The Challenge: Cast Member Rankings

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41. Mallory (Paris)Man, I loved Mallory. Still do. She was so young, sweet, and beautiful.

You got that right!

The ****** up thing about Brynn was that she was supposed to be on Battle of the Sexes 2 but she got dropped when production found out she had a kid at that time(but they cast Cynthia whom also had kids too on that very same season so WTF?) but nonetheless I liked Brynn and she was very appropriate for that season.

Melinda..Her and Danny was cringeworthy. Looking back it seemed like that season was all about her and Danny and man was that shit annoying. Plus her whole wildchild shit seemed fake as hell so I don't think she would've been any different had she not ****** with Danny. Overall she was alright and I have nothing against the girl.

Shavonda...Her thing with Landon was basically the Danny/Melinda of that season. Didn't mind her though.

Didn't mind Keri. Liked that she called Kyle out.

Mallory was cool. I do remember her being the last one to leave the house on that season.

Been lurking in this thread, decided to finally post. Loving these rankings and it does make me want to revisit past seasons. 

To help mph922, here's the 40 names left.

Chicago: Kyle, Tonya, Aneesa, Theo, Cara

Vegas: Arissa, Steven, Irulan, Trishelle, Alton 

Paris: Ace, CT, Leah

San Diego: Brad, Robin, Cameran, Jacquese, Randy, Frankie

Philadelphia: Sarah, Landon

Austin: Danny, Wes

Key West: Paula, Johnny, Tyler, Svetlana

Denver: Brooke, Davis, Jenn

Sydney: Dunbar, Parisa, Isaac, Trisha

Hollywood: Brianna, Greg, Joey, Sarah, Wil, Kim 

Hollywood slaying. 

Sarah, Theo, Tyler, Ace, Kimberly, Randy, Tonya, Robin, Wil and Landon are next!

The ****** up thing about Brynn was that she was supposed to be on Battle of the Sexes 2 but she got dropped when production found out she had a kid at that time(but they cast Cynthia whom also had kids too on that very same season so WTF?) but nonetheless I liked Brynn and she was very appropriate for that season.Melinda..Her and Danny was cringeworthy. Looking back it seemed like that season was all about her and Danny and man was that shit annoying. Plus her whole wildchild shit seemed fake as hell so I don't think she would've been any different had she not ****** with Danny. Overall she was alright and I have nothing against the girl.Shavonda...Her thing with Landon was basically the Danny/Melinda of that season. Didn't mind her though.Didn't mind Keri. Liked that she called Kyle out.Mallory was cool. I do remember her being the last one to leave the house on that season.

I don't think it was because she already had a kid, I remember hearing it was because she was pregnant with her first & I'm assuming they didn't want to have another Gladys who would just go home early anyway. Then she was supposed to do Gauntlet 3 with Frank but got pregnant again lmao

Debut Album wrote:

The ****** up thing about Brynn was that she was supposed to be on Battle of the Sexes 2 but she got dropped when production found out she had a kid at that time(but they cast Cynthia whom also had kids too on that very same season so WTF?) but nonetheless I liked Brynn and she was very appropriate for that season.Melinda..Her and Danny was cringeworthy. Looking back it seemed like that season was all about her and Danny and man was that shit annoying. Plus her whole wildchild shit seemed fake as hell so I don't think she would've been any different had she not ****** with Danny. Overall she was alright and I have nothing against the girl.Shavonda...Her thing with Landon was basically the Danny/Melinda of that season. Didn't mind her though.Didn't mind Keri. Liked that she called Kyle out.Mallory was cool. I do remember her being the last one to leave the house on that season.

I don't think it was because she already had a kid, I remember hearing it was because she was pregnant with her first & I'm assuming they didn't want to have another Gladys who would just go home early anyway. Then she was supposed to do Gauntlet 3 with Frank but got pregnant again lmao

Oh really? Well if that's true then LOL @ her being pregnant both of those times.

40. Theo (Chicago)

I always liked Theo, especially on his challenge seasons. He wasn't very dramatic on those at all, so it's hard to remember that he was actually kind of confrontational on his RW season. I mean, he was still generally pretty chill but he was very much somebody who stood by his views and wasn't going to change them for anybody. He spent the season preaching and wearing his puka shell necklace and arguing with Tonya about every little thing. He was also originally disgusted by Chris for being gay and refused to attend any "gay rights" event Chris would invite them to. In general, Theo was pretty cool though.


39. Will (Hollywood)

Will started his season as being pretty likable. He had this weird, stupid "kindergarten" crush on Sarah (remember when they shared gum? Random) but in general he was likable because he was high energy and friendly with mostly everyone, especially Brianna. But then, his growing frustration with Greg, while justified, started to show a much nastier side of him. I remember being excited for the big fight between Will and Greg because I wanted Will to tell Greg off for being such a gigantic *********, but Will took things entirely too far by calling Greg gay and even going so far as to say Greg's dad probably killed himself because he knew his son was a ****. Not to mention, he blatantly hooked up with Greg's girl, Reva (who was the ******* WORST) in the confessional (like c'mon, they literally filmed her blowing Will). And then, he cheated on Janelle with Brittini and had a foursome with Dave (thanks for the correction before!) So yeah, I started out liking Will and ended up kind of hating him.


38. Dunbar (Sydney)

Oh, Jesus. What is there to say about Dunbar? He was just so...aggravating. Like, right off the bat the girls were all over him (Kellyanne and Parisa) and it was all very high school ("omg can you believe he's talking to HER?!?!" "can you rub sunscreen on me?!?!?") and he had his girlfriend Julie back home, who deserves some sort of medal for dealing with him. She gave us a fantastic moment where she called him Dummy Bear and he FLIPPED.HIS.SHIT. Like seriously went AWOL. And then he eventually hooked up with Ashli (BJs) and threatened to throw her into traffic for fun. Like, honestly Dunbar was a psycho and we will probably feel bad because some day he will probably murder somebody and we're all just laughing at how crazy he is. Also, I met him in person once and he was surprisingly short and unsurprisingly a huge tool.


37. Randy (San Diego)

Ahh, Randy. Our, sweet, lovable, stoner boy. Randy was amazing on his season. Just chill and hilarious and cool. He had a kinda relationship with Robin that led to one of the most classic RW lines of all time "Boom, Bazooka Joe!" which to this day we may never know what he really meant when he said it but man was it amazing. He also brought a girl home who had a fake tooth and that shit was funny as hell. Randy was just COOL. Like, I wanted to be his friend, but especially when he was around Brad. The Brad and Randy friendship might be the single greatest RW friendship IMO. It's the original Mike and Leroy. I could watch these two make each other laugh, and dress up as Mario and Luigi everyday and not get tired of it. They were great together. (Sidenote: Randy eventually dated Kina and cheated on her, so he's currently on my permanent shitlist, but still I loved him.)


36. Jacquese (San Diego)

Man, Ja is just as awesome as Randy. Seriously, San Diego was a cool ******* cast (sans Charlie, the worst RWer ever). Jacquese was just funny as hell and just wanted to have a good time and help other people have a good time. He was drama free and it worked out for him perfectly him. How could anybody not like Ja? Speaking of Randy's "Boom, Bazooka Joe" line, it was made even funnier by Jacquese eavesdropping and repeating it in hysterics. Plus, who could forget when he found out Brad was in jail and he made FREE BRAD signs in what has top be a top 5 RW episode? AND he answered the phone when Robin called from jail, too!! Plus, when they convinced the Greece locals he was Nelly, it was everything. Jacquese for President!

Been lurking in this thread, decided to finally post. Loving these rankings and it does make me want to revisit past seasons. To help mph922, here's the 40 names left.Chicago: Kyle, Tonya, Aneesa, Theo, CaraVegas: Arissa, Steven, Irulan, Trishelle, Alton Paris: Ace, CT, LeahSan Diego: Brad, Robin, Cameran, Jacquese, Randy, FrankiePhiladelphia: Sarah, LandonAustin: Danny, WesKey West: Paula, Johnny, Tyler, SvetlanaDenver: Brooke, Davis, JennSydney: Dunbar, Parisa, Isaac, TrishaHollywood: Brianna, Greg, Joey, Sarah, Wil, Kim 


Thank you! Was gonna do this myself so appreciate the help!!

I love Jacquese! His friendship with Jamie and Frankie were great. One of my favorite RW scenes is when Robin cries at the house after getting arrested, Jacquese tries to console her and says "It's okay man. Being locked up is apart of.....well... it ain't apart of life." and Robin starts cracking up while crying lmaoooo the San Diego cast was so great. 

I started out like Will too. He seemed chill and likeable. His true colors showed after his fight with Greg. I remember how passive aggressive he was being towards Janelle at the reunion. I hated him. 

Dummy Bear lol. He's a nutcase. Wasn't there a challenge daily on the Island where he said he would kill KellyAnne for free?  I didn't find him all that interesting on the Real World, though. Hated the way he talked to Parisa and Ashli at times. 

Randy and Jacquese were awesome. I wish San Diego was available to rewatch online. 


I love reading these too, mph, thanks for taking the time.

I love Jacquese! His friendship with Jamie and Frankie were great. One of my favorite RW scenes is when Robin cries at the house after getting arrested, Jacquese tries to console her and says "It's okay man. Being locked up is apart of.....well... it ain't apart of life." and Robin starts cracking up while crying lmaoooo the San Diego cast was so great. 

35. Steven (Las Vegas)

Steven will always be a well-known cast member simply because he was on the Las Vegas season which is considered the ultimate turning point for The Real World. Of course, Steven contributed quite a bit to that turning point with his iconic threesome with Brynn and Trishelle on night one. His relationship with the two went differently after that: he and Trishelle began a season-long romance that led to several dramatic moments and well, Brynn threw a fork at him. Steven's relationship with Trishelle was so...sexual. They just banged all the time to the point that we had our first pregnancy scare on the Real World (could you EVEN imagine if they ended up pregnant? That poor would-be child.) Steven is also memorable because he was a straight recently divorced guy who...worked in a gay bar. But he was NOT gay and he wanted to make sure you knew that. Of course, he was always talking about how huge Alton and Frank's ******* were, but guys he's not gay. I mostly remember Steven being kind of whiny, specifically about the fork incident. Like, yeah nobody wants a fork thrown at them but c'mon, he probably deserved it a little bit right?


34. Kim (Hollywood)

So, we all loved Kim on the Challenge. She was refreshing in that nobody expected her to be as good of a competitor as she was, or as likable as she was. It's easy to forget that a lot of people really did not like Kim on her RW season because she was often judgmental of others (specifically Brianna), and she and Sarah spent their entire season judging the other roommates about their bad decisions. I always kind of liked Kim, even if I could admit she was often times too judge-y. She had a relationship with Dave that was never going to go anywhere because Dave was only concerned with having sex with everything in sight. But Kim's biggest moment came when she fought with Brianna and said "Let's not get ghetto!!" which of course threw Brianna into a frenzy. Did Kim mean it offensively? I don't think so but still the context was there. She was also pretty sheltered and made comments about how she was surprised Will was so normal because he was from Detroit. But honestly, that season kind of needed people like Kim and Sarah in order to add conflict.


33. Sarah R (Hollywood)

Where there's Kim, Sarah can't be far behind right? Look, I personally liked Kim more than Sarah. Sarah was about 100 times more judgmental than Kim, and she was always putting her nose in business that didn't belong to her. She was pretty disgusted by Brianna's behavior sometimes and the fact that she used to be a stripper and you could tell she looked down at her a little bit. Honestly, I can't blame Sarah too much because if you aren't used to being around those kind of people it can be eye-opening for sure. But, Sarah just never seemed like she tried to have any fun. She did want to get Joey help, but this was after she made such a huge stink about how she felt unsafe with Joey in the house after he terrorized it. Again, she wasn't wrong, but she had this entitled way of stating her thoughts that rubbed people the wrong way, even Will who started the season crushing hard on her. With all that said, I think Sarah was an incredibly interesting character for the show because she stood by her beliefs and refused to change them. But she didn't dislike her roommates. You could tell she still enjoyed them (minus Greg because duh), but she wasn't going to go against her views to cater to them. Plus, remember when she got hammered and called Nick Charles Barkley and he got pissed? That was lowkey hilarious, both for his reaction and because finally this ***** was puking on the sidewalk like a normal RWer. Also, somebody stole her underwear and she was PISSED.


32. Kyle (Chicago)

Oh Kyle. It might be easy to forget, what with all the different ******** that have come after him, but Kyle was a major tool, *********, *******, etc. There's a reason he was nicknamed Vyle back in the old forum days. He spent his entire season stringing Keri along and going back and forth with Keri and his ex (?) Nicole. His whole relationship with Keri was based on how HE was feeling that day, he didn't give a **** about her thoughts. He was one of those "golden boy" children who had everything handed to him and you could tell he was really concerned about his reputation on the show, but clearly not enough to NOT act like an *******. Watching Keri call him out is still one of the most satisfying moments in the show because she nailed it right on the head. He was so concerned with being like a politician that he wanted to put on this nice guy act. Anyways, it didn't work. He's not a politician. But he was a soap opera actor so there's that.


31. Ace (Paris)

Man, I love Ace. He's just so cute, lovable, and goofy. Like, he just wanted to have a good time and he just seemed like a blast to hang out with. He wasn't particularly interesting but he was insanely likable to the point that you almost wanted to forgive him every time he ****** up because it's like "Aww, it's just Ace!" His relationship with Mallory was sweet, but somewhat complicated because he did have a girlfriend back home. I remember thinking it was clear he and Mallory should be together so just dump the girl back home, but obviously Ace was too nice and didn't know how to handle the situation. He never wanted to disappoint anybody. But, he still just wanted to have a good time. Remember when he and the boys were playing pool loudly and it pissed Christina off? Like, THOSE were the fights back then. Good stuff. Ace was a good guy and sure he was a bro, but he wasn't an *******. Nowadays, those seem to come hand in hand.

Top 30 update:


Chicago: Aneesa, Cara, Tonya

Las Vegas: Alton, Arissa, Irulan, Trishelle

Paris: CT, Leah

San Diego: Brad, Cameran, Frankie, Robin

Philadelphia: Landon, Sarah

Austin: Danny, Wes

Key West: John, Paula, Svetlana, Tyler

Denver: Brooke, Davis, Jenn

Sydney: Isaac, Parisa, Trisha

Hollywood: Brianna, Greg, Joey

Sarah from Hollywood was such a ***** lol I LOVED when Brianna went off on her and Kimberly when they were having dinner in Cancun. I wish we got to see Sarah on a challenge cause her reactions to everyone being crazy would've been hilarious. I see her getting along with Sarah from Brooklyn. Greg ******* with Sarah was hilarious lmaooooo him taking her panties was gold. 

Ace is one of my favorite cast members! Would love to party with him. 

Sarah and Kim were the worst that season. And that was with Will, Greg, and Dave already looking like tools. Now that I think of it, I'm not at all surprised we haven't seen Sarah on a challenge. That environment would have been much worse for her.

Greg wasn't at all interesting or funny to me.  I preferred "villains" Joey R. and Ryan L. over him.

Yesss to Ace. I always loved him. Def one of my favorite castmembers

Yesss to Ace. I always loved him. Def one of my favorite castmembers

Oh man he's one of my faves too! I miss him on these shows honestly.

But yeah..let me get a rundown on the castmemebers

I liked Steven and think he was a bit overdramatic about the fork thing, Kim and Sarah sucked, Kyle sucked too, and as already stated Ace is amazing. One of my all time favorites of this franchise.

Theo I'm back and forth on, Will was assy but I still liked him for some reason, Dunbar was Horrid, Randy and Jaquese were both awesome.

But yeah..let me get a rundown on the castmemebersI liked Steven and think he was a bit overdramatic about the fork thing, Kim and Sarah sucked, Kyle sucked too, and as already stated Ace is amazing. One of my all time favorites of this franchise.Theo I'm back and forth on, Will was assy but I still liked him for some reason, Dunbar was Horrid, Randy and Jaquese were both awesome.

All of this.

Joey R from Cancun was so hot to me for some reason. I was 17 and stupid when that season aired, but damn. I always forget Jonna is the video hoe in that one ***** song. They performed it at the reunion and everything lol. 

I actually really like Kim! Too bad she never became a regular. She performed really well on both her seasons. If memory serves right, she took out Ibis, Robin and Ruthie. Susie just barely beat her on The Ruins. So much potential. I feel like she would have done well on a season like Cutthroat. 


Yeah, Kim was great on the challenges. I wish she and Britt did more of them. 

I was indifferent about Steven. He was kind of a ****** but also goofy. I wish he would have done more challenges too because he would have brought good drama (fork fight, slapping Shane ).

Ace was awesome! Genuinely great guy I miss having a presence like that on the show. 

30. Cameran (San Diego)

Wow, did I love Cameran. Honestly, 2004 was a great year for RW/RR as far as I was concerned. My 8th grade self was in love with Cameran, Kina, and Kendal who all happened to be on 3 different shows simultaneously that year. But really, how could you not like Cameran? Sure, she was cast as the hot girl but she was just genuinely sweet and funny as all hell. She just had so much charm to spare. Cameran was a big reason why San Diego was such a fun season because she just always seemed to be enjoying herself. Now, that's not to say she couldn't be a little dramatic and whiny, but she was only 19 at the time. Hell, she had trouble getting into bars with her fake ID! It was clear she wanted Brad, even when she said she didn't. And it was very clear because she'd get jealous when he would be around other girls or his ex. And of course we all know she loved when he pulled out his *****. I mean, she had already hit him in the ***** like 800 times that season. Her whole thing was doinking guys (I have no idea if doinking is a term everyone knows or if it's a regional thing, but it's when you someone in the balls if that wasn't clear). Plus, her friendship with Robin was fun to watch, especially when they decided to "fall" into the ocean to get out of work. And her steamy hottub makeout with Brad in Greece was, well, steamy. Of course it then led to her bawling her eyes out, but hey you can't win em all. Cameran also smashed Charlie's guitar so GO CAMERAN!


29. John "Johnny" (Key West)

Johnny Bananas may be the most well-known cast member from the Challenges, as well as the winningest, but back then he was simply "John" and honestly... he was a good guy. I genuinely really liked Johnny on his original season. He was a total fratboy dbag (was he dressed as Scooby Doo in his audition tape or am I making this up?). He also had a blow-up doll that he brought around everywhere so it's not like this guy was some gentleman or anything like that (he pulled off Janelle's top, for one), but his heart was always in the right place. He spent most of the season getting into really petty arguments with Paula and really trying to hit her where it hurt (her body issues) which is totally uncool, but then he genuinely wanted Paula to get help and was constantly there to comfort her, even if usually she was upset because of him. Johnny may be known as the biggest ******* nowadays, but he's always cared deeply for his friends and I think that was clear on his season. I miss this John.


28. Isaac (Sydney)

Here's the thing about Isaac: he didn't REALLY have a storyline on his season. He had his relationship with Noirin, his black Irish Australian beautiful princess who totally seemed like the coolest chick of all time and deserves a prize for dealing with weird-ass Isaac, but other than that he was kind of just there to remark on things and be well, weird. This is the guy that swam naked in the fish tank and it somehow WASN'T annoying. It was just Isaac. He didn't need a season-long story arc to be interesting, he just WAS. Like, he was somehow rational despite the fact that he was on another planet at all times, and he had a sweet friendship with Parisa. He also had this weird thing about crows or birds that I can't quite remember? But it was strange and somewhat trippy. I just think Isaac was the man.


27. Sarah (Philadelphia)

Sarah was far from perfect. She was argumentative, whiny, possessive, and kind of put up a front about her self-esteem issues. But, she was also completely herself, sexually free, and often times cool as hell. She told it like it is but wasn't just a ***** for the sake of being a *****. She always had her reasons for the things that she did. In a lot of ways, I think Sarah was sort of this era's Marie. She had a kinda-sorta relationship with MJ, but honestly she could do 10000% better, but she also had severe body image issues which was sad because she really did come across as this confident, sexual girl. So it was sad to see her struggling with her body issues, and dealing with her mother about it all as well. She also had a complicated relationship with Melanie because Sarah was very much trying to enjoy her time and Melanie was very much a judgemental *******. Like when Sarah wanted to buy an expensive pair of jeans and Melanie was all "you do you but I would NEVER", and Sarah was all **** Mel. Ironically, I think they eventually became BFF. I'm still upset we never saw Sarah on a challenge. (Apologies for the pic. Best I could find lolz)


26. Jenn (Denver)

Man, Jenn REALLY made her time on the Real World count. Within the first episode, she made out with Brooke for Tyrie to watch and had sex with Alex in the shower, or the guest room, or all of the above. And then like, 3 episodes later she was crying to Colie about how she will never do it again and Colie will be in her wedding or some shit. And like, they all just met. She was this feisty Raiders girl who was honestly, often times pretty rational and cool and other times completely crazy just because. I mean, I still think she has one of the best RW quotes with "This is the Real World! This isn't Tyrie's world!" Good times. I can picture it in her exact voice. She also had a really complicated relationship with Stephen because she became really close with his girlfriend, and Stephen eventually started cheating or flirting and Jenn pretty much straight up tattled on him, which led to a huge falling out between those two, but like I kind of feel like they ended up having sex too? I honestly don't remember, but I remember thinking Jenn was crazy but somehow cool at the same time. The whole Jenn/Colie/Alex love triangle was really frustrating because like, WTF were they seeing in Alex? I don't know, I will say though that Jenn was damn entertaining back in the day (before she became obnoxious on the challenges, IMO). Plus, wasn't she on the receiving end of Brooke's epic meltdown? Good times. Also, I could totally not tell Colie and Jenn apart for the first few episodes, and those weird "spin the bottle" promos where their hair was styled the same did NOT help.

Loved Cameran. So beautiful and funny. I had such a crush on her.

I liked "John" on the Real World too. He was kind of like Knight back then, where he made ******* comments but he genuinely cared for his roommates. I remember he and Tyler were legit rivals on that season compared to the fabricated rivalry they had on the challenges. 

Isaac was great and just looking to have a good time. I did like that he stuck up for Parisa and made the girls in the house feel stupid for sticking up for Trisha. That Sydney season sucked but Isaac saved it for me, just because he was so strange lol.

Liked Sarah too. She was my favorite from the Philly season and it sucks we never saw her on any challenges, instead they brought in boring MJ. 

Jenn was fine on Denver and she was probably my favorite from Denver but yeah I hated the whole Colie/Alex/Jenn love triangle, it was just so lame. 

25. Wes (Austin)

So, it has to be said that I have actually grown to really like Wes in his seemingly endless challenge seasons, but man does he make it really hard. Never was it harder to like Wes than on his initial season of RW. If you couldn't stand Wes on Fresh Meat because he seemed like a cocky, frat boy tryhard, then multiply that persona by 100 and that's what Wes was like on RW. He was this ugly little ginger boy (he's since grown into his looks more) who talked himself up to the point of hilarity and somehow actually managed to score super attractive girls. Case in point: Johanna. Wes and Johanna had one of the more tumultuous relationships on RW. They both decided to like each other at different times, and then when they weren't "together" they were purposely hooking up with other people to make the other jealous. Wes was also the creator of the "groupie drawer", which is exactly what it sounds like. His relationship with Wren was interesting mainly because it spurred the epic finale fight with Wes, Nehemiah, and Rachel, but it was otherwise meh. I remember Wes having truly the epitome of the terrible RW audition when his season aired, and it's amazing he was cast. It was so tryhard and *******. It has to be said though that Wes was REALLY young when he was on the show. And I DID love when they were on vacation and people thought Wes was Prince Harry.


24. Landon (Philadelphia)

Okay, so Landon wasn't actually ALL that interesting, but I still think he earned a spot in the top 25 simply because he's probably one of the RWers who kind of defined that era. He was cast in the heart of what I call the "Abercrombie phase" of RW/RR (Look at San Diego, X-Treme, and Paris for other examples) which a lot of people complained about but come on, most of those people were hot as hell. Landon was no exception. He was the all-american guy that RW has been casting since Eric N and he had this kind of goofy charm with his somewhat effeminate voice (come on, we ALL thought he was the second gay guy right??). He had a friendship with his ugly bizarro twin that got kinda weird bc they got matching tattoos eventually, and he had his relationship with Shavonda which was like the premiere RW couple for a year or so. They spent the whole season flirting but didn't actually get together til later in the season. In the meantime, Landon brought some girls home but most importantly, he pulled a knife out on some of Melanie's friends in one of the truly strangest moments in RW history. I still remember the commercials for that episode. But still, Landon was a cool guy and he went on to be a great challenger.


23. Leah (Paris)

Man, Leah was SO annoying on her season. She clearly had everything handed to her for her entire life because she was unreal spoiled and snotty about just about everything. Everything was either offensive to her or she felt like she was being picked on or deserved more respect or whatever. But I'll give her credit where credit is due: she didn't just sit around and cry about people being mean to her. She straight up called people out in her own Leah way. Which usually meant self-righteously picking people apart and ignoring all their retaliation with a smirk on her face and some sort of "okay, yeah, sure". Her main target was CT, who was admittedly purposely mean to her for much of the season. They pretty much fought over, well, everything the entire season. Remember when Leah received flowers from an anonymous man and CT took the credit and she took it as an apology and then it turned out he DIDN'T send them? Good stuff. She also had that big blowup in the restaurant when Mallory and Simon (of all people) called her out for being insensitive. And by blowup, I mean they slightly raised their voices. I'm not talking some blowup you'd see now. That's why I appreciated the Paris season. All of the arguments felt very natural and true to life. And while Leah could be annoying, she was completely herself and I respect her for that.


22. Danny (Austin)

Look, it's probably shocking to see Danny so close to the top of the list, but in all honesty he pretty much defined the Austin season. His relationship with Melinda is one of the biggest relationships in RW history and it pretty much took over the entire season, for better or worse. We saw them meet for the first time, and we saw that spark in their eyes. We saw them have sex in showers and confessionals for the first time (look, I never said it was classy), and we eventually saw them engaged (and....then divorced). They weren't always easy to watch, but on some level it was refreshing seeing two people truly fall in love on the show. But from the first episode where Danny got coldcocked by the locals and had a black eye, the majority of episodes centered on him in some way. None more so than the episode with THE phone call. You know the one. Danny received a call from his father informing him that his mom had passed away. I don't care if you hated Danny then or do now, or if you thought the show had become complete trash by that season, but that is still one of the most heartbreaking scenes on this show and probably anywhere on reality tv. I remember thinking I can't imagine getting that phone call, let alone on national TV. It did humanize Danny a bit because we sometimes do forget these are real people, and while it sucks it is one of the most memorable parts of the Austin season. I've grown to dislike Danny in some of his challenge seasons (I think Nehemiah was right that he became "Ben Affleck" after his season ended) but he was a mostly nice guy on his season.


21. Svetlana (Key West)

Remember how I said Leah was a spoiled brat? Okay, now picture Leah and times that by about 2000 and you get Svetlana. One of the most spoiled people to ever step foot in a RW house and possibly just simply to exist in the world at all. She was very young on the show, but it was clear she never had to do anything resembling work at all in her entire life, to the point that even their job at a ******* TANNING SALON was too much work to her. She was the ultimate spoiled little Russian princess who had mommy and daddy around to pay for everything. But that made her that much more interesting. The problem is, it also made her an incredibly easy target. She pretty much instantly made herself a victim and felt the wrath of Tyler (and Janelle to a lesser, and less entertaining, extent). He even made a burn book about her. That's how much he hated her. The problem with Svetlana is she never helped her case because she just whined about everything all the time. Like "oh my godddd Tyler you're soooo meannnn". It just made her more aggravating to her roommates. But with all that said, she still had a good heart and some cute friendship moments with Paula. Plus, she had both Zach and John trying to get into her pants at some point, but to no avail even though she was dating some HUGE ************ and either one of them would have been better options. Yes, even Bananas.

For those keeping track, here's your top 20:


Chicago: Aneesa, Cara, Tonya

Las Vegas: Alton, Arissa, Irulan, Trishelle

Paris: CT

San Diego: Brad, Frankie, Robin

Philadelphia: N/A

Austin: N/A

Key West: Paula, Tyler

Denver: Brooke, Davis

Sydney: Parisa, Trisha

Hollywood: Brianna, Greg, Joey

Ah, Svetlana. I miss that crazy girl. It's too bad they didn't let her wash her feet before that photo was taken. 
