The Challenge: Invasion-Theo Bradley

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Theo doesn't need to go back to Thailand jumping from a cliff and film the whole thing. It would be more embarrassing. He freaked out, it happens, that's life, it's all good.Sometimes fear makes you doing stupid shit.

He will come back next season with any doubt, he will redeem himself decently. TJ doesn't even hate him since he didn't roasted him like he did with Brandon. He even mentionned him on his IG by saying "hope all is well, take care" on his video where he jumped from the cliff. It shows TJ isn't even mad at Theo which is a good sign.Theo will get back soon, if not on 30, it will be on 31. 

Then why didn't Brandon (and Trishelle on Rivals 2)  just say "I'm quitting cause production ******* sucks and won't take care of me"

Oh yes. I'm sure production would be more than happy to air people badmouthing them and tainting their name in the public eye. They would be elated.

Hell, BMP is a good decade away from bankruptcy, if the Ghost Twins(BGC15) don't sue them for everything they've got now.

Theo doesn't need to go back to Thailand jumping from a cliff and film the whole thing. It would be more embarrassing. He freaked out, it happens, that's life, it's all good.Sometimes fear makes you doing stupid shit.He will come back next season with any doubt, he will redeem himself decently. TJ doesn't even hate him since he didn't roasted him like he did with Brandon. He even mentionned him on his IG by saying "hope all is well, take care" on his video where he jumped from the cliff. It shows TJ isn't even mad at Theo which is a good sign.Theo will get back soon, if not on 30, it will be on 31. 

And you're sure there's going to be a season 31?

When he goes back to do the jump & finesses that #Redemption storyline on season 31 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I say that if he returns then he should just really redeem himself and face whatever comes his way. That would be better for him to do in the long run.

I say that if he returns then he should just really redeem himself and face whatever comes his way. That would be better for him to do in the long run.

EXACTLY ! Him planning a trip in Thailand is plain stupid ! They will call him back, I'm pretty sure on that. They weren't too harsh on him for quitting.Plus, unlike Brandon & Jay, he could bring serious competition and... DRAMA.

Theo a *****

Theo a *****


Eddie1378 wrote:

Theo a *****


Yes he does. If you quit for no reason (physical damage or big fatigue), you're a ***** #NoExcuses

But I want to see him back. He has the potential to be a good challenger, if he plays the game right and complete ALL the challenges.

Debut Album wrote:

Eddie1378 wrote:Theo a *****


Yes he does. If you quit for no reason (physical damage or big fatigue), you're a ***** #NoExcusesBut I want to see him back. He has the potential to be a good challenger, if he plays the game right and complete ALL the challenges.

I wasn't serious with that...

I don't consider Theo and Jay to be quitters, they just couldn't complete the task. Theo stalled and knew he wasn't going to beat Cory so if you are scared whats the point? Brandon is a quitter, Theo is not.

I don't consider Theo and Jay to be quitters, they just couldn't complete the task. Theo stalled and knew he wasn't going to beat Cory so if you are scared whats the point? Brandon is a quitter, Theo is not.

DA **** ! Cory got beaten by Nate once ! Everything is possible when it comes to Cory, so Theo could easily beat him, even with that cliff task.

Theo quit, that's it, get over it ! He said it himself ! He called himself a ***** for not doing it and yet, you're still desperately trying to find excuses or to sugarcoat that he quit ?! Let's call a spade, a spade for Christ sake ! 

Theo acts like he can just go jump off the cliff like production & everyone who set up the elimination would help him. I'm almost positive that wasn't a tourist attraction so it's not like he'd be able to just go & jump again.


Lmao. Someone's upset.

Not anyone's fault we can look at the situation with an impartial mindset.

Theo acts like he can just go jump off the cliff like production & everyone who set up the elimination would help him. I'm almost positive that wasn't a tourist attraction so it's not like he'd be able to just go & jump again. 

Didn't TJ go back & do it? Or was that him testing it beforehand?

Kajun wrote:

I don't consider Theo and Jay to be quitters, they just couldn't complete the task. Theo stalled and knew he wasn't going to beat Cory so if you are scared whats the point? Brandon is a quitter, Theo is not.

DA **** ! Cory got beaten by Nate once ! Everything is possible when it comes to Cory, so Theo could easily beat him, even with that cliff task.Theo quit, that's it, get over it ! He said it himself ! He called himself a ***** for not doing it and yet, you're still desperately trying to find excuses or to sugarcoat that he quit ?! Let's call a spade, a spade for Christ sake ! 

I'm talking about this specific elimination he had to know Cory jumped quick and didn't stall. He didn't quit the challenge he didn't complete the elimination learn what a quit is *******.

TheKorean wrote:

Theo acts like he can just go jump off the cliff like production & everyone who set up the elimination would help him. I'm almost positive that wasn't a tourist attraction so it's not like he'd be able to just go & jump again. 

Didn't TJ go back & do it? Or was that him testing it beforehand?

I think that was testing beforehand.

The fact that TJ did a hand stand tuck flip thingy off the cliff and Theo couldn't even jump ⚰️⚰️⚰️

The fact that TJ did a hand stand tuck flip thingy off the cliff and Theo couldn't even jump ⚰️⚰️⚰️

THIS ! But hush ! You're not impartial^^

DanishBoy wrote:

Kajun wrote:I don't consider Theo and Jay to be quitters, they just couldn't complete the task. Theo stalled and knew he wasn't going to beat Cory so if you are scared whats the point? Brandon is a quitter, Theo is not.

DA **** ! Cory got beaten by Nate once ! Everything is possible when it comes to Cory, so Theo could easily beat him, even with that cliff task.Theo quit, that's it, get over it ! He said it himself ! He called himself a ***** for not doing it and yet, you're still desperately trying to find excuses or to sugarcoat that he quit ?! Let's call a spade, a spade for Christ sake ! 

I'm talking about this specific elimination he had to know Cory jumped quick and didn't stall. He didn't quit the challenge he didn't complete the elimination learn what a quit is *******.

Not necessarily ! Excuses excuses excuses. Not my fault if your fave flopped like a *****. He still quit, whether he did the first part of the elimination or not...that wouldn't change anything. 

You've been in every thread with the other bitter *****, calling Theo a *****, *****, etc, yet you out here upset when people move on and say we hope to see him make a return.Cool if you like him. It just doesn't seem that way. 

I get you and you're right about the fact I can't stop calling him a *****. It could be annoying and I wholeheartedly recognize this. But it's so funny that people were so quick to give him any type of excuses while if it was someone like Dario, wouldn't even be that tolerant.

Yes I do like him, just because I like somebody, doesn't mean I have to praise everything they do or find any types of excuses to explain why they flopped. I can stay objective when it's due, just like I love Nelson but I'm agree with people getting annoyed with him, I can recognize he's extra. And when people like you calling Dario irrelevant. I mean, this season isn't that obvious ? 

This fool just admitted to liking Nelson. Conversation over. Everything you say from this point on is invalid.

You know with how much attention you all giving this thread you may be the reason they bring Theo back. Everyone seems to hate him so much lmao dang.

Theo SHOULD come back ! He's better than Tony. Even TJ briefly gave him some attention... And it's not he quit because his missed his mommy... He will be back as he should. 

His fear got the best of him. It is what it is.

hardbitten wrote:

You've been in every thread with the other bitter *****, calling Theo a *****, *****, etc, yet you out here upset when people move on and say we hope to see him make a return.Cool if you like him. It just doesn't seem that way. 

I get you and you're right about the fact I can't stop calling him a *****. It could be annoying and I wholeheartedly recognize this. But it's so funny that people were so quick to give him any type of excuses while if it was someone like Dario, wouldn't even be that tolerant.Yes I do like him, just because I like somebody, doesn't mean I have to praise everything they do or find any types of excuses to explain why they flopped. I can stay objective when it's due, just like I love Nelson but I'm agree with people getting annoyed with him, I can recognize he's extra. And when people like you calling Dario irrelevant. I mean, this season isn't that obvious ? 

1. I understand that. I'm just saying, your constant comments about him being a "*****" makes me think otherwise.

2. You've also made excuses for Nelzzzon's behavior, too, so you're maybe not as unbiased as you try to make it seem.

Theo a ***** in case anyone forgot

