 

Brooklyn and London.

DC and London.

Love my girls <3

Hope Brooklyn isn't next it's one of my favorites

I think DC too since it was one of the more boring seasons. Brooklyn had Ryan, Chet, JD, and Katelynn carrying it. 

Can't say I disagree with the rankings so far. I've never finished any of those seasons listed. 

DC & Portland coming soon, Cancun prob too. 

When DC wasn’t even on my mind because I forgot about it 

Brooklyn was good but I would be shocked if it cracked the top 20. That’s tea. Ryan was king though Smile

Brooklyn was good but I would be shocked if it cracked the top 20. That’s tea. Ryan was king though Smile

But it did gain a lot of attention and It even won a GLAAD award. I’ll agree it’s definitely not the most entertaining but it has an old school RW vibe to it bc real issues were the focal point instead of partying (Katelynn being the first trans on TV, Ryan being a vet, Sarah’s father) 

brooklyn was my first season i remeber watching all the way through so it will forever have a soft spot for me

Hey guys! I’m on vacation from today til Sunday so I will update when I return. Sorry for the delay! I’ll have two updates for ya when I get back.


Also, nobody has guessed one of the seasons in the next update (from the hints I gave). 

Paris and Philly then is my next guess. 

Probably Philly then

It probably is Philly. That season wasn't too exiting honestly. 

Hey guys - I'm back! Here's the first update for today.


28. Real World: London

Alright, our first and lowest of the 90s seasons of RW. The glory years, as they were. This was back when RW was truly a revolutionary show and actually MATTERED in pop culture. However, the London season itself really didn't leave much of a mark. Compare it to the other seasons of that era, and it falls way short. I'll be honest and say that I don't know if I've seen it all the way through (at least not in a long time), but it's notorious for being the "boring season". They literally got rid of TVs on the Real World because Jay spent so much time watching TV that it was not compelling. And that's the only mention of Jay you'll get here because I remember literally nothing else about him! There were also some somewhat interesting culture clashes between US and UK cast members, particularly Neil and Mike. Mike was basically Mr. America kind of a tough-guy "I love NASCAR" southern-type and Neil was very much...not that. Neil is also responsible for the most iconic scene from this season (and one of the most iconic RW scenes, arguably) when he gets the tip of his tongue bitten off after kissing a male fan. That shit was messed up! This is also the season that gave us Jacinda Barrett, one of the few true actors to come out of being on RW. I really like Jacinda in her movies/TV now and she was cool then but she was actually kind of a bully and she def brought a dog into the house which people were NOT cool with. But, her prank calling people was legit funny. It also gave us Sharon who truly is a bright light in this world. I love her smile and her accent and her personality. She was amazing! There was also Lars and Kat, who were cool but not much else to say there. Sorry I suck I barely remember this season which is why I don't feel right ranking it any higher than here.


MVP: I'm gonna give it to Neil. The guy got his tongue bit off on TV, 'nuff said.


27. Real World: Philadelphia

Ahh many of you guessed DC or Brooklyn, but the East Coast season was in fact Philly. Philly aired when I was a freshman in HS, prime RW age so I def watched the whole thing. But man, it was pretty boring. The cast just never totally seemed to gel completely and it also aired right after one of the best seasons so it had a lot to live up to. The "gimmick" of the season was that there was not one gay guy but TWO. The horror!!!! One was of course Willie (to the surprise of nobody) and then the second one, and the one that was the "shocking" reveal, was Karamo. REAL TALK: I actually WAS shocked it was Karamo because I remember Landon gave me some gay vibes, just sayin. Now, we all love Karamo now thanks to Queer Eye, but he wasn't really alllll that compelling on the show. There was the moment that he got kicked out of the bar because he was accused of carrying a weapon, which was ****** up and his subsequent fight with MJ, but he never really seemed comfortable with the cameras around. It was also very confusing because MJ and Landon looked like they could be twins, except like Landon was actually hot and MJ wasn't. But still they were like two Abercrombie bros - and remember when MJ tried to have an altar-ego ala the Miz with "Muja Star"? lol I can't. MJ didn't give us too much to work with either, he flirted with Sarah for a bit and made some dumb comments but otherwise didn't give us too much. Sarah was great, though! She was kind of a firecracker and kind of a mess, but it worked out. I felt for her with her bulimia struggle, and especially when her mom told her to lose weight - that was ****** up! And of course when she wanted to buy $80 jeans and Mel judged the shit out of her. UGH Mel was the WORST - Like, Mel you got scabies. You're gross. And tbh that's probably what people remember most about her but truly she was so judgmental! When Shavonda and Sarah *****ed her out in Fiji and afterward, I cheered! Which of course brings us to Landon and Shavonda. Shavonda was mostly pretty cool, but could be kind of a b. Also, she was afraid of people with disabilities???? She had her relationship with Shaun which seemed destined to fail (and briefly did thanks to Landon, but I think her and Shaun are together with a kid now??? Good for them!) Landon and Shavonda were sort of the power "will they or won't they" couple of that season since every season needs one. But it never seemed like it was gonna last. Lastly, there's Landon who honestly, could be kind of annoying but overall, you knew he meant well and he just seemed like a fun time to hang out with. His crush on Shavonda was actually kinda cute and then it materialized and sure they were kind of annoying but we kind of dug it. ALSO, remember he pulled a knife out on Mel's friends? Lol that was the talk of my high school the next day. Good times. And Jon Bon Jovi made appearances!


MVP: Landon

Hints for the next 2: Two VERY popular seasons that quite frankly, I may get shit for their low rankings.......

this man really about to put hollywood as one of the next 2 seasons

If it's LV2 or Hollywood I'm swinging 
